Table of Contents
Where possible, share the engine Coding Conventions.
Naming Conventions
Use only alphanumerics (A..Z, a..z, 0-9) and underscores (_) for object names and parameters. Various special characters are reserved for use as delimiters and markers (particularly semicolons).
Technically, the hyphen or dash (-) can be used interchangeably with hyphens, but you'll need to reference the string in a different way. For example:
is exactly equivalent to
Variable Casing
Functions, variables, and objects written in JavaScript should be created using camelCase capitalisation (the first word is in lowercase, and any additional words in title-case eg: setModifiedFlag()).
For XML names, use all title-casing. (Eg: MyExampleName)
Example of conventional scripted casing:
<object name="ExampleObject" style="ModernStyle">
<action on="Press">
XML Formatting
Some JavaScript operators (like &&) interfere with the XML parser and need to be surrounded with . The above example with CDATA looks like:
<object name="ExampleObject" style="ModernStyle">
<action on="Press"><![CDATA[