Diplomacy Panel
Pressing the Diplomacy button causes the Diplomacy Panel to appear in the Object Window area. The Diplomacy options are integrated into the Control Panel so that the game can continue in real-time without blocking the player's view of the battlefield. He can therefore respond to threats even while setting diplomacy options.
The Diplomacy Panel displays a row of attributes for each of your opponents or allies:
- The player's name.
- The player's civilisation.
- The player's current phase (Village, Town or City).
- An allegiance button.
- Four tribute buttons.
Click the allegiance button to toggle whether this player is an Ally or Enemy of the player.
Click any of the four tribute buttons to send tribute to this player. Clicking the button sends 100 units of either Food, Wood, Stone, or Ore, depending on the button clicked. This quantity will be removed from the player's Resource Pool, and added to the recipient's Resource Pool.
Shift+Click: Send 500 units. Ctrl+Click: Send your entire stockpile of this resource.
There is no tax or penalty for sending tribute. The recipient will immediately receive the same quantity of tribute sent by the player.
To close the Diplomacy Panel, click the Diplomacy button again, or use the appropriate hotkey.
Sub-Windows are additional windows that appear over the game window during a game session. They are typically triggered by a Menu Button.
In a single-player game, the game will automatically pause while a Sub-Window is active. Multiplayers obviously do not get this luxury, and actions will continue in real-time.
5.1. Objectives Window
The Objectives Sub-Window displays information and advice about a scenario, and the requirements that must be met in order to complete it. It is split into a number of tabs:
5.1.1. Tab: Objectives
This tab displays a list of victory conditions that must be met in order to complete the scenario. Objectives are dynamic, and through triggers can be introduced during the course of a game, or even removed from the list if the situation changes.
When objectives have been achieved, they will be marked to indicate success (or failure) via a checkbox.
The player is informed when an objective has been completed, or the objectives list is updated.
5.1.2. Tab: Instructions
This tab displays the scenario's Instruction text, which is used to describe a scenario or provide historical background.
5.1.3. Tab: Hints
This tab displays the scenario's Hints text, which provides advice and tips to aid the player in completing the scenario.
5.2. Game Menu Window
The Game Menu Window has the following options: Help, Achievements, Load, Save, Restart, Settings, Log, Resign, Return.
5.2.1. Help
Open and navigate the online manual in the game window. See Main Menu: History for more information.
5.2.2. Achievements
5.2.3. Load
5.2.4. Save
5.2.5. Restart
The player can select this option to begin the current scenario from scratch. This option is only available in Campaign games.
The application will request confirmation before performing this action.
5.2.6. Settings
Provides access to those sections of the Options Menu that can be modified during a game session. See u**Main Menu:Options**![/u] for more information.
5.2.7. Resign
The player can choose Resign to quit the current game session and return to the main menu.
The application will request confirmation before performing this action.
5.2.8. Log
The message log displays a sequential list of all messages received by the player during the course of the game. These include chats, alerts, objective updates, etc. (Any text that has overlayed the Battlefield Window.)
5.2.9. Return
Choose Return to close the menu and return to the game.