Table of Contents
The Session GUI is the in-game GUI, the means by which the player directs the battle in the current mission map. The Session GUI is split into several primary components: 2] the Battlefield Window, 3] the Control Panel: 3.1] The Mini-Map (Left) Pane, 3.2] The Object (Centre) Pane, 3.3] The Command (Right) Pane, 4] the Upper HUD.
Note: Only mouse-driven actions are described in the text. Keyboard hotkeys are listed at end of this document.
The minimum resolution for the Session GUI is [ 1024x768].
Artwork will be created for this resolution at a comfortable size for the average eye, while still taking advantage of the improved detail of a high default pixel depth.
The maximum resolution for the Session GUI is assumed at this time to be [ 1600x1200]; it will probably be much higher by release date. Ultimately we're limited only by hardware constraints.
1.1. Adjusting for Resolutions
As demonstrated in the maximum resolution image, the GUI is split into several components, each anchored to a certain part of the screen. As the resolution increases, the gap between GUI segments simply increases, providing a wider view of the battlefield.
The Control Panel is split into a Left, Centre, and Right Pane, and these justify to their relevant edge of the bottom of the screen. The Team Tray and any text messages are justified to the top left, and the Border Timer and any other timers to the top right.
When using a resolution higher than default, culture-specific borders and props will decorate the edges of the panes to improve appearance.
The Battlefield Window, or tactical map view, provides a detailed display of the player's current view of a region of the isometric game environment. It occupies the upper two thirds of the screen.
2.1. Camera Controls
2.1.1. Scrolling the Battlefield Window
The Battlefield Window only displays a small portion of the full map. To move to other areas of the map, move the cursor until it is touching any of the edges of the screen, and the player's view will scroll until the player pulls back the mouse or reach the edge of the mission map.
To move more quickly around the map, hold down the middle mouse button while scrolling to scroll at twice the regular rate.
2.1.2. Zooming the Battlefield Window
The player can adjust the magnification level of the Battlefield Window view using the appropriate hotkeys. The number of levels of magnification and the extent of their range will be dependent upon system requirements and technical constraints.
2.1.3. Rotating the Battlefield Window
Some basic rotation/pitch keys may be included, but will snap back to the standard isometric angle once the key is released to avoid disorientation. Full camera control will only be available when creating non-interactive scripted cutscenes in the Scenario Editor.
2.2. Battlefield Interaction
This section demonstrates the primary means of interacting with World Objects in the Battlefield Window view.
2.2.1. Viewing Objects
To check the condition of a World Object (such as one of the player's units) without selecting it, hover the cursor over the World Object. An indicator circle will appear at the unit's feet.
This foot circle has a dual function:
- It indicates which units are currently selected or targeted.
- The circle varies in colour through color=redred![/color]=>color=yellowamber![/color]=>color=greengreen![/color], indicating the approximate health level of the unit.
Ideally (unless it is infeasible), the colours will gradually fade through the spectrum between these three peaks, to provide an accurate assessment of the unit's current health.
A World Object will only display a foot circle if the object can be damaged or destroyed.
If the unit is part of a Team, the Team Number (1..0) will appear at the bottom right corner of the unit.
If the unit is hidden behind another object, the unit will be surrounded by a blue outline to indicate its position.
The Control Panel is not updated to show the statistics of the currently hovered unit. It continues to display the attributes of the Selected Object, and so hovering is useful for quick assessment of a unit without losing the player's current selection.
color=greenTool Tip: Placing the cursor over an object for a few seconds will bring up the translucent Rollover Window in the bottom right corner, above the Control Panel. On this tag will be shown the name of the civilisation that controls this unit, and a brief description of the unit type. In Multiplayer games, the name of the player that owns this unit will also be shown, as well as the player's relationship to this player (Ally or Enemy).![/color]
2.2.2. Selecting Objects
To select a World Object, hover the cursor over the World Object, as above, and press the left mouse button. It will become the Selected Object.
The foot circle will now remain in place even when the cursor is not over the unit, and, the Control Panel will be updated to show relevant information about this unit (the commands it can perform, its statistical attributes, any buildings it can construct, and so on).
When selecting a unit/building not controlled by the player, he will only be able to view its statistical information. No control icons will appear.
2.2.3. Grouping Player Objects
Select multiple units by "bandboxing": hold down the left mouse button in the Battlefield Window, and drag the cursor to include all of the units the player wants to select (this can only be achieved for player-controlled units; buildings and resources must be selected one at a time). A white bandbox outline will encompass the units the player wishes to select as a group.
If the player reaches the edge of the screen while drag-selecting, the Battlefield Window will scroll in that direction at a reduced scroll rate for increased precision, and all selected units will be included in the player's bandbox group. Release the mouse button, and all the units will be selected.
- Double-click unit: Select all onscreen units/buildings of the same type.
- Shift+click ungrouped unit: Add this unit to the current group.
- Shift+double-click unit: Add all onscreen units of the same type to the current group.
- Shift+bandbox ungrouped unit(s): Add all units in the selection to the current group.
- Ctrl+click grouped unit: Remove this unit from the current group.
- Ctrl+double-click unit: Remove all units of this type from the current group.
2.2.4. Commanding Player Objects
The game cursor is context-sensitive. It will change to indicate that the currently Selected Object can interact with the current focus. This static cursor matches the Action Button icon that performs the same function (such as a sword cursor for attacking, or an axe cursor for chopping down trees), but scaled down to half its size.
Right-click a target object, and the selected unit(s) will perform their default action when interacting with that target. When the focus is right-clicked, the cursor will flicker briefly, to indicate that the action has been triggered.
Examples: Selection + Target = Action
- Mobile Unit + Accessible Terrain = Move to this position.
- Military Unit + Enemy Unit = Attack enemy.
- Production Building + Accessible Terrain = Place building's Rally Point at this position.
Sometimes there can be multiple actions that a unit can perform on a target. Example:
- Citizen Soldier + Damaged Ship = Repair Ship?
- Citizen Soldier + Damaged Ship = Board Ship?
In these cases, if the default action of the two is not what the player intends, he must override the default action by:
- clicking the correct Action Button on the Control Panel,
- pressing the appropriate hotkey,
- using the mouse-wheel to cycle through the possible actions for this target.
Most units will continue to perform an action until redirected or circumstances make it impossible to continue to perform the action (for example, if the target has been killed or the resource has been exhausted).
Note that wherever possible, idle units will autonomously make use of their abilities without player intervention. For example, Priests will heal nearby units when not given other instructions. Units with the Repair ability will repair nearby damaged buildings if not otherwise performing an assigned task. This reduces the level of "micromanagement".
The player may queue up multiple actions by holding down Shift while giving a command. The unit will perform each task in turn. This can be used to plot a winding path across the map, for example.
If the unit has dual weapons (a melee and a ranged weapon), the player can force a unit to use its melee attack by double-right-clicking his target opponent. A ship will therefore close to melee range and then use its ram.
The Control Panel occupies the lower third of the screen. This interface bar is used to receive information about the current focus or Selected Object, command one's forces, and access secondary components of the GUI.
Note that we must leave a gap of one or two pixels around the border of the Control Panel, to ensure that the player does not inadvertently click on Control Panel components when scrolling the edges of the screen, or vice versa.
3.1. Control Panel Appearance
There will be a Control Panel backdrop for each culture/civilisation. This unique artwork will demonstrate the stylistic attributes of a culture. For example, the Celtic Control Panel will exhibit tartan and wattle-and-daub textures, and celtic knotwork woven into the Control Panel borders.
This only applies to the Control Panel background. Icons, portraits, buttons and other overlays will be generic.
3.2. Left Pane
The backdrop of the Left Pane of the Control Panel is a six-sided polygon (basically two joined rectangles: the first 185x185, the second 71x152). It is always anchored to the bottom left corner of the screen.
The Left Pane consists of the Mini-Map, Circle Buttons, Resource Pool, Scores, and Chat Cursor.
3.2.1. Mini-Map
Appearance: 172x172 miniaturised bird's eye view of the full game map over a 185x185 backdrop.
The Mini-Map displays a reduced view of the current state of the game map in its entirety, allowing the player to be warned of incoming units, plan broader strategies, and review reconnaissance from scouting parties.
Unit/building "blips" on the Mini-Map will flash when important information is provided to the player. This flash will only occur for a couple of seconds, to attract the player�s attention when the event first occurs.
For example, when an attacking force is detected, their position will flash on the Mini-Map. When one of the player's buildings is attacked, the building will flash white. An alarm will also sound (along with a text warning) if enemy units are encountered outside of the Battlefield Window. The same applies to a building that has just finished its production, and is now sitting idle. The player may cycle between these "alarms" using the appropriate hotkey.
Clicking the mouse over an area of the Mini-Map will centre the Battlefield Window on this location of the mission map.
It is also possible to assign movement paths to units from the Mini-Map.
3.2.2. Circle Buttons
Appearance: Six round button icons to the right of the Mini-Map, each 20x20.
These round buttons toggle certain game states. Some affect the Mini-Map, others are used to centre on screen objects. These are onscreen equivalents of certain priority hotkeys, so they will be described in the hotkeys section. Exactly which circle buttons will be used is highly dependent on which hotkeys are the most vital, but examples are:
*** Fire Signal Flare.** If there are multiple signals on the map, the player can right-click the Signal Flare button to centre the screen from signal to signal.
*** Idle Worker.** If any Infantry Citizen Soldiers or Female Citizens are idle, the number of idle units is displayed over the button. To draw the player�s attention, the button flashes whenever the button�s state changes from no idle units to one idle unit.
*** Cycle Mini-Map Terrain.**
3.2.3. Resource Pool
Appearance: Six display counters below the Circle Buttons. There is enough room for a miniature icon indicating the resource type (14x14), and a numeric counter indicating the quantity of the resource the player has accumulated (41x13).
The Resource Pool shows a running total of all accumulated resources that the player has stockpiled.
A resource counter consists of a number showing the resource quantity gathered (an x/x ratio in the case of the Population Limit, which indicates the number of units on the player's side, and the maximum number of units the player is allowed to train), and an icon to the left of each counter defining the resource (Food, Wood, Stone, Ore, Population Limit).
The Population Limit will flash and the player will be informed that he needs to build more Houses if his limit has been reached and units are queued.
color=greenTool Tip: The Food, Wood, Stone and Ore rollover texts include a rating of the number of units gathering this resource, and the current capacity for gathering this resource (free slots in Resource Centres/Fields/Corrals), in an x/y format.![/color]
3.2.4. Scores
Appearance: Text rows equal to the number of players in the game, each drawn in its relevant player colour. Consists of player name and player score. This example: 182x78.
The Scores section lists each player's current score, ranging from highest to lowest. This helps to keep a running estimate of how the player is doing in comparison to other players.
The Scores section is disabled by default, since few game types are dependent upon highest score.
3.2.5. Chat Cursor
Appearance: An input cursor in the player's colour, directly above the Control Panel and to the right of the Mini-Map. Only visible when activated. Maximum text string is 833x32.
The chat system is entirely keyboard-driven, but nonetheless deserves a section of its own.
To open the chat console, hit the Enter key. The Chat Cursor will appear. Type text into this message string, hit Enter again, and it will be displayed along the left-hand side of the screen for all other players, in the format:
quote (to ): ![/quote]
The chat console will interpret instructions, and if it encounters valid text, initiate certain actions. For example, the console could be used to change system variables or environment states during debugging, or to activate cheats in single-player games. Controlling Recipients
To send to all players: Press Enter to open the chat console.
To send only to allies: Press Ctrl+Enter to open the chat console.
To send only to enemies: Press Shift+Enter to open the chat console.
To send to a specific player: Start your chat message with "p" (for player), followed by the player's number, or simply the player's name (case-insensitive), eg:
p1 I'm under attack! Acumen I'm under attack!
To send to several players: Prefix as many player numbers as necessary before typing the message.
p1 p2 p6 I'm under attack! acumen p2 Wijitmaker I'm under attack! Chat Presets
Time is of the essence in RTS gaming. A player can bind up to 40 messages using the u**Chat Presets![/u] section of his uSettings Menu**![/u].
The player can then simply type "c" (for "chat") followed by the number of the message, and the message text will be sent to the recipient.
For example, he has bound "Wait for my signal to attack." to his 36th preset. Instead of typing this text, he can simply send the message:
and the recipient will receive:
: Wait for my signal to attack.
Note that Chat Presets can also be combined with player numbers and names, eg:
p1 c36 Acumen c36 p2 Acumen c36
3.3. Centre Pane
The backdrop of the Centre Pane of the Control Panel is 520x152. It is always anchored to the bottom centre of the screen.
The Centre Pane consists of the Player Banner, Menu Buttons, Portrait Window, and Object Window.
3.3.1. Player Banner
Appearance: 520x18 rectangle containing a string of text.
The Player Banner displays the player name and civilisation, in that player's colour, of the currently Selected Object. If no object is selected, it is blank.
3.3.2. Menu Buttons
Appearance: Three rectangular 20x20 buttons below the Portrait Window. Background 75x30.
Hovering the cursor over any of the Menu Buttons will cause the button to illuminate. Click any of the Menu Buttons to open an associated sub-window.
*** Objectives:** Displays hints, instructions, history and goals or victory conditions. The button flashes when objectives are completed/updated.
*** Diplomacy:** Open/close the Diplomacy Panel, allowing the player to establish treaties, forge alliances, and award tribute to other civilisations.
*** Game Menu:** Provides access to actions outside of the game session, such as saving, loading, restarting and quitting.
3.3.3. Portrait Window
Appearance: A large portrait image of current unit (or subgroup), along with its Health Bar and Charge Bar. Background 75x104.
*** Unit Portrait:** (64x64.) A large representation of the Selected Object (or the first unit in the group's sub-group). Clicking this Portrait will centre the screen on this unit.
Note: We intend to create all Portrait icons at this size, then use inbuilt scaling to create versions on-the-fly for the smaller icons. This technique has been approved by the lead programmer.
*** Unit Rank:** (14x14.) If the unit has accumulated any Ranks, these are indicated by star icons in the top right corner of the Unit Portrait.
*** Hit Points: ** (64x11.) A green Health Bar (with accompanying precise numeric value eg: 20/20) below the Portrait displays the current and available Hit Points (HP) of the selected object. The bar and value decreases when the Selected Object is injured. When a unit/building loses all of its Hit Points, it is killed/destroyed.
*** Charge Bar: ** (64x11.) This multi-purpose gold bar (with accompanying precise numeric value eg: 0/4) displays different statistics and capacities, depending on the Selected Object. Examples: - Citizen Soldier: The number of experience points the unit has earned, and the number it requires in order to gain the next Rank. - Building/Transport: The number of units garrisoned in this object, and the limit on the number of units that can be garrisoned. - Resource Object: This value is used to determine the quantity of resources the Resource Object (such as a Tree) contains. Once all resource points are removed, the Resource Object is removed from the game.
3.3.4. Object Window
Appearance: A large window, directly to the right of the Portrait Window. In all incarnations, the backdrop occupies 445x134.
The Object Window has five possible styles, depending on the nature of the current selection.
*** Statistic Panel:** A single object, with no units garrisoned. *** Group Panel:** A group of units. *** Garrison Panel:** A single unit/building that has other units garrisoned inside it. *** Production Panel:** A building that is currently producing units or researching technologies. *** Diplomacy Panel:** The Diplomacy Menu Button has been toggled on. Statistic Panel
The main purpose of the Statistic Panel is to display the attributes of the Selected Object.
The statistics are organised in rows and marked with clear icons to ensure that the player intuitively understands them. Furthermore, by hovering the cursor over any of these icons, the player can view an associated Tool Tip, in order to establish what they represent.
A Selected Object will have several of these attributes, depending on the type of unit/building/resource, and their allegiance (we will probably have to relegate the less important statistics to the Selected Object's Tool Tip).
String Attributes
*** Personal Name: ** The name of this specific unit, eg: Publius Vinicius, if a non-mechanical non-Hero unit. A combined name and surname for the unit, generated from two large lists of real and/or fictitious names suitable to each civilisation.
(Note that filter controls will need to be implemented to ensure that the same combinations are not used more than once in the same session, and that similar names and surnames are not used in conjunction.)
This is intended to personalise units, make them more easily distinguishable, and create psychological attachment.
*** Unit Name: ** The title of the unit type, eg: Cappadocian Bowman.
*** Unit Class: ** The category of unit, eg: Cavalry Swordsman.
Numeric Statistics:
To the right of the title text are the unit's statistics with associated icons (each 20x20). For a full list of unit statistics, view the u**Statistics**![/u] document.
Where values are displayed, the base value is shown in white, followed by any modifiers from State Effects (statistical influences from upgrades, terrain conditions, other statistics or other units). All modifiers are combined to create a single total modifier. If the modifier equates to a positive value (bonus) the modifier text is green; if the modifier is negative (penalty), it is shown in red.
For example, a unit's Attack might start with a base of 10, influenced by a State Effect that increases it by 3, and another State Effect that reduces it by 1 (thus, 10color=green+3![/color]�, resulting in a final Attack of 13.
color=greenTool Tip: To find out what is causing this modifier, place the cursor over the modifier text, and a Tool Tip will display a description of all State Effects that are contributing to this modifier. eg: "Hero's Influence: A nearby Hero has granted the unit a +1 boost to this unit's Attack."![/color]
Below the String Attributes is a row dedicated to mini-icons of equal size to those used for Numeric Statistics (20x20). These indicate conditional effects that have currently been placed upon this unit by his environment.
For example, if the proximity of a Female Citizen has made an Infantry Citizen Soldier more productive, a miniature "Allure" Aura effect appears here. If a unit is on fire, the Burning icon appears here. If the unit has gained a combat bonus from elevation, the appropriate icon appears here.
Such effects are typically non-cumulative. These icons are usually scaled-down versions of the same icons used to represent a unit's aura effect on the Command Card. Group Panel
When multiple units are selected, their portrait icons are displayed in this window. A health bar appears below each portrait.
The player is limited to 30 units in a group, and that same limitation is imposed in the interface.
When a group is created, the units are sorted by class (Heroes first, followed by units with abilities, and basic units coming last).
The current sub-group is indicated by a gold border around this class of units. Click any portrait in a different class set to make this the new sub-group. The gold border will now surround this sub-group.
The sub-group determines the abilities currently available through the interface. The Command Card will be filled out with the abilities normally available to a single unit of this class. Any other units in the group that have the same ability will also perform it when the player clicks the appropriate icon.
Sub-groups are only used in the Group Panel.
The Group Panel has the following uses: *** View state of units:** The player can easily see the constituents of a group, and their health levels (this is not always possible onscreen, especially in the midst of battle when it is difficult to find and select the player's troops). *** Select units in group:** Click an individual in the Group Panel to select the unit. For example, if his health is critically low, and the player wishes to heal him or instruct him to retreat. Garrison Panel
Like the Group Panel, the player is limited to a maximum of 30 garrisoned units in any object.
The Garrison Panel does not have sub-groups, although unit classes are sorted similar to the Group Panel for ease of access.
The Garrison Panel allows the player to click individual units to ungarrison (if the player does not wish to Ungarrison All through the Command Card), see what units are garrisoned and their current state of health. Production Panel
When a building is training units or researching technologies, the Production Panel indicates what's in the queue.
Each method of production has its own queue, so that it is possible to perform research and train simultaneously. Therefore, the player will need to open the Train Tab or Research Tab in order to view its attached queue.
Click a unit/technology to remove it from the queue.
The unit/technology currently being produced is always in the upper left slot, and its rate of progress is indicated by a xx% rating over the portrait. Once the value reaches 100%, production is completed, and the unit/technology is removed from the queue.
Health Bars are not shown below the portraits in the case of the Production Panel, for obvious reasons. Diplomacy Panel
Pressing the Diplomacy button causes the Diplomacy Panel to appear in the Object Window area. The Diplomacy options are integrated into the Control Panel so that the game can continue in real-time without blocking the player's view of the battlefield. He can therefore respond to threats even while setting diplomacy options.
The Diplomacy Panel displays a row of attributes for each of your opponents or allies:
- The player's name.
- The player's civilisation.
- The player's current phase (Village, Town or City).
- An allegiance button.
- Four tribute buttons.
Click the allegiance button to toggle whether this player is an Ally or Enemy of the player.
Click any of the four tribute buttons to send tribute to this player. Clicking the button sends 100 units of either Food, Wood, Stone, or Ore, depending on the button clicked. This quantity will be removed from the player's Resource Pool, and added to the recipient's Resource Pool.
Shift+Click: Send 500 units. Ctrl+Click: Send your entire stockpile of this resource.
There is no tax or penalty for sending tribute. The recipient will immediately receive the same quantity of tribute sent by the player.
To close the Diplomacy Panel, click the Diplomacy button again, or use the appropriate hotkey.
3.4. Right Pane
The backdrop of the Right Pane of the Control Panel is 244x152. It is always anchored to the bottom right of the screen.
The Right Pane consists of the Rollover Window, Tab Buttons, and Command Card.
3.4.1. Rollover Window
Appearance: A semi-transparent 320x128 window directly above the Command Card. It only appears when a Tool Tip is active.
The Rollover Window appears to display the relevant text whenever a color=greenTool Tip![/color] is active.
If the "More ..." text appears in the bottom right corner, then the player can press his ? key to open up the Online Help window. It will link immediately to the appropriate context-sensitive section.
3.4.2. Tab Buttons
Appearance: A column of up to four 32x32 buttons to the right of the Object Window. The Tab Buttons are used to specify which category of icons is currently displayed on the Command Card. The currently active Tab Button appears as an elevated 38x36 notch in the Command Card background, to clearly indicate which tab is open.
Thus, these function as "tab" icons. Tab Buttons are dynamically assigned to this area, depending on the capabilities of the Selected Object. A maximum of four tabs can be displayed at a time under the current layout.
The possible Tabs are: i* Command Tab
- Build Basic Tab
- Build Advanced Tab
- Train Tab
- Research Tab
- Formation Tab![/i]
If a tab controls a production queue (such as the training of units or researching of technologies), then the % progress of the current object in production appears over the Tab Button to give a quick indicator of progress. Command Tab
The Command Tab always occupies the top slot in the tab column. All commands that the unit can perform will be shown on the Command Card when this tab is open (repairing, attacking, gathering, setting a Rally Point, etc).
These allow the player to force a certain action or access special commands when the right-click contextual interface is inadequate.
Some Command icons are surrounded by a yellow dotted border. This means that the command has an "auto-mode"; it is a command that normally requires a target, but the player can also right-click the command icon to instruct the unit to seek out its own target within its LOS. Auto-modes let the AI choose the most logical actions under the circumstances, to free the player from additional management.
For example, right-click the Repair icon. The unit will actively seek out buildings or siege engines that require repair, and perform this action until told otherwise. He will place priority on assisting other units who are already repairing a damaged building in order to increase the rate of progress.
Finally, if the unit broadcasts an Aura effect (a passive effect that affects other units in his sphere of influence without user intervention), a suitable icon appears on his Command Card, indented so that it is clear that it cannot be clicked. For example, if the unit is a Priest, he will have a Heal icon on his Command Card.
This icon is non-interactive (no border); it simply serves to indicate that the unit has a certain ability. Auras are always placed in the final slots of the Command Card, to separate them from the commands. Build Tab
If the object is capable of constructing buildings (for example, a Citizen Soldier), a Build Tab Button will be available.
Because there is a limit of twelve icons per tab, and the number of buildings in the game will be at least twelve, there are two Build Tab Buttons: Build Basic (which includes Village buildings) and Build Adv (which includes Town and City buildings).
Clicking one of these buttons will display all buildings that this unit can construct on the Command Card. An icon is greyed out if the building is not currently available, for example, due to lack of resources or requiring that a pre-requisite building be constructed first). Clicking a building icon will replace the cursor with a "footprint" for this building, which the player can then click on a valid section of terrain to start building. Train Tab
If the object is capable of training new units (for example, a Fortress), the Train Tab Button will be available. Clicking this button will display all units that this unit can construct on the Command Card. An icon is greyed out if the unit is not currently available, for example, due to lack of resources or requiring that a pre-requisite building be constructed first). Clicking a unit icon will place this icon in one of the slots in the Production Window, allocating the appropriate amount of resources.
Each time the player clicks the portrait icon, the more incarnations of this unit type will be added to the queue.
Holding down the Shift key while clicking will add portraits to the queue in batches of five items at a time. A training queue cannot exceed 30 items. Research Tab
If the object is capable of researching new technologies (for example, a Military Centre), the Research Tab Button will be available. Clicking this button will display all technologies that this object can research on the Command Card. An icon is greyed out if the technology is not currently available, for example, due to lack of resources or requiring that a pre-requisite building be constructed first).
The queuing system for researching technologies operates in exactly the same fashion as training units, except that the player cannot queue multiple incarnations of the same technology research, as each technology can only be researched once by each player. Once a technology is in the Production Window, it is removed from the Command Card until researched or cancelled. Formation Tab
If the unit or group of units has the ability to assemble into different formations or stances, the Formation Tab Button will be available.
Clicking the Formation Tab Button will make all formations and stances that are available to the unit or group appear on the Command Card. Clicking an icon will set the group to this formation and then reselect the Command Tab.
For a full list of formations and stances, view the u**Formations![/u] and uStances**![/u] section.
3.4.3. Command Card
Appearance: 12 32x32 portrait icons arranged in a 4x3 grid in the bottom-right corner of the Control Panel. The Command Card itself is 118x142.
The Command Card displays the icons made available by the current Tab Button. Click an icon to trigger the appropriate event.
These events are either active or passive. Active events imbue the cursor in some fashion (for example, attaching a footprint to place a building), and then expect the player to choose an appropriate target. Passive events occur once clicked, without requiring an additional target.
When an icon is clicked, its border turns green to indicate that it is selected. This will either occur for a second, in the case of passive events, or in the case of active events remain illluminated until the target has been selected or the event cancelled. Custom Command Cards
Where the commands available to a specific object need to be embellished, a section for this unit/building is specified below. Trade Centre Interface
Rather than using gold/ore as a purchasing mechanism for exchanging resources, as in most historical RTS games, the player will be able to buy or sell any resource 2:1 in exchange for any other resource. However, to do this using the conventional format would require 24 trade buttons; more than we can devote to this activity.
There will therefore be four special Command Card action buttons for the Trade Centre: Buy, Sell, 1st Resource and 2nd Resource.
The latter two are cycle buttons; clicking either of them will cycle through icons for Food, Wood, Stone and Ore. These control which resources are exchanged. They cannot both show the same resource.
- Click the 1st Resource cycle button until it displays "Food".
- Click the 2nd Resource cycle button until it displays "Wood".
- Click Buy, and 100 points of the first resource (eg Food) are purchased in exchange for 200 points of the second resource (eg Wood).
- Click Sell, and 200 points of the first resource (eg Food) are sold in exchange for 100 points of the second resource (eg Wood).
Shift+Click to exchange x5 the normal quantity (for example, purchase 500 units for 1000 units). Ctrl+Click to exchange your entire stockpile of the resource.
The upper HUD is a strip of icons on the top row of the screen. Note that this area is not "blanked out" by a backdrop, as with the Control Panel (thus, a Heads Up Display). Firstly this means less effort for the GUI artist in this respect, and secondly it creates the illusion that there is less screen clutter.
The Upper HUD consists of two sections. The lefthand side (Team Tray and any Text Messages) are always aligned to the top left of the screen. The righthand side (The Border Timer and any other custom timers generated by scenario triggers) are always aligned to the top right of the screen.
4.1. Team Tray
Appearance: 10 32x32 portrait icons in the top left corner.
This feature has been rarely used in RTS games, although a couple of recent games (such as Praetorians and AoM) have embraced them. Since it mirrors an established system of hotkeys for team creation and selection, it seems redundant.
The major benefit is that it allows the player to view the constituents of a team number without selecting it. The portrait icon shown is the most common unit in the team. So if team 4 consists mostly of Archers, then an Archer portrait icon will appear in the team 4 slot.
The game will begin with none of these icons visible, and as teams are created, the icons will appear.
The player can also use this as a mouse-driven alternative to selecting teams. Left click a team icon to select or centre the appropriate team. Right click a team icon to save the current group to this team.
Furthermore, if a team is currently selected, its team icon will be highlighted.
4.2. Text Messages
Appearance: Any messages sent to the player. Appears in the player's colour if notification from scenario scripting or one of his own units (unless script specifies otherwise). If the message came from another player, it appears in that player's colour.
If the player has received any messages, these are listed below the Team Tray, aligned to the left-hand side of the screen. They will be removed some time after being displayed.
4.3. Border Timer
Appearance: 14x14 icon and accompanying counter text in the top right corner of the screen.
This mm:ss timer appears whenever borders are "up". It displays the amount of time left until units cease to suffer attrition damage while in enemy lands. Once the timer reaches zero, the Border Timer will not be displayed for the remainder of the game.
Sub-Windows are additional windows that appear over the game window during a game session. They are typically triggered by a Menu Button.
In a single-player game, the game will automatically pause while a Sub-Window is active. Multiplayers obviously do not get this luxury, and actions will continue in real-time.
5.1. Objectives Window
The Objectives Sub-Window displays information and advice about a scenario, and the requirements that must be met in order to complete it. It is split into a number of tabs:
5.1.1. Tab: Objectives
This tab displays a list of victory conditions that must be met in order to complete the scenario. Objectives are dynamic, and through triggers can be introduced during the course of a game, or even removed from the list if the situation changes.
When objectives have been achieved, they will be marked to indicate success (or failure) via a checkbox.
The player is informed when an objective has been completed, or the objectives list is updated.
5.1.2. Tab: Instructions
This tab displays the scenario's Instruction text, which is used to describe a scenario or provide historical background.
5.1.3. Tab: Hints
This tab displays the scenario's Hints text, which provides advice and tips to aid the player in completing the scenario.
5.2. Game Menu Window
The Game Menu Window has the following options: Help, Achievements, Load, Save, Restart, Settings, Log, Resign, Return.
5.2.1. Help
Open and navigate the online manual in the game window. See Main Menu: History for more information.
5.2.2. Achievements
Shows the current scores, statistics and achievements of each player. Displayed at post-game, or can be called up at any time during a game session.
There is also a Save Recording button here, which can be pressed to save a recording of game progress up until this point to disk for future playback. See Game Recording for more information.
Time Elapsed: The amount of time that has elapsed since the game session began (in hh:mm:ss format). This refers only to game time; time spent in pause mode is not included.
Current Season: The current season for the session (Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter).
Player Information: The name and colour of each player. There are also two icons that can appear alongside a player's row, indicating that the player has received a commendation.
A medal; equals the most valued player (the player with the current highest score).
A crown; if the session has been completed, indicates the victor of the session.
The Achievements screen displays the following attributes for each player, in a table format. The data is split into a number of categories, controlled by tabs. The field with the highest value for a column is highlighted. Military
- Units trained, 2. enemy units killed, and 3. player units killed.
- Buildings constructed, 5) enemy buildings destroyed, and 6) player buildings destroyed.
- Number of Civ Centres built (provinces claimed).
- Number of enemy Civ Centres destroyed. Economy
- Resources Gathered: 1. Food, 2. Wood, 3. Stone, 4. Ore.
- Tribute paid.
- Tribute received.
- Resources traded.
- Resources spent. Research
- Number of Techs researched.
- % of available techs researched.
- Time advanced to Town.
- Time advanced to City. Score
A player's score is calculated as follows (currently a direct transfer from AoC for initial values):
- Resources: 1/10 point per Resource Point deposited in player's Resource Pool. For example, each time a Citizen Soldier or Female Citizen deposits 10 food, the player receives 1 point. Receiving a tribute of 500 gold is worth 50 points, and so on. The player sending the tribute loses the point value of those resources.
- Production: Constructing buildings, creating units, and researching technologies doubles the point value of resources. For example, gathering 30 wood provides 3 points but building a House (which costs 30 wood) provides 6 points. Thus, researching a technology that costs 50 food and 10 gold provides 12 points. The resources used to build or research are subtracted from the player's score, so the 12 points in this example actually only result in a net 6-point score increase.
- Kills: When a player kills a unit or destroys a building, its production cost is added to the player's score of the player who kills them and subtracted from the score of the player who owns the unit. For example, if creating a unit costs 50 food (5 points), it is worth 10 points after being created. If the player kills the unit, 10 points are added to the player's score and 10 points are deducted from the opponent�s score.
- Exploration: Each 1% of the map explored = 10 points.
- Total: The total score created by combining all these sub-scores.
5.2.3. Load
Opens a window listing all games saved under the current profile for the current game type (for example, only campaign games are visible while in a campaign).
The same layout is used for all game types, and include:
- Single Player Campaign.
- Single Player Random Map (Skirmish).
- Single Player Replay.
- Multi Player Random Map.
- Multi Player Replay.
Each saved game is date-stamped, and in addition to the game name includes other helpful information such as its scenario and how much time had elapsed in that scenario.
From the Load Game window, the player can select the saved game he wishes to restore. The player can also choose to Delete any saved game in the list (which requires confirmation), or Cancel to return to the previous window.
5.2.4. Save
The Save Game window is used to save the current game for future retrieval (assuming that the player doesn't wish to use the quick-save hotkey). The window lists all games saved for the current game type (as mentioned in Load).
The player can save a fresh game with a unique description, or overwrite an existing saved game (which requires confirmation). The player can also choose to Delete any saved game in the list (which also requires confirmation), or Cancel to return to the previous window.
5.2.5. Restart
The player can select this option to begin the current scenario from scratch. This option is only available in Campaign games.
The application will request confirmation before performing this action.
5.2.6. Settings
Provides access to those sections of the Options Menu that can be modified during a game session. See u**Main Menu:Options**![/u] for more information.
5.2.7. Resign
The player can choose Resign to quit the current game session and return to the main menu.
The application will request confirmation before performing this action.
5.2.8. Log
The message log displays a sequential list of all messages received by the player during the course of the game. These include chats, alerts, objective updates, etc. (Any text that has overlayed the Battlefield Window.)
5.2.9. Return
Choose Return to close the menu and return to the game.
When the final condition to trigger victory or failure is accomplished, a banner message appears on the screen, and the game is paused, even in MP. The game cannot be unpaused.
In this frozen state, the battlefield remains visible, so that the player can browse his environment, or access the game menu.
In the game menu, the "Resign" option is replaced with "Finish". On selecting "Finish", the player will be returned to the Campaign Menu for a campaign game, or the Session Creation menu for a non-campaign game.
**6.1. You are Victorious! **
If the player has succeeded, he will have full access to game menu options. In a campaign game, this scenario will be marked as completed, so that the next scenario in the campaign can be accessed from the Campaign Menu.
**6.2. You Have Been Defeated! **
If the player has failed the scenario, the Save option is not available from the menu. Otherwise, all menu options are available, so that he can view his Achievements, restart, reload or quit.
Below is a quick-reference of all keyboard-driven hotkeys available in a game session (entries with an @@ hotkey means that a hotkey hasn't been assigned yet, or the assignment is delayed until we have the complete list):
*** Cursor Keys: Scroll Battlefield Window. *** /: Hold down to activate fast scrolling. *** +: Zoom in. *** -: Zoom out. *** Esc: Deselect the Selected Object, or cancel an order. *** O: Hold down to display the foot circles of all player objects on the screen for a quickly check-up. *** 1..0: Select Team. Press again to centre on Team. *** Ctrl+1..0: Save current group/unit/building as this Team (a unit can only be part of one Team at a time). *** Shift+1..0: Add current group to this Team. *** Alt+1..0: "Check up" on this Team; the screen will centre on them for as long as the player holds down the key. Once released, the view will snap back to its previous position. *** Home: Centre on the currently selected object. *** H: Centre on the player's Civ Centre building (or cycle through multiple Civ Centres). *** Space Bar: Centre the screen view on the last "flash point" (notification alarms indicated by a flash on the Mini-Map, such as a unit under attack or a building that has finished production). *** Pause: Pause/unpause game. Player objects can be queued tasks while the game is paused. SP only. *** .: Idle Worker Button: Centre on and select the next Citizen Soldier or Female Citizen that is not currently performing a task. (This might have to be limited to Infantry Citizen Soldiers within range of a player-controlled building so that units not being employed on military maneouvres against the enemy aren't considered economically idle). *** .: Idle Military Button: Centre on and select the next military unit that is not currently performing a task. *** Ctrl+Dn: Minimise Control Panel. *** Ctrl+Up: Maximise Control Panel. *** PgUp:** Previous Tab Button. *** PgDn:** Next Tab Button. *** [:** Previous Context-Sensitive Cursor. *** ]:** Next Context-Sensitive Cursor. *** @@:** Toggle Team Tray. *** @@:** Toggle Border Timer. *** @@:** Toggle Resource Pool. *** @@:** Fire Signal Flare; place a warning signal on the map that is visible to other players, used to indicate important locations in multiplayer. *** @@:** Toggle Terrain on Mini-Map (allowing easier view of blips). *** @@:** Units on Mini-Map: Cycle through which units are viewed on the Mini-Map: (All)/(Military Units Only)/(Support Units Only)/(None: Terrain Only). *** @@:** Toggle Coloured Blips: Yes (each unit/building is shown in the faction's colour)/No (all enemy objects (those not belonging to the player and his allies) are shown in the same colour, making them distinct from the terrain). *** @@:** Toggle Tool Tips: Enable/Disable the Information Text Window, making this area of the screen visible to the player. *** @@:** Toggle Player Status: A small text readout appears just above the Mini-Map, displaying the name of each player, and their current score, sorted by the highest to lowest score. Each player's text is displayed in the appropriate player colour. *** @@:** Toggle Track Information: When enabled, a text row will appear in a vacant corner of the screen displaying the title and artist of the current music track that is being played (extracted from the file's header information). This information will then fade out within a few seconds. If left enabled, this information will continue to appear whenever a new track is played. *** Delete:** If the currently selected unit or building belongs to the player, it is immediately killed (command does not work for ships and other garrisoned units). *** Print Screen:** Take a snapshot of the current screen, and save it to file. This screenshot facility will be very helpful when communicating ideas or reporting bugs during development. *** Tab:** Cycle between sub-groups in a unit group. *** Shift+Tab:** Cycle backwards between sub-groups in a unit group. *** ?: **Access the appropriate link in the online manual for whatever is currently hovered. *** Enter: Open chat console/send message. *** Ctrl+Enter: Open chat console for allies. *** Shift+Enter: Open chat console for enemies. *** Ctrl+R: Save the current game recording to a "quick-save" record file without having to access the Achievements Screen to do so. See GUI document uGame Recording![/u] for more information. *** Ctrl+S: **Quick-Save game. *** Ctrl+L: **Quick-Load game. *** Ctrl+M: **Skip to next music track. *** F1: **Detailed Help: Access the Online Manual, which provides detailed online help about the game. *** F2: **Open/Close the Objectives Menu. *** F3/Ctrl+A: **Open/Close the Diplomacy Panel. *** F4: Open/Close the Achievements Menu. *** F10: Open Game Menu.
*** Battlefield Window:** The player's view of the battlefield. *** Civ, Civilisation: A specific civilisation in the game; a sub-culture eg: Roman. *** Company: A group of units. *** Company, Saved: A Company mapped to a number key (1-0) for easy access. *** Control Panel: The primary control interface during a game session (the GUI occupying the bottom of the screen). *** Culture:** An art and audio set for a group of civilisations, sharing building layout and Control Panel Layout. eg: Hellenistic. *** Focus:** The entity that the mouse cursor is currently hovering over. *** Focus, Active:** A focus that has been right-clicked, causing the Selected Object to interact with it. *** Object, Interface:** A component of the GUI, such as a button or icon. *** Object, Player:** A World Object owned by the player, such as one of his buildings or units. *** Object, Selected:** A World Object that is currently selected by the player. The attributes of the currently selected Object are shown on the Control Panel. *** Object, World:** An object in the world, such as a building, unit or resource. Terrain backdrops and other non-interactive scenery are not considered World Objects. *** Session GUI:** The Graphical User Interface used exclusively for the "meat" of the game: interacting with the player's fo