1 Translation_DE_Manual_Settings
Stan edited this page 2019-12-01 13:37:28 +01:00


For info on how to permanently change various game settings, see the file [binaries\data\config\default.cfg]source:/ps/trunk/binaries/data/config/default.cfg (can be found in the folder where 0 A.D. is installed, which varies on different operating systems, or here : http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/config/default.cfg ). To change a setting, create a new local settings file. The path varies by your OS, see GameDataPaths. Open the new file in your text editor of choice, and copy any lines you want to change from default.cfg into the new local.cfg.

Graphics Settings

Some settings you can change via the in-game menu as well. You do that by clicking on Menu, then Settings, and there check/uncheck the Enable Water Reflections, and Enable Shadows checkboxes. This can be helpful if the game is slow.

In-game Options Menu


General Settings

1. Playername (Single Player)

How you want to be addressed in Single Player matches.

2. Playername (Multiplayer)

How you want to be addressed in Multiplayer matches (except lobby).

3. Background Pause

When on if you put 0ad in the background (e.g. by pressing Alt+Tab the game will be paused.

4. Enable Welcome Screen

Displays the welcome screen at each game launch.

5. Network Warnings

Show which player has a bad connection in multiplayer games.

6. F.P.S. Overlay

Display a F.P.S.(Frames Per Second) counter on the left side of the screen.

7. Real Time Overlay

Display the clock matching your time zone on the left side of the screen.

8. Game Time Overlay

Display the elapsed time on the left side of the screen.

9. Ceasefire Time Overlay

Always show the remaining ceasefire time.

10. Late Observer Join

Allow everybody or buddies only to join the game as observer after it started.

11. Observer Limit

Prevent further observers from joining if the limit is reached.

12. Chat Timestamp

Show time that messages are posted in the lobby, gamesetup and ingame chat.

Graphics Settings

1. Windowed Mode

Toggles on/off the windowed mode, note that you will have to restart the game in order to make it work. Another solution is pressing Alt+Enter .

2. Prefer GLSL

Tick this to use OPENGL 2.1 Shaders.

IMPORTANT NOTE : If you are using an Integrated Chipset such as Intel HD Graphics, this should be set to on in order to prevent screen corruption.

3. Fog

Enable fog.

4. Enable Post Processing

Tick this to enable post-processing effects such as Bloom,HDR and depth of field.

5. Shader effects

Number of shader effects.

6. Shadows

Tick this to enable in-game shadows. This option is resource heavy, so make sure you have a decent computer.

7. Shadow quality

Shadow map resolution. High values can crash the game when using a graphics card with low memory!

8. Shadow Filtering

Smooth shadows.

9. Unit Silhouettes

Show outlines of units behind buildings.

10. Particles

Enable particles effects such as fire or smoke.

11. Water Effects

When OFF, use the lowest settings possible to render water. This makes other water settings irrelevant.

12. HQ Water Effects

Use higher-quality effects for water, rendering coastal waves, shore foam, and ships trails.

13. Real Water Depth

Use actual water depth in rendering calculations.

14. Water Reflections

Allow water to reflect a mirror image.

15. Water Refraction

Use a real water refraction map and not transparency.

16. Shadows on Water

Cast shadows on water.

17. Smooth LOS

Smooth the uncovering of the FOW (Fog Of War) so that you don't see "jumps" in the researched territory.

18. Show Sky

Displays the sky.

19. VSync

Run vertical sync to fix screen tearing.

20. FPS Throttling in Menus

To save CPU workload, throttle render frequency in all menus. Set to maximum to disable throttling.

21. FPS Throttling in Games

To save CPU workload, throttle render frequency in running games. Set to maximum to disable throttling.

Sound Settings

IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to press ENTER after setting a value in the form in order to save the parameters.

1. Master Volume

Controls the volume in general. Max is 10.0 and min 0.0.

2. Music Volume

Controls the music volume. Max is 10.0 and min 0.0.

3. Ambient Volume

Controls the ambient Sound volume (ie : nature). Max is 10.0 and min 0.0.

4. Action Volume

Controls the Unit Sound volume (ie : units chopping trees). Max is 10.0 and min 0.0.

5. UI Volume

Controls the UI (User Interface) volume (ie : button sound.). Max is 10.0 and min 0.0.

6. Nick Notification

Receive audio notification when someone types your nick.

Game Setup

1. Enable Game Setting Tips

Show tips when setting up a game.

2. Enable Settings Panel Slide

Slide the settings panel when opening, closing or resizing.

3. Persist Match Settings

Save and restore match settings for quick reuse when hosting another game.

4.Default AI Difficulty

Default difficulty of the AI.

5. Default AI Behavior

Default behavior of the AI.

6. Assign Players

Automatically assign joining clients to free player slots during the match setup.


1. Chat Backlog

Number of backlogged messages to load when joining the lobby.

2. Game Rating Column

Show the average rating of the participating players in a column of the gamelist.


1. Wounded Unit Health

The wounded unit hotkey considers the selected units as wounded if their health percentage falls below this number.

2. Batch Training Size

Number of units trained per batch.

3. Chat Notification Attack

Show a chat notification if you are attacked by another player.

4. Chat Notification Tribute

Show a chat notification if an ally tributes resources to another team member if teams are locked, and all tributes in observer mode.

5. chat Notification Barter

Show a chat notification to observers when a player bartered resources.

6. Chat Notification Phase

Show a chat notification if you or an ally have started, aborted or completed a new phase, and phases of all players in observer mode.

7. Attack Range Visualization

Display the attack range of selected defensive structures (can also be toggled in-game with the hotkey).

8. Aura Range Visualization

Display the range of auras of selected units and structures (can also be toggled in-game with the hotkey).

9. Heal Range Visualization

Display the healing range of selected units (can also be toggled in-game with the hotkey).

10. Rank icon above status bar

Show rank icons above status bars.

11. Detailed Tooltips

Show detailed tooltips for trainable units in unit-producing buildings.

12. Sort resources and population tooltip

Dynamically sort players in the resources and population tooltip by value.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts can be changed with the same process outlined above, just copy the relevant line from the default.cfg file to the local.cfg and change the part after the equal sign (=) and before the semicolon (;). For shortcut key combinations edit the keys between the quotation marks (""), and use a plus sign (+) to tie together more than one key (so don't remove it unless you change a multi-key shortcut to a single key shortcut).

Some keyboards (most notably AZERTY ones) have keys where the default character isn't present in the ASCII alphabet. For those keyboards, there are special configurations needed per keyboard layout and per OS. You can find your needed configurations below.

On Linux, you should have for French and Belgian layout:

  • é = World73 (or W73)
  • § = World7 (or W7)
  • è = World72 (or W72)
  • ç = World71 (or W71)
  • à = World64 (or W64)

On OSX, French layout:

  • é = World0 (or W0)
  • è = World3 (or W3)
  • ç = World2 (or W2)
  • à = World4 (or W4)

Theses special keys are not needed under Windows as the the game developer had to build a custom key manager.