An entity with the Create action is able to create (train, construct) other entities. For details about an entity's prerequisites and costs for creation, see the Traits.Creation trait.
Note: We assume here that an entity can create any other entity, and do not differentiate between types. Different entity types do have different kinds of logic for creation, however (for example, structures are placed with a footprint cursor, while units leave the structure once trained and move to the structure's rally point).
BRIEF DESCRIPTION :: The list group contains lists of objects that can be created.
*BRIEF DESCRIPTION ::*A list of the civic structures that this entity can create.
For a list of valid entity names, see Traits.Id.
*BRIEF DESCRIPTION ::*A list of the military structures that this entity can create.
For a list of valid entity names, see Traits.Id.
*BRIEF DESCRIPTION ::*A list of the units that this entity can create.
For a list of valid entity names, see Traits.Id.
*BRIEF DESCRIPTION ::*List of technologies (by Tag) that is researchable from within this entity.
Not yet implemented. Awaiting technology research support.
For more about Technologies see the Tech XML.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION :: Rate of Construction.
This is an attribute of an object capable of constructing/training another object (such as a Citizen Soldier constructing a structure, or a structure training an Infantry Spearman). It modifies the base rate at which any Create.List entity is constructed (see Creation.Time) by the entity.
By default, the speed is 1 (no change).
Not yet implemented.
- 1 - Constructs at base rate.
- 1.5 - Constructs at x1.5 normal rate.
- 2 - Constructs at double normal rate.![/quote]
Notes: Building Placement
Here is how I would like to do the UI for placing buildings on the map:
This is the method used by Generals, and I like it a lot because of its freedom and control, and it doesn't tie up the scroll which is used for zooming.
- Select your building you want to make, and click its icon in the UI
- Move to your game screen and find where you would like to place it, if its obstructed it would have some sort of a red warning (also if it had an aura [resource center, health center, etc..), it would show up when you are in the process of finding a good placement)
- Left click and hold once you have found your spot
- Move/Drag your mouse in the desired orientation (I want it SE)
- Drag (no wait, I want it SW)
- Release your left mouse button, once you do the building footprint actor will be put in place and the terrain would be flattened.
- Your worker arrives and the building animation begins (scaffolding rises, once its 100% up, the building rises up, when the construction is 100% the scaffolding disappears and the props for the building are put into place instantly)
- Your finished building
Now, as for if this will effect simulation... well ,it will I think. Mainly due to the spawn points I think, and garrisoning. As a unit is trained it will 'spawn' at a prop point - usually a door or something (not in the middle of the building either). If your enemy is in the east, you would want to orientate your barracks so that the spawn point was also in the east.
But if you don't care about orientation (some buildings it doesn't matter), you can just do a simple click release and that would basically skip the orientation steps and you would just get the default orientation of the building.