forked from 0ad/0ad

Adding an experimental version of qBot. This is half a crossover with my former Marilyn bot (defense manager, attack plans) and some improvements here and there that I believe could help improve the bot.

This was SVN commit r12267.
This commit is contained in:
wraitii 2012-08-03 15:52:18 +00:00
parent 0d5366fd7b
commit 45ee419171
30 changed files with 6076 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
function AttackMoveToCC(gameState, militaryManager){
this.minAttackSize = 20;
this.maxAttackSize = 60;
this.previousTime = 0;
this.state = "unexecuted";
this.healthRecord = [];
// Returns true if the attack can be executed at the current time
AttackMoveToCC.prototype.canExecute = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var enemyStrength = militaryManager.measureEnemyStrength(gameState);
var enemyCount = militaryManager.measureEnemyCount(gameState);
// We require our army to be >= this strength
var targetStrength = enemyStrength * 1.5;
var availableCount = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits();
var availableStrength = militaryManager.measureAvailableStrength();
debug("Troops needed for attack: " + this.minAttackSize + " Have: " + availableCount);
debug("Troops strength for attack: " + targetStrength + " Have: " + availableStrength);
return ((availableStrength >= targetStrength && availableCount >= this.minAttackSize)
|| availableCount >= this.maxAttackSize);
// Executes the attack plan, after this is executed the update function will be run every turn
AttackMoveToCC.prototype.execute = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var availableCount = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits();
this.idList = militaryManager.getAvailableUnits(availableCount);
var pending = EntityCollectionFromIds(gameState, this.idList);
// Find the critical enemy buildings we could attack
var targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"ConquestCritical");
// If there are no critical structures, attack anything else that's critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (gameState.isEntityEnemy(ent) && ent.hasClass("ConquestCritical") && ent.owner() !== 0 && ent.position());
// If there's nothing, attack anything else that's less critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"Town");
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"Village");
// If we have a target, move to it
if (targets.length) {
// Add an attack role so the economic manager doesn't try and use them
pending.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata("role", "attack");
var curPos = pending.getCentrePosition();
var target = targets.toEntityArray()[0];
this.targetPos = target.position();
// Find possible distinct paths to the enemy
var pathFinder = new PathFinder(gameState);
var pathsToEnemy = pathFinder.getPaths(curPos, this.targetPos);
if (! pathsToEnemy){
pathsToEnemy = [this.targetPos];
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * pathsToEnemy.length);
this.path = pathsToEnemy[rand];
pending.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
} else if (targets.length == 0 ) {
gameState.ai.gameFinished = true;
this.state = "walking";
// Runs every turn after the attack is executed
// This removes idle units from the attack
AttackMoveToCC.prototype.update = function(gameState, militaryManager, events){
// keep the list of units in good order by pruning ids with no corresponding entities (i.e. dead units)
var removeList = [];
var totalHealth = 0;
for (var idKey in this.idList){
var id = this.idList[idKey];
var ent = militaryManager.entity(id);
if (ent === undefined){
if (ent.hitpoints()){
totalHealth += ent.hitpoints();
for (var i in removeList){
var units = EntityCollectionFromIds(gameState, this.idList);
if (this.path.length === 0){
var idleCount = 0;
var self = this;
if (ent.isIdle()){
if (ent.position() && VectorDistance(ent.position(), self.targetPos) > 30){
ent.move(self.targetPos[0], self.targetPos[1]);
var deltaHealth = 0;
var deltaTime = 1;
var time = gameState.getTimeElapsed();
this.healthRecord.push([totalHealth, time]);
if (this.healthRecord.length > 1){
for (var i = this.healthRecord.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
deltaHealth = totalHealth - this.healthRecord[i][0];
deltaTime = time - this.healthRecord[i][1];
if (this.healthRecord[i][1] < time - 5*1000){
var numUnits = this.idList.length;
if (numUnits < 1) return;
var damageRate = -deltaHealth / deltaTime * 1000;
var centrePos = units.getCentrePosition();
if (! centrePos) return;
var idleCount = 0;
// Looks for idle units away from the formations centre
for (var idKey in this.idList){
var id = this.idList[idKey];
var ent = militaryManager.entity(id);
if (ent.isIdle()){
if (ent.position() && VectorDistance(ent.position(), centrePos) > 20){
var dist = VectorDistance(ent.position(), centrePos);
var vector = [centrePos[0] - ent.position()[0], centrePos[1] - ent.position()[1]];
vector[0] *= 10/dist;
vector[1] *= 10/dist;
ent.move(centrePos[0] + vector[0], centrePos[1] + vector[1]);
if ((damageRate / Math.sqrt(numUnits)) > 2){
if (this.state === "walking"){
var sumAttackerPos = [0,0];
var numAttackers = 0;
for (var key in events){
var e = events[key];
//{type:"Attacked", msg:{attacker:736, target:1133, type:"Melee"}}
if (e.type === "Attacked" && e.msg){
if (this.idList.indexOf(e.msg.target) !== -1){
var attacker = militaryManager.entity(e.msg.attacker);
if (attacker && attacker.position()){
sumAttackerPos[0] += attacker.position()[0];
sumAttackerPos[1] += attacker.position()[1];
numAttackers += 1;
if (numAttackers > 0){
var avgAttackerPos = [sumAttackerPos[0]/numAttackers, sumAttackerPos[1]/numAttackers];
// Stop moving
units.move(centrePos[0], centrePos[1]);
this.state = "attacking";
if (this.state === "attacking"){
units.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
this.state = "walking";
if (this.state === "walking"){
if (VectorDistance(centrePos, this.path[0]) < 20 || idleCount/numUnits > 0.8){
if (this.path.length > 0){
units.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
this.previousTime = time;
this.previousHealth = totalHealth;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
function AttackMoveToLocation(gameState, militaryManager, minAttackSize, maxAttackSize, targetFinder){
this.minAttackSize = minAttackSize || Config.attack.minAttackSize;
this.maxAttackSize = maxAttackSize || Config.attack.maxAttackSize;
this.previousTime = 0;
this.state = "unexecuted";
this.targetFinder = targetFinder || this.defaultTargetFinder;
this.healthRecord = [];
// Returns true if the attack can be executed at the current time
AttackMoveToLocation.prototype.canExecute = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var enemyStrength = militaryManager.measureEnemyStrength(gameState);
var enemyCount = militaryManager.measureEnemyCount(gameState);
// We require our army to be >= this strength
var targetStrength = enemyStrength * Config.attack.enemyRatio;
var availableCount = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits();
var availableStrength = militaryManager.measureAvailableStrength();
debug("Troops needed for attack: " + this.minAttackSize + " Have: " + availableCount);
debug("Troops strength for attack: " + targetStrength + " Have: " + availableStrength);
return ((availableStrength >= targetStrength && availableCount >= this.minAttackSize)
|| availableCount >= this.maxAttackSize);
// Default target finder aims for conquest critical targets
AttackMoveToLocation.prototype.defaultTargetFinder = function(gameState, militaryManager){
// Find the critical enemy buildings we could attack
var targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"ConquestCritical");
// If there are no critical structures, attack anything else that's critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (gameState.isEntityEnemy(ent) && ent.hasClass("ConquestCritical") && ent.owner() !== 0 && ent.position());
// If there's nothing, attack anything else that's less critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"Town");
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"Village");
return targets;
// Executes the attack plan, after this is executed the update function will be run every turn
AttackMoveToLocation.prototype.execute = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var availableCount = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits();
var numWanted = Math.min(availableCount, this.maxAttackSize);
this.idList = militaryManager.getAvailableUnits(numWanted);
var pending = EntityCollectionFromIds(gameState, this.idList);
var targets = this.targetFinder(gameState, militaryManager);
if (targets.length === 0){
targets = this.defaultTargetFinder(gameState, militaryManager);
// If we have a target, move to it
if (targets.length) {
// Add an attack role so the economic manager doesn't try and use them
pending.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata("role", "attack");
var curPos = pending.getCentrePosition();
// pick a random target from the list
var rand = Math.floor((Math.random()*targets.length));
this.targetPos = undefined;
var count = 0;
while (!this.targetPos){
var target = targets.toEntityArray()[rand];
this.targetPos = target.position();
if (count > 1000){
warn("No target with a valid position found");
// Find possible distinct paths to the enemy
var pathFinder = new PathFinder(gameState);
var pathsToEnemy = pathFinder.getPaths(curPos, this.targetPos);
if (!pathsToEnemy || !pathsToEnemy[0] || pathsToEnemy[0][0] === undefined || pathsToEnemy[0][1] === undefined){
pathsToEnemy = [[this.targetPos]];
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * pathsToEnemy.length);
this.path = pathsToEnemy[rand];
pending.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
} else if (targets.length == 0 ) {
gameState.ai.gameFinished = true;
this.state = "walking";
// Runs every turn after the attack is executed
// This removes idle units from the attack
AttackMoveToLocation.prototype.update = function(gameState, militaryManager, events){
if (!this.targetPos){
for (var idKey in this.idList){
var id = this.idList[idKey];
this.idList = [];
// keep the list of units in good order by pruning ids with no corresponding entities (i.e. dead units)
var removeList = [];
var totalHealth = 0;
for (var idKey in this.idList){
var id = this.idList[idKey];
var ent = militaryManager.entity(id);
if (ent === undefined){
if (ent.hitpoints()){
totalHealth += ent.hitpoints();
for (var i in removeList){
var units = EntityCollectionFromIds(gameState, this.idList);
if (!this.path || this.path.length === 0){
var idleCount = 0;
var self = this;
if (ent.isIdle()){
if (ent.position() && VectorDistance(ent.position(), self.targetPos) > 30){
ent.move(self.targetPos[0], self.targetPos[1]);
var deltaHealth = 0;
var deltaTime = 1;
var time = gameState.getTimeElapsed();
this.healthRecord.push([totalHealth, time]);
if (this.healthRecord.length > 1){
for (var i = this.healthRecord.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
deltaHealth = totalHealth - this.healthRecord[i][0];
deltaTime = time - this.healthRecord[i][1];
if (this.healthRecord[i][1] < time - 5*1000){
var numUnits = this.idList.length;
if (numUnits < 1) return;
var damageRate = -deltaHealth / deltaTime * 1000;
var centrePos = units.getCentrePosition();
if (! centrePos) return;
var idleCount = 0;
// Looks for idle units away from the formations centre
for (var idKey in this.idList){
var id = this.idList[idKey];
var ent = militaryManager.entity(id);
if (ent.isIdle()){
if (ent.position() && VectorDistance(ent.position(), centrePos) > 20){
var dist = VectorDistance(ent.position(), centrePos);
var vector = [centrePos[0] - ent.position()[0], centrePos[1] - ent.position()[1]];
vector[0] *= 10/dist;
vector[1] *= 10/dist;
ent.move(centrePos[0] + vector[0], centrePos[1] + vector[1]);
if ((damageRate / Math.sqrt(numUnits)) > 2){
if (this.state === "walking"){
var sumAttackerPos = [0,0];
var numAttackers = 0;
for (var key in events){
var e = events[key];
//{type:"Attacked", msg:{attacker:736, target:1133, type:"Melee"}}
if (e.type === "Attacked" && e.msg){
if (this.idList.indexOf(e.msg.target) !== -1){
var attacker = militaryManager.entity(e.msg.attacker);
if (attacker && attacker.position()){
sumAttackerPos[0] += attacker.position()[0];
sumAttackerPos[1] += attacker.position()[1];
numAttackers += 1;
if (numAttackers > 0){
var avgAttackerPos = [sumAttackerPos[0]/numAttackers, sumAttackerPos[1]/numAttackers];
// Stop moving
units.move(centrePos[0], centrePos[1]);
this.state = "attacking";
if (this.state === "attacking"){
units.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
this.state = "walking";
if (this.state === "walking"){
if (VectorDistance(centrePos, this.path[0]) < 20 || idleCount/numUnits > 0.8){
if (this.path.length > 0){
units.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
this.previousTime = time;
this.previousHealth = totalHealth;

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@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
// basically an attack plan. The name is an artifact.
function CityAttack(gameState, militaryManager, uniqueID, targetEnemy, type , targetFinder){
//This is the list of IDs of the units in the plan
this.state = "unexecuted";
this.targetPlayer = targetEnemy;
if (this.targetPlayer === -1 || this.targetPlayer === undefined) {
// let's find our prefered target, basically counting our enemies units.
var enemyCount = {};
for (var i = 1; i <=8; i++)
enemyCount[i] = 0;
gameState.getEntities().forEach(function(ent) { if (gameState.isEntityEnemy(ent) && ent.owner() !== 0) { enemyCount[ent.owner()]++; } });
var max = 0;
for (i in enemyCount)
if (enemyCount[i] >= max)
this.targetPlayer = +i;
max = enemyCount[i];
debug ("Target = " +this.targetPlayer);
this.targetFinder = targetFinder || this.defaultTargetFinder;
this.type = type || "normal";
this.name = uniqueID;
this.healthRecord = [];
this.timeOfPlanStart = gameState.getTimeElapsed(); // we get the time at which we decided to start the attack
this.maxPreparationTime = 300*1000;
this.pausingStart = 0;
this.totalPausingTime = 0;
this.paused = false;
this.onArrivalReaction = "proceedOnTargets";
this.unitStat = {};
this.unitStat["RangedInfantry"] = { "priority" : 1, "minSize" : 4, "targetSize" : 10, "batchSize" : 5, "classes" : ["Infantry","Ranged"], "templates" : [] };
this.unitStat["MeleeInfantry"] = { "priority" : 1, "minSize" : 4, "targetSize" : 10, "batchSize" : 5, "classes" : ["Infantry","Melee"], "templates" : [] };
this.unitStat["MeleeCavalry"] = { "priority" : 1, "minSize" : 3, "targetSize" : 8 , "batchSize" : 3, "classes" : ["Cavalry","Ranged"], "templates" : [] };
this.unitStat["RangedCavalry"] = { "priority" : 1, "minSize" : 3, "targetSize" : 8 , "batchSize" : 3, "classes" : ["Cavalry","Melee"], "templates" : [] };
this.unitStat["Siege"] = { "priority" : 1, "minSize" : 0, "targetSize" : 2 , "batchSize" : 1, "classes" : ["Siege"], "templates" : [] };
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byMetadata("plan",this.name),Filters.byOwner(gameState.player));
this.unitCollection = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(filter);
this.unit = {};
// each array is [ratio, [associated classes], associated EntityColl, associated unitStat, name ]
this.buildOrder = [];
// defining the entity collections. Will look for units I own, that are part of this plan.
// Also defining the buildOrders.
for (unitCat in this.unitStat) {
var cat = unitCat;
var Unit = this.unitStat[cat];
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byClassesAnd(Unit["classes"]),Filters.and(Filters.byMetadata("plan",this.name),Filters.byOwner(gameState.player)));
this.unit[cat] = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(filter);
this.buildOrder.push([0, Unit["classes"], this.unit[cat], Unit, cat]);
/*if (gameState.getTimeElapsed() > 900000) // 15 minutes
this.unitStat.Cavalry.Ranged["minSize"] = 5;
this.unitStat.Cavalry.Melee["minSize"] = 5;
this.unitStat.Infantry.Ranged["minSize"] = 10;
this.unitStat.Infantry.Melee["minSize"] = 10;
this.unitStat.Cavalry.Ranged["targetSize"] = 10;
this.unitStat.Cavalry.Melee["targetSize"] = 10;
this.unitStat.Infantry.Ranged["targetSize"] = 20;
this.unitStat.Infantry.Melee["targetSize"] = 20;
this.unitStat.Siege["targetSize"] = 5;
this.unitStat.Siege["minSize"] = 2;
} else {
this.maxPreparationTime = 180000;
// todo: REACTIVATE (in all caps)
if (type === "harass_raid" && 0 == 1)
this.targetFinder = this.raidingTargetFinder;
this.onArrivalReaction = "huntVillagers";
this.type = "harass_raid";
// This is a Cavalry raid against villagers. A Cavalry Swordsman has a bonus against these. Only build these
this.maxPreparationTime = 180000; // 3 minutes.
if (gameState.playerData.civ === "hele") // hellenes have an ealry Cavalry Swordsman
this.unitCount.Cavalry.Melee = { "subCat" : ["Swordsman"] , "usesSubcategories" : true, "Swordsman" : undefined, "priority" : 1, "currentAmount" : 0, "minimalAmount" : 0, "preferedAmount" : 0 };
this.unitCount.Cavalry.Melee.Swordsman = { "priority" : 1, "currentAmount" : 0, "minimalAmount" : 4, "preferedAmount" : 7, "fallback" : "abort" };
} else {
this.unitCount.Cavalry.Melee = { "subCat" : undefined , "usesSubcategories" : false, "priority" : 1, "currentAmount" : 0, "minimalAmount" : 4, "preferedAmount" : 7 };
this.unitCount.Cavalry.Ranged["minimalAmount"] = 0;
this.unitCount.Cavalry.Ranged["preferedAmount"] = 0;
this.unitCount.Infantry.Ranged["minimalAmount"] = 0;
this.unitCount.Infantry.Ranged["preferedAmount"] = 0;
this.unitCount.Infantry.Melee["minimalAmount"] = 0;
this.unitCount.Infantry.Melee["preferedAmount"] = 0;
this.unitCount.Siege["preferedAmount"] = 0;
this.anyNotMinimal = true; // used for support plans
// taking this so that fortresses won't crash it for now. TODO: change the rally point if it becomes invalid
if(gameState.ai.pathsToMe.length > 1)
var position = [(gameState.ai.pathsToMe[0][0]+gameState.ai.pathsToMe[1][0])/2.0,(gameState.ai.pathsToMe[0][1]+gameState.ai.pathsToMe[1][1])/2.0];
var position = [gameState.ai.pathsToMe[0][0],gameState.ai.pathsToMe[0][1]];
var CCs = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(Filters.byClass("CivCentre"));
var nearestCCArray = CCs.filterNearest(position, 1).toEntityArray();
var CCpos = nearestCCArray[0].position();
this.rallyPoint = [0,0];
this.rallyPoint[0] = (position[0]*3 + CCpos[0]) / 4.0;
this.rallyPoint[1] = (position[1]*3 + CCpos[1]) / 4.0;
if (type == 'harass_raid')
this.rallyPoint[0] = (position[0]*3.9 + 0.1 * CCpos[0]) / 4.0;
this.rallyPoint[1] = (position[1]*3.9 + 0.1 * CCpos[1]) / 4.0;
// some variables for during the attack
this.lastPosition = [0,0];
this.position = [0,0];
this.threatList = []; // sounds so FBI
this.tactics = undefined;
gameState.ai.queueManager.addQueue("plan_" + this.name, 100);
this.queue = gameState.ai.queues["plan_" + this.name];
CityAttack.prototype.getName = function(){
return this.name;
CityAttack.prototype.getType = function(){
return this.type;
// Returns true if the attack can be executed at the current time
// Basically his checks we have enough units.
// We run a count of our units.
CityAttack.prototype.canStart = function(gameState){
for (unitCat in this.unitStat) {
var Unit = this.unitStat[unitCat];
if (this.unit[unitCat].length < Unit["minSize"])
return false;
return true;
// TODO: check if our target is valid and a few other stuffs (good moment to attack?)
CityAttack.prototype.isStarted = function(){
return !(this.state == "unexecuted");
CityAttack.prototype.isPaused = function(){
return this.paused;
CityAttack.prototype.setPaused = function(gameState, boolValue){
if (!this.paused && boolValue === true) {
this.pausingStart = gameState.getTimeElapsed();
this.paused = true;
debug ("Pausing attack plan " +this.name);
} else if (this.paused && boolValue === false) {
this.totalPausingTime += gameState.getTimeElapsed() - this.pausingStart;
this.paused = false;
debug ("Unpausing attack plan " +this.name);
CityAttack.prototype.mustStart = function(gameState){
var MaxReachedEverywhere = true;
for (unitCat in this.unitStat) {
var Unit = this.unitStat[unitCat];
if (this.unit[unitCat].length < Unit["targetSize"])
MaxReachedEverywhere = false;
if (MaxReachedEverywhere)
return true;
return (this.maxPreparationTime + this.timeOfPlanStart + this.totalPausingTime < gameState.getTimeElapsed());
// Three returns possible: 1 is "keep going", 0 is "failed plan", 2 is "start"
CityAttack.prototype.updatePreparation = function(gameState, militaryManager,events) {
if (this.isPaused())
return 0; // continue
Engine.ProfileStart("Update Preparation");
// let's sort by training advancement, ie 'current size / target size'
this.buildOrder.sort(function (a,b) {
a[0] = a[2].length/a[3]["targetSize"];
b[0] = b[2].length/b[3]["targetSize"];
return (a[0]) - (b[0]);
if ( (gameState.ai.turn + gameState.ai.player) % 40 == 0)
var canstart = this.canStart(gameState);
Engine.ProfileStart("Creating units and looking through events");
// gets the number in training of the same kind as the first one.
var specialData = "Plan_"+this.name+"_"+this.buildOrder[0][4];
var inTraining = gameState.countOwnQueuedEntitiesWithMetadata("special",specialData);
if (this.queue.countTotalQueuedUnits() + inTraining + this.buildOrder[0][2].length < Math.min(15,this.buildOrder[0][3]["targetSize"]) ) {
if (this.buildOrder[0][0] < 1 && this.queue.countTotalQueuedUnits() < 5) {
var template = militaryManager.findBestTrainableUnit(gameState, this.buildOrder[0][1], [ ["strength",1], ["cost",1] ] );
//debug ("tried " + uneval(this.buildOrder[0][1]) +", and " + template);
// HACK (TODO replace) : if we have no trainable template... Then we'll simply remove the buildOrder, effectively removing the unit from the plan.
if (template === undefined) {
debug ("Abandonning the idea of recruiting " + uneval(this.buildOrder[0][1]) + " as no recruitable template were found" );
} else {
this.queue.addItem( new UnitTrainingPlan(gameState,template, { "role" : "attack", "plan" : this.name, "special" : specialData },this.buildOrder[0][3]["batchSize"] ) );
// can happen for now
if (this.buildOrder.length === 0) {
return 0; // will abort the plan, should return something else
for (var key in events){
var e = events[key];
if (e.type === "Attacked" && e.msg){
if (this.unitCollection.toIdArray().indexOf(e.msg.target) !== -1){
var attacker = gameState.getEntityById(e.msg.attacker);
if (attacker && attacker.position()) {
// we count our units by triggering "canStart"
// returns false if we can no longer have time and cannot start.
// returns 0 if I must start and can't, returns 1 if I don't have to start, and returns 2 if I must start and can
if (!this.mustStart(gameState))
return 1;
else if (canstart)
return 2;
return 0;
return 0;
CityAttack.prototype.assignUnits = function(gameState){
var self = this;
// TODO: assign myself units that fit only, right now I'm getting anything.
// I'll take any unit set to "Defense" that has no subrole (ie is set to be a defensive unit, but has no particular task)
// I assign it to myself, and then it's mine, the entity collection will detect it.
var Defenders = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("defence");
Defenders.forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.getMetadata("subrole") == "idle" || !ent.getMetadata("subrole")) {
ent.setMetadata("role", "attack");
ent.setMetadata("plan", self.name);
// Assign all no-roles that fit (after a plan aborts, for example).
var NoRole = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole(undefined);
NoRole.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata("role", "attack");
ent.setMetadata("plan", self.name);
// this sends a unit by ID back to the "rally point"
CityAttack.prototype.ToRallyPoint = function(gameState,id)
// Move back to nearest rallypoint
// this sends all units back to the "rally point" by entity collections.
CityAttack.prototype.AllToRallyPoint = function(gameState) {
for (unitCat in this.unit) {
// Default target finder aims for conquest critical targets
CityAttack.prototype.defaultTargetFinder = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var targets = undefined;
targets = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[this.targetPlayer].getEnemyBuildings("ConquestCritical");
// If there's nothing, attack anything else that's less critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[this.targetPlayer].getEnemyBuildings("Town");
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[this.targetPlayer].getEnemyBuildings("Village");
return targets;
// tupdate
CityAttack.prototype.raidingTargetFinder = function(gameState, militaryManager, Target){
var targets = undefined;
if (Target == "villager")
// let's aim for any resource dropsite. We assume villagers are in the neighborhood (note: the human player could certainly troll us... small (scouting) TODO here.)
targets = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (ent.hasClass("Structure") && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() !== undefined && !ent.hasClass("CivCentre") && ent.owner() === this.targetPlayer && ent.position());
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (ent.hasClass("CivCentre") && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() !== undefined && ent.owner() === this.targetPlayer && ent.position());
if (targets.length == 0) {
// if we're here, it means they also don't have no CC... So I'll just take any building at this point.
targets = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (ent.hasClass("Structure") && ent.owner() === this.targetPlayer && ent.position());
return targets;
} else {
return this.defaultTargetFinder(gameState, militaryManager);
// Executes the attack plan, after this is executed the update function will be run every turn
// If we're here, it's because we have in our IDlist enough units.
// now the IDlist units are treated turn by turn
CityAttack.prototype.StartAttack = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var targets = [];
if (this.type === "harass_raid")
targets = this.targetFinder(gameState, militaryManager, "villager");
targets = this.targetFinder(gameState, militaryManager);
if (targets.length === 0){
targets = this.defaultTargetFinder(gameState, militaryManager);
// If we have a target, move to it
if (targets.length) {
var curPos = this.unitCollection.getCentrePosition();
// pick a random target from the list
var rand = Math.floor((Math.random()*targets.length));
this.targetPos = undefined;
var count = 0;
while (!this.targetPos){
var target = targets.toEntityArray()[rand];
this.targetPos = target.position();
if (count > 1000){
warn("No target with a valid position found");
return false;
// Find possible distinct paths to the enemy
var pathFinder = new PathFinder(gameState);
var pathsToEnemy = pathFinder.getPaths(curPos, this.targetPos);
if (! pathsToEnemy){
pathsToEnemy = [[this.targetPos]];
this.path = [];
if (this.type !== "harass_raid")
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * pathsToEnemy.length);
this.path = pathsToEnemy[rand];
} else {
this.path = pathsToEnemy[Math.min(2,pathsToEnemy.length-1)];
this.unitCollection.forEach(function(ent) { ent.setMetadata("subrole", "attacking");});
// filtering by those that started to attack only
var filter = Filters.byMetadata("subrole","attacking");
this.unitCollection = this.unitCollection.filter(filter);
for (unitCat in this.unitStat) {
var cat = unitCat;
this.unit[cat] = this.unit[cat].filter(filter);
this.unitCollection.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
debug ("Started to attack with the plan " + this.name);
this.state = "walking";
} else if (targets.length == 0 ) {
gameState.ai.gameFinished = true;
debug ("I do not have any target. So I'll just assume I won the game.");
return true;
return true;
// Runs every turn after the attack is executed
CityAttack.prototype.update = function(gameState, militaryManager, events){
Engine.ProfileStart("Update Attack");
// we're marching towards the target
// Check for attacked units in our band.
var bool_attacked = false;
// raids don't care about attacks much
this.position = this.unitCollection.getCentrePosition();
var IDs = this.unitCollection.toIdArray();
// this actually doesn't do anything right now.
if (this.state === "walking") {
var toProcess = {};
var armyToProcess = {};
// Let's check if any of our unit has been attacked. In case yes, we'll determine if we're simply off against an enemy army, a lone unit/builing
// or if we reached the enemy base. Different plans may react differently.
for (var key in events) {
var e = events[key];
if (e.type === "Attacked" && e.msg) {
if (IDs.indexOf(e.msg.target) !== -1) {
var attacker = gameState.getEntityById(e.msg.attacker);
if (attacker && attacker.position() && attacker.hasClass("Unit") && attacker.owner() != 0) {
toProcess[attacker.id()] = attacker;
var armyID = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[attacker.owner()].getArmyFromMember(attacker.id());
armyToProcess[armyID[0]] = armyID[1];
// I don't process attacks if I'm in their base because I'll have already gone to "attacking" mode.
// I'll process by army
var total = 0;
for (armyID in armyToProcess) {
total += armyToProcess[armyID].length;
// TODO: if it's a big army, we may want to refer the scouting/defense manager
}&& this.type !== "harass_raid"){ // walking toward the target
var sumAttackerPos = [0,0];
var numAttackers = 0;
// let's check if one of our unit is not under attack, by any chance.
for (var key in events){
var e = events[key];
if (e.type === "Attacked" && e.msg){
if (this.unitCollection.toIdArray().indexOf(e.msg.target) !== -1){
var attacker = HeadQuarters.entity(e.msg.attacker);
if (attacker && attacker.position()){
sumAttackerPos[0] += attacker.position()[0];
sumAttackerPos[1] += attacker.position()[1];
numAttackers += 1;
bool_attacked = true;
// todo: differentiate depending on attacker type... If it's a ship, let's not do anythin, a building, depends on the attack type/
if (this.threatList.indexOf(e.msg.attacker) === -1)
var enemySoldiers = HeadQuarters.getEnemySoldiers().toEntityArray();
for (j in enemySoldiers)
var enemy = enemySoldiers[j];
if (enemy.position() === undefined) // likely garrisoned
if (inRange(enemy.position(), attacker.position(), 1000) && this.threatList.indexOf(enemy.id()) === -1)
if (bool_attacked > 0){
var avgAttackerPos = [sumAttackerPos[0]/numAttackers, sumAttackerPos[1]/numAttackers];
units.move(avgAttackerPos[0], avgAttackerPos[1]); // let's run towards it.
this.tactics = new Tactics(gameState,HeadQuarters, this.idList,this.threatList,true);
this.state = "attacking_threat";
}else if (this.state === "attacking_threat"){
var removeList = this.tactics.removeTheirDeads(HeadQuarters);
for (var i in removeList){
if (this.threatList.length <= 0)
this.tactics = undefined;
this.state = "walking";
units.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
if (this.state === "walking"){
if (SquareVectorDistance(this.unitCollection.getCentrePosition(), this.path[0]) < 400){
if (this.path.length > 0){
this.unitCollection.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
} else {
debug ("Attack Plan " +this.type +" " +this.name +" has arrived to destination.");
// we must assume we've arrived at the end of the trail.
this.state = "arrived";
if (this.position == this.lastPosition)
this.unitCollection.move(this.path[0][0], this.path[0][1]);
// todo: re-implement raiding
if (this.state === "arrived"){
// let's proceed on with whatever happens now.
// There's a ton of TODOs on this part.
if (this.onArrivalReaction == "huntVillagers")
// let's get any villager and target them with a tactics manager
var enemyCitizens = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (gameState.isEntityEnemy(ent) && ent.hasClass("Support") && ent.owner() !== 0 && ent.position());
var targetList = [];
enemyCitizens.forEach( function (enemy) {
if (inRange(enemy.position(), units.getCentrePosition(), 2500) && targetList.indexOf(enemy.id()) === -1)
if (targetList.length > 0)
this.tactics = new Tactics(gameState,HeadQuarters, this.idList,targetList);
this.state = "huntVillagers";
} else {
this.state = "";
if (this.state === "huntVillagers")
if (this.tactics.isBattleOver())
this.tactics = undefined;
this.state = "";
return 0; // assume over
} else
this.lastPosition = this.position;
return this.unitCollection.length;
CityAttack.prototype.totalCountUnits = function(gameState){
var totalcount = 0;
for (i in this.idList)
return totalcount;
// reset any units
CityAttack.prototype.Abort = function(gameState){
this.unitCollection.forEach(function(ent) {
for (unitCat in this.unitStat)
delete this.unit[unitCat];
delete this.unitCollection;
gameState.ai.queueManager.removeQueue("plan_" + this.name);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
var baseConfig = {
"attack" : {
"minAttackSize" : 20, // attackMoveToLocation
"maxAttackSize" : 60, // attackMoveToLocation
"enemyRatio" : 1.5, // attackMoveToLocation
"groupSize" : 10 // military
// defence
"defence" : {
"acquireDistance" : 220,
"releaseDistance" : 250,
"groupRadius" : 20,
"groupBreakRadius" : 40,
"groupMergeRadius" : 10,
"defenderRatio" : 2
// military
"buildings" : {
"moderate" : {
"default" : [ "structures/{civ}_barracks" ]
"advanced" : {
"hele" : [ "structures/{civ}_gymnasion", "structures/{civ}_fortress" ],
"athen" : [ "structures/{civ}_gymnasion", "structures/{civ}_fortress" ],
"spart" : [ "structures/{civ}_syssiton", "structures/{civ}_fortress" ],
"mace" : [ "structures/{civ}_fortress" ],
"cart" : [ "structures/{civ}_fortress", "structures/{civ}_embassy_celtic",
"structures/{civ}_embassy_iberian", "structures/{civ}_embassy_italiote" ],
"celt" : [ "structures/{civ}_kennel", "structures/{civ}_fortress_b", "structures/{civ}_fortress_g" ],
"iber" : [ "structures/{civ}_fortress" ],
"pers" : [ "structures/{civ}_fortress", "structures/{civ}_stables", "structures/{civ}_apadana" ],
"rome" : [ "structures/{civ}_army_camp", "structures/{civ}_fortress" ],
"maur" : [ "structures/{civ}_elephant_stables", "structures/{civ}_fortress" ]
"fort" : {
"default" : [ "structures/{civ}_fortress" ],
"celt" : [ "structures/{civ}_fortress_b", "structures/{civ}_fortress_g" ]
// qbot
"priorities" : { // Note these are dynamic, you are only setting the initial values
"house" : 500,
"citizenSoldier" : 100,
"villager" : 150,
"economicBuilding" : 30,
"field" : 20,
"advancedSoldier" : 30,
"siege" : 10,
"militaryBuilding" : 50,
"defenceBuilding" : 17,
"civilCentre" : 1000
"debug" : true
var Config = {
"debug": true
Config.__proto__ = baseConfig;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"name": "qBot-xp\n(experimental)",
"description": "Improvements over qBot by Wraitii. Still experimental(bugs possible).\nThis bot may be harder to defeat than the regular qBot. Please report any problems on the Wildfire forums.",
"constructor": "QBotAI"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
// directly imported from Marilyn, with slight modifications to work with qBot.
function Defence(){
this.DefenceRatio = 1.35; // How many defenders we want per attacker. Need to balance fewer losses vs. lost economy
this.totalAttackNb = 0; // used for attack IDs
this.attacks = [];
this.toKill = [];
this.defenders = {};
// keeps a list of targeted enemy at instant T
this.attackerCache = {};
this.listOfEnemies = {};
// boolean 0/1 that's for optimization
this.attackerCacheLoopIndicator = 0;
// this is a list of units to kill. They should be gaia animals, or lonely units. Works the same as listOfEnemies, ie an entityColelction which I'll have to cleanup
this.listOfWantedUnits = {};
this.WantedUnitsAttacker = {}; // same as attackerCache.
this.idleDefs = null;
// DO NOTE: the Defence manager, when it calls for Defence, makes the military manager go into "Defence mode"... This makes it not update any plan that's started or not.
// This allows the Defence manager to take units from the plans for Defence.
// Defcon levels
// 6 (or more): no danger whatsoever detected
// 5: local zones of danger (ie a tower somewhere, things like that)
// 4: a few enemy units inbound, like a scout or something. (local danger). Usually seen as the last level before a true "attack"
// 3: reasonnably sized enemy army inbound, local danger
// 2: well sized enemy army inbound, general danger
// 1: Sizable enemy army inside of my base, general danger.
Defence.prototype.update = function(gameState, events, militaryManager){
Engine.ProfileStart("Defence Manager");
// a litlle cache-ing
if (!this.idleDefs) {
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byMetadata("role", "defence"), Filters.isIdle());
this.idleDefs = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(filter);
this.myBuildings = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(Filters.byClass("Structure")).toEntityArray();
this.myUnits = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(Filters.byClass("Unit"));
this.territoryMap = Map.createTerritoryMap(gameState); // used by many func
// First step: we deal with enemy armies, those are the highest priority.
this.defendFromEnemyArmies(gameState, events, militaryManager);
// second step: we loop through messages, and sort things as needed (dangerous buildings, attack by animals, ships, lone units, whatever).
// putting unneeded units at rest
this.idleDefs.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata("role", ent.getMetadata("formerrole") );
ent.setMetadata("subrole", undefined);
// returns armies that are still seen as dangerous (in the LOS of any of my buildings for now)
Defence.prototype.reevaluateDangerousArmies = function(gameState, armies) {
var stillDangerousArmies = {};
for (i in armies) {
var pos = armies[i].getCentrePosition();
if (+this.territoryMap.point(armies[i].getCentrePosition()) - 64 === +gameState.player) {
stillDangerousArmies[i] = armies[i];
for (o in this.myBuildings) {
// if the armies out of my buildings LOS (with a little more, because we're cheating right now and big armies could go undetected)
if (inRange(pos, this.myBuildings[o].position(),this.myBuildings[o].visionRange()*this.myBuildings[o].visionRange() + 2500)) {
stillDangerousArmies[i] = armies[i];
return stillDangerousArmies;
// returns armies we now see as dangerous, ie in my territory
Defence.prototype.evaluateArmies = function(gameState, armies) {
var DangerousArmies = {};
for (i in armies) {
if (armies[i].getCentrePosition() && +this.territoryMap.point(armies[i].getCentrePosition()) - 64 === +gameState.player) {
DangerousArmies[i] = armies[i];
return DangerousArmies;
// This deals with incoming enemy armies, setting the defcon if needed. It will take new soldiers, and assign them to attack
// it's still a fair share of dumb, so TODO improve
Defence.prototype.defendFromEnemyArmies = function(gameState, events, militaryManager) {
// The enemy Watchers keep a list of armies. This class here tells them if an army is dangerous, and they manage the merging/splitting/disbanding.
// With this system, we can get any dangerous armies. Thus, we can know where the danger is, and react.
// So Defence deals with attacks from animals too (which aren't watched).
// The attackrs here are dealt with on a per unit basis.
// We keep a list of idle defenders. For any new attacker, we'll check if we have any idle defender available, and if not, we assign available units.
// At the end of each turn, if we still have idle defenders, we either assign them to neighboring units, or we release them.
var dangerArmies = {};
this.enemyUnits = {};
// for now armies are never seen as "no longer dangerous"... TODO
for (enemyID in militaryManager.enemyWatchers) {
this.enemyUnits[enemyID] = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[enemyID].getAllEnemySoldiers();
var dangerousArmies = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[enemyID].getDangerousArmies();
// we check if all the dangerous armies are still dangerous.
var newDangerArmies = this.reevaluateDangerousArmies(gameState,dangerousArmies);
var safeArmies = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[enemyID].getSafeArmies();
// we check not dangerous armies, to see if they suddenly became dangerous
var unsafeArmies = this.evaluateArmies(gameState,safeArmies);
for (i in unsafeArmies)
newDangerArmies[i] = unsafeArmies[i];
// and any dangerous armies we push in "dangerArmies"
for (o in newDangerArmies)
for (i in newDangerArmies)
dangerArmies[i] = newDangerArmies[i];
var self = this;
var nbOfAttackers = 0;
// clean up before adding new units (slight speeding up, since new units can't already be dead)
for (i in this.listOfEnemies) {
if (this.listOfEnemies[i].length === 0) {
// if we had defined the attackerCache, ie if we had tried to attack this unit.
if (this.attackerCache[i] !== undefined) {
this.attackerCache[i].forEach(function(ent) { ent.stopMoving(); });
delete this.attackerCache[i];
delete this.listOfEnemies[i];
} else {
var unit = this.listOfEnemies[i].toEntityArray()[0];
var enemyWatcher = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[unit.owner()];
if (enemyWatcher.isPartOfDangerousArmy(unit.id())) {
} else {
// if we had defined the attackerCache, ie if we had tried to attack this unit.
if (this.attackerCache[unit.id()] != undefined) {
this.attackerCache[unit.id()].forEach(function(ent) { ent.stopMoving(); });
delete this.attackerCache[unit.id()];
delete this.listOfEnemies[unit.id()];
// okay so now, for every dangerous armies, we loop.
for (armyID in dangerArmies) {
// looping through army units
dangerArmies[armyID].forEach(function(ent) {
// do we have already registered an entityCollection for it?
if (self.listOfEnemies[ent.id()] === undefined) {
// no, we register a new entity collection in listOfEnemies, listing exactly one unit as long as it remains alive and owned by my enemy.
// can't be bothered to recode everything
var owner = ent.owner();
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(owner),Filters.byID(ent.id()));
self.listOfEnemies[ent.id()] = self.enemyUnits[owner].filter(filter);
// let's also register an entity collection for units attacking this unit (so we can new if it's attacked)
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(gameState.player),Filters.byTargetedEntity(ent.id()));
self.attackerCache[ent.id()] = self.myUnits.filter(filter);
// Reordering attack because the pathfinder is for now not dynamically updated
for (o in this.attackerCache) {
if ((this.attackerCacheLoopIndicator + o) % 2 === 0) {
this.attackerCache[o].forEach(function (ent) {
this.attackerCacheLoopIndicator = this.attackerCacheLoopIndicator % 2;
if (nbOfAttackers === 0) {
// If I'm here, I have a list of enemy units, and a list of my units attacking it (in absolute terms, I could use a list of any unit attacking it).
// now I'll list my idle defenders, then my idle soldiers that could defend.
// and then I'll assign my units.
// and then rock on.
if (nbOfAttackers === 0) {
} else if (nbOfAttackers < 5){
gameState.upDefcon(4); // few local units
} else if (nbOfAttackers >= 5){
gameState.upDefcon(3); // local attack, dangerous but not hugely threatening for my survival
if (this.idleDefs.length < nbOfAttackers) {
gameState.upDefcon(2); // general danger
// if here, there are known enemy attackers.
this.idleDefs.forEach(function(ent) {
// okaaay we attack
for (o in self.listOfEnemies) {
if (self.attackerCache[o].length === 0) {
ent.setMetadata("subrole", "defending");
// okay so if we lacked units with the Defence role that could be used, we'll sort through those from attack plans, pausing the plans if needed.
var newSoldiers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("attack");
newSoldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.getMetadata("subrole","attacking"))
// okaaay we attack
for (o in self.listOfEnemies) {
if (self.attackerCache[o].length === 0) {
if (ent.getMetadata("plan") != undefined)
ent.setMetadata("formerrole", "attack");
// still some undealt with attackers, launch the citizen soldiers
if (nbOfAttackers > 0) {
var newSoldiers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker");
newSoldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
// If we're not female, we attack
if (ent.hasClass("CitizenSoldier"))
for (o in self.listOfEnemies) {
if (self.attackerCache[o].length === 0) {
ent.setMetadata("formerrole", "worker");
// this processes the attackmessages
// So that a unit that gets attacked will not be completely dumb.
// warning: huge levels of indentation coming.
Defence.prototype.MessageProcess = function(gameState,events, militaryManager) {
for (var key in events){
var e = events[key];
if (e.type === "Attacked" && e.msg){
if (gameState.isEntityOwn(gameState.getEntityById(e.msg.target))) {
var attacker = gameState.getEntityById(e.msg.attacker);
var ourUnit = gameState.getEntityById(e.msg.target);
// the attacker must not be already dead
if (attacker !== undefined) {
// note: our unit can already by dead by now... We'll then have to rely on the enemy to react.
// if we're not on enemy territory
var territory = +this.territoryMap.point(attacker.position()) - 64;
// let's check for animals
if (attacker.owner() == 0) {
// if our unit is still alive, we make it react
// in this case we attack.
if (ourUnit !== undefined) {
if (ourUnit.hasClass("Unit") && !ourUnit.hasClass("Support"))
else {
// anyway we'll register the animal as dangerous, and attack it.
var filter = Filters.byID(attacker.id());
this.listOfWantedUnits[attacker.id()] = gameState.getEntities().filter(filter);
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(gameState.player),Filters.byTargetedEntity(attacker.id()));
this.WantedUnitsAttacker[attacker.id()] = this.myUnits.filter(filter);
} else if (territory != attacker.owner()) { // preliminary check: attacks in enemy territory are not counted as attacks
// Also TODO: this does not differentiate with buildings...
// These ought to be treated differently.
// units in attack plans will react independently, but we still list the attacks here.
if (attacker.hasClass("Structure")) {
// todo: we ultimately have to check wether it's a danger point or an isolated area, and if it's a danger point, mark it as so.
} else {
// TODO: right now a soldier always retaliate... Perhaps it should be set in "Defence" mode.
if (!attacker.hasClass("Female") && !attacker.hasClass("Ship")) {
// This unit is dangerous. We'll ask the enemy manager if it's part of a big army, in which case we'll list it as dangerous (so it'll be treated next turn by the other manager)
// If it's not part of a big army, depending on our priority we may want to kill it (using the same things as animals for that)
// TODO (perhaps not any more, but let's mark it anyway)
var army = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[attacker.owner()].getArmyFromMember(attacker.id());
if (army[1].length > 5) {
} else if (!militaryManager.enemyWatchers[attacker.owner()].isDangerous(army[0])) {
// we register this unit as wanted, TODO register the whole army
// another function will deal with it.
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(attacker.owner()),Filters.byID(attacker.id()));
this.listOfWantedUnits[attacker.id()] = this.enemyUnits[attacker.owner()].filter(filter);
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(gameState.player),Filters.byTargetedEntity(attacker.id()));
this.WantedUnitsAttacker[attacker.id()] = this.myUnits.filter(filter);
if (ourUnit && ourUnit.hasClass("Unit") && !ourUnit.getMetadata("role","attack")) {
if (ourUnit.hasClass("Support")) {
// TODO: it's a villager. Garrison it.
// TODO: make other neighboring villagers garrison
// Right now we'll flee from the attacker.
} else {
// It's a soldier. Right now we'll retaliate
// TODO: check for stronger units against this type, check for fleeing options, etc.
// At most, this will put defcon to 5
Defence.prototype.DealWithWantedUnits = function(gameState, events, militaryManager) {
//if (gameState.defcon() < 3)
// return;
var self = this;
var nbOfAttackers = 0;
var nbOfDealtWith = 0;
// clean up before adding new units (slight speeding up, since new units can't already be dead)
for (i in this.listOfWantedUnits) {
if (this.listOfWantedUnits[i].length === 0 || this.listOfEnemies[i] !== undefined) { // unit died/was converted/is already dealt with as part of an army
delete this.WantedUnitsAttacker[i];
delete this.listOfWantedUnits[i];
} else {
if (this.WantedUnitsAttacker[i].length > 0)
// note: we can deal with units the way we want because anyway, the Army Defender has already done its task.
// If there are still idle defenders here, it's because they aren't needed.
// I can also call other units: they're not needed.
// Note however that if the defcon level is too high, this won't do anything because it's low priority.
// this also won't take units from attack managers
if (nbOfAttackers === 0)
// at most, we'll deal with two enemies at once.
if (nbOfDealtWith >= 2)
// dynamic properties are not updated nearly fast enough here so a little caching
var addedto = {};
// we send 3 units to each target just to be sure. TODO refine.
// we do not use plan units
this.idleDefs.forEach(function(ent) {
if (nbOfDealtWith < 2 && nbOfAttackers > 0 && ent.getMetadata("plan") == undefined)
for (o in self.listOfWantedUnits) {
if ( (addedto[o] == undefined && self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length < 3) || (addedto[o] && self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length + addedto[o] < 3)) {
if (self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length === 0)
ent.setMetadata("subrole", "defending");
if (addedto[o])
addedto[o] = 1;
if (self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length == 3)
nbOfAttackers--; // we hav eenough units, mark this one as being OKAY
// still some undealt with attackers, recruit citizen soldiers
if (nbOfAttackers > 0 && nbOfDealtWith < 2) {
var newSoldiers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker");
newSoldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
// If we're not female, we attack
if (ent.hasClass("CitizenSoldier"))
if (nbOfDealtWith < 2 && nbOfAttackers > 0)
for (o in self.listOfWantedUnits) {
if ( (addedto[o] == undefined && self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length < 3) || (addedto[o] && self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length + addedto[o] < 3)) {
if (self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length === 0)
ent.setMetadata("subrole", "defending");
if (addedto[o])
addedto[o] = 1;
if (self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length == 3)
nbOfAttackers--; // we hav eenough units, mark this one as being OKAY

View File

@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
var EconomyManager = function() {
this.targetNumBuilders = 3; // number of workers we want building stuff
this.targetNumFields = 3;
this.resourceMaps = {}; // Contains maps showing the density of wood, stone and metal
this.setCount = 0; //stops villagers being reassigned to other resources too frequently, count a set number of
//turns before trying to reassign them.
this.femaleRatio = 0.4;
this.dropsiteNumbers = {wood: 2, stone: 1, metal: 1};
// More initialisation for stuff that needs the gameState
EconomyManager.prototype.init = function(gameState){
this.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(Math.floor(gameState.getPopulationMax()/2.5), 1);
// okay, so here we'll create both females and male workers.
// We'll try to keep close to the "ratio" defined atop.
// qBot picks the best citizen soldier available: the cheapest and the fastest walker
// some civs such as Macedonia have 2 kinds of citizen soldiers: phalanx that are slow
// (speed:6) and peltasts that are very fast (speed: 11). Here, qBot will choose the peltast
// resulting in faster resource gathering.
// I'll also avoid creating citizen soldiers in the beginning because it's slower.
EconomyManager.prototype.trainMoreWorkers = function(gameState, queues) {
// Count the workers in the world and in progress
var numFemales = gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(gameState.applyCiv("units/{civ}_support_female_citizen"));
numFemales += queues.villager.countTotalQueuedUnits();
var numWorkers = gameState.countOwnEntitiesAndQueuedWithRole("worker");
numWorkers += queues.citizenSoldier.countTotalQueuedUnits();
var numTotal = numWorkers + queues.villager.countTotalQueuedUnits() + queues.citizenSoldier.countTotalQueuedUnits();
// If we have too few, train more
if (numTotal < this.targetNumWorkers && (queues.villager.countTotalQueuedUnits() < 10 || queues.citizenSoldier.countTotalQueuedUnits() < 10) ) {
var template = "units/{civ}_support_female_citizen";
var size = 1;
if (numFemales/numWorkers > this.femaleRatio && gameState.getTimeElapsed() > 60*1000) {
template = this.findBestTrainableUnit(gameState, ["CitizenSoldier", "Infantry"], [ ["cost",1], ["speed",0.5]]);
size = 5;
if (!template) {
template = "units/{civ}_support_female_citizen";
size = 1;
if (size == 5)
queues.citizenSoldier.addItem(new UnitTrainingPlan(gameState, template, { "role" : "worker" },size ));
queues.villager.addItem(new UnitTrainingPlan(gameState, template, { "role" : "worker" },size ));
// picks the best template based on parameters and classes
EconomyManager.prototype.findBestTrainableUnit = function(gameState, classes, parameters) {
var units = gameState.findTrainableUnits(classes);
if (units.length === 0)
return undefined;
units.sort(function(a, b) { //}) {
var aDivParam = 0, bDivParam = 0;
var aTopParam = 0, bTopParam = 0;
for (i in parameters) {
var param = parameters[i];
if (param[0] == "base") {
aTopParam = param[1];
bTopParam = param[1];
if (param[0] == "strength") {
aTopParam += a[1].getMaxStrength() * param[1];
bTopParam += b[1].getMaxStrength() * param[1];
if (param[0] == "speed") {
aTopParam += a[1].walkSpeed() * param[1];
bTopParam += b[1].walkSpeed() * param[1];
if (param[0] == "cost") {
aDivParam += a[1].costSum() * param[1];
bDivParam += b[1].costSum() * param[1];
return -(aTopParam/(aDivParam+1)) + (bTopParam/(bDivParam+1));
return units[0][0];
// Pick the resource which most needs another worker
EconomyManager.prototype.pickMostNeededResources = function(gameState) {
var self = this;
// Find what resource type we're most in need of
if (!gameState.turnCache["gather-weights-calculated"]){
this.gatherWeights = gameState.ai.queueManager.futureNeeds(gameState);
gameState.turnCache["gather-weights-calculated"] = true;
var numGatherers = {};
for ( var type in this.gatherWeights){
numGatherers[type] = gameState.updatingCollection("workers-gathering-" + type,
Filters.byMetadata("gather-type", type), gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker")).length;
var types = Object.keys(this.gatherWeights);
types.sort(function(a, b) {
// Prefer fewer gatherers (divided by weight)
var va = numGatherers[a] / (self.gatherWeights[a]+1);
var vb = numGatherers[b] / (self.gatherWeights[b]+1);
return va-vb;
return types;
EconomyManager.prototype.reassignRolelessUnits = function(gameState) {
//TODO: Move this out of the economic section
var roleless = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole(undefined);
roleless.forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.hasClass("Worker")){
ent.setMetadata("role", "worker");
}else if(ent.hasClass("CitizenSoldier") || ent.hasClass("Champion")){
ent.setMetadata("role", "soldier");
ent.setMetadata("role", "unknown");
// If the numbers of workers on the resources is unbalanced then set some of workers to idle so
// they can be reassigned by reassignIdleWorkers.
EconomyManager.prototype.setWorkersIdleByPriority = function(gameState){
this.gatherWeights = gameState.ai.queueManager.futureNeeds(gameState);
var numGatherers = {};
var totalGatherers = 0;
var totalWeight = 0;
for ( var type in this.gatherWeights){
numGatherers[type] = 0;
totalWeight += this.gatherWeights[type];
gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker").forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.getMetadata("subrole") === "gatherer"){
numGatherers[ent.getMetadata("gather-type")] += 1;
totalGatherers += 1;
for ( var type in this.gatherWeights){
var allocation = Math.floor(totalGatherers * (this.gatherWeights[type]/totalWeight));
if (allocation < numGatherers[type]){
var numToTake = numGatherers[type] - allocation;
gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker").forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.getMetadata("subrole") === "gatherer" && ent.getMetadata("gather-type") === type && numToTake > 0){
ent.setMetadata("subrole", "idle");
numToTake -= 1;
EconomyManager.prototype.reassignIdleWorkers = function(gameState) {
var self = this;
// Search for idle workers, and tell them to gather resources based on demand
var filter = Filters.or(Filters.isIdle(), Filters.byMetadata("subrole", "idle"));
var idleWorkers = gameState.updatingCollection("idle-workers", filter, gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker"));
if (idleWorkers.length) {
var resourceSupplies;
idleWorkers.forEach(function(ent) {
// Check that the worker isn't garrisoned
if (ent.position() === undefined){
var types = self.pickMostNeededResources(gameState);
ent.setMetadata("subrole", "gatherer");
ent.setMetadata("gather-type", types[0]);
EconomyManager.prototype.workersBySubrole = function(gameState, subrole) {
var workers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker");
return gameState.updatingCollection("subrole-" + subrole, Filters.byMetadata("subrole", subrole), workers);
EconomyManager.prototype.assignToFoundations = function(gameState) {
// If we have some foundations, and we don't have enough
// builder-workers,
// try reassigning some other workers who are nearby
var foundations = gameState.getOwnFoundations();
// Check if nothing to build
if (!foundations.length){
var workers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker");
var builderWorkers = this.workersBySubrole(gameState, "builder");
// Check if enough builders
var extraNeeded = this.targetNumBuilders*foundations.length - builderWorkers.length;
if (extraNeeded <= 0){
// Pick non-builders who are closest to the first foundation,
// and tell them to start building it
var target = foundations.toEntityArray()[0];
var nonBuilderWorkers = workers.filter(function(ent) {
// check position so garrisoned units aren't tasked
return (ent.getMetadata("subrole") !== "builder" && ent.position() !== undefined);
var nearestNonBuilders = nonBuilderWorkers.filterNearest(target.position(), extraNeeded);
// Order each builder individually, not as a formation
nearestNonBuilders.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata("subrole", "builder");
ent.setMetadata("target-foundation", target);
EconomyManager.prototype.buildMoreFields = function(gameState, queues) {
// give time for treasures to be gathered
if (gameState.getTimeElapsed() < 30 * 1000)
var numFood = 0;
gameState.updatingCollection("active-dropsite-food", Filters.byMetadata("active-dropsite-food", true),
gameState.getOwnDropsites("food")).forEach(function (dropsite){
numFood += dropsite.getMetadata("nearby-resources-food").length;
var numFarms = gameState.countFoundationsWithType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_field"));
numFarms += queues.field.countTotalQueuedUnits();
if (gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_field")) == 0)
numFood = Math.floor(numFood/1.5);
if (numFood+numFarms < this.targetNumFields)
queues.field.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_field"));
// If all the CC's are destroyed then build a new one
EconomyManager.prototype.buildNewCC= function(gameState, queues) {
var numCCs = gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_civil_centre"));
numCCs += queues.civilCentre.totalLength();
for ( var i = numCCs; i < 1; i++) {
queues.civilCentre.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_civil_centre"));
//creates and maintains a map of tree density
EconomyManager.prototype.updateResourceMaps = function(gameState, events){
// The weight of the influence function is amountOfResource/decreaseFactor
var decreaseFactor = {'wood': 15, 'stone': 100, 'metal': 100, 'food': 20};
// This is the maximum radius of the influence
var radius = {'wood':13, 'stone': 10, 'metal': 10, 'food': 10};
var self = this;
for (var resource in radius){
// if there is no resourceMap create one with an influence for everything with that resource
if (! this.resourceMaps[resource]){
this.resourceMaps[resource] = new Map(gameState);
var supplies = gameState.getResourceSupplies(resource);
if (!ent.position()){
var x = Math.round(ent.position()[0] / gameState.cellSize);
var z = Math.round(ent.position()[1] / gameState.cellSize);
var strength = Math.round(ent.resourceSupplyMax()/decreaseFactor[resource]);
self.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, radius[resource], strength);
// TODO: fix for treasure and move out of loop
// Look for destroy events and subtract the entities original influence from the resourceMap
for (var i in events) {
var e = events[i];
if (e.type === "Destroy") {
if (e.msg.entityObj){
var ent = e.msg.entityObj;
if (ent && ent.position() && ent.resourceSupplyType() && ent.resourceSupplyType().generic === resource){
var x = Math.round(ent.position()[0] / gameState.cellSize);
var z = Math.round(ent.position()[1] / gameState.cellSize);
var strength = Math.round(ent.resourceSupplyMax()/decreaseFactor[resource]);
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, radius[resource], -strength);
}else if (e.type === "Create") {
if (e.msg.entityObj){
var ent = e.msg.entityObj;
if (ent && ent.position() && ent.resourceSupplyType() && ent.resourceSupplyType().generic === resource){
var x = Math.round(ent.position()[0] / gameState.cellSize);
var z = Math.round(ent.position()[1] / gameState.cellSize);
var strength = Math.round(ent.resourceSupplyMax()/decreaseFactor[resource]);
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, radius[resource], strength);
// Returns the position of the best place to build a new dropsite for the specified resource
EconomyManager.prototype.getBestResourceBuildSpot = function(gameState, resource){
// A map which gives a positive weight for all CCs and adds a negative weight near all dropsites
var friendlyTiles = new Map(gameState);
gameState.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
// We want to build near a CC of ours
if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre")){
var infl = 200;
var pos = ent.position();
var x = Math.round(pos[0] / gameState.cellSize);
var z = Math.round(pos[1] / gameState.cellSize);
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, infl, 0.1 * infl);
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, infl/2, 0.1 * infl);
// We don't want multiple dropsites at one spot so add a negative for all dropsites
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf(resource) !== -1){
var infl = 20;
var pos = ent.position();
var x = Math.round(pos[0] / gameState.cellSize);
var z = Math.round(pos[1] / gameState.cellSize);
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, infl, -50, 'quadratic');
// Multiply by tree density to get a combination of the two maps
//friendlyTiles.dumpIm(resource + "_density_fade.png", 10000);
var obstructions = Map.createObstructionMap(gameState);
var bestIdx = friendlyTiles.findBestTile(4, obstructions)[0];
// Convert from 1d map pixel coordinates to game engine coordinates
var x = ((bestIdx % friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * gameState.cellSize;
var z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * gameState.cellSize;
return [x,z];
EconomyManager.prototype.updateResourceConcentrations = function(gameState){
var self = this;
var resources = ["food", "wood", "stone", "metal"];
for (var key in resources){
var resource = resources[key];
gameState.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf(resource) !== -1){
var radius = 14;
var pos = ent.position();
var x = Math.round(pos[0] / gameState.cellSize);
var z = Math.round(pos[1] / gameState.cellSize);
var quantity = self.resourceMaps[resource].sumInfluence(x, z, radius);
ent.setMetadata("resourceQuantity_" + resource, quantity);
// Stores lists of nearby resources
EconomyManager.prototype.updateNearbyResources = function(gameState){
var self = this;
var resources = ["food", "wood", "stone", "metal"];
var resourceSupplies;
var radius = 100;
for (var key in resources){
var resource = resources[key];
gameState.getOwnDropsites(resource).forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.getMetadata("nearby-resources-" + resource) === undefined){
var filterPos = Filters.byStaticDistance(ent.position(), radius);
var collection = gameState.getResourceSupplies(resource).filter(filterPos);
ent.setMetadata("nearby-resources-" + resource, collection);
ent.setMetadata("active-dropsite-" + resource, true);
if (ent.getMetadata("nearby-resources-" + resource).length === 0){
ent.setMetadata("active-dropsite-" + resource, false);
ent.setMetadata("active-dropsite-" + resource, true);
// Make resources glow wildly
if (resource == "food"){
ent.getMetadata("nearby-resources-" + resource).forEach(function(ent){
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [10,0,0]});
if (resource == "wood"){
ent.getMetadata("nearby-resources-" + resource).forEach(function(ent){
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0,10,0]});
if (resource == "metal"){
ent.getMetadata("nearby-resources-" + resource).forEach(function(ent){
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0,0,10]});
//return the number of resource dropsites with an acceptable amount of the resource nearby
EconomyManager.prototype.checkResourceConcentrations = function(gameState, resource){
//TODO: make these values adaptive
var requiredInfluence = {wood: 16000, stone: 300, metal: 300};
var count = 0;
gameState.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf(resource) !== -1){
var quantity = ent.getMetadata("resourceQuantity_" + resource);
if (quantity >= requiredInfluence[resource]){
count ++;
return count;
EconomyManager.prototype.buildMarket = function(gameState, queues){
if (gameState.getTimeElapsed() > 600 * 1000){
if (queues.economicBuilding.countTotalQueuedUnitsWithClass("BarterMarket") === 0 &&
gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_market")) === 0){
//only ever build one mill/CC/market at a time
queues.economicBuilding.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market"));
// if qBot has resources it doesn't need, it'll try to barter it for resources it needs
// once per turn because the info doesn't update between a turn and I don't want to fix it.
// pretty efficient.
EconomyManager.prototype.tryBartering = function(gameState){
var done = false;
if (gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_market")) >= 1) {
var needs = gameState.ai.queueManager.futureNeeds(gameState,true);
var ress = gameState.ai.queueManager.getAvailableResources(gameState);
for (sell in needs) {
for (buy in needs) {
if (!done && buy != sell && needs[sell] <= 0 && ress[sell] > 400) { // if we don't need it and have a buffer
if ( (ress[buy] < 400) || needs[buy] > 0) { // if we need that other resource/ have too little of it
var markets = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_market")).toEntityArray();
//debug ("bartered " +sell +" for " + buy + ", value 100");
done = true;
EconomyManager.prototype.buildDropsites = function(gameState, queues){
if (queues.economicBuilding.totalLength() === 0 &&
gameState.countFoundationsWithType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_mill")) === 0 &&
gameState.countFoundationsWithType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_civil_centre")) === 0){
//only ever build one mill/CC/market at a time
if (gameState.getTimeElapsed() > 30 * 1000){
for (var resource in this.dropsiteNumbers){
if (this.checkResourceConcentrations(gameState, resource) < this.dropsiteNumbers[resource]){
var spot = this.getBestResourceBuildSpot(gameState, resource);
var myCivCentres = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(function(ent) {
if (!ent.hasClass("CivCentre") || ent.position() === undefined){
return false;
var dx = (spot[0]-ent.position()[0]);
var dy = (spot[1]-ent.position()[1]);
var dist2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
return (ent.hasClass("CivCentre") && dist2 < 180*180);
if (myCivCentres.length === 0){
queues.economicBuilding.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_civil_centre", spot));
queues.economicBuilding.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_mill", spot));
EconomyManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues, events) {
Engine.ProfileStart("economy update");
Engine.ProfileStart("Train workers and build farms");
this.trainMoreWorkers(gameState, queues);
//Later in the game we want to build stuff faster.
if (gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("units/{civ}_support_female_citizen")) > this.targetNumWorkers * 0.5) {
this.targetNumBuilders = 6;
this.targetNumBuilders = 3;
if (gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("units/{civ}_support_female_citizen")) > this.targetNumWorkers * 0.8) {
this.dropsiteNumbers = {wood: 3, stone: 2, metal: 2};
this.dropsiteNumbers = {wood: 2, stone: 1, metal: 1};
Engine.ProfileStart("Update Resource Maps and Concentrations");
this.updateResourceMaps(gameState, events);
Engine.ProfileStart("Build new Dropsites");
this.buildDropsites(gameState, queues);
this.buildMarket(gameState, queues);
// TODO: implement a timer based system for this
this.setCount += 1;
if (this.setCount >= 20){
this.setCount = 0;
Engine.ProfileStart("Assign builders");
Engine.ProfileStart("Reassign Idle Workers");
Engine.ProfileStart("Swap Workers");
var gathererGroups = {};
var key = uneval(ent.resourceGatherRates());
if (!gathererGroups[key]){
gathererGroups[key] = {"food": [], "wood": [], "metal": [], "stone": []};
if (ent.getMetadata("gather-type") in gathererGroups[key]){
for (var i in gathererGroups){
for (var j in gathererGroups){
var a = eval(i);
var b = eval(j);
if (a["food.grain"]/b["food.grain"] > a["wood.tree"]/b["wood.tree"] && gathererGroups[i]["wood"].length > 0 && gathererGroups[j]["food"].length > 0){
for (var k = 0; k < Math.min(gathererGroups[i]["wood"].length, gathererGroups[j]["food"].length); k++){
gathererGroups[i]["wood"][k].setMetadata("gather-type", "food");
gathererGroups[j]["food"][k].setMetadata("gather-type", "wood");
Engine.ProfileStart("Run Workers");
if (!ent.getMetadata("worker-object")){
ent.setMetadata("worker-object", new Worker(ent));
// Gatherer count updates for non-workers
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.not(Filters.byMetadata("worker-object", undefined)),
Filters.not(Filters.byMetadata("role", "worker")));
gameState.updatingCollection("reassigned-workers", filter, gameState.getOwnEntities()).forEach(function(ent){
// Gatherer count updates for destroyed units
for (var i in events) {
var e = events[i];
if (e.type === "Destroy") {
if (e.msg.metadata && e.msg.metadata[gameState.getPlayerID()] && e.msg.metadata[gameState.getPlayerID()]["worker-object"]){
e.msg.metadata[gameState.getPlayerID()]["worker-object"].updateGathererCounts(gameState, true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
* A class that keeps track of enem buildings, units, and pretty much anything I can think of (still a LOT TODO here)
* Only watches one enemy, you'll need one per enemy.
var enemyWatcher = function(gameState, playerToWatch) {
this.watched = playerToWatch;
// creating fitting entity collections
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byClass("Structure"), Filters.byOwner(this.watched));
this.enemyBuildings = gameState.getEnemyEntities().filter(filter);
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byClass("Worker"), Filters.byOwner(this.watched));
this.enemyCivilians = gameState.getEnemyEntities().filter(filter);
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byClassesOr(["CitizenSoldier", "Hero", "Champion", "Siege"]), Filters.byOwner(this.watched));
this.enemySoldiers = gameState.getEnemyEntities().filter(filter);
// okay now we register here only enemy soldiers that we are monitoring (ie we see as part of an army…)
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byClassesOr(["CitizenSoldier", "Hero", "Champion", "Siege"]), Filters.and(Filters.byMetadata("monitored","true"),Filters.byOwner(this.watched)));
this.monitoredEnemySoldiers = gameState.getEnemyEntities().filter(filter);
// and here those that we do not monitor
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byClassesOr(["CitizenSoldier","Hero","Champion","Siege"]), Filters.and(Filters.not(Filters.byMetadata("monitored","true")),Filters.byOwner(this.watched)));
this.unmonitoredEnemySoldiers = gameState.getEnemyEntities().filter(filter);
// entity collections too.
this.armies = {};
this.enemyBuildingClass = {};
this.totalNBofArmies = 0;
// this is an array of integers, refering to "this.armies[ XX ]"
this.dangerousArmies = [];
enemyWatcher.prototype.getAllEnemySoldiers = function() {
return this.enemySoldiers;
enemyWatcher.prototype.getAllEnemyBuildings = function() {
return this.enemyBuildings;
enemyWatcher.prototype.getEnemyBuildings = function(specialClass, OneTime) {
var filter = Filters.byClass(specialClass);
var returnable = this.enemyBuildings.filter(filter);
if (!this.enemyBuildingClass[specialClass] && !OneTime) {
this.enemyBuildingClass[specialClass] = returnable;
return this.enemyBuildingClass[specialClass];
return returnable;
enemyWatcher.prototype.getDangerousArmies = function() {
var toreturn = {};
for (i in this.dangerousArmies)
toreturn[this.dangerousArmies[i]] = this.armies[this.dangerousArmies[i]];
return toreturn;
enemyWatcher.prototype.getSafeArmies = function() {
var toreturn = {};
for (i in this.armies)
if (this.dangerousArmies.indexOf(i) == -1)
toreturn[i] = this.armies[i];
return toreturn;
enemyWatcher.prototype.resetDangerousArmies = function() {
this.dangerousArmies = [];
enemyWatcher.prototype.setAsDangerous = function(armyID) {
if (this.dangerousArmies.indexOf(armyID) === -1)
enemyWatcher.prototype.isDangerous = function(armyID) {
if (this.dangerousArmies.indexOf(armyID) === -1)
return false;
return true;
// returns [id, army]
enemyWatcher.prototype.getArmyFromMember = function(memberID) {
for (i in this.armies) {
if (this.armies[i].toIdArray().indexOf(memberID) !== -1)
return [i,this.armies[i]];
return undefined;
enemyWatcher.prototype.isPartOfDangerousArmy = function(memberID) {
var armyID = this.getArmyFromMember(memberID)[0];
if (this.isDangerous(armyID))
return true;
return false;
enemyWatcher.prototype.cleanDebug = function() {
for (armyID in this.armies) {
var army = this.armies[armyID];
debug ("Army " +armyID);
debug (army.length +" members, centered around " +army.getCentrePosition());
// this will monitor any unmonitored soldier.
enemyWatcher.prototype.detectArmies = function(gameState){
var self = this;
// let's loop through unmonitored enemy soldiers
this.unmonitoredEnemySoldiers.forEach( function (enemy) {
if (enemy.position() == undefined)
// this was an unmonitored unit, we do not know any army associated with it. We assign it a new army (we'll merge later if needed)
var armyID = uneval( gameState.player + "" + self.totalNBofArmies);
var filter = Filters.byMetadata("EnemyWatcherArmy",armyID);
var army = self.enemySoldiers.filter(filter);
self.armies[armyID] = army;
this.mergeArmies(); // calls "scrap empty armies"
// this will merge any two army who are too close together. The distance for "army" is fairly big.
// note: this doesn't actually merge two entity collections... It simply changes the unit metadatas, and will clear the empty entity collection
enemyWatcher.prototype.mergeArmies = function(){
for (army in this.armies) {
var firstArmy = this.armies[army];
if (firstArmy.length > 0)
for (otherArmy in this.armies) {
if (otherArmy !== army && this.armies[otherArmy].length > 0) {
var secondArmy = this.armies[otherArmy];
// we're not self merging, so we check if the two armies are close together
if (inRange(firstArmy.getCentrePosition(),secondArmy.getCentrePosition(), 3000 ) ) {
// okay so we merge the two together
// if the other one was dangerous and we weren't, we're now.
if (this.dangerousArmies.indexOf(otherArmy) !== -1 && this.dangerousArmies.indexOf(army) === -1)
secondArmy.forEach( function(ent) {
enemyWatcher.prototype.ScrapEmptyArmies = function(){
var removelist = [];
for (army in this.armies) {
if (this.armies[army].length === 0) {
// if the army was dangerous, we remove it from the list
if (this.dangerousArmies.indexOf(army) !== -1)
for each (toRemove in removelist) {
delete this.armies[toRemove];
// splits any unit too far from the centerposition
enemyWatcher.prototype.splitArmies = function(gameState){
var self = this;
for (armyID in this.armies) {
var army = this.armies[armyID];
var centre = army.getCentrePosition();
army.forEach( function (enemy) {
if (enemy.position() == undefined)
if (!inRange(enemy.position(),centre, 3500) ) {
var newArmyID = uneval( gameState.player + "" + self.totalNBofArmies);
if (self.dangerousArmies.indexOf(armyID) !== -1)
var filter = Filters.byMetadata("EnemyWatcherArmy",newArmyID);
var newArmy = self.enemySoldiers.filter(filter);
self.armies[newArmyID] = newArmy;

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
EntityTemplate.prototype.genericName = function() {
if (!this._template.Identity || !this._template.Identity.GenericName)
return undefined;
return this._template.Identity.GenericName;
EntityTemplate.prototype.walkSpeed = function() {
if (!this._template.UnitMotion || !this._template.UnitMotion.WalkSpeed)
return undefined;
return this._template.UnitMotion.WalkSpeed;
EntityTemplate.prototype.buildTime = function() {
if (!this._template.Cost || !this._template.Cost.buildTime)
return undefined;
return this._template.Cost.buildTime;
EntityTemplate.prototype.getPopulationBonus = function() {
if (!this._template.Cost || !this._template.Cost.PopulationBonus)
return undefined;
return this._template.Cost.PopulationBonus;
// will return either "food", "wood", "stone", "metal" and not treasure.
EntityTemplate.prototype.getResourceType = function() {
if (!this._template.ResourceSupply)
return undefined;
var [type, subtype] = this._template.ResourceSupply.Type.split('.');
if (type == "treasure")
return subtype;
return type;
EntityTemplate.prototype.garrisonMax = function() {
if (!this._template.GarrisonHolder)
return undefined;
return this._template.GarrisonHolder.Max;
EntityTemplate.prototype.getMaxStrength = function()
var strength = 0.0;
var attackTypes = this.attackTypes();
var armourStrength = this.armourStrengths();
var hp = this.maxHitpoints() / 100.0; // some normalization
for (var typeKey in attackTypes) {
var type = attackTypes[typeKey];
var attackStrength = this.attackStrengths(type);
var attackRange = this.attackRange(type);
var attackTimes = this.attackTimes(type);
for (var str in attackStrength) {
var val = parseFloat(attackStrength[str]);
switch (str) {
case "crush":
strength += (val * 0.085) / 3;
case "hack":
strength += (val * 0.075) / 3;
case "pierce":
strength += (val * 0.065) / 3;
if (attackRange){
strength += (attackRange.max * 0.0125) ;
for (var str in attackTimes) {
var val = parseFloat(attackTimes[str]);
switch (str){
case "repeat":
strength += (val / 100000);
case "prepare":
strength -= (val / 100000);
for (var str in armourStrength) {
var val = parseFloat(armourStrength[str]);
switch (str) {
case "crush":
strength += (val * 0.085) / 3;
case "hack":
strength += (val * 0.075) / 3;
case "pierce":
strength += (val * 0.065) / 3;
return strength * hp;
EntityTemplate.prototype.costSum = function() {
if (!this._template.Cost)
return undefined;
var ret = 0;
for (var type in this._template.Cost.Resources)
ret += +this._template.Cost.Resources[type];
return ret;
Entity.prototype.deleteMetadata = function(id) {
delete this._ai._entityMetadata[this.id()];
Entity.prototype.unload = function(id) {
if (!this._template.GarrisonHolder)
return undefined;
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "unload", "garrisonHolder": this.id(), "entity": id});
return this;
Entity.prototype.unloadAll = function() {
if (!this._template.GarrisonHolder)
return undefined;
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "unload-all", "garrisonHolder": this.id()});
return this;
Entity.prototype.garrison = function(target) {
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "garrison", "entities": [this.id()], "target": target.id(),"queued": false});
return this;
Entity.prototype.attack = function(unitId)
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "attack", "entities": [this.id()], "target": unitId, "queued": false});
return this;
Entity.prototype.stopMoving = function() {
if (this.position() !== undefined)
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "walk", "entities": [this.id()], "x": this.position()[0], "z": this.position()[1], "queued": false});
// from from a unit in the opposite direction.
Entity.prototype.flee = function(unitToFleeFrom) {
if (this.position() !== undefined && unitToFleeFrom.position() !== undefined) {
var FleeDirection = [unitToFleeFrom.position()[0] - this.position()[0],unitToFleeFrom.position()[1] - this.position()[1]];
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "walk", "entities": [this.id()], "x": this.position()[0] + FleeDirection[0]*5, "z": this.position()[1] + FleeDirection[1]*5, "queued": false});
return this;
Entity.prototype.barter = function(buyType, sellType, amount) {
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "barter", "sell" : sellType, "buy" : buyType, "amount" : amount });
return this;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
EntityCollection.prototype.attack = function(unit)
var unitId;
if (typeof(unit) === "Entity"){
unitId = unit.id();
unitId = unit;
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "attack", "entities": this.toIdArray(), "target": unitId, "queued": false});
return this;
EntityCollection.prototype.attackMove = function(x, z){
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "attack-move", "entities": this.toIdArray(), "x": x, "z": z, "queued": false});
return this;
function EntityCollectionFromIds(gameState, idList){
var ents = {};
for (var i in idList){
var id = idList[i];
if (gameState.entities._entities[id]) {
ents[id] = gameState.entities._entities[id];
return new EntityCollection(gameState.ai, ents);
EntityCollection.prototype.getCentrePosition = function(){
var sumPos = [0, 0];
var count = 0;
if (ent.position()){
sumPos[0] += ent.position()[0];
sumPos[1] += ent.position()[1];
count ++;
if (count === 0){
return undefined;
return [sumPos[0]/count, sumPos[1]/count];

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// Some new filters I use in entity Collections
Filters["byID"] =
return {"func": function(ent){
return (ent.id() == id);
"dynamicProperties": ['id']};
Filters["byTargetedEntity"] =
return {"func": function(ent){
return (ent.unitAIOrderData() && ent.unitAIOrderData()["target"] && ent.unitAIOrderData()["target"] == targetID);
"dynamicProperties": ['unitAIOrderData']};
Filters["byHasMetadata"] =
return {"func" : function(ent){
return (ent.getMetadata(key) != undefined);
"dynamicProperties": ['metadata.' + key]};
Filters["byTerritory"] = function(Map, territoryIndex){
return {"func": function(ent){
if (Map.point(ent.position()) == territoryIndex) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
"dynamicProperties": ['position']};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
* Provides an API for the rest of the AI scripts to query the world state at a
* higher level than the raw data.
var GameState = function(ai) {
this.ai = ai;
this.timeElapsed = ai.timeElapsed;
this.templates = ai.templates;
this.entities = ai.entities;
this.player = ai.player;
this.playerData = ai.playerData;
this.buildingsBuilt = 0;
if (!this.ai._gameStateStore){
this.ai._gameStateStore = {};
this.store = this.ai._gameStateStore;
this.cellSize = 4; // Size of each map tile
this.turnCache = {};
GameState.prototype.updatingCollection = function(id, filter, collection){
if (!this.store[id]){
this.store[id] = collection.filter(filter);
return this.store[id];
GameState.prototype.getTimeElapsed = function() {
return this.timeElapsed;
GameState.prototype.getTemplate = function(type) {
if (!this.templates[type]){
return null;
return new EntityTemplate(this.templates[type]);
GameState.prototype.applyCiv = function(str) {
return str.replace(/\{civ\}/g, this.playerData.civ);
* @returns {Resources}
GameState.prototype.getResources = function() {
return new Resources(this.playerData.resourceCounts);
GameState.prototype.getMap = function() {
return this.ai.passabilityMap;
GameState.prototype.getTerritoryMap = function() {
return Map.createTerritoryMap(this);
GameState.prototype.getPopulation = function() {
return this.playerData.popCount;
GameState.prototype.getPopulationLimit = function() {
return this.playerData.popLimit;
GameState.prototype.getPopulationMax = function() {
return this.playerData.popMax;
GameState.prototype.getPassabilityClassMask = function(name) {
if (!(name in this.ai.passabilityClasses)){
error("Tried to use invalid passability class name '" + name + "'");
return this.ai.passabilityClasses[name];
GameState.prototype.getPlayerID = function() {
return this.player;
GameState.prototype.isPlayerAlly = function(id) {
return this.playerData.isAlly[id];
GameState.prototype.isPlayerEnemy = function(id) {
return this.playerData.isEnemy[id];
GameState.prototype.getEnemies = function(){
var ret = [];
for (var i in this.playerData.isEnemy){
if (this.playerData.isEnemy[i]){
return ret;
GameState.prototype.isEntityAlly = function(ent) {
if (ent && ent.owner && (typeof ent.owner) === "function"){
return this.playerData.isAlly[ent.owner()];
} else if (ent && ent.owner){
return this.playerData.isAlly[ent.owner];
return false;
GameState.prototype.isEntityEnemy = function(ent) {
if (ent && ent.owner && (typeof ent.owner) === "function"){
return this.playerData.isEnemy[ent.owner()];
} else if (ent && ent.owner){
return this.playerData.isEnemy[ent.owner];
return false;
GameState.prototype.isEntityOwn = function(ent) {
if (ent && ent.owner && (typeof ent.owner) === "function"){
return ent.owner() == this.player;
} else if (ent && ent.owner){
return ent.owner == this.player;
return false;
GameState.prototype.getOwnEntities = function() {
if (!this.store.ownEntities){
this.store.ownEntities = this.getEntities().filter(Filters.byOwner(this.player));
return this.store.ownEntities;
GameState.prototype.getEnemyEntities = function() {
var diplomacyChange = false;
var enemies = this.getEnemies();
if (this.store.enemies){
if (this.store.enemies.length != enemies.length){
diplomacyChange = true;
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++){
if (enemies[i] !== this.store.enemies[i]){
diplomacyChange = true;
if (diplomacyChange || !this.store.enemyEntities){
var filter = Filters.byOwners(enemies);
this.store.enemyEntities = this.getEntities().filter(filter);
this.store.enemies = enemies;
return this.store.enemyEntities;
GameState.prototype.getEntities = function() {
return this.entities;
GameState.prototype.getEntityById = function(id){
if (this.entities._entities[id]) {
return this.entities._entities[id];
//debug("Entity " + id + " requested does not exist");
return undefined;
GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata = function(key, value){
if (!this.store[key + "-" + value]){
var filter = Filters.byMetadata(key, value);
this.store[key + "-" + value] = this.getOwnEntities().filter(filter);
this.store[key + "-" + value].registerUpdates();
return this.store[key + "-" + value];
GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByRole = function(role){
return this.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata("role", role);
// TODO: fix this so it picks up not in use training stuff
GameState.prototype.getOwnTrainingFacilities = function(){
return this.updatingCollection("own-training-facilities", Filters.byTrainingQueue(), this.getOwnEntities());
GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByType = function(type){
var filter = Filters.byType(type);
return this.updatingCollection("own-by-type-" + type, filter, this.getOwnEntities());
GameState.prototype.countEntitiesByType = function(type) {
return this.getOwnEntitiesByType(type).length;
GameState.prototype.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType = function(type) {
var count = this.countEntitiesByType(type);
// Count building foundations
count += this.countEntitiesByType("foundation|" + type);
// Count entities in building production queues
ent.trainingQueue().forEach(function(item) {
if (item.template == type){
count += item.count;
return count;
GameState.prototype.countFoundationsWithType = function(type) {
var foundationType = "foundation|" + type;
var count = 0;
this.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
var t = ent.templateName();
if (t == foundationType)
return count;
GameState.prototype.countOwnEntitiesByRole = function(role) {
return this.getOwnEntitiesByRole(role).length;
GameState.prototype.countOwnEntitiesAndQueuedWithRole = function(role) {
var count = this.countOwnEntitiesByRole(role);
// Count entities in building production queues
this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) {
ent.trainingQueue().forEach(function(item) {
if (item.metadata && item.metadata.role == role)
count += item.count;
return count;
GameState.prototype.countOwnQueuedEntitiesWithMetadata = function(data, value) {
// Count entities in building production queues
var count = 0;
this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) {
ent.trainingQueue().forEach(function(item) {
if (item.metadata && item.metadata.data && item.metadata.data == value)
count += item.count;
return count;
* Find buildings that are capable of training the given unit type, and aren't
* already too busy.
GameState.prototype.findTrainers = function(template) {
var maxQueueLength = 2; // avoid tying up resources in giant training queues
return this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().filter(function(ent) {
var trainable = ent.trainableEntities();
if (!trainable || trainable.indexOf(template) == -1)
return false;
var queue = ent.trainingQueue();
if (queue) {
if (queue.length >= maxQueueLength)
return false;
return true;
* Find units that are capable of constructing the given building type.
GameState.prototype.findBuilders = function(template) {
return this.getOwnEntities().filter(function(ent) {
var buildable = ent.buildableEntities();
if (!buildable || buildable.indexOf(template) == -1)
return false;
return true;
GameState.prototype.getOwnFoundations = function() {
return this.updatingCollection("ownFoundations", Filters.isFoundation(), this.getOwnEntities());
GameState.prototype.getOwnDropsites = function(resource){
return this.updatingCollection("dropsite-own-" + resource, Filters.isDropsite(resource), this.getOwnEntities());
GameState.prototype.getResourceSupplies = function(resource){
return this.updatingCollection("resource-" + resource, Filters.byResource(resource), this.getEntities());
GameState.prototype.getBuildLimits = function() {
return this.playerData.buildLimits;
GameState.prototype.getBuildCounts = function() {
return this.playerData.buildCounts;
// Checks whether the maximum number of buildings have been cnstructed for a certain catergory
GameState.prototype.isBuildLimitReached = function(category) {
if(this.playerData.buildLimits[category] === undefined || this.playerData.buildCounts[category] === undefined)
return false;
if(this.playerData.buildLimits[category].LimitsPerCivCentre != undefined)
return (this.playerData.buildCounts[category] >= this.playerData.buildCounts["CivilCentre"]*this.playerData.buildLimits[category].LimitPerCivCentre);
return (this.playerData.buildCounts[category] >= this.playerData.buildLimits[category]);
GameState.prototype.findTrainableUnits = function(classes){
var allTrainable = [];
this.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
var trainable = ent.trainableEntities();
for (var i in trainable){
if (allTrainable.indexOf(trainable[i]) === -1){
var ret = [];
for (var i in allTrainable) {
var template = this.getTemplate(allTrainable[i]);
var okay = true;
for (o in classes)
if (!template.hasClass(classes[o]))
okay = false;
if (template.hasClass("Hero")) // disabling heroes for now
okay = false;
if (okay)
ret.push( [allTrainable[i], template] );
return ret;

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// Decides when to a new house needs to be built
var HousingManager = function() {
HousingManager.prototype.buildMoreHouses = function(gameState, queues) {
// temporary 'remaining population space' based check, need to do
// predictive in future
if (gameState.getPopulationLimit() - gameState.getPopulation() < 20
&& gameState.getPopulationLimit() < gameState.getPopulationMax()) {
var numConstructing = gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("foundation|structures/{civ}_house"));
var numPlanned = queues.house.totalLength();
var additional = Math.ceil((20 - (gameState.getPopulationLimit() - gameState.getPopulation())) / 10)
- numConstructing - numPlanned;
for ( var i = 0; i < additional; i++) {
queues.house.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_house"));
HousingManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues) {
Engine.ProfileStart("housing update");
this.buildMoreHouses(gameState, queues);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
//TODO: Make this cope with negative cell values
function Map(gameState, originalMap){
// get the map to find out the correct dimensions
var gameMap = gameState.getMap();
this.width = gameMap.width;
this.height = gameMap.height;
this.length = gameMap.data.length;
if (originalMap){
this.map = originalMap;
this.map = new Uint16Array(this.length);
this.cellSize = gameState.cellSize;
Map.prototype.gamePosToMapPos = function(p){
return [Math.round(p[0]/this.cellSize), Math.round(p[1]/this.cellSize)];
Map.prototype.point = function(p){
var q = this.gamePosToMapPos(p);
return this.map[q[0] + this.width * q[1]];
Map.createObstructionMap = function(gameState, template){
var passabilityMap = gameState.getMap();
var territoryMap = gameState.ai.territoryMap;
// default values
var placementType = "land";
var buildOwn = true;
var buildAlly = true;
var buildNeutral = true;
var buildEnemy = false;
// If there is a template then replace the defaults
if (template){
placementType = template.buildPlacementType();
buildOwn = template.hasBuildTerritory("own");
buildAlly = template.hasBuildTerritory("ally");
buildNeutral = template.hasBuildTerritory("neutral");
buildEnemy = template.hasBuildTerritory("enemy");
var obstructionMask = gameState.getPassabilityClassMask("foundationObstruction");
// Only accept valid land tiles (we don't handle docks yet)
case "shore":
obstructionMask |= gameState.getPassabilityClassMask("building-shore");
case "land":
obstructionMask |= gameState.getPassabilityClassMask("building-land");
var playerID = gameState.getPlayerID();
var obstructionTiles = new Uint16Array(passabilityMap.data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < passabilityMap.data.length; ++i)
var tilePlayer = (territoryMap.data[i] & TERRITORY_PLAYER_MASK);
var invalidTerritory = (
(!buildOwn && tilePlayer == playerID) ||
(!buildAlly && gameState.isPlayerAlly(tilePlayer) && tilePlayer != playerID) ||
(!buildNeutral && tilePlayer == 0) ||
(!buildEnemy && gameState.isPlayerEnemy(tilePlayer) && tilePlayer != 0)
var tileAccessible = (gameState.ai.accessibility.map[i] == 1);
obstructionTiles[i] = (!tileAccessible || invalidTerritory || (passabilityMap.data[i] & obstructionMask)) ? 0 : 65535;
var map = new Map(gameState, obstructionTiles);
if (template && template.buildDistance()){
var minDist = template.buildDistance().MinDistance;
var category = template.buildDistance().FromCategory;
if (minDist !== undefined && category !== undefined){
gameState.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.buildCategory() === category && ent.position()){
var pos = ent.position();
var x = Math.round(pos[0] / gameState.cellSize);
var z = Math.round(pos[1] / gameState.cellSize);
map.addInfluence(x, z, minDist/gameState.cellSize, -65535, 'constant');
return map;
Map.createTerritoryMap = function(gameState) {
var map = gameState.ai.territoryMap;
var ret = new Map(gameState, map.data);
ret.getOwner = function(p) {
return this.point(p) & TERRITORY_PLAYER_MASK;
return ret;
Map.prototype.addInfluence = function(cx, cy, maxDist, strength, type) {
strength = strength ? strength : maxDist;
type = type ? type : 'linear';
var x0 = Math.max(0, cx - maxDist);
var y0 = Math.max(0, cy - maxDist);
var x1 = Math.min(this.width, cx + maxDist);
var y1 = Math.min(this.height, cy + maxDist);
var maxDist2 = maxDist * maxDist;
var str = 0;
switch (type){
case 'linear':
str = strength / maxDist;
case 'quadratic':
str = strength / maxDist2;
case 'constant':
str = strength;
for ( var y = y0; y < y1; ++y) {
for ( var x = x0; x < x1; ++x) {
var dx = x - cx;
var dy = y - cy;
var r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (r2 < maxDist2){
var quant = 0;
switch (type){
case 'linear':
var r = Math.sqrt(r2);
quant = str * (maxDist - r);
case 'quadratic':
quant = str * (maxDist2 - r2);
case 'constant':
quant = str;
if (-1 * quant > this.map[x + y * this.width]){
this.map[x + y * this.width] = 0; //set anything which would have gone negative to 0
this.map[x + y * this.width] += quant;
Map.prototype.sumInfluence = function(cx, cy, radius){
var x0 = Math.max(0, cx - radius);
var y0 = Math.max(0, cy - radius);
var x1 = Math.min(this.width, cx + radius);
var y1 = Math.min(this.height, cy + radius);
var radius2 = radius * radius;
var sum = 0;
for ( var y = y0; y < y1; ++y) {
for ( var x = x0; x < x1; ++x) {
var dx = x - cx;
var dy = y - cy;
var r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (r2 < radius2){
sum += this.map[x + y * this.width];
return sum;
* Make each cell's 16-bit value at least one greater than each of its
* neighbours' values. (If the grid is initialised with 0s and 65535s, the
* result of each cell is its Manhattan distance to the nearest 0.)
* TODO: maybe this should be 8-bit (and clamp at 255)?
Map.prototype.expandInfluences = function() {
var w = this.width;
var h = this.height;
var grid = this.map;
for ( var y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
var min = 65535;
for ( var x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
var g = grid[x + y * w];
if (g > min)
grid[x + y * w] = min;
else if (g < min)
min = g;
for ( var x = w - 2; x >= 0; --x) {
var g = grid[x + y * w];
if (g > min)
grid[x + y * w] = min;
else if (g < min)
min = g;
for ( var x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
var min = 65535;
for ( var y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
var g = grid[x + y * w];
if (g > min)
grid[x + y * w] = min;
else if (g < min)
min = g;
for ( var y = h - 2; y >= 0; --y) {
var g = grid[x + y * w];
if (g > min)
grid[x + y * w] = min;
else if (g < min)
min = g;
Map.prototype.findBestTile = function(radius, obstructionTiles){
// Find the best non-obstructed tile
var bestIdx = 0;
var bestVal = -1;
for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
if (obstructionTiles.map[i] > radius) {
var v = this.map[i];
if (v > bestVal) {
bestVal = v;
bestIdx = i;
return [bestIdx, bestVal];
// Multiplies current map by the parameter map pixelwise
Map.prototype.multiply = function(map){
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){
this.map[i] *= map.map[i];
Map.prototype.dumpIm = function(name, threshold){
name = name ? name : "default.png";
threshold = threshold ? threshold : 256;
Engine.DumpImage(name, this.map, this.width, this.height, threshold);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
* Military strategy:
* * Try training an attack squad of a specified size
* * When it's the appropriate size, send it to attack the enemy
* * Repeat forever
var MilitaryAttackManager = function() {
// these use the structure soldiers[unitId] = true|false to register the units
this.attackManagers = [AttackMoveToLocation];
this.availableAttacks = [];
this.currentAttacks = [];
// Counts how many attacks we have sent at the enemy.
this.attackCount = 0;
this.lastAttackTime = 0;
this.defenceManager = new Defence();
this.TotalAttackNumber = 0;
this.upcomingAttacks = { "CityAttack" : [] };
this.startedAttacks = { "CityAttack" : [] };
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.init = function(gameState) {
var civ = gameState.playerData.civ;
// load units and buildings from the config files
if (civ in Config.buildings.moderate){
this.bModerate = Config.buildings.moderate[civ];
this.bModerate = Config.buildings.moderate['default'];
if (civ in Config.buildings.advanced){
this.bAdvanced = Config.buildings.advanced[civ];
this.bAdvanced = Config.buildings.advanced['default'];
if (civ in Config.buildings.fort){
this.bFort = Config.buildings.fort[civ];
this.bFort = Config.buildings.fort['default'];
for (var i in this.bAdvanced){
this.bAdvanced[i] = gameState.applyCiv(this.bAdvanced[i]);
for (var i in this.bFort){
this.bFort[i] = gameState.applyCiv(this.bFort[i]);
this.getEconomicTargets = function(gameState, militaryManager){
return militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState, "Economic");
// TODO: figure out how to make this generic
for (var i in this.attackManagers){
this.availableAttacks[i] = new this.attackManagers[i](gameState, this);
var enemies = gameState.getEnemyEntities();
var filter = Filters.byClassesOr(["CitizenSoldier", "Champion", "Hero", "Siege"]);
this.enemySoldiers = enemies.filter(filter); // TODO: cope with diplomacy changes
// each enemy watchers keeps a list of entity collections about the enemy it watches
// It also keeps track of enemy armies, merging/splitting as needed
this.enemyWatchers = {};
for (var i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
if (gameState.player != i && gameState.isPlayerEnemy(i)) {
this.enemyWatchers[i] = new enemyWatcher(gameState, i);
* @param (GameState) gameState
* @param (string) soldierTypes
* @returns array of soldiers for which training buildings exist
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.findTrainableUnits = function(gameState, soldierType){
var allTrainable = [];
gameState.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
var trainable = ent.trainableEntities();
for (var i in trainable){
if (allTrainable.indexOf(trainable[i]) === -1){
var ret = [];
for (var i in allTrainable){
var template = gameState.getTemplate(allTrainable[i]);
if (soldierType == this.getSoldierType(template)){
return ret;
// Returns the type of a soldier, either citizenSoldier, advanced or siege
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.getSoldierType = function(ent){
if (ent.hasClass("Hero")){
return undefined;
if (ent.hasClass("CitizenSoldier") && !ent.hasClass("Cavalry")){
return "citizenSoldier";
}else if (ent.hasClass("Champion") || ent.hasClass("CitizenSoldier")){
return "advanced";
}else if (ent.hasClass("Siege")){
return "siege";
return undefined;
* Returns the unit type we should begin training. (Currently this is whatever
* we have least of.)
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.findBestNewUnit = function(gameState, queue, soldierType) {
var units = this.findTrainableUnits(gameState, soldierType);
// Count each type
var types = [];
for ( var tKey in units) {
var t = units[tKey];
types.push([t, gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(gameState.applyCiv(t))
+ queue.countAllByType(gameState.applyCiv(t)) ]);
// Sort by increasing count
types.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[1] - b[1];
if (types.length === 0){
return false;
return types[0][0];
// picks the best template based on parameters and classes
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.findBestTrainableUnit = function(gameState, classes, parameters) {
var units = gameState.findTrainableUnits(classes);
if (units.length === 0)
return undefined;
units.sort(function(a, b) { //}) {
var aDivParam = 0, bDivParam = 0;
var aTopParam = 0, bTopParam = 0;
for (i in parameters) {
var param = parameters[i];
if (param[0] == "base") {
aTopParam = param[1];
bTopParam = param[1];
if (param[0] == "strength") {
aTopParam += a[1].getMaxStrength() * param[1];
bTopParam += b[1].getMaxStrength() * param[1];
if (param[0] == "speed") {
aTopParam += a[1].walkSpeed() * param[1];
bTopParam += b[1].walkSpeed() * param[1];
if (param[0] == "cost") {
aDivParam += a[1].costSum() * param[1];
bDivParam += b[1].costSum() * param[1];
return -(aTopParam/(aDivParam+1)) + (bTopParam/(bDivParam+1));
return units[0][0];
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.registerSoldiers = function(gameState) {
var soldiers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("soldier");
var self = this;
soldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata("role", "military");
ent.setMetadata("military", "unassigned");
// return count of enemy buildings for a given building class
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.getEnemyBuildings = function(gameState,cls) {
var targets = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (gameState.isEntityEnemy(ent) && ent.hasClass("Structure") && ent.hasClass(cls) && ent.owner() !== 0 && ent.position());
return targets;
// return n available units and makes these units unavailable
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.getAvailableUnits = function(n, filter) {
var ret = [];
var count = 0;
var units = undefined;
if (filter){
units = this.getUnassignedUnits().filter(filter);
units = this.getUnassignedUnits();
ent.setMetadata("military", "assigned");
ent.setMetadata("role", "military");
if (count >= n) {
return ret;
// Takes a single unit id, and marks it unassigned
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.unassignUnit = function(unit){
this.entity(unit).setMetadata("military", "unassigned");
// Takes an array of unit id's and marks all of them unassigned
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.unassignUnits = function(units){
for (var i in units){
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.getUnassignedUnits = function(){
return this.gameState.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata("military", "unassigned");
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.countAvailableUnits = function(filter){
var count = 0;
if (filter){
return this.getUnassignedUnits().filter(filter).length;
return this.getUnassignedUnits().length;
// Takes an entity id and returns an entity object or undefined if there is no entity with that id
// Also sends a debug message warning if the id has no entity
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.entity = function(id) {
return this.gameState.getEntityById(id);
// Returns the military strength of unit
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.getUnitStrength = function(ent){
var strength = 0.0;
var attackTypes = ent.attackTypes();
var armourStrength = ent.armourStrengths();
var hp = 2 * ent.hitpoints() / (160 + 1*ent.maxHitpoints()); //100 = typical number of hitpoints
for (var typeKey in attackTypes) {
var type = attackTypes[typeKey];
var attackStrength = ent.attackStrengths(type);
var attackRange = ent.attackRange(type);
var attackTimes = ent.attackTimes(type);
for (var str in attackStrength) {
var val = parseFloat(attackStrength[str]);
switch (str) {
case "crush":
strength += (val * 0.085) / 3;
case "hack":
strength += (val * 0.075) / 3;
case "pierce":
strength += (val * 0.065) / 3;
if (attackRange){
strength += (attackRange.max * 0.0125) ;
for (var str in attackTimes) {
var val = parseFloat(attackTimes[str]);
switch (str){
case "repeat":
strength += (val / 100000);
case "prepare":
strength -= (val / 100000);
for (var str in armourStrength) {
var val = parseFloat(armourStrength[str]);
switch (str) {
case "crush":
strength += (val * 0.085) / 3;
case "hack":
strength += (val * 0.075) / 3;
case "pierce":
strength += (val * 0.065) / 3;
return strength * hp;
// Returns the strength of the available units of ai army
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.measureAvailableStrength = function(){
var strength = 0.0;
var self = this;
strength += self.getUnitStrength(ent);
return strength;
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.getEnemySoldiers = function(){
return this.enemySoldiers;
// Returns the number of units in the largest enemy army
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.measureEnemyCount = function(gameState){
// Measure enemy units
var isEnemy = gameState.playerData.isEnemy;
var enemyCount = [];
var maxCount = 0;
for ( var i = 1; i < isEnemy.length; i++) {
enemyCount[i] = 0;
// Loop through the enemy soldiers and add one to the count for that soldiers player's count
this.enemySoldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
if (enemyCount[ent.owner()] > maxCount) {
maxCount = enemyCount[ent.owner()];
return maxCount;
// Returns the strength of the largest enemy army
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.measureEnemyStrength = function(gameState){
// Measure enemy strength
var isEnemy = gameState.playerData.isEnemy;
var enemyStrength = [];
var maxStrength = 0;
var self = this;
for ( var i = 1; i < isEnemy.length; i++) {
enemyStrength[i] = 0;
// Loop through the enemy soldiers and add the strength to that soldiers player's total strength
this.enemySoldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
enemyStrength[ent.owner()] += self.getUnitStrength(ent);
if (enemyStrength[ent.owner()] > maxStrength) {
maxStrength = enemyStrength[ent.owner()];
return maxStrength;
// Adds towers to the defenceBuilding queue
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.buildDefences = function(gameState, queues){
if (gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(gameState.applyCiv('structures/{civ}_defense_tower'))
+ queues.defenceBuilding.totalLength() < gameState.getBuildLimits()["DefenseTower"]) {
gameState.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(dropsiteEnt) {
if (dropsiteEnt.resourceDropsiteTypes() && dropsiteEnt.getMetadata("defenseTower") !== true){
var position = dropsiteEnt.position();
if (position){
queues.defenceBuilding.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, 'structures/{civ}_defense_tower', position));
dropsiteEnt.setMetadata("defenseTower", true);
var numFortresses = 0;
for (var i in this.bFort){
numFortresses += gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(gameState.applyCiv(this.bFort[i]));
if (numFortresses + queues.defenceBuilding.totalLength() < 1){ //gameState.getBuildLimits()["Fortress"]) {
if (gameState.getTimeElapsed() > 720 * 1000 + numFortresses * 300 * 1000){
if (gameState.ai.pathsToMe && gameState.ai.pathsToMe.length > 0){
var position = gameState.ai.pathsToMe.shift();
// TODO: pick a fort randomly from the list.
queues.defenceBuilding.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, this.bFort[0], position));
queues.defenceBuilding.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, this.bFort[0]));
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.constructTrainingBuildings = function(gameState, queues) {
// Build more military buildings
// TODO: make military building better
Engine.ProfileStart("Build buildings");
if (gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("units/{civ}_support_female_citizen")) > 35) {
if (gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(gameState.applyCiv(this.bModerate[0]))
+ queues.militaryBuilding.totalLength() < 1) {
queues.militaryBuilding.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, this.bModerate[0]));
//build advanced military buildings
if (gameState.getTimeElapsed() > 720*1000){
if (queues.militaryBuilding.totalLength() === 0){
for (var i in this.bAdvanced){
if (gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(gameState.applyCiv(this.bAdvanced[i])) < 1){
queues.militaryBuilding.addItem(new BuildingConstructionPlan(gameState, this.bAdvanced[i]));
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.trainMilitaryUnits = function(gameState, queues){
Engine.ProfileStart("Train Units");
// Continually try training new units, in batches of 5
if (queues.citizenSoldier.length() < 6) {
var newUnit = this.findBestNewUnit(gameState, queues.citizenSoldier, "citizenSoldier");
if (newUnit){
queues.citizenSoldier.addItem(new UnitTrainingPlan(gameState, newUnit, {
"role" : "soldier"
}, 5));
if (queues.advancedSoldier.length() < 2) {
var newUnit = this.findBestNewUnit(gameState, queues.advancedSoldier, "advanced");
if (newUnit){
queues.advancedSoldier.addItem(new UnitTrainingPlan(gameState, newUnit, {
"role" : "soldier"
}, 5));
if (queues.siege.length() < 4) {
var newUnit = this.findBestNewUnit(gameState, queues.siege, "siege");
if (newUnit){
queues.siege.addItem(new UnitTrainingPlan(gameState, newUnit, {
"role" : "soldier"
}, 2));
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.pausePlan = function(gameState, planName) {
for (attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) {
for (i in this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) {
var attack = this.upcomingAttacks[attackType][i];
if (attack.getName() == planName)
attack.setPaused(gameState, true);
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.unpausePlan = function(gameState, planName) {
for (attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) {
for (i in this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) {
var attack = this.upcomingAttacks[attackType][i];
if (attack.getName() == planName)
attack.setPaused(gameState, false);
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.pauseAllPlans = function(gameState) {
for (attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) {
for (i in this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) {
var attack = this.upcomingAttacks[attackType][i];
attack.setPaused(gameState, true);
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.unpauseAllPlans = function(gameState) {
for (attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) {
for (i in this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) {
var attack = this.upcomingAttacks[attackType][i];
attack.setPaused(gameState, false);
MilitaryAttackManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues, events) {
var self = this;
Engine.ProfileStart("military update");
this.gameState = gameState;
//this.trainMilitaryUnits(gameState, queues);
this.constructTrainingBuildings(gameState, queues);
this.buildDefences(gameState, queues);
for (watcher in this.enemyWatchers)
this.defenceManager.update(gameState, events, this);
/*Engine.ProfileStart("Plan new attacks");
// Look for attack plans which can be executed, only do this once every minute
for (var i = 0; i < this.availableAttacks.length; i++){
if (this.availableAttacks[i].canExecute(gameState, this)){
this.availableAttacks[i].execute(gameState, this);
this.availableAttacks.splice(i, 1, new this.attackManagers[i](gameState, this));
Engine.ProfileStart("Update attacks");
// Keep current attacks updated
for (var i in this.currentAttacks){
this.currentAttacks[i].update(gameState, this, events);
Engine.ProfileStart("Looping through attack plans");
// create plans if I'm at peace. I'm not starting plans if there is a sizable force in my realm (hence defcon 4+)
//if (gameState.defcon() >= 4 && this.canStartAttacks === true) {
//if ((this.preparingNormal) == 0 && this.BuildingInfoManager.getNumberBuiltByRole("Barracks") > 0) {
// this will updats plans. Plans can be updated up to defcon 2, where they'll be paused (TODO)
//if (0 == 1) // remove to activate attacks
//if (gameState.defcon() >= 3) {
if (1) {
for (attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) {
for (i in this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) {
var attack = this.upcomingAttacks[attackType][i];
if (!attack.isPaused()) {
// okay so we'll get the support plan
if (!attack.isStarted()) {
if (1) { //gameState.ai.status["underAttack"] == false) {
var updateStep = attack.updatePreparation(gameState, this,events);
// now we're gonna check if the preparation time is over
if (updateStep === 1) {
// just chillin'
} else if (updateStep === 0) {
debug ("Military Manager: " +attack.getType() +" plan " +attack.getName() +" aborted.");
attack.Abort(gameState, this);
} else if (updateStep === 2) {
debug ("Military Manager: Starting " +attack.getType() +" plan " +attack.getName());
} else {
debug ("Military Manager: Starting " +attack.getType() +" plan " +attack.getName());
//if (this.abortedAttacks.length !== 0)
// this.abortedAttacks[gameState.ai.mainCounter % this.abortedAttacks.length].releaseAnyUnit(gameState);
for (attackType in this.startedAttacks) {
for (i in this.startedAttacks[attackType]) {
var attack = this.startedAttacks[attackType][i];
// okay so then we'll update the raid.
var remaining = attack.update(gameState,this,events);
if (remaining == 0 || remaining == undefined) {
debug ("Military Manager: " +attack.getType() +" plan " +attack.getName() +" is now finished.");
// creating plans after updating because an aborted plan might be reused in that case.
if (gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv(this.bModerate[0])) >= 1) {
if (this.upcomingAttacks["CityAttack"].length == 0) {
var Lalala = new CityAttack(gameState, this,this.TotalAttackNumber, -1);
debug ("Military Manager: Creating the plan " +this.TotalAttackNumber);
if (this.HarassRaiding && this.preparingRaidNumber + this.startedRaidNumber < 1 && gameState.getTimeElapsed() < 780000) {
var Lalala = new CityAttack(gameState, this,this.totalStartedAttackNumber, -1, "harass_raid");
if (!Lalala.createSupportPlans(gameState, this, queues.advancedSoldier)) {
debug ("Military Manager: harrassing plan not a valid option");
this.HarassRaiding = false;
} else {
debug ("Military Manager: Creating the harass raid plan " +this.totalStartedAttackNumber);
/*Engine.ProfileStart("Use idle military as workers");
// Set unassigned to be workers TODO: fix this so it doesn't scan all units every time
if (self.getSoldierType(ent) === "citizenSoldier"){
ent.setMetadata("role", "worker");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
var BuildingConstructionPlan = function(gameState, type, position) {
this.type = gameState.applyCiv(type);
this.position = position;
this.template = gameState.getTemplate(this.type);
if (!this.template) {
this.invalidTemplate = true;
this.template = undefined;
debug("Cannot build " + this.type);
this.category = "building";
this.cost = new Resources(this.template.cost());
this.number = 1; // The number of buildings to build
BuildingConstructionPlan.prototype.canExecute = function(gameState) {
if (this.invalidTemplate){
return false;
// TODO: verify numeric limits etc
var builders = gameState.findBuilders(this.type);
return (builders.length != 0);
BuildingConstructionPlan.prototype.execute = function(gameState) {
var builders = gameState.findBuilders(this.type).toEntityArray();
// We don't care which builder we assign, since they won't actually
// do the building themselves - all we care about is that there is
// some unit that can start the foundation
var pos = this.findGoodPosition(gameState);
if (!pos){
debug("No room to place " + this.type);
builders[0].construct(this.type, pos.x, pos.z, pos.angle);
BuildingConstructionPlan.prototype.getCost = function() {
return this.cost;
BuildingConstructionPlan.prototype.findGoodPosition = function(gameState) {
var template = gameState.getTemplate(this.type);
var cellSize = gameState.cellSize; // size of each tile
// First, find all tiles that are far enough away from obstructions:
var obstructionMap = Map.createObstructionMap(gameState,template);
// Compute each tile's closeness to friendly structures:
var friendlyTiles = new Map(gameState);
// If a position was specified then place the building as close to it as possible
if (this.position){
var x = Math.round(this.position[0] / cellSize);
var z = Math.round(this.position[1] / cellSize);
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 200);
//friendlyTiles.dumpIm("pos.png", 200);
// No position was specified so try and find a sensible place to build
gameState.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.hasClass("Structure")) {
var infl = 32;
if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre"))
infl *= 4;
var pos = ent.position();
var x = Math.round(pos[0] / cellSize);
var z = Math.round(pos[1] / cellSize);
if (ent.buildCategory() == "Wall") { // no real blockers, but can't build where they are
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 2,-1000);
if (template._template.BuildRestrictions.Category === "Field"){
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf("food") !== -1){
if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre"))
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, infl/4, infl);
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, infl, infl);
if (template.genericName() == "House" && ent.genericName() == "House")
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, infl*2.0); // houses are close to other houses
else if (template.genericName() == "House") {
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, Math.ceil(infl/2.0),infl); // houses are farther away from other buildings but houses
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, Math.ceil(infl/4.0),-infl/2.0); // houses are farther away from other buildings but houses
} else if (ent.genericName() != "House") // houses have no influence on other buildings
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, infl);
// If this is not a field add a negative influence near the CivCentre because we want to leave this
// area for fields.
if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre") && template.genericName() != "House"){
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, Math.floor(infl/8), Math.floor(-infl/2));
} else if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre")) {
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, Math.floor(infl/3.0), infl + 1);
friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, Math.floor(infl/4), -Math.floor(infl));
// Find target building's approximate obstruction radius, and expand by a bit to make sure we're not too close, this
// allows room for units to walk between buildings.
// note: not for houses and dropsites who ought to be closer to either each other or a resource.
// also not for fields who can be stacked quite a bit
if (template.genericName() == "Field")
var radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius() / cellSize) - 0.7;
else if (template.buildCategory() === "Dock")
var radius = 0;
else if (template.genericName() != "House" && !template.hasClass("DropsiteWood") && !template.hasClass("DropsiteStone") && !template.hasClass("DropsiteMetal"))
var radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius() / cellSize) + 2;
var radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius() / cellSize);
// Find the best non-obstructed tile
var bestTile = friendlyTiles.findBestTile(radius, obstructionMap);
var bestIdx = bestTile[0];
var bestVal = bestTile[1];
if (bestVal === -1){
return false;
var x = ((bestIdx % friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * cellSize;
var z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * cellSize;
// default angle
var angle = 3*Math.PI/4;
return {
"x" : x,
"z" : z,
"angle" : angle

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
var UnitTrainingPlan = function(gameState, type, metadata, number) {
this.type = gameState.applyCiv(type);
this.metadata = metadata;
this.template = gameState.getTemplate(this.type);
if (!this.template) {
this.invalidTemplate = true;
this.template = undefined;
this.category= "unit";
this.cost = new Resources(this.template.cost(), this.template._template.Cost.Population);
if (!number){
this.number = 1;
this.number = number;
UnitTrainingPlan.prototype.canExecute = function(gameState) {
if (this.invalidTemplate)
return false;
// TODO: we should probably check pop caps
var trainers = gameState.findTrainers(this.type);
return (trainers.length != 0);
UnitTrainingPlan.prototype.execute = function(gameState) {
//warn("Executing UnitTrainingPlan " + uneval(this));
var trainers = gameState.findTrainers(this.type).toEntityArray();
// Prefer training buildings with short queues
// (TODO: this should also account for units added to the queue by
// plans that have already been executed this turn)
if (trainers.length > 0){
trainers.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.trainingQueueTime() - b.trainingQueueTime();
trainers[0].train(this.type, this.number, this.metadata);
UnitTrainingPlan.prototype.getCost = function(){
var multCost = new Resources();
return multCost;
UnitTrainingPlan.prototype.addItem = function(){
this.number += 1;

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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
function QBotAI(settings) {
BaseAI.call(this, settings);
this.turn = 0;
this.modules = {
"economy": new EconomyManager(),
"military": new MilitaryAttackManager(),
"housing": new HousingManager()
// this.queues can only be modified by the queue manager or things will go awry.
this.queues = {
house : new Queue(),
citizenSoldier : new Queue(),
villager : new Queue(),
economicBuilding : new Queue(),
field : new Queue(),
advancedSoldier : new Queue(),
siege : new Queue(),
militaryBuilding : new Queue(),
defenceBuilding : new Queue(),
civilCentre: new Queue()
this.productionQueues = [];
this.priorities = Config.priorities;
this.queueManager = new QueueManager(this.queues, this.priorities);
this.firstTime = true;
this.savedEvents = [];
QBotAI.prototype = new BaseAI();
//Some modules need the gameState to fully initialise
QBotAI.prototype.runInit = function(gameState){
if (this.firstTime){
for (var i in this.modules){
if (this.modules[i].init){
this.timer = new Timer();
this.firstTime = false;
var myKeyEntities = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(function(ent) {
return ent.hasClass("CivCentre");
if (myKeyEntities.length == 0){
myKeyEntities = gameState.getOwnEntities();
var filter = Filters.byClass("CivCentre");
var enemyKeyEntities = gameState.getEnemyEntities().filter(filter);
if (enemyKeyEntities.length == 0){
enemyKeyEntities = gameState.getEnemyEntities();
this.accessibility = new Accessibility(gameState, myKeyEntities.toEntityArray()[0].position());
if (enemyKeyEntities.length == 0)
var pathFinder = new PathFinder(gameState);
this.pathsToMe = pathFinder.getPaths(enemyKeyEntities.toEntityArray()[0].position(), myKeyEntities.toEntityArray()[0].position(), 'entryPoints');
this.templateManager = new TemplateManager(gameState);
QBotAI.prototype.OnUpdate = function() {
if (this.gameFinished){
if (this.events.length > 0){
this.savedEvents = this.savedEvents.concat(this.events);
// Run the update every n turns, offset depending on player ID to balance
// the load
if ((this.turn + this.player) % 10 == 0) {
var gameState = new GameState(this);
if (gameState.getOwnEntities().length === 0){
return; // With no entities to control the AI cannot do anything
for (var i in this.modules){
this.modules[i].update(gameState, this.queues, this.savedEvents);
this.updateDynamicPriorities(gameState, this.queues);
// Generate some entropy in the random numbers (against humans) until the engine gets random initialised numbers
// TODO: remove this when the engine gives a random seed
var n = this.savedEvents.length % 29;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++){
delete this.savedEvents;
this.savedEvents = [];
QBotAI.prototype.updateDynamicPriorities = function(gameState, queues){
// Dynamically change priorities
Engine.ProfileStart("Change Priorities");
var females = gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("units/{civ}_support_female_citizen"));
var femalesTarget = this.modules["economy"].targetNumWorkers;
var enemyStrength = this.modules["military"].measureEnemyStrength(gameState);
var availableStrength = this.modules["military"].measureAvailableStrength();
var additionalPriority = (enemyStrength - availableStrength) * 5;
additionalPriority = Math.min(Math.max(additionalPriority, -50), 220);
var advancedProportion = (availableStrength / 40) * (females/femalesTarget);
advancedProportion = Math.min(advancedProportion, 0.7);
this.priorities.advancedSoldier = advancedProportion * (150 + additionalPriority) + 1;
if (females/femalesTarget > 0.7){
this.priorities.defenceBuilding = 70;
// TODO: Remove override when the whole AI state is serialised
QBotAI.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
BaseAI.prototype.Deserialize.call(this, data);
// Override the default serializer
QBotAI.prototype.Serialize = function()
var ret = BaseAI.prototype.Serialize.call(this);
ret._entityMetadata = {};
return ret;
function debug(output){
if (Config.debug){
if (typeof output === "string"){
function copyPrototype(descendant, parent) {
var sConstructor = parent.toString();
var aMatch = sConstructor.match( /\s*function (.*)\(/ );
if ( aMatch != null ) { descendant.prototype[aMatch[1]] = parent; }
for (var m in parent.prototype) {
descendant.prototype[m] = parent.prototype[m];

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@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
//This takes the input queues and picks which items to fund with resources until no more resources are left to distribute.
//In this manager all resources are 'flattened' into a single type=(food+wood+metal+stone+pop*50 (see resources.js))
//the following refers to this simple as resource
// Each queue has an account which records the amount of resource it can spend. If no queue has an affordable item
// then the amount of resource is increased to all accounts in direct proportion to the priority until an item on one
// of the queues becomes affordable.
// A consequence of the system is that a rarely used queue will end up with a very large account. I am unsure if this
// is good or bad or neither.
// Each queue object has two queues in it, one with items waiting for resources and the other with items which have been
// allocated resources and are due to be executed. The secondary queues are helpful because then units can be trained
// in groups of 5 and buildings are built once per turn to avoid placement clashes.
var QueueManager = function(queues, priorities) {
this.queues = queues;
this.priorities = priorities;
this.account = {};
for (var p in this.queues) {
this.account[p] = 0;
this.curItemQueue = [];
QueueManager.prototype.getAvailableResources = function(gameState) {
var resources = gameState.getResources();
for (var key in this.queues) {
return resources;
QueueManager.prototype.futureNeeds = function(gameState, onlyNeeds) {
// Work out which plans will be executed next using priority and return the total cost of these plans
var recurse = function(queues, qm, number, depth){
var needs = new Resources();
var totalPriority = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < queues.length; i++){
totalPriority += qm.priorities[queues[i]];
for (var i = 0; i < queues.length; i++){
var num = Math.round(((qm.priorities[queues[i]]/totalPriority) * number));
if (num < qm.queues[queues[i]].countQueuedUnits()){
var cnt = 0;
for ( var j = 0; cnt < num; j++) {
cnt += qm.queues[queues[i]].queue[j].number;
number -= qm.queues[queues[i]].queue[j].number;
for ( var j = 0; j < qm.queues[queues[i]].length(); j++) {
number -= qm.queues[queues[i]].queue[j].number;
queues.splice(i, 1);
// Check that more items were selected this call and that there are plans left to be allocated
// Also there is a fail-safe max depth
if (queues.length > 0 && number > 0 && depth < 20){
needs.add(recurse(queues, qm, number, depth + 1));
return needs;
//number of plans to look at
var current = this.getAvailableResources(gameState);
var futureNum = 20;
var queues = [];
for (var q in this.queues){
var needs = recurse(queues, this, futureNum, 0);
if (onlyNeeds) {
return {
"food" : Math.max(needs.food - current.food, 0),
"wood" : Math.max(needs.wood + 15*needs.population - current.wood, 0),
"stone" : Math.max(needs.stone - current.stone, 0),
"metal" : Math.max(needs.metal - current.metal, 0)
} else if (gameState.getTimeElapsed() > 300*1000) {
// Return predicted values minus the current stockpiles along with a base rater for all resources
return {
"food" : Math.max(needs.food - current.food, 0) + 150,
"wood" : Math.max(needs.wood + 15*needs.population - current.wood, 0) + 150, //TODO: read the house cost in case it changes in the future
"stone" : Math.max(needs.stone - current.stone, 0) + 50,
"metal" : Math.max(needs.metal - current.metal, 0) + 100
} else {
return {
"food" : Math.max(needs.food - current.food, 0) + 150,
"wood" : Math.max(needs.wood + 15*needs.population - current.wood, 0) + 150, //TODO: read the house cost in case it changes in the future
"stone" : Math.max(needs.stone - current.stone, 0),
"metal" : Math.max(needs.metal - current.metal, 0)
// runs through the curItemQueue and allocates resources be sending the
// affordable plans to the Out Queues. Returns a list of the unneeded resources
// so they can be used by lower priority plans.
QueueManager.prototype.affordableToOutQueue = function(gameState) {
var availableRes = this.getAvailableResources(gameState);
if (this.curItemQueue.length === 0) {
return availableRes;
var resources = this.getAvailableResources(gameState);
// Check everything in the curItemQueue, if it is affordable then mark it
// for execution
for ( var i = 0; i < this.curItemQueue.length; i++) {
if (resources.canAfford(this.queues[this.curItemQueue[i]].getNext().getCost())) {
this.account[this.curItemQueue[i]] -= this.queues[this.curItemQueue[i]].getNext().getCost().toInt();
resources = this.getAvailableResources(gameState);
this.curItemQueue[i] = null;
// Clear the spent items
var tmpQueue = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.curItemQueue.length; i++) {
if (this.curItemQueue[i] !== null) {
this.curItemQueue = tmpQueue;
return availableRes;
QueueManager.prototype.onlyUsesSpareAndUpdateSpare = function(unitCost, spare){
// This allows plans to be given resources if there are >500 spare after all the
// higher priority plan queues have been looked at and there are still enough resources
// We make it >0 so that even if we have no stone available we can still have non stone
// plans being given resources.
var spareNonNegRes = {
food: Math.max(0, spare.food - 500),
wood: Math.max(0, spare.wood - 500),
stone: Math.max(0, spare.stone - 500),
metal: Math.max(0, spare.metal - 500)
var spareNonNeg = new Resources(spareNonNegRes);
var ret = false;
if (spareNonNeg.canAfford(unitCost)){
ret = true;
// If there are no negative resources then there weren't any higher priority items so we
// definitely want to say that this can be added to the list.
var tmp = true;
for (key in spare.types){
var type = spare.types[key];
if (spare[type] < 0){
tmp = false;
// If either to the above sections returns true then
ret = ret || tmp;
spare.subtract(unitCost); // take the resources of the current unit from spare since this
// must be higher priority than any which are looked at
// afterwards.
return ret;
String.prototype.rpad = function(padString, length) {
var str = this;
while (str.length < length)
str = str + padString;
return str;
QueueManager.prototype.printQueues = function(gameState){
for (var i in this.queues){
var qStr = "";
var q = this.queues[i];
for (var j in q.outQueue){
qStr += q.outQueue[j].type + " ";
if (q.outQueue[j].number)
qStr += "x" + q.outQueue[j].number;
if (qStr != ""){
debug((i + ":").rpad(" ", 20) + qStr);
for (var i in this.queues){
var qStr = "";
var q = this.queues[i];
for (var j in q.queue){
qStr += q.queue[j].type + " ";
if (q.queue[j].number)
qStr += "x" + q.queue[j].number;
qStr += " ";
if (qStr != ""){
debug((i + ":").rpad(" ", 20) + qStr);
debug("Accounts: " + uneval(this.account));
debug("Needed Resources:" + uneval(this.futureNeeds(gameState)));
QueueManager.prototype.update = function(gameState) {
for (var i in this.priorities){
if (!(this.priorities[i] > 0)){
this.priorities[i] = 1; // TODO: make the Queue Manager not die when priorities are zero.
warn("QueueManager received bad priorities, please report this error: " + uneval(this.priorities));
Engine.ProfileStart("Queue Manager");
Engine.ProfileStart("Pick items from queues");
// See if there is a high priority item from last time.
do {
// pick out all affordable items, and list the ratios of (needed
// cost)/priority for unaffordable items.
var ratio = {};
var ratioMin = 1000000;
var ratioMinQueue = undefined;
for (var p in this.queues) {
if (this.queues[p].length() > 0 && this.curItemQueue.indexOf(p) === -1) {
var cost = this.queues[p].getNext().getCost().toInt();
if (cost < this.account[p]) {
// break;
} else {
ratio[p] = (cost - this.account[p]) / this.priorities[p];
if (ratio[p] < ratioMin) {
ratioMin = ratio[p];
ratioMinQueue = p;
// Checks to see that there is an item in at least one queue, otherwise
// breaks the loop.
if (this.curItemQueue.length === 0 && ratioMinQueue === undefined) {
var availableRes = this.affordableToOutQueue(gameState);
var allSpare = availableRes["food"] > 0 && availableRes["wood"] > 0 && availableRes["stone"] > 0 && availableRes["metal"] > 0;
// if there are no affordable items use any resources which aren't
// wanted by a higher priority item
if ((availableRes["food"] > 0 || availableRes["wood"] > 0 || availableRes["stone"] > 0 || availableRes["metal"] > 0)
&& ratioMinQueue !== undefined) {
while (Object.keys(ratio).length > 0 && (availableRes["food"] > 0 || availableRes["wood"] > 0 || availableRes["stone"] > 0 || availableRes["metal"] > 0)){
ratioMin = Math.min(); //biggest value
for (var key in ratio){
if (ratio[key] < ratioMin){
ratioMin = ratio[key];
ratioMinQueue = key;
if (this.onlyUsesSpareAndUpdateSpare(this.queues[ratioMinQueue].getNext().getCost(), availableRes)){
if (allSpare){
for (var p in this.queues) {
this.account[p] += ratioMin * this.priorities[p];
//this.account[ratioMinQueue] -= this.queues[ratioMinQueue].getNext().getCost().toInt();
allSpare = availableRes["food"] > 0 && availableRes["wood"] > 0 && availableRes["stone"] > 0 && availableRes["metal"] > 0;
delete ratio[ratioMinQueue];
} while (this.curItemQueue.length === 0);
Engine.ProfileStart("Execute items");
// Handle output queues by executing items where possible
for (var p in this.queues) {
while (this.queues[p].outQueueLength() > 0) {
var next = this.queues[p].outQueueNext();
if (next.category === "building") {
if (gameState.buildingsBuilt == 0) {
if (this.queues[p].outQueueNext().canExecute(gameState)) {
gameState.buildingsBuilt += 1;
} else {
} else {
} else {
if (this.queues[p].outQueueNext().canExecute(gameState)){
QueueManager.prototype.addQueue = function(queueName, priority) {
if (this.queues[queueName] == undefined) {
this.queues[queueName] = new Queue();
this.priorities[queueName] = priority;
this.account[queueName] = 0;
QueueManager.prototype.removeQueue = function(queueName) {
if (this.queues[queueName] !== undefined) {
if ( this.curItemQueue.indexOf(queueName) !== -1) {
delete this.queues[queueName];
delete this.priorities[queueName];
delete this.account[queueName];

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
* Holds a list of wanted items to train or construct
var Queue = function() {
this.queue = [];
this.outQueue = [];
Queue.prototype.addItem = function(plan) {
Queue.prototype.getNext = function() {
if (this.queue.length > 0) {
return this.queue[0];
} else {
return null;
Queue.prototype.outQueueNext = function(){
if (this.outQueue.length > 0) {
return this.outQueue[0];
} else {
return null;
Queue.prototype.outQueueCost = function(){
var cost = new Resources();
for (var key in this.outQueue){
return cost;
Queue.prototype.nextToOutQueue = function(){
if (this.queue.length > 0){
if (this.outQueue.length > 0 &&
this.getNext().category === "unit" &&
this.outQueue[this.outQueue.length-1].type === this.getNext().type &&
this.outQueue[this.outQueue.length-1].number < 5){
Queue.prototype.executeNext = function(gameState) {
if (this.outQueue.length > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Queue.prototype.length = function() {
return this.queue.length;
Queue.prototype.countQueuedUnits = function(){
var count = 0;
for (var i in this.queue){
count += this.queue[i].number;
return count;
Queue.prototype.countOutQueuedUnits = function(){
var count = 0;
for (var i in this.outQueue){
count += this.outQueue[i].number;
return count;
Queue.prototype.countTotalQueuedUnits = function(){
var count = 0;
for (var i in this.queue){
count += this.queue[i].number;
for (var i in this.outQueue){
count += this.outQueue[i].number;
return count;
Queue.prototype.countTotalQueuedUnitsWithClass = function(classe){
var count = 0;
for (var i in this.queue){
if (this.queue[i].template && this.queue[i].template.hasClass(classe))
count += this.queue[i].number;
for (var i in this.outQueue){
if (this.outQueue[i].template && this.outQueue[i].template.hasClass(classe))
count += this.outQueue[i].number;
return count;
Queue.prototype.totalLength = function(){
return this.queue.length + this.outQueue.length;
Queue.prototype.outQueueLength = function(){
return this.outQueue.length;
Queue.prototype.countAllByType = function(t){
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.queue.length; i++){
if (this.queue[i].type === t){
count += this.queue[i].number;
for (var i = 0; i < this.outQueue.length; i++){
if (this.outQueue[i].type === t){
count += this.outQueue[i].number;
return count;

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
This is an AI for 0 A.D. (http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/) based on the testBot.
Install by placing the files into the data/mods/public/simulation/ai/qbot folder.
If you are developing you might find it helpful to change the debugOn line in qBot.js. This will make it spew random warnings depending on what I have been working on. Use the debug() function to make your own warnings.
Addendum for the experimental version: this is the regular qBot, with improvements here and there. It's "experimental" as it is currently in "test" phase, and if it proves to work and be more efficient than the normal qBot, will replace it in the next alpha. Please report any error to the wildfire games forum ( http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?act=idx ), thanks for playing the bot!
(note:debug is activated by default on this one. Deactivate it in the config file.)

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
function Resources(amounts, population) {
if (amounts === undefined) {
amounts = {
food : 0,
wood : 0,
stone : 0,
metal : 0
for ( var tKey in this.types) {
var t = this.types[tKey];
this[t] = amounts[t] || 0;
if (population > 0) {
this.population = parseInt(population);
} else {
this.population = 0;
Resources.prototype.types = [ "food", "wood", "stone", "metal" ];
Resources.prototype.canAfford = function(that) {
for ( var tKey in this.types) {
var t = this.types[tKey];
if (this[t] < that[t]) {
return false;
return true;
Resources.prototype.add = function(that) {
for ( var tKey in this.types) {
var t = this.types[tKey];
this[t] += that[t];
this.population += that.population;
Resources.prototype.subtract = function(that) {
for ( var tKey in this.types) {
var t = this.types[tKey];
this[t] -= that[t];
this.population += that.population;
Resources.prototype.multiply = function(n) {
for ( var tKey in this.types) {
var t = this.types[tKey];
this[t] *= n;
this.population *= n;
Resources.prototype.toInt = function() {
var sum = 0;
for ( var tKey in this.types) {
var t = this.types[tKey];
sum += this[t];
sum += this.population * 50; // based on typical unit costs
return sum;

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* Used to know which templates I have, which templates I know I can train, things like that.
var TemplateManager = function(gameState) {
var self = this;
this.knownTemplatesList = [];
this.buildingTemplates = [];
this.unitTemplates = [];
// this will store templates that exist
// should be enough in 100% of the cases.
TemplateManager.prototype.AcknowledgeTemplates = function(gameState)
var self = this;
var myEntities = gameState.getOwnEntities();
myEntities.forEach(function(ent) { // }){
var template = ent._templateName;
if (self.knownTemplatesList.indexOf(template) === -1) {
if (ent.hasClass("Unit") && self.unitTemplates.indexOf(template) === -1)
else if (self.buildingTemplates.indexOf(template) === -1)
TemplateManager.prototype.getBuildableSubtemplates = function(gameState)
for each (templateName in this.knownTemplatesList) {
var template = gameState.getTemplate(templateName);
if (template !== null) {
var buildable = template.buildableEntities();
if (buildable !== undefined)
for each (subtpname in buildable) {
if (this.knownTemplatesList.indexOf(subtpname) === -1) {
var subtemplate = gameState.getTemplate(subtpname);
if (subtemplate.hasClass("Unit") && this.unitTemplates.indexOf(subtpname) === -1)
else if (this.buildingTemplates.indexOf(subtpname) === -1)
TemplateManager.prototype.getTrainableSubtemplates = function(gameState)
for each (templateName in this.knownTemplatesList) {
var template = gameState.getTemplate(templateName);
if (template !== null) {
var trainables = template.trainableEntities();
if (trainables !== undefined)
for each (subtpname in trainables) {
if (this.knownTemplatesList.indexOf(subtpname) === -1) {
var subtemplate = gameState.getTemplate(subtpname);
if (subtemplate.hasClass("Unit") && this.unitTemplates.indexOf(subtpname) === -1)
else if (this.buildingTemplates.indexOf(subtpname) === -1)

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@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
* TerrainAnalysis inherits from Map
* This creates a suitable passability map for pathfinding units and provides the findClosestPassablePoint() function.
* This is intended to be a base object for the terrain analysis modules to inherit from.
function TerrainAnalysis(gameState){
var passabilityMap = gameState.getMap();
var obstructionMask = gameState.getPassabilityClassMask("pathfinderObstruction");
obstructionMask |= gameState.getPassabilityClassMask("default");
var obstructionTiles = new Uint16Array(passabilityMap.data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < passabilityMap.data.length; ++i)
obstructionTiles[i] = (passabilityMap.data[i] & obstructionMask) ? 0 : 65535;
this.Map(gameState, obstructionTiles);
copyPrototype(TerrainAnalysis, Map);
// Returns the (approximately) closest point which is passable by searching in a spiral pattern
TerrainAnalysis.prototype.findClosestPassablePoint = function(startPoint, quick, limitDistance){
var w = this.width;
var p = startPoint;
var direction = 1;
if (p[0] + w*p[1] > 0 && p[0] + w*p[1] < this.length &&
this.map[p[0] + w*p[1]] != 0){
if (this.countConnected(p, 10) >= 10){
return p;
var count = 0;
// search in a spiral pattern.
for (var i = 1; i < w; i++){
for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++){
for (var k = 0; k < i; k++){
p[j] += direction;
if (p[0] + w*p[1] > 0 && p[0] + w*p[1] < this.length &&
this.map[p[0] + w*p[1]] != 0){
if (quick || this.countConnected(p, 10) >= 10){
return p;
if (limitDistance && count > 40){
return undefined;
count += 1;
direction *= -1;
return undefined;
// Counts how many accessible tiles there are connected to the start Point. If there are >= maxCount then it stops.
// This is inefficient for large areas so maxCount should be kept small for efficiency.
TerrainAnalysis.prototype.countConnected = function(startPoint, maxCount, curCount, checked){
curCount = curCount || 0;
checked = checked || [];
var w = this.width;
var positions = [[0,1], [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0]];
curCount += 1; // add 1 for the current point
if (curCount >= maxCount){
return curCount;
for (var i in positions){
var p = [startPoint[0] + positions[i][0], startPoint[1] + positions[i][1]];
if (p[0] + w*p[1] > 0 && p[0] + w*p[1] < this.length &&
this.map[p[0] + w*p[1]] != 0 && !(p in checked)){
curCount += this.countConnected(p, maxCount, curCount, checked);
return curCount;
* PathFinder inherits from TerrainAnalysis
* Used to create a list of distinct paths between two points.
* Currently it works with a basic implementation which should be improved.
* TODO: Make this use territories.
function PathFinder(gameState){
copyPrototype(PathFinder, TerrainAnalysis);
* Returns a list of distinct paths to the destination. Currently paths are distinct if they are more than
* blockRadius apart at a distance of blockPlacementRadius from the destination. Where blockRadius and
* blockPlacementRadius are defined in walkGradient
PathFinder.prototype.getPaths = function(start, end, mode){
var s = this.findClosestPassablePoint(this.gamePosToMapPos(start));
var e = this.findClosestPassablePoint(this.gamePosToMapPos(end));
if (!s || !e){
return undefined;
var paths = [];
while (true){
var curPath = this.walkGradient(e, mode);
if (curPath !== undefined){
//this.dumpIm("terrainanalysis.png", 511);
if (paths.length > 0){
return paths;
return undefined;
// Creates a potential gradient with the start point having the lowest potential
PathFinder.prototype.makeGradient = function(start, end){
var w = this.width;
var map = this.map;
// Holds the list of current points to work outwards from
var stack = [];
// We store the next level in its own stack
var newStack = [];
// Relative positions or new cells from the current one. We alternate between the adjacent 4 and 8 cells
// so that there is an average 1.5 distance for diagonals which is close to the actual sqrt(2) ~ 1.41
var positions = [[[0,1], [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0]],
[[0,1], [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0], [1,1], [-1,-1], [1,-1], [-1,1]]];
//Set the distance of the start point to be 1 to distinguish it from the impassable areas
map[start[0] + w*(start[1])] = 1;
// while there are new points being added to the stack
while (stack.length > 0){
//run through the current stack
while (stack.length > 0){
var cur = stack.pop();
// stop when we reach the end point
if (cur[0] == end[0] && cur[1] == end[1]){
var dist = map[cur[0] + w*(cur[1])] + 1;
// Check the positions adjacent to the current cell
for (var i = 0; i < positions[dist % 2].length; i++){
var pos = positions[dist % 2][i];
var cell = cur[0]+pos[0] + w*(cur[1]+pos[1]);
if (cell >= 0 && cell < this.length && map[cell] > dist){
map[cell] = dist;
newStack.push([cur[0]+pos[0], cur[1]+pos[1]]);
// Replace the old empty stack with the newly filled one.
stack = newStack;
newStack = [];
// Clears the map to just have the obstructions marked on it.
PathFinder.prototype.wipeGradient = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){
if (this.map[i] > 0){
this.map[i] = 65535;
// Returns the path down a gradient from the start to the bottom of the gradient, returns a point for every 20 cells in normal mode
// in entryPoints mode this returns the point where the path enters the region near the destination, currently defined
// by blockPlacementRadius. Note doesn't return a path when the destination is within the blockpoint radius.
PathFinder.prototype.walkGradient = function(start, mode){
var positions = [[0,1], [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0], [1,1], [-1,-1], [1,-1], [-1,1]];
var path = [[start[0]*this.cellSize, start[1]*this.cellSize]];
var blockPoint = undefined;
var blockPlacementRadius = 45;
var blockRadius = 23;
var count = 0;
var cur = start;
var w = this.width;
var dist = this.map[cur[0] + w*cur[1]];
var moved = false;
while (this.map[cur[0] + w*cur[1]] !== 0){
for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++){
var pos = positions[i];
var cell = cur[0]+pos[0] + w*(cur[1]+pos[1]);
if (cell >= 0 && cell < this.length && this.map[cell] > 0 && this.map[cell] < dist){
dist = this.map[cell];
cur = [cur[0]+pos[0], cur[1]+pos[1]];
moved = true;
// Mark the point to put an obstruction at before calculating the next path
if (count === blockPlacementRadius){
blockPoint = cur;
// Add waypoints to the path, fairly well spaced apart.
if (count % 40 === 0){
path.unshift([cur[0]*this.cellSize, cur[1]*this.cellSize]);
if (!moved){
moved = false;
if (blockPoint === undefined){
return undefined;
// Add an obstruction to the map at the blockpoint so the next path will take a different route.
this.addInfluence(blockPoint[0], blockPoint[1], blockRadius, -1000000, 'constant');
if (mode === 'entryPoints'){
// returns the point where the path enters the blockPlacementRadius
return [blockPoint[0] * this.cellSize, blockPoint[1] * this.cellSize];
// return a path of points 20 squares apart on the route
return path;
// Would be used to calculate the width of a chokepoint
// NOTE: Doesn't currently work.
PathFinder.prototype.countAttached = function(pos){
var positions = [[0,1], [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0]];
var w = this.width;
var val = this.map[pos[0] + w*pos[1]];
var stack = [pos];
var used = {};
while (stack.length > 0){
var cur = stack.pop();
used[cur[0] + " " + cur[1]] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++){
var p = positions[i];
var cell = cur[0]+p[0] + w*(cur[1]+p[1]);
* Accessibility inherits from TerrainAnalysis
* Determines whether there is a path from one point to another. It is initialised with a single point (p1) and then
* can efficiently determine if another point is reachable from p1. Initialising the object is costly so it should be
* cached.
function Accessibility(gameState, location){
var start = this.findClosestPassablePoint(this.gamePosToMapPos(location));
// Check that the accessible region is a decent size, otherwise obstacles close to the start point can create
// tiny accessible areas which makes the rest of the map inaceesible.
var iterations = 0;
while (this.floodFill(start) < 20 && iterations < 30){
this.map[start[0] + this.width*(start[1])] = 0;
start = this.findClosestPassablePoint(this.gamePosToMapPos(location));
iterations += 1;
copyPrototype(Accessibility, TerrainAnalysis);
// Return true if the given point is accessible from the point given when initialising the Accessibility object. #
// If the given point is impassable the closest passable point is used.
Accessibility.prototype.isAccessible = function(position){
var s = this.findClosestPassablePoint(this.gamePosToMapPos(position), true, true);
if (!s)
return false;
return this.map[s[0] + this.width * s[1]] === 1;
// fill all of the accessible areas with value 1
Accessibility.prototype.floodFill = function(start){
var w = this.width;
var map = this.map;
// Holds the list of current points to work outwards from
var stack = [];
// We store new points to be added to the stack temporarily in here while we run through the current stack
var newStack = [];
// Relative positions or new cells from the current one.
var positions = [[0,1], [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0]];
// Set the start point to be accessible
map[start[0] + w*(start[1])] = 1;
var count = 0;
// while there are new points being added to the stack
while (stack.length > 0){
//run through the current stack
while (stack.length > 0){
var cur = stack.pop();
// Check the positions adjacent to the current cell
for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++){
var pos = positions[i];
var cell = cur[0]+pos[0] + w*(cur[1]+pos[1]);
if (cell >= 0 && cell < this.length && map[cell] > 1){
map[cell] = 1;
newStack.push([cur[0]+pos[0], cur[1]+pos[1]]);
count += 1;
// Replace the old empty stack with the newly filled one.
stack = newStack;
newStack = [];
return count;

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
//The Timer class // The instance of this class is created in the qBot object under the name 'timer'
//The methods that are available to call from this instance are:
//timer.setTimer : Creates a new timer with the given interval (miliseconds).
// Optionally set dalay or a limited repeat value.
//timer.checkTimer : Gives true if called at the time of the interval.
//timer.clearTimer : Deletes the timer permanently. No way to get the same timer back.
//timer.activateTimer : Sets the status of a deactivated timer to active.
//timer.deactivateTimer : Deactivates a timer. Deactivated timers will never give true.
//-EmjeR-// Timer class //
var Timer = function() {
///Private array.
var alarmList = [];
///Private methods
function num_alarms() {
return alarmList.length;
function get_alarm(id) {
return alarmList[id];
function add_alarm(index, alarm) {
alarmList[index] = alarm;
function delete_alarm(id) {
// Set the array element to undefined
delete alarmList[id];
///Privileged methods
// Add an new alarm to the list
this.setTimer = function(gameState, interval, delay, repeat) {
delay = delay || 0;
repeat = repeat || -1;
var index = num_alarms();
//Add a new alarm to the list
add_alarm(index, new alarm(gameState, index, interval, delay, repeat));
return index;
// Check if a alarm has reached its interval.
this.checkTimer = function(gameState,id) {
var alarm = get_alarm(id);
if (alarm === undefined)
return false;
if (!alarm.active)
return false;
var time = gameState.getTimeElapsed();
var alarmState = false;
// If repeat forever (repeat is -1). Or if the alarm has rung less times than repeat.
if (alarm.repeat < 0 || alarm.counter < alarm.repeat) {
var time_diffrence = time - alarm.start_time - alarm.delay - alarm.interval * alarm.counter;
if (time_diffrence > alarm.interval) {
alarmState = true;
// Check if the alarm has rung 'alarm.repeat' times if so, delete the alarm.
if (alarm.counter >= alarm.repeat && alarm.repeat != -1) {
return alarmState;
// Remove an alarm from the list.
this.clearTimer = function(id) {
// Activate a deactivated alarm.
this.activateTimer = function(id) {
var alarm = get_alarm(id);
alarm.active = true;
// Deactivate an active alarm but don't delete it.
this.deactivateTimer = function(id) {
var alarm = get_alarm(id);
alarm.active = false;
//-EmjeR-// Alarm class //
function alarm(gameState, id, interval, delay, repeat) {
this.id = id;
this.interval = interval;
this.delay = delay;
this.repeat = repeat;
this.start_time = gameState.getTimeElapsed();
this.active = true;
this.counter = 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
function AssocArraytoArray(assocArray) {
var endArray = [];
for (i in assocArray)
return endArray;
// A is the reference, B must be in "range" of A
// this supposes the range is already squared
function inRange(a, b, range)// checks for X distance
// will avoid unnecessary checking for position in some rare cases... I'm lazy
if (a === undefined || b === undefined || range === undefined)
return undefined;
var dx = a[0] - b[0];
var dz = a[1] - b[1];
return ((dx*dx + dz*dz ) < range);
// slower than SquareVectorDistance, faster than VectorDistance but not exactly accurate.
function ManhattanDistance(a, b)
var dx = a[0] - b[0];
var dz = a[1] - b[1];
return Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dz);

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
var WalkToCC = function(gameState, militaryManager){
this.minAttackSize = 20;
this.maxAttackSize = 60;
// Returns true if the attack can be executed at the current time
WalkToCC.prototype.canExecute = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var enemyStrength = militaryManager.measureEnemyStrength(gameState);
var enemyCount = militaryManager.measureEnemyCount(gameState);
// We require our army to be >= this strength
var targetStrength = enemyStrength * 1.5;
var availableCount = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits();
var availableStrength = militaryManager.measureAvailableStrength();
debug("Troops needed for attack: " + this.minAttackSize + " Have: " + availableCount);
debug("Troops strength for attack: " + targetStrength + " Have: " + availableStrength);
return ((availableStrength >= targetStrength && availableCount >= this.minAttackSize)
|| availableCount >= this.maxAttackSize);
// Executes the attack plan, after this is executed the update function will be run every turn
WalkToCC.prototype.execute = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var availableCount = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits();
this.idList = militaryManager.getAvailableUnits(availableCount);
var pending = EntityCollectionFromIds(gameState, this.idList);
// Find the critical enemy buildings we could attack
var targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"ConquestCritical");
// If there are no critical structures, attack anything else that's critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = gameState.entities.filter(function(ent) {
return (gameState.isEntityEnemy(ent) && ent.hasClass("ConquestCritical") && ent.owner() !== 0);
// If there's nothing, attack anything else that's less critical
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"Town");
if (targets.length == 0) {
targets = militaryManager.getEnemyBuildings(gameState,"Village");
// If we have a target, move to it
if (targets.length) {
// Remove the pending role
pending.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata("role", "attack");
var target = targets.toEntityArray()[0];
var targetPos = target.position();
// TODO: this should be an attack-move command
pending.move(targetPos[0], targetPos[1]);
} else if (targets.length == 0 ) {
gameState.ai.gameFinished = true;
// Runs every turn after the attack is executed
// This removes idle units from the attack
WalkToCC.prototype.update = function(gameState, militaryManager){
var removeList = [];
for (var idKey in this.idList){
var id = this.idList[idKey];
var ent = militaryManager.entity(id);
if(ent.isIdle()) {
} else {
for (var i in removeList){

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@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
* This class makes a worker do as instructed by the economy manager
var Worker = function(ent) {
this.ent = ent;
this.approachCount = 0;
Worker.prototype.update = function(gameState) {
var subrole = this.ent.getMetadata("subrole");
if (!this.ent.position()){
// If the worker has no position then no work can be done
if (subrole === "gatherer"){
if (!(this.ent.unitAIState().split(".")[1] === "GATHER" && this.ent.unitAIOrderData().type
&& this.getResourceType(this.ent.unitAIOrderData().type) === this.ent.getMetadata("gather-type"))
&& !(this.ent.unitAIState().split(".")[1] === "RETURNRESOURCE")){
// TODO: handle combat for hunting animals
if (!this.ent.resourceCarrying() || this.ent.resourceCarrying().length === 0 ||
this.ent.resourceCarrying()[0].type === this.ent.getMetadata("gather-type")){
Engine.ProfileStart("Start Gathering");
} else if (this.ent.unitAIState().split(".")[1] !== "RETURNRESOURCE") {
// Should deposit resources
Engine.ProfileStart("Return Resources");
this.startApproachingResourceTime = gameState.getTimeElapsed();
//Engine.PostCommand({"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [this.ent.id()], "rgb": [10,0,0]});
// If we haven't reached the resource in 2 minutes twice in a row and none of the resource has been
// gathered then mark it as inaccessible.
if (gameState.getTimeElapsed() - this.startApproachingResourceTime > 120000){
if (this.gatheringFrom){
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(this.gatheringFrom);
if (ent && ent.resourceSupplyAmount() == ent.resourceSupplyMax()){
if (this.approachCount > 0){
ent.setMetadata("inaccessible", true);
this.ent.setMetadata("subrole", "idle");
this.approachCount = 0;
this.startApproachingResourceTime = gameState.getTimeElapsed();
}else if(subrole === "builder"){
if (this.ent.unitAIState().split(".")[1] !== "REPAIR"){
var target = this.ent.getMetadata("target-foundation");
//Engine.PostCommand({"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [this.ent.id()], "rgb": [0,10,0]});
Engine.ProfileStart("Update Gatherer Counts");
Worker.prototype.updateGathererCounts = function(gameState, dead){
// update gatherer counts for the resources
if (this.ent.unitAIState().split(".")[2] === "GATHERING" && !dead){
if (this.gatheringFrom !== this.ent.unitAIOrderData().target){
if (this.gatheringFrom){
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(this.gatheringFrom);
if (ent){
ent.setMetadata("gatherer-count", ent.getMetadata("gatherer-count") - 1);
this.gatheringFrom = this.ent.unitAIOrderData().target;
if (this.gatheringFrom){
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(this.gatheringFrom);
if (ent){
ent.setMetadata("gatherer-count", (ent.getMetadata("gatherer-count") || 0) + 1);
if (this.gatheringFrom){
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(this.gatheringFrom);
if (ent){
ent.setMetadata("gatherer-count", ent.getMetadata("gatherer-count") - 1);
this.gatheringFrom = undefined;
Worker.prototype.markFull = function(ent){
var maxCounts = {"food": 20, "wood": 5, "metal": 20, "stone": 20, "treasure": 1};
if (ent.resourceSupplyType() && ent.getMetadata("gatherer-count") >= maxCounts[ent.resourceSupplyType().generic]){
if (!ent.getMetadata("full")){
ent.setMetadata("full", true);
if (ent.getMetadata("full")){
ent.setMetadata("full", false);
Worker.prototype.startGathering = function(gameState){
var resource = this.ent.getMetadata("gather-type");
var ent = this.ent;
if (!ent.position()){
// TODO: work out what to do when entity has no position
// find closest dropsite which has nearby resources of the correct type
var minDropsiteDist = Math.min(); // set to infinity initially
var nearestResources = undefined;
var nearestDropsite = undefined;
gameState.updatingCollection("active-dropsite-" + resource, Filters.byMetadata("active-dropsite-" + resource, true),
gameState.getOwnDropsites(resource)).forEach(function (dropsite){
if (dropsite.position()){
var dist = SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), dropsite.position());
if (dist < minDropsiteDist){
minDropsiteDist = dist;
nearestResources = dropsite.getMetadata("nearby-resources-" + resource);
nearestDropsite = dropsite;
if (!nearestResources || nearestResources.length === 0){
nearestResources = gameState.getResourceSupplies(resource);
gameState.getOwnDropsites(resource).forEach(function (dropsite){
if (dropsite.position()){
var dist = SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), dropsite.position());
if (dist < minDropsiteDist){
minDropsiteDist = dist;
nearestDropsite = dropsite;
if (nearestResources.length === 0){
if (resource === "food" && !this.buildAnyField(gameState)) // try to go build a farm
debug("No " + resource + " found! (1)");
debug("No " + resource + " found! (1)");
var supplies = [];
var nearestSupplyDist = Math.min();
var nearestSupply = undefined;
nearestResources.forEach(function(supply) {
// TODO: handle enemy territories
if (!supply.position()){
// measure the distance to the resource
var dist = VectorDistance(supply.position(), ent.position());
// Add on a factor for the nearest dropsite if one exists
if (nearestDropsite){
dist += 5 * VectorDistance(supply.position(), nearestDropsite.position());
// Go for treasure as a priority
if (dist < 1000 && supply.resourceSupplyType().generic == "treasure"){
dist /= 1000;
if (dist < nearestSupplyDist){
nearestSupplyDist = dist;
nearestSupply = supply;
if (nearestSupply) {
var pos = nearestSupply.position();
// if the resource is far away, try to build a farm instead.
var tried = false;
if (resource === "food" && SquareVectorDistance(pos,this.ent.position()) > 50000)
tried = this.buildAnyField(gameState);
if (!tried) {
var territoryOwner = gameState.getTerritoryMap().getOwner(pos);
if (!gameState.ai.accessibility.isAccessible(pos) ||
(territoryOwner != gameState.getPlayerID() && territoryOwner != 0)){
nearestSupply.setMetadata("inaccessible", true);
debug("No " + resource + " found! (2)");
// Makes the worker deposit the currently carried resources at the closest dropsite
Worker.prototype.returnResources = function(gameState){
if (!this.ent.resourceCarrying() || this.ent.resourceCarrying().length === 0){
var resource = this.ent.resourceCarrying()[0].type;
var self = this;
if (!this.ent.position()){
// TODO: work out what to do when entity has no position
var closestDropsite = undefined;
var dist = Math.min();
if (dropsite.position()){
var d = SquareVectorDistance(self.ent.position(), dropsite.position());
if (d < dist){
dist = d;
closestDropsite = dropsite;
if (!closestDropsite){
debug("No dropsite found for " + resource);
Worker.prototype.getResourceType = function(type){
if (!type || !type.generic){
return undefined;
if (type.generic === "treasure"){
return type.specific;
return type.generic;
Worker.prototype.buildAnyField = function(gameState){
var self = this;
var okay = false;
var foundations = gameState.getOwnFoundations();
foundations.filterNearest(this.ent.position(), foundations.length);
foundations.forEach(function (found) {
if (found._template.BuildRestrictions.Category === "Field" && !okay) {
okay = true;
return okay;