/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "TerritoryBoundary.h" #include // for reverse #include "graphics/Terrain.h" #include "simulation2/helpers/Grid.h" #include "simulation2/helpers/Pathfinding.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpTerritoryManager.h" std::vector CTerritoryBoundaryCalculator::ComputeBoundaries(const Grid* territory) { std::vector boundaries; // Copy the territories grid so we can mess with it Grid grid(*territory); // Some constants for the border walk CVector2D edgeOffsets[] = { CVector2D(0.5f, 0.0f), CVector2D(1.0f, 0.5f), CVector2D(0.5f, 1.0f), CVector2D(0.0f, 0.5f) }; // syntactic sugar const u8 TILE_BOTTOM = 0; const u8 TILE_RIGHT = 1; const u8 TILE_TOP = 2; const u8 TILE_LEFT = 3; const int CURVE_CW = -1; const int CURVE_CCW = 1; // === Find territory boundaries === // // The territory boundaries delineate areas of tiles that belong to the same player, and that all have the same // connected-to-a-root-influence-entity status (see also STerritoryBoundary for a more wordy definition). Note that the grid // values contain bit-packed information (i.e. not just the owning player ID), so we must be careful to only compare grid // values using the player ID and connected flag bits. The joint mask to select these is referred to as the discriminator mask. // // The idea is to scan the (i,j)-grid going up row by row and look for tiles that have a different territory assignment from // the one right underneath it (or, if it's a tile on the first row, they need only have a territory assignment). These tiles // are necessarily edge tiles of a territory, and hence a territory boundary must pass through their bottom edge. Therefore, // we start tracing the outline of the territory starting from said bottom edge, and go CCW around the territory boundary. // Tracing continues until the starting point is reached, at which point the boundary is complete. // // While tracing a boundary, every tile in which the boundary passes through the bottom edge are marked as 'processed', so that // we know not to start a new run from these tiles when scanning continues (when the boundary is complete). This information // is maintained in the grid values themselves by means of the 'processed' bit mask (stressing the importance of using the // discriminator mask to compare only player ID and connected flag). // // Thus, we can identify the following conditions for starting a trace from a tile (i,j). Let g(i,j) indicate the // discriminator grid value at position (i,j); then the conditions are: // - g(i,j) != 0; the tile must not be neutral // - j=0 or g(i,j) != g(i,j-1); the tile directly underneath it must have a different owner and/or connected flag // - the tile must not already be marked as 'processed' // // Additionally, there is one more point to be made; the algorithm initially assumes it's tracing CCW around the territory. // If it's tracing an inner edge, however, this will actually cause it to trace in the CW direction (because inner edges curve // 'backwards' compared to the outer edges when starting the trace in the same direction). This turns out to actually be // exactly what the renderer needs to render two territory boundaries on the same edge back-to-back (instead of overlapping // each other). // // In either case, we keep track of the way the outline curves while we're tracing to determine whether we're going CW or CCW. // If at some point we ever need to revert the winding order or external code needs to know about it explicitly, then we can // do this by looking at a curvature value which we define to start at 0, and which is incremented by 1 for every CCW turn and // decremented by 1 for every CW turn. Hence, a negative multiple of 4 means a CW winding order, and a positive one means CCW. const int TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK = (ICmpTerritoryManager::TERRITORY_BLINKING_MASK | ICmpTerritoryManager::TERRITORY_PLAYER_MASK); // Try to find an assigned tile for (u16 j = 0; j < grid.m_H; ++j) { for (u16 i = 0; i < grid.m_W; ++i) { // saved tile state; from MSB to LSB: // processed bit, blinking bit, player ID u8 tileState = grid.get(i, j); u8 tileDiscr = (tileState & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK); // ignore neutral tiles (note that tiles without an owner should never have the blinking bit set) if (!tileDiscr) continue; bool tileProcessed = ((tileState & ICmpTerritoryManager::TERRITORY_PROCESSED_MASK) != 0); bool tileEligible = (j == 0 || tileDiscr != (grid.get(i, j-1) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK)); if (tileProcessed || !tileEligible) continue; // Found the first tile (which must be the lowest j value of any non-zero tile); // start at the bottom edge of it and chase anticlockwise around the border until // we reach the starting point again int curvature = 0; // +1 for every CCW 90 degree turn, -1 for every CW 90 degree turn; must be multiple of 4 at the end boundaries.push_back(STerritoryBoundary()); boundaries.back().owner = (tileState & ICmpTerritoryManager::TERRITORY_PLAYER_MASK); boundaries.back().blinking = (tileState & ICmpTerritoryManager::TERRITORY_BLINKING_MASK) != 0; std::vector& points = boundaries.back().points; u8 dir = TILE_BOTTOM; u8 cdir = dir; u16 ci = i, cj = j; u16 maxi = (u16)(grid.m_W-1); u16 maxj = (u16)(grid.m_H-1); // Size of a territory tile in metres float territoryTileSize = (Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE * ICmpTerritoryManager::NAVCELLS_PER_TERRITORY_TILE).ToFloat(); while (true) { points.push_back((CVector2D(ci, cj) + edgeOffsets[cdir]) * territoryTileSize); // Given that we're on an edge on a continuous boundary and aiming anticlockwise, // we can either carry on straight or turn left or turn right, so examine each // of the three possible cases (depending on initial direction): switch (cdir) { case TILE_BOTTOM: // mark tile as processed so we don't start a new run from it after this one is complete ENSURE(!(grid.get(ci, cj) & ICmpTerritoryManager::TERRITORY_PROCESSED_MASK)); grid.set(ci, cj, grid.get(ci, cj) | ICmpTerritoryManager::TERRITORY_PROCESSED_MASK); if (ci < maxi && cj > 0 && (grid.get(ci+1, cj-1) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK) == tileDiscr) { ++ci; --cj; cdir = TILE_LEFT; curvature += CURVE_CW; } else if (ci < maxi && (grid.get(ci+1, cj) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK) == tileDiscr) ++ci; else { cdir = TILE_RIGHT; curvature += CURVE_CCW; } break; case TILE_RIGHT: if (ci < maxi && cj < maxj && (grid.get(ci+1, cj+1) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK) == tileDiscr) { ++ci; ++cj; cdir = TILE_BOTTOM; curvature += CURVE_CW; } else if (cj < maxj && (grid.get(ci, cj+1) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK) == tileDiscr) ++cj; else { cdir = TILE_TOP; curvature += CURVE_CCW; } break; case TILE_TOP: if (ci > 0 && cj < maxj && (grid.get(ci-1, cj+1) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK) == tileDiscr) { --ci; ++cj; cdir = TILE_RIGHT; curvature += CURVE_CW; } else if (ci > 0 && (grid.get(ci-1, cj) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK) == tileDiscr) --ci; else { cdir = TILE_LEFT; curvature += CURVE_CCW; } break; case TILE_LEFT: if (ci > 0 && cj > 0 && (grid.get(ci-1, cj-1) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK) == tileDiscr) { --ci; --cj; cdir = TILE_TOP; curvature += CURVE_CW; } else if (cj > 0 && (grid.get(ci, cj-1) & TERRITORY_DISCR_MASK) == tileDiscr) --cj; else { cdir = TILE_BOTTOM; curvature += CURVE_CCW; } break; } // Stop when we've reached the starting point again if (ci == i && cj == j && cdir == dir) break; } ENSURE(curvature != 0 && abs(curvature) % 4 == 0); } } return boundaries; }