/* Copyright (C) 2023 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ /* * GPG3-style hierarchical profiler */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "Profile.h" #include "ProfileViewer.h" #include "ThreadUtil.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CProfileNodeTable /** * Class CProfileNodeTable: Implement ProfileViewer's AbstractProfileTable * interface in order to display profiling data in-game. */ class CProfileNodeTable : public AbstractProfileTable { public: CProfileNodeTable(CProfileNode* n); // Implementation of AbstractProfileTable interface CStr GetName() override; CStr GetTitle() override; size_t GetNumberRows() override; const std::vector& GetColumns() override; CStr GetCellText(size_t row, size_t col) override; AbstractProfileTable* GetChild(size_t row) override; bool IsHighlightRow(size_t row) override; private: /** * struct ColumnDescription: The only purpose of this helper structure * is to provide the global constructor that sets up the column * description. */ struct ColumnDescription { std::vector columns; ColumnDescription() { columns.push_back(ProfileColumn("Name", 230)); columns.push_back(ProfileColumn("calls/frame", 80)); columns.push_back(ProfileColumn("msec/frame", 80)); columns.push_back(ProfileColumn("calls/turn", 80)); columns.push_back(ProfileColumn("msec/turn", 80)); } }; /// The node represented by this table CProfileNode* node; /// Columns description (shared by all instances) static ColumnDescription columnDescription; }; CProfileNodeTable::ColumnDescription CProfileNodeTable::columnDescription; // Constructor/Destructor CProfileNodeTable::CProfileNodeTable(CProfileNode* n) { node = n; } // Short name (= name of profile node) CStr CProfileNodeTable::GetName() { return node->GetName(); } // Title (= explanatory text plus time totals) CStr CProfileNodeTable::GetTitle() { char buf[512]; sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "Profiling Information for: %s (Time in node: %.3f msec/frame)", node->GetName(), node->GetFrameTime() * 1000.0f ); return buf; } // Total number of children size_t CProfileNodeTable::GetNumberRows() { return node->GetChildren()->size() + node->GetScriptChildren()->size() + 1; } // Column description const std::vector& CProfileNodeTable::GetColumns() { return columnDescription.columns; } // Retrieve cell text CStr CProfileNodeTable::GetCellText(size_t row, size_t col) { CProfileNode* child; size_t nrchildren = node->GetChildren()->size(); size_t nrscriptchildren = node->GetScriptChildren()->size(); char buf[256] = "?"; if (row < nrchildren) child = (*node->GetChildren())[row]; else if (row < nrchildren + nrscriptchildren) child = (*node->GetScriptChildren())[row - nrchildren]; else if (row > nrchildren + nrscriptchildren) return "!bad row!"; else { // "unlogged" row if (col == 0) return "unlogged"; else if (col == 1) return ""; else if (col == 4) return ""; double unlogged_time_frame = node->GetFrameTime(); double unlogged_time_turn = node->GetTurnTime(); CProfileNode::const_profile_iterator it; for (it = node->GetChildren()->begin(); it != node->GetChildren()->end(); ++it) { unlogged_time_frame -= (*it)->GetFrameTime(); unlogged_time_turn -= (*it)->GetTurnTime(); } for (it = node->GetScriptChildren()->begin(); it != node->GetScriptChildren()->end(); ++it) { unlogged_time_frame -= (*it)->GetFrameTime(); unlogged_time_turn -= (*it)->GetTurnTime(); } // The root node can't easily count per-turn values (since Turn isn't called until // halfway though a frame), so just reset them the zero to prevent weird displays if (!node->GetParent()) { unlogged_time_turn = 0.0; } if (col == 2) sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%.3f", unlogged_time_frame * 1000.0f); else if (col == 4) sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%.3f", unlogged_time_turn * 1000.f); return CStr(buf); } switch(col) { default: case 0: return child->GetName(); case 1: sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%.1f", child->GetFrameCalls()); break; case 2: sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%.3f", child->GetFrameTime() * 1000.0f); break; case 3: sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%.1f", child->GetTurnCalls()); break; case 4: sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%.3f", child->GetTurnTime() * 1000.0f); break; } return CStr(buf); } // Return a pointer to the child table if the child node is expandable AbstractProfileTable* CProfileNodeTable::GetChild(size_t row) { CProfileNode* child; size_t nrchildren = node->GetChildren()->size(); size_t nrscriptchildren = node->GetScriptChildren()->size(); if (row < nrchildren) child = (*node->GetChildren())[row]; else if (row < nrchildren + nrscriptchildren) child = (*node->GetScriptChildren())[row - nrchildren]; else return 0; if (child->CanExpand()) return child->display_table; return 0; } // Highlight all script nodes bool CProfileNodeTable::IsHighlightRow(size_t row) { size_t nrchildren = node->GetChildren()->size(); size_t nrscriptchildren = node->GetScriptChildren()->size(); return (row >= nrchildren && row < (nrchildren + nrscriptchildren)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CProfileNode implementation // Note: As with the GPG profiler, name is assumed to be a pointer to a constant string; only pointer equality is checked. CProfileNode::CProfileNode( const char* _name, CProfileNode* _parent ) { name = _name; recursion = 0; Reset(); parent = _parent; display_table = new CProfileNodeTable(this); } CProfileNode::~CProfileNode() { profile_iterator it; for( it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ) delete( *it ); for( it = script_children.begin(); it != script_children.end(); ++it ) delete( *it ); delete display_table; } template static double average(const T& collection) { if (collection.empty()) return 0.0; return std::accumulate(collection.begin(), collection.end(), 0.0) / collection.size(); } double CProfileNode::GetFrameCalls() const { return average(calls_per_frame); } double CProfileNode::GetFrameTime() const { return average(time_per_frame); } double CProfileNode::GetTurnCalls() const { return average(calls_per_turn); } double CProfileNode::GetTurnTime() const { return average(time_per_turn); } const CProfileNode* CProfileNode::GetChild( const char* childName ) const { const_profile_iterator it; for( it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ) if( (*it)->name == childName ) return( *it ); return( NULL ); } const CProfileNode* CProfileNode::GetScriptChild( const char* childName ) const { const_profile_iterator it; for( it = script_children.begin(); it != script_children.end(); ++it ) if( (*it)->name == childName ) return( *it ); return( NULL ); } CProfileNode* CProfileNode::GetChild( const char* childName ) { profile_iterator it; for( it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ) if( (*it)->name == childName ) return( *it ); CProfileNode* newNode = new CProfileNode( childName, this ); children.push_back( newNode ); return( newNode ); } CProfileNode* CProfileNode::GetScriptChild( const char* childName ) { profile_iterator it; for( it = script_children.begin(); it != script_children.end(); ++it ) if( (*it)->name == childName ) return( *it ); CProfileNode* newNode = new CProfileNode( childName, this ); script_children.push_back( newNode ); return( newNode ); } bool CProfileNode::CanExpand() { return( !( children.empty() && script_children.empty() ) ); } void CProfileNode::Reset() { calls_per_frame.clear(); calls_per_turn.clear(); calls_frame_current = 0; calls_turn_current = 0; time_per_frame.clear(); time_per_turn.clear(); time_frame_current = 0.0; time_turn_current = 0.0; profile_iterator it; for (it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) (*it)->Reset(); for (it = script_children.begin(); it != script_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->Reset(); } void CProfileNode::Frame() { calls_per_frame.push_back(calls_frame_current); time_per_frame.push_back(time_frame_current); calls_frame_current = 0; time_frame_current = 0.0; profile_iterator it; for (it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) (*it)->Frame(); for (it = script_children.begin(); it != script_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->Frame(); } void CProfileNode::Turn() { calls_per_turn.push_back(calls_turn_current); time_per_turn.push_back(time_turn_current); calls_turn_current = 0; time_turn_current = 0.0; profile_iterator it; for (it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) (*it)->Turn(); for (it = script_children.begin(); it != script_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->Turn(); } void CProfileNode::Call() { calls_frame_current++; calls_turn_current++; if (recursion++ == 0) { start = timer_Time(); } } bool CProfileNode::Return() { if (--recursion != 0) return false; double now = timer_Time(); time_frame_current += (now - start); time_turn_current += (now - start); return true; } CProfileManager::CProfileManager() : root(NULL), current(NULL), needs_structural_reset(false) { PerformStructuralReset(); } CProfileManager::~CProfileManager() { delete root; } void CProfileManager::Start( const char* name ) { if( name != current->GetName() ) current = current->GetChild( name ); current->Call(); } void CProfileManager::StartScript( const char* name ) { if( name != current->GetName() ) current = current->GetScriptChild( name ); current->Call(); } void CProfileManager::Stop() { if (current->Return()) current = current->GetParent(); } void CProfileManager::Reset() { root->Reset(); } void CProfileManager::Frame() { root->time_frame_current += (timer_Time() - root->start); root->Frame(); if (needs_structural_reset) { PerformStructuralReset(); needs_structural_reset = false; } root->start = timer_Time(); } void CProfileManager::Turn() { root->Turn(); } void CProfileManager::StructuralReset() { // We can't immediately perform the reset, because we're probably already // nested inside the profile tree and it will get very confused if we delete // the tree when we're not currently at the root. // So just set a flag to perform the reset at the end of the frame. needs_structural_reset = true; } void CProfileManager::PerformStructuralReset() { delete root; root = new CProfileNode("root", NULL); root->Call(); current = root; g_ProfileViewer.AddRootTable(root->display_table, true); } CProfileSample::CProfileSample(const char* name) { if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised()) { // The profiler is only safe to use on the main thread if(Threading::IsMainThread()) g_Profiler.Start(name); } } CProfileSample::~CProfileSample() { if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised()) if(Threading::IsMainThread()) g_Profiler.Stop(); }