/* Copyright (C) 2011 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "GameView.h" #include "graphics/Camera.h" #include "graphics/CinemaTrack.h" #include "graphics/ColladaManager.h" #include "graphics/HFTracer.h" #include "graphics/LightEnv.h" #include "graphics/LOSTexture.h" #include "graphics/Model.h" #include "graphics/ObjectManager.h" #include "graphics/Patch.h" #include "graphics/SkeletonAnimManager.h" #include "graphics/Terrain.h" #include "graphics/TerrainTextureManager.h" #include "graphics/Unit.h" #include "graphics/UnitManager.h" #include "lib/input.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "maths/Bound.h" #include "maths/MathUtil.h" #include "maths/Matrix3D.h" #include "maths/Quaternion.h" #include "ps/ConfigDB.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/Globals.h" #include "ps/Hotkey.h" #include "ps/Joystick.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/LoaderThunks.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h" #include "ps/World.h" #include "renderer/Renderer.h" #include "renderer/WaterManager.h" #include "scripting/ScriptableObject.h" #include "simulation/LOSManager.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpPosition.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpRangeManager.h" extern int g_xres, g_yres; const float CGameView::defaultFOV = DEGTORAD(20.f); const float CGameView::defaultNear = 16.f; const float CGameView::defaultFar = 4096.f; const float CGameView::defaultCullFOV = CGameView::defaultFOV + DEGTORAD(6.0f); //add 6 degrees to the default FOV for use with the culling frustum // Maximum distance outside the edge of the map that the camera's // focus point can be moved static const float CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN = 2.0f*CELL_SIZE; /** * A value with exponential decay towards the target value. */ class CSmoothedValue { public: CSmoothedValue(float value, float smoothness, float minDelta) : m_Target(value), m_Current(value), m_Smoothness(smoothness), m_MinDelta(minDelta) { } float GetSmoothedValue() { return m_Current; } void SetValueSmoothly(float value) { m_Target = value; } void AddSmoothly(float value) { m_Target += value; } void Add(float value) { m_Target += value; m_Current += value; } float GetValue() { return m_Target; } void SetValue(float value) { m_Target = value; m_Current = value; } float Update(float time) { if (fabs(m_Target - m_Current) < m_MinDelta) return 0.0f; double p = pow((double)m_Smoothness, 10.0 * (double)time); // (add the factor of 10 so that smoothnesses don't have to be tiny numbers) double delta = (m_Target - m_Current) * (1.0 - p); m_Current += delta; return (float)delta; } void ClampSmoothly(float min, float max) { m_Target = Clamp(m_Target, (double)min, (double)max); } // Wrap so 'target' is in the range [min, max] void Wrap(float min, float max) { double t = fmod(m_Target - min, (double)(max - min)); if (t < 0) t += max - min; t += min; m_Current += t - m_Target; m_Target = t; } private: double m_Target; // the value which m_Current is tending towards double m_Current; // (We use double because the extra precision is worthwhile here) float m_MinDelta; // cutoff where we stop moving (to avoid ugly shimmering effects) public: float m_Smoothness; }; class CGameViewImpl : public CJSObject { NONCOPYABLE(CGameViewImpl); public: CGameViewImpl(CGame* game) : Game(game), ColladaManager(), MeshManager(ColladaManager), SkeletonAnimManager(ColladaManager), ObjectManager(MeshManager, SkeletonAnimManager, *game->GetSimulation2()), ViewCamera(), CullCamera(), LockCullCamera(false), ConstrainCamera(true), Culling(true), FollowEntity(INVALID_ENTITY), FollowFirstPerson(false), // Dummy values (these will be filled in by the config file) ViewScrollSpeed(0), ViewRotateXSpeed(0), ViewRotateXMin(0), ViewRotateXMax(0), ViewRotateXDefault(0), ViewRotateYSpeed(0), ViewRotateYSpeedWheel(0), ViewRotateYDefault(0), ViewDragSpeed(0), ViewZoomSpeed(0), ViewZoomSpeedWheel(0), ViewZoomMin(0), ViewZoomMax(0), ViewZoomDefault(0), JoystickPanX(-1), JoystickPanY(-1), JoystickRotateX(-1), JoystickRotateY(-1), JoystickZoomIn(-1), JoystickZoomOut(-1), PosX(0, 0, 0.01f), PosY(0, 0, 0.01f), PosZ(0, 0, 0.01f), Zoom(0, 0, 0.1f), RotateX(0, 0, 0.001f), RotateY(0, 0, 0.001f) { } CGame* Game; CColladaManager ColladaManager; CMeshManager MeshManager; CSkeletonAnimManager SkeletonAnimManager; CObjectManager ObjectManager; CLOSTexture LOSTexture; /** * this camera controls the eye position when rendering */ CCamera ViewCamera; /** * this camera controls the frustum that is used for culling * and shadow calculations * * Note that all code that works with camera movements should only change * m_ViewCamera. The render functions automatically sync the cull camera to * the view camera depending on the value of m_LockCullCamera. */ CCamera CullCamera; /** * When @c true, the cull camera is locked in place. * When @c false, the cull camera follows the view camera. * * Exposed to JS as gameView.lockCullCamera */ bool LockCullCamera; /** * When @c true, culling is enabled so that only models that have a chance of * being visible are sent to the renderer. * Otherwise, the entire world is sent to the renderer. * * Exposed to JS as gameView.culling */ bool Culling; /** * Whether the camera movement should be constrained by min/max limits * and terrain avoidance. */ bool ConstrainCamera; /** * Cache global lighting environment. This is used to check whether the * environment has changed during the last frame, so that vertex data can be updated etc. */ CLightEnv CachedLightEnv; CCinemaManager TrackManager; /** * Entity for the camera to follow, or INVALID_ENTITY if none. */ entity_id_t FollowEntity; /** * Whether to follow FollowEntity in first-person mode. */ bool FollowFirstPerson; //////////////////////////////////////// // Settings float ViewScrollSpeed; float ViewRotateXSpeed; float ViewRotateXMin; float ViewRotateXMax; float ViewRotateXDefault; float ViewRotateYSpeed; float ViewRotateYSpeedWheel; float ViewRotateYDefault; float ViewDragSpeed; float ViewZoomSpeed; float ViewZoomSpeedWheel; float ViewZoomMin; float ViewZoomMax; float ViewZoomDefault; int JoystickPanX; int JoystickPanY; int JoystickRotateX; int JoystickRotateY; int JoystickZoomIn; int JoystickZoomOut; //////////////////////////////////////// // Camera Controls State CSmoothedValue PosX; CSmoothedValue PosY; CSmoothedValue PosZ; CSmoothedValue Zoom; CSmoothedValue RotateX; // inclination around x axis (relative to camera) CSmoothedValue RotateY; // rotation around y (vertical) axis static void ScriptingInit(); }; static void SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(CGameViewImpl* m, CMatrix3D* orientation) { orientation->SetIdentity(); orientation->RotateX(m->RotateX.GetSmoothedValue()); orientation->RotateY(m->RotateY.GetSmoothedValue()); orientation->Translate(m->PosX.GetSmoothedValue(), m->PosY.GetSmoothedValue(), m->PosZ.GetSmoothedValue()); } static void SetupCameraMatrixSmoothRot(CGameViewImpl* m, CMatrix3D* orientation) { orientation->SetIdentity(); orientation->RotateX(m->RotateX.GetSmoothedValue()); orientation->RotateY(m->RotateY.GetSmoothedValue()); orientation->Translate(m->PosX.GetValue(), m->PosY.GetValue(), m->PosZ.GetValue()); } static void SetupCameraMatrixNonSmooth(CGameViewImpl* m, CMatrix3D* orientation) { orientation->SetIdentity(); orientation->RotateX(m->RotateX.GetValue()); orientation->RotateY(m->RotateY.GetValue()); orientation->Translate(m->PosX.GetValue(), m->PosY.GetValue(), m->PosZ.GetValue()); } CGameView::CGameView(CGame *pGame): m(new CGameViewImpl(pGame)) { SViewPort vp; vp.m_X=0; vp.m_Y=0; vp.m_Width=g_xres; vp.m_Height=g_yres; m->ViewCamera.SetViewPort(vp); m->ViewCamera.SetProjection(defaultNear, defaultFar, defaultFOV); SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(m, &m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation); m->ViewCamera.UpdateFrustum(); m->CullCamera = m->ViewCamera; g_Renderer.SetSceneCamera(m->ViewCamera, m->CullCamera); } CGameView::~CGameView() { UnloadResources(); delete m; } void CGameView::SetViewport(const SViewPort& vp) { m->ViewCamera.SetViewPort(vp); m->ViewCamera.SetProjection(defaultNear, defaultFar, defaultFOV); } CObjectManager& CGameView::GetObjectManager() const { return m->ObjectManager; } JSObject* CGameView::GetScript() { return m->GetScript(); } /*static*/ void CGameView::ScriptingInit() { return CGameViewImpl::ScriptingInit(); } CCamera* CGameView::GetCamera() { return &m->ViewCamera; } CCinemaManager* CGameView::GetCinema() { return &m->TrackManager; }; CLOSTexture& CGameView::GetLOSTexture() { return m->LOSTexture; } void CGameViewImpl::ScriptingInit() { AddProperty(L"culling", &CGameViewImpl::Culling); AddProperty(L"lockCullCamera", &CGameViewImpl::LockCullCamera); AddProperty(L"constrainCamera", &CGameViewImpl::ConstrainCamera); CJSObject::ScriptingInit("GameView"); } int CGameView::Initialize() { CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.scroll.speed", Float, m->ViewScrollSpeed); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.x.speed", Float, m->ViewRotateXSpeed); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.x.min", Float, m->ViewRotateXMin); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.x.max", Float, m->ViewRotateXMax); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.x.default", Float, m->ViewRotateXDefault); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.y.speed", Float, m->ViewRotateYSpeed); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.y.speed.wheel", Float, m->ViewRotateYSpeedWheel); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.y.default", Float, m->ViewRotateYDefault); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.drag.speed", Float, m->ViewDragSpeed); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.zoom.speed", Float, m->ViewZoomSpeed); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.zoom.speed.wheel", Float, m->ViewZoomSpeedWheel); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.zoom.min", Float, m->ViewZoomMin); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.zoom.max", Float, m->ViewZoomMax); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.zoom.default", Float, m->ViewZoomDefault); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("joystick.camera.pan.x", Int, m->JoystickPanX); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("joystick.camera.pan.y", Int, m->JoystickPanY); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("joystick.camera.rotate.x", Int, m->JoystickRotateX); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("joystick.camera.rotate.y", Int, m->JoystickRotateY); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("joystick.camera.zoom.in", Int, m->JoystickZoomIn); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("joystick.camera.zoom.out", Int, m->JoystickZoomOut); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.pos.smoothness", Float, m->PosX.m_Smoothness); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.pos.smoothness", Float, m->PosY.m_Smoothness); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.pos.smoothness", Float, m->PosZ.m_Smoothness); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.zoom.smoothness", Float, m->Zoom.m_Smoothness); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.x.smoothness", Float, m->RotateX.m_Smoothness); CFG_GET_SYS_VAL("view.rotate.y.smoothness", Float, m->RotateY.m_Smoothness); m->RotateX.SetValue(DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateXDefault)); m->RotateY.SetValue(DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateYDefault)); return 0; } void CGameView::RegisterInit() { // CGameView init RegMemFun(this, &CGameView::Initialize, L"CGameView init", 1); // previously done by CGameView::InitResources RegMemFun(g_TexMan.GetSingletonPtr(), &CTerrainTextureManager::LoadTerrainTextures, L"LoadTerrainTextures", 60); RegMemFun(g_Renderer.GetSingletonPtr(), &CRenderer::LoadAlphaMaps, L"LoadAlphaMaps", 5); RegMemFun(g_Renderer.GetSingletonPtr()->GetWaterManager(), &WaterManager::LoadWaterTextures, L"LoadWaterTextures", 80); } void CGameView::Render() { if (m->LockCullCamera == false) { // Set up cull camera m->CullCamera = m->ViewCamera; // One way to fix shadows popping in at the edge of the screen is to widen the culling frustum so that // objects aren't culled as early. The downside is that objects will get rendered even though they appear // off screen, which is somewhat inefficient. A better solution would be to decouple shadow map rendering // from model rendering; as it is now, a shadow map is only rendered if its associated model is to be // rendered. // (See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/504) m->CullCamera.SetProjection(defaultNear, defaultFar, defaultCullFOV); m->CullCamera.UpdateFrustum(); } g_Renderer.SetSceneCamera(m->ViewCamera, m->CullCamera); CheckLightEnv(); g_Renderer.RenderScene(this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This callback is part of the Scene interface // Submit all objects visible in the given frustum void CGameView::EnumerateObjects(const CFrustum& frustum, SceneCollector* c) { PROFILE_START( "submit terrain" ); CTerrain* pTerrain = m->Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); const ssize_t patchesPerSide = pTerrain->GetPatchesPerSide(); // find out which patches will be drawn for (ssize_t j=0; jGetPatch(i,j); // can't fail // If the patch is underwater, calculate a bounding box that also contains the water plane CBound bounds = patch->GetBounds(); float waterHeight = g_Renderer.GetWaterManager()->m_WaterHeight + 0.001f; if(bounds[1].Y < waterHeight) { bounds[1].Y = waterHeight; } if (!m->Culling || frustum.IsBoxVisible (CVector3D(0,0,0), bounds)) { //c->Submit(patch); // set the renderstate for this patch patch->setDrawState(true); // set the renderstate for the neighbors CPatch *nPatch; nPatch = pTerrain->GetPatch(i-1,j-1); if(nPatch) nPatch->setDrawState(true); nPatch = pTerrain->GetPatch(i,j-1); if(nPatch) nPatch->setDrawState(true); nPatch = pTerrain->GetPatch(i+1,j-1); if(nPatch) nPatch->setDrawState(true); nPatch = pTerrain->GetPatch(i-1,j); if(nPatch) nPatch->setDrawState(true); nPatch = pTerrain->GetPatch(i+1,j); if(nPatch) nPatch->setDrawState(true); nPatch = pTerrain->GetPatch(i-1,j+1); if(nPatch) nPatch->setDrawState(true); nPatch = pTerrain->GetPatch(i,j+1); if(nPatch) nPatch->setDrawState(true); nPatch = pTerrain->GetPatch(i+1,j+1); if(nPatch) nPatch->setDrawState(true); } } } // draw the patches for (ssize_t j=0; jGetPatch(i,j); // can't fail if(patch->getDrawState() == true) { c->Submit(patch); patch->setDrawState(false); } } } PROFILE_END( "submit terrain" ); PROFILE_START( "submit sim components" ); m->Game->GetSimulation2()->RenderSubmit(*c, frustum, m->Culling); PROFILE_END( "submit sim components" ); } static void MarkUpdateColorRecursive(CModel& model) { model.SetDirty(RENDERDATA_UPDATE_COLOR); const std::vector& props = model.GetProps(); for(size_t i = 0; i < props.size(); ++i) { debug_assert(props[i].m_Model); MarkUpdateColorRecursive(*props[i].m_Model); } } void CGameView::CheckLightEnv() { if (m->CachedLightEnv == g_LightEnv) return; m->CachedLightEnv = g_LightEnv; CTerrain* pTerrain = m->Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); if (!pTerrain) return; PROFILE("update light env"); pTerrain->MakeDirty(RENDERDATA_UPDATE_COLOR); const std::vector& units = m->Game->GetWorld()->GetUnitManager().GetUnits(); for(size_t i = 0; i < units.size(); ++i) { MarkUpdateColorRecursive(units[i]->GetModel()); } } void CGameView::UnloadResources() { g_TexMan.UnloadTerrainTextures(); g_Renderer.UnloadAlphaMaps(); g_Renderer.GetWaterManager()->UnloadWaterTextures(); } static void ClampDistance(CGameViewImpl* m, bool smooth) { if (!m->ConstrainCamera) return; CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera; SetupCameraMatrixSmoothRot(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation); CVector3D forwards = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetIn(); CVector3D delta = targetCam.GetFocus() - targetCam.m_Orientation.GetTranslation(); float dist = delta.Dot(forwards); float clampedDist = Clamp(dist, m->ViewZoomMin, m->ViewZoomMax); float diff = clampedDist - dist; if (!diff) return; if (smooth) { m->PosX.AddSmoothly(forwards.X * -diff); m->PosY.AddSmoothly(forwards.Y * -diff); m->PosZ.AddSmoothly(forwards.Z * -diff); } else { m->PosX.Add(forwards.X * -diff); m->PosY.Add(forwards.Y * -diff); m->PosZ.Add(forwards.Z * -diff); } } void CGameView::Update(float DeltaTime) { if (!g_app_has_focus) return; // TODO: this is probably not an ideal place for this, it should probably go // in a CCmpWaterManager or some such thing (once such a thing exists) if (!m->Game->m_Paused) g_Renderer.GetWaterManager()->m_WaterTexTimer += DeltaTime; if (m->TrackManager.IsActive() && m->TrackManager.IsPlaying()) { if (! m->TrackManager.Update(DeltaTime)) { // ResetCamera(); } return; } // Calculate mouse movement static int mouse_last_x = 0; static int mouse_last_y = 0; int mouse_dx = g_mouse_x - mouse_last_x; int mouse_dy = g_mouse_y - mouse_last_y; mouse_last_x = g_mouse_x; mouse_last_y = g_mouse_y; if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.rotate.cw")) m->RotateY.AddSmoothly(m->ViewRotateYSpeed * DeltaTime); if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.rotate.ccw")) m->RotateY.AddSmoothly(-m->ViewRotateYSpeed * DeltaTime); if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.rotate.up")) m->RotateX.AddSmoothly(-m->ViewRotateXSpeed * DeltaTime); if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.rotate.down")) m->RotateX.AddSmoothly(m->ViewRotateXSpeed * DeltaTime); float moveRightward = 0.f; float moveForward = 0.f; if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.pan")) { moveRightward += m->ViewDragSpeed * mouse_dx; moveForward += m->ViewDragSpeed * -mouse_dy; } if (g_mouse_active) { if (g_mouse_x >= g_xres - 2 && g_mouse_x < g_xres) moveRightward += m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; else if (g_mouse_x <= 3 && g_mouse_x >= 0) moveRightward -= m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; if (g_mouse_y >= g_yres - 2 && g_mouse_y < g_yres) moveForward -= m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; else if (g_mouse_y <= 3 && g_mouse_y >= 0) moveForward += m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; } if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.right")) moveRightward += m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.left")) moveRightward -= m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.up")) moveForward += m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.down")) moveForward -= m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; if (g_Joystick.IsEnabled()) { // This could all be improved with extra speed and sensitivity settings // (maybe use pow to allow finer control?), and inversion settings moveRightward += g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickPanX) * m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; moveForward -= g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickPanY) * m->ViewScrollSpeed * DeltaTime; m->RotateX.AddSmoothly(g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickRotateX) * m->ViewRotateXSpeed * DeltaTime); m->RotateY.AddSmoothly(-g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickRotateY) * m->ViewRotateYSpeed * DeltaTime); // Use a +1 bias for zoom because I want this to work with trigger buttons that default to -1 m->Zoom.AddSmoothly((g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickZoomIn) + 1.0f) / 2.0f * m->ViewZoomSpeed * DeltaTime); m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(-(g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickZoomOut) + 1.0f) / 2.0f * m->ViewZoomSpeed * DeltaTime); } if (moveRightward || moveForward) { // Break out of following mode when the user starts scrolling m->FollowEntity = INVALID_ENTITY; float s = sin(m->RotateY.GetSmoothedValue()); float c = cos(m->RotateY.GetSmoothedValue()); m->PosX.AddSmoothly(c * moveRightward); m->PosZ.AddSmoothly(-s * moveRightward); m->PosX.AddSmoothly(s * moveForward); m->PosZ.AddSmoothly(c * moveForward); } if (m->FollowEntity) { CmpPtr cmpPosition(*(m->Game->GetSimulation2()), m->FollowEntity); if (!cmpPosition.null() && cmpPosition->IsInWorld()) { // Get the most recent interpolated position float frameOffset = m->Game->GetSimulation2()->GetLastFrameOffset(); CMatrix3D transform = cmpPosition->GetInterpolatedTransform(frameOffset, false); CVector3D pos = transform.GetTranslation(); if (m->FollowFirstPerson) { float x, z, angle; cmpPosition->GetInterpolatedPosition2D(frameOffset, x, z, angle); float height = 4.f; m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation.SetIdentity(); m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation.RotateX((float)M_PI/24.f); m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation.RotateY(angle); m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation.Translate(pos.X, pos.Y + height, pos.Z); m->ViewCamera.UpdateFrustum(); return; } else { // Move the camera to match the unit CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera; SetupCameraMatrixSmoothRot(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation); CVector3D pivot = targetCam.GetFocus(); CVector3D delta = pos - pivot; m->PosX.AddSmoothly(delta.X); m->PosY.AddSmoothly(delta.Y); m->PosZ.AddSmoothly(delta.Z); } } else { // The unit disappeared (died or garrisoned etc), so stop following it m->FollowEntity = INVALID_ENTITY; } } if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.zoom.in")) m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(m->ViewZoomSpeed * DeltaTime); if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.zoom.out")) m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(-m->ViewZoomSpeed * DeltaTime); float zoomDelta = m->Zoom.Update(DeltaTime); if (zoomDelta) { CVector3D forwards = m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation.GetIn(); m->PosX.AddSmoothly(forwards.X * zoomDelta); m->PosY.AddSmoothly(forwards.Y * zoomDelta); m->PosZ.AddSmoothly(forwards.Z * zoomDelta); } if (m->ConstrainCamera) m->RotateX.ClampSmoothly(DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateXMin), DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateXMax)); ClampDistance(m, true); // Ensure the ViewCamera focus is inside the map with the chosen margins // if not so - apply margins to the camera if (m->ConstrainCamera) { CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera; SetupCameraMatrixSmoothRot(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation); CTerrain* pTerrain = m->Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); CVector3D pivot = targetCam.GetFocus(); CVector3D delta = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetTranslation() - pivot; CVector3D desiredPivot = pivot; CmpPtr cmpRangeManager(*m->Game->GetSimulation2(), SYSTEM_ENTITY); if (!cmpRangeManager.null() && cmpRangeManager->GetLosCircular()) { // Clamp to a circular region around the center of the map float r = pTerrain->GetMaxX() / 2; CVector3D center(r, desiredPivot.Y, r); float dist = (desiredPivot - center).Length(); if (dist > r + CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN) desiredPivot = center + (desiredPivot - center).Normalized() * (r + CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN); } else { // Clamp to the square edges of the map desiredPivot.X = Clamp(desiredPivot.X, pTerrain->GetMinX() - CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN, pTerrain->GetMaxX() + CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN); desiredPivot.Z = Clamp(desiredPivot.Z, pTerrain->GetMinZ() - CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN, pTerrain->GetMaxZ() + CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN); } // Update the position so that pivot is within the margin m->PosX.SetValueSmoothly(desiredPivot.X + delta.X); m->PosZ.SetValueSmoothly(desiredPivot.Z + delta.Z); } m->PosX.Update(DeltaTime); m->PosY.Update(DeltaTime); m->PosZ.Update(DeltaTime); // Handle rotation around the Y (vertical) axis { CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera; SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation); float rotateYDelta = m->RotateY.Update(DeltaTime); if (rotateYDelta) { // We've updated RotateY, and need to adjust Pos so that it's still // facing towards the original focus point (the terrain in the center // of the screen). CVector3D upwards(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); CVector3D pivot = targetCam.GetFocus(); CVector3D delta = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetTranslation() - pivot; CQuaternion q; q.FromAxisAngle(upwards, rotateYDelta); CVector3D d = q.Rotate(delta) - delta; m->PosX.Add(d.X); m->PosY.Add(d.Y); m->PosZ.Add(d.Z); } } // Handle rotation around the X (sideways, relative to camera) axis { CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera; SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation); float rotateXDelta = m->RotateX.Update(DeltaTime); if (rotateXDelta) { CVector3D rightwards = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetLeft() * -1.0f; CVector3D pivot = m->ViewCamera.GetFocus(); CVector3D delta = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetTranslation() - pivot; CQuaternion q; q.FromAxisAngle(rightwards, rotateXDelta); CVector3D d = q.Rotate(delta) - delta; m->PosX.Add(d.X); m->PosY.Add(d.Y); m->PosZ.Add(d.Z); } } /* This is disabled since it doesn't seem necessary: // Ensure the camera's near point is never inside the terrain if (m->ConstrainCamera) { CMatrix3D target; target.SetIdentity(); target.RotateX(m->RotateX.GetValue()); target.RotateY(m->RotateY.GetValue()); target.Translate(m->PosX.GetValue(), m->PosY.GetValue(), m->PosZ.GetValue()); CVector3D nearPoint = target.GetTranslation() + target.GetIn() * defaultNear; float ground = m->Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetExactGroundLevel(nearPoint.X, nearPoint.Z); float limit = ground + 16.f; if (nearPoint.Y < limit) m->PosY.AddSmoothly(limit - nearPoint.Y); } */ m->RotateY.Wrap(-(float)M_PI, (float)M_PI); // Update the camera matrix SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(m, &m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation); m->ViewCamera.UpdateFrustum(); } void CGameView::MoveCameraTarget(const CVector3D& target, bool minimap) { // Maintain the same orientation and level of zoom, if we can // (do this by working out the point the camera is looking at, saving // the difference between that position and the camera point, and restoring // that difference to our new target) CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera; SetupCameraMatrixNonSmooth(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation); CVector3D pivot = targetCam.GetFocus(); CVector3D delta = target - pivot; //If minimap movement, maintain previous zoom level by not changing Y position // - this prevents strange behavior when moving across changes in terrain height if (!minimap) m->PosY.SetValueSmoothly(delta.Y + m->PosY.GetValue()); m->PosX.SetValueSmoothly(delta.X + m->PosX.GetValue()); m->PosZ.SetValueSmoothly(delta.Z + m->PosZ.GetValue()); ClampDistance(m, false); // Break out of following mode so the camera really moves to the target m->FollowEntity = INVALID_ENTITY; } void CGameView::ResetCameraTarget(const CVector3D& target) { CMatrix3D orientation; orientation.SetIdentity(); orientation.RotateX(DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateXDefault)); orientation.RotateY(DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateYDefault)); CVector3D delta = orientation.GetIn() * m->ViewZoomDefault; m->PosX.SetValue(target.X - delta.X); m->PosY.SetValue(target.Y - delta.Y); m->PosZ.SetValue(target.Z - delta.Z); ClampDistance(m, false); SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(m, &m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation); m->ViewCamera.UpdateFrustum(); // Break out of following mode so the camera really moves to the target m->FollowEntity = INVALID_ENTITY; } void CGameView::ResetCameraAngleZoom() { CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera; SetupCameraMatrixNonSmooth(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation); // Compute the zoom adjustment to get us back to the default CVector3D forwards = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetIn(); CVector3D delta = targetCam.GetFocus() - targetCam.m_Orientation.GetTranslation(); float dist = delta.Dot(forwards); m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(dist - m->ViewZoomDefault); // Reset orientations to default m->RotateX.SetValueSmoothly(DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateXDefault)); m->RotateY.SetValueSmoothly(DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateYDefault)); } void CGameView::CameraFollow(entity_id_t entity, bool firstPerson) { m->FollowEntity = entity; m->FollowFirstPerson = firstPerson; } InReaction game_view_handler(const SDL_Event_* ev) { // put any events that must be processed even if inactive here if(!g_app_has_focus || !g_Game) return IN_PASS; CGameView *pView=g_Game->GetView(); return pView->HandleEvent(ev); } InReaction CGameView::HandleEvent(const SDL_Event_* ev) { switch(ev->ev.type) { case SDL_HOTKEYDOWN: std::string hotkey = static_cast(ev->ev.user.data1); if (hotkey == "wireframe") { if (g_Renderer.GetModelRenderMode() == SOLID) { g_Renderer.SetTerrainRenderMode(EDGED_FACES); g_Renderer.SetModelRenderMode(EDGED_FACES); } else if (g_Renderer.GetModelRenderMode() == EDGED_FACES) { g_Renderer.SetTerrainRenderMode(WIREFRAME); g_Renderer.SetModelRenderMode(WIREFRAME); } else { g_Renderer.SetTerrainRenderMode(SOLID); g_Renderer.SetModelRenderMode(SOLID); } return IN_HANDLED; } // Mouse wheel must be treated using events instead of polling, // because SDL auto-generates a sequence of mousedown/mouseup events // and we never get to see the "down" state inside Update(). else if (hotkey == "camera.zoom.wheel.in") { m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(m->ViewZoomSpeedWheel); return IN_HANDLED; } else if (hotkey == "camera.zoom.wheel.out") { m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(-m->ViewZoomSpeedWheel); return IN_HANDLED; } else if (hotkey == "camera.rotate.wheel.cw") { m->RotateY.AddSmoothly(m->ViewRotateYSpeedWheel); return IN_HANDLED; } else if (hotkey == "camera.rotate.wheel.ccw") { m->RotateY.AddSmoothly(-m->ViewRotateYSpeedWheel); return IN_HANDLED; } else if (hotkey == "camera.reset") { ResetCameraAngleZoom(); return IN_HANDLED; } } return IN_PASS; }