#include "precompiled.h" # include "sr_cfg_planner.h" //# define SR_USE_TRACE1 // not used //# define SR_USE_TRACE2 // update //# define SR_USE_TRACE3 // bridge # include "sr_trace.h" //============================= SrCfgPlannerBase ======================================== bool SrCfgPlannerBase::update_lazy ( float step, int tries, float prec ) { SrCfgNode* n; // new node added to the current tree SrCfgNode* nearest1; // nearest node in tree1 SrCfgNode* nearest2; // nearest node in tree2 float dist1; // distance from crand to nearest1 float dist2; // distance from crand to nearest2 srcfg* crand = _tmpc1; // the random configuration SR_TRACE2 ( "UPDT: expanding tree " << _curtree ); if ( _juststarted ) { _juststarted = false; if ( _test_bridge(_tree1.root(),_tree2.root(),prec) ) return true; // FOUND } _cman->random ( crand ); nearest1 = _tree1.search_nearest ( crand, &dist1 ); nearest2 = _tree2.search_nearest ( crand, &dist2 ); float dist = _cman->dist(nearest1->cfg(),nearest2->cfg()); if ( dist<=step ) { if ( _test_bridge(nearest1,nearest2,prec) ) return true; // FOUND } SR_TRACE2 ( "UPDT: nearest1="<id()<<" nearest2="<id() ); SR_TRACE2 ( "UPDT: expanding..." ); if ( _curtree==1 ) { n = _tree1.expand_node ( nearest1, crand, step, tries, dist1 ); if ( n ) { if ( _test_bridge(n,nearest2,prec) ) return true; // FOUND } } else { n = _tree2.expand_node ( nearest2, crand, step, tries, dist2 ); if ( n ) { if ( _test_bridge(nearest1,n,prec) ) return true; // FOUND } } _curtree = _curtree==1? 2:1; SR_TRACE2 ( "UPDT: not found." ); return false; // not found } void SrCfgPlannerBase::_heap_add_branch ( SrCfgTreeBase* tree, SrCfgNode* n ) { HeapEdge e; SrCfgNode *parent; while ( n->parent() ) { parent = n->parent(); if ( !parent->safe(n->parentlink()) ) { e.tree = tree; e.n1 = parent; // convention: e.n1 is parent of e.n2 e.n2 = n; _heap.insert ( e, parent->level(n->parentlink()) ); } n = parent; // move to the parent } } /*! Test if the path formed by connecting node index n1 of tree 1 with node index n2 of tree2 is a valid path. The test performs collision detection in the edges of the path incrementing their levels. A priority queue is used to first test edges in lower levels. If all edges in the path become safe, a path is formed and true is returned. Otherwise, the edge found to be invalid is deleted, the two trees are updated to keep the remaining edges, and false is returned */ bool SrCfgPlannerBase::_test_bridge ( SrCfgNode* n1, SrCfgNode* n2, float prec ) { // add the cfg of n2 to tree1: SrCfgNode* n12 = _tree1.add_node ( n1, n2->cfg() ); // make priority heap where the cost is the edge level // and add all non-safe path edges of tree 1 and tree 2 to the heap SR_TRACE3 ( "BRIDGE: building heap..." ); _heap.init(); _heap_add_branch ( &_tree1, n12 ); _heap_add_branch ( &_tree2, n2 ); // test and increment the level of the edges in the heap int level; HeapEdge e; while ( _heap.size()>0 ) { level = _heap.lowest_cost(); e = _heap.top(); SR_TRACE3 ( "BRIDGE: heap size="<<_heap.size()<<" level="<increment_edge_level ( e.n1, e.n2, prec ) ) break; // collision found // remove and reinsert edge if not yet safe: _heap.remove(); if ( !e.n1->safe(e.n2->parentlink()) ) _heap.insert ( e, level+1 ); } if ( _heap.size()==0 ) // all edges were safe: path found { SR_TRACE3 ( "BRIDGE: path found!" ); _solved = true; _path.init (); _tree1.get_branch ( n1, _path ); _path.revert(); _tree2.get_branch ( n2, _path ); SR_TRACE3 ( "BRIDGE: path done." ); } else // failed, reorganize trees { SR_TRACE3 ( "BRIDGE: failed, transferring subtrees..." ); if ( e.tree==&_tree1 ) { //sr_out<<"\nTRANSFER 1: "<id()<id()<id()<id()<id()<id()<id()<id()<