// EntityOrders.h // // Mark Thompson mot20@cam.ac.uk / mark@wildfiregames.com // // Entity orders structure. // // Usage: All orders at this point use the location component of the union. // Orders are: ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING: Attempts to reach the given destination via a line-of-sight // ORDER_GOTO_SMOOTED: system. Do not create an order of these types directly; it is // used to return a path of line segments from the pathfinder. // _SMOOTHED flags to the entity state-control that it's OK to // smooth the corner between segments. _NOPATHING just does // zero-radius turns. // ORDER_GOTO_COLLISION: When the coldet system is trying to get us out of a collision, // it generates these intermediate waypoints. We don't really have // any reason to go to this specific point, so if a better way // comes along, this order can be deleted. // ORDER_GOTO: Attempts to reach the given destination. Uses the pathfinder // to... er... find the path. // Create this order when a standard movement or movement waypoint // order is required. // ORDER_PATROL: As ORDER_GOTO, but pushes the patrol order onto the back of the // order queue after it's executed. In this way, the entity will // circle round a list of patrol points. // Create this order when a standard patrol order is required. // ORDER_ATTACK_MELEE: Move towards target entity; start bashing it when close enough. // If we collide with something (=> line-of-sight tracking no longer // sufficient) spawns a ORDER_GOTO to target's location and pushes it // immediately in front of this order. // // Entities which exhaust all orders from their queue go to idle status; there is no specific order // type for this status. #ifndef ENTITY_ORDER_INCLUDED #define ENTITY_ORDER_INCLUDED #define ORDER_MAX_DATA 1 #include "EntityHandles.h" #include "Vector2D.h" struct SOrderData { CVector2D location; u64 data; // miscellaneous HEntity entity; }; class CEntityOrder { public: enum { ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING, ORDER_GOTO_SMOOTHED, ORDER_GOTO_COLLISION, ORDER_GOTO, ORDER_PATROL, ORDER_ATTACK_MELEE, ORDER_ATTACK_MELEE_NOPATHING, ORDER_PATH_END_MARKER, ORDER_LAST } m_type; SOrderData m_data[ORDER_MAX_DATA]; }; #endif