#include "precompiled.h" #include "0ad_warning_disable.h" # include # include # include # include "sr_output.h" # include "sr_string.h" //============================== Global data ==================================== SrOutput sr_out; static char* DefaultIntFmt = "%d"; static char* DefaultFloatFmt = "g"; static char* DefaultDoubleFmt = "g"; //=============================== SrOutput ====================================== void SrOutput::_init () // this can be only called from constructors { _type = TypeConsole; _margin = 0; _margin_char = '\t'; _intfmt = DefaultIntFmt; _floatfmt = DefaultFloatFmt; _doublefmt = DefaultDoubleFmt; _func_udata = 0; _filename = 0; default_formats(); } SrOutput::SrOutput () { _init (); } SrOutput::SrOutput ( FILE *f ) { _init (); _type = TypeFile; _device.file = f; } SrOutput::SrOutput ( const char* filename, const char* mode ) { _init (); _type = TypeFile; _device.file = fopen(filename,mode); sr_string_set(_filename,filename); } SrOutput::SrOutput ( SrString &s ) { _init (); _type = TypeString; _device.string=&s; } SrOutput::SrOutput ( void(*f)(const char*,void*), void* udata ) { _init (); _type = TypeFunction; _func_udata = udata; _device.func = f; } SrOutput::~SrOutput () { close (); default_formats (); // will free pointers only if needed (no defaults used) } void SrOutput::leave_file () { _device.file = 0; _type=TypeConsole; } FILE* SrOutput::filept () { return _type==TypeFile? _device.file:0; } void SrOutput::init () { close(); _type=TypeConsole; } void SrOutput::init ( FILE *f ) { close(); _type=TypeFile; _device.file=f; } void SrOutput::init ( const char* filename, const char* mode ) { init ( fopen(filename,mode) ); sr_string_set(_filename,filename); } void SrOutput::init ( SrString &s ) { close(); _type=TypeString; _device.string=&s; } void SrOutput::init ( void(*f)(const char*,void*), void* udata ) { close(); _type=TypeFunction; _device.func=f; _func_udata = udata; } bool SrOutput::valid () { switch ( _type ) { case TypeConsole : return true; case TypeFile : return _device.file ? true:false; case TypeString : return _device.string ? true:false; case TypeFunction : return _device.func ? true:false; } return false; } void SrOutput::close () { if ( _type==TypeFile ) { if ( _device.file ) { fclose ( _device.file ); _device.file = 0; } } sr_string_set ( _filename, 0 ); } static void set_fmt ( char*& fmt, char* def, const char* newfmt ) { if ( fmt==def ) fmt=0; else sr_string_set ( fmt, 0 ); if ( newfmt==def ) fmt=def; else sr_string_set ( fmt, newfmt ); } void SrOutput::fmt_int ( const char* s ) { set_fmt ( _intfmt, DefaultIntFmt, s ); } void SrOutput::fmt_float ( const char* s ) { set_fmt ( _floatfmt, DefaultFloatFmt, s ); } void SrOutput::fmt_double ( const char* s ) { set_fmt ( _doublefmt, DefaultDoubleFmt, s ); } void SrOutput::outm () { int i; for ( i=0; i<_margin; i++ ) put ( _margin_char ); } void SrOutput::flush () { switch ( _type ) { case TypeConsole : fflush(stdout); break; case TypeFile : fflush(_device.file); break; case TypeString : break; case TypeFunction : break; } } void SrOutput::default_formats () { fmt_int ( DefaultIntFmt ); fmt_float ( DefaultFloatFmt ); fmt_double ( DefaultDoubleFmt ); } void SrOutput::put ( char c ) { switch ( _type ) { case TypeConsole : fputc(c,stdout); break; case TypeFile : fputc(c,_device.file); break; case TypeString : { char st[2]; st[0]=c; st[1]=0; _device.string->append(st); } break; case TypeFunction : { char st[2]; st[0]=c; st[1]=0; _device.func(st,_func_udata); } break; } } void SrOutput::put ( const char *st ) { switch ( _type ) { case TypeConsole : fputs(st,stdout); break; case TypeFile : fputs(st,_device.file); break; case TypeString : _device.string->append(st); break; case TypeFunction : _device.func(st,_func_udata); break; } } void SrOutput::putf ( const char *fmt, ... ) { char buf[256]; va_list args; buf[0] = 0; va_start ( args, fmt ); vsprintf ( buf, fmt, args ); va_end ( args ); put ( buf ); } void SrOutput::fatal_error ( const char *fmt, ... ) { char buf[256]; va_list args; buf[0] = 0; va_start ( args, fmt ); vsprintf ( buf, fmt, args ); va_end ( args ); put ( "\nSR Fatal Error !\n" ); put ( buf ); put ( "\nPress any key to exit..." ); flush (); getchar(); put ( "\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } void SrOutput::warning ( const char *fmt, ... ) { char buf[256]; va_list args; buf[0] = 0; va_start ( args, fmt ); vsprintf ( buf, fmt, args ); va_end ( args ); put ( "\nSR Warning:\n" ); put ( buf ); put ( "\n" ); flush (); } //=============================== friends =============================== SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, const char *st ) { o.put(st); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, const SrString& st ) { o.put((const char*)st); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, char c ) { o.put(c); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, srbyte c ) { o.putf(o._intfmt,(int)c); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, int i ) { o.putf(o._intfmt,i); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, bool b ) { o.put ( b? "true":"false" ); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, short s ) { o.putf(o._intfmt,(int)s); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, sruint i ) { o.putf(o._intfmt,(int)i); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, float f ) { if ( o._floatfmt[0]=='g' ) { if ( f==int(f) ) o.putf("%d.0",int(f)); else o.putf("%g",f); } else if ( o._floatfmt[0]=='i' ) { if ( f==int(f) ) o.putf("%d",int(f)); else o.putf("%f",f); } else o.putf(o._floatfmt,f); return o; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, double d ) { if ( o._doublefmt[0]=='g' ) { o.putf("%g",d); if ( d==int(d) ) o<<".0"; } else if ( o._doublefmt[0]=='i' ) { if ( d==int(d) ) o.putf("%d",int(d)); else o.putf("%f",d); } else o.putf(o._doublefmt,d); return o; } //============================== end of file ===============================