// Entity state-machine processing code. #include "precompiled.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Model.h" #include "Collision.h" #include "PathfindEngine.h" bool CEntity::processGotoNoPathing( CEntityOrder* current, float timestep ) { CVector2D delta; delta.x = (float)current->m_data[0].location.x - m_position.X; delta.y = (float)current->m_data[0].location.y - m_position.Z; float len = delta.length(); // ... 'Are we there yet?' ... if( len < 0.1f ) { if( current->m_type == CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_COLLISION ) { repath(); } else m_orderQueue.pop_front(); return( false ); } // Curve smoothing. // Here there be trig. if( current->m_type != CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_SMOOTHED ) { // We can only really attempt to smooth paths the pathfinder // has flagged for us. If the turning-radius calculations are // applied to other types of waypoint, wierdness happens. // Things like an entity trying to walk to a point inside // his turning radius (which he can't do directly, so he'll // orbit the point indefinately), or just massive deviations // making the paths we calculate useless. // It's also painful trying to watch two entities resolve their // collision when they're both bound by turning constraints. m_ahead = delta / len; m_orientation = atan2( m_ahead.x, m_ahead.y ); } else { m_targetorientation = atan2( delta.x, delta.y ); float deltatheta = m_targetorientation - (float)m_orientation; while( deltatheta > PI ) deltatheta -= 2 * PI; while( deltatheta < -PI ) deltatheta += 2 * PI; if( fabs( deltatheta ) > 0.01f ) { float maxTurningSpeed = ( m_speed / m_turningRadius ) * timestep; if( deltatheta > 0 ) { m_orientation = m_orientation + MIN( deltatheta, maxTurningSpeed ); } else m_orientation = m_orientation + MAX( deltatheta, -maxTurningSpeed ); m_ahead.x = sin( m_orientation ); m_ahead.y = cos( m_orientation ); } else { m_ahead = delta / len; m_orientation = atan2( m_ahead.x, m_ahead.y ); } } if( m_bounds->m_type == CBoundingObject::BOUND_OABB ) ((CBoundingBox*)m_bounds)->setOrientation( m_ahead ); float scale = m_speed * timestep; if( scale > len ) scale = len; delta = m_ahead * scale; m_position.X += delta.x; m_position.Z += delta.y; m_bounds->setPosition( m_position.X, m_position.Z ); HEntity collide = getCollisionObject( this ); if( collide ) { // Hit something. Is it our destination? if( collide->m_bounds->contains( current->m_data[0].location ) ) { m_orderQueue.pop_front(); return( false ); } // No? Take a step back. m_position.X -= delta.x; m_position.Z -= delta.y; m_bounds->setPosition( m_position.X, m_position.Z ); // Are we still hitting it? if( collide->m_bounds->intersects( m_bounds ) ) { // Oh dear. Most likely explanation is that this unit was created // within the bounding area of another entity. // Try a little boost of speed, to help resolve the situation more quickly. // This really shouldn't happen in the current build. m_position.X += delta.x * 2.0f; m_position.Z += delta.y * 2.0f; m_bounds->setPosition( m_position.X, m_position.Z ); return( false ); } // No? Path around it. CEntityOrder avoidance; avoidance.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_COLLISION; CVector2D right; right.x = m_ahead.y; right.y = -m_ahead.x; CVector2D avoidancePosition; if( ( collide->m_bounds->m_pos - m_bounds->m_pos ).dot( right ) < 1 ) { // Turn right. avoidancePosition = collide->m_bounds->m_pos + right * ( collide->m_bounds->m_radius + m_bounds->m_radius * 2.5f ); } else { // Turn left. avoidancePosition = collide->m_bounds->m_pos - right * ( collide->m_bounds->m_radius + m_bounds->m_radius * 2.5f ); } avoidance.m_data[0].location = avoidancePosition; if( current->m_type == CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_COLLISION ) m_orderQueue.pop_front(); m_orderQueue.push_front( avoidance ); return( false ); } return( false ); } bool CEntity::processGoto( CEntityOrder* current, float timestep ) { CVector2D pos( m_position.X, m_position.Z ); CVector2D path_to = current->m_data[0].location; m_orderQueue.pop_front(); if( ( path_to - pos ).length() < 0.1f ) return( false ); if( m_actor->GetModel()->GetAnimation() != m_actor->GetObject()->m_WalkAnim ) { m_actor->GetModel()->SetAnimation( m_actor->GetObject()->m_WalkAnim ); m_actor->GetModel()->Update( ( rand() * 1000.0f ) / 1000.0f ); } g_Pathfinder.requestPath( me, path_to ); return( true ); } bool CEntity::processPatrol( CEntityOrder* current, float timestep ) { CEntityOrder this_segment; CEntityOrder repeat_patrol; this_segment.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO; this_segment.m_data[0] = current->m_data[0]; repeat_patrol.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATROL; repeat_patrol.m_data[0] = current->m_data[0]; m_orderQueue.pop_front(); m_orderQueue.push_front( this_segment ); m_orderQueue.push_back( repeat_patrol ); return( true ); }