#include "precompiled.h" #include "CLocale.h" #include "TSComponent.h" #include "StringConvert.h" #include #include "ps/CLogger.h" #define LOG_CATEGORY "i18n" using namespace I18n; // Vaguely useful utility function for deleting stuff template void delete_fn(T* v) { delete v; } // These could be optimised for little-endian sizeof(wchar_t)==2 systems: static inline void ReadWString8_(const char*& data, Str& str) { u8 length = *(u8*)data; data += 1; StringConvert::ucs2le_to_wstring(data, data+length, str); data += length; } static inline void ReadWString16_(const char*& data, Str& str) { u16 length = *(u16*)data; data += 2; StringConvert::ucs2le_to_wstring(data, data+length, str); data += length; } #define ReadWString8(s) Str s; ReadWString8_(data, s); #define ReadWString16(s) Str s; ReadWString16_(data, s); bool CLocale::LoadStrings(const char* data) { // TODO: More robust file format (so errors can be detected in a // nicer way than watching for access violations) u16 PhraseCount = *(u16*)data; data += 2; for (int i = 0; i < PhraseCount; ++i) { ReadWString16(Key); u8 VarCount = *(u8*)data; data += 1; // Get the relevant entry in the string hash, creating it if it doesn't exist TranslatedString* String = Strings[Key]; if (! String) String = Strings[Key] = new TranslatedString; // If this is a redefined string, make sure it's empty String->Parts.clear(); // Store the number of variables, so translate(x)<VarCount = VarCount; u8 SectionCount = *(u8*)data; data += 1; for (int j = 0; j < SectionCount; ++j) { u8 SectionType = *(u8*)data; data += 1; switch (SectionType) { case 0: // Constant string { ReadWString16(StringText); String->Parts.push_back(new TSComponentString(StringText.c_str())); break; } case 1: // Variable { u8 VarID = *(u8*)data; data += 1; String->Parts.push_back(new TSComponentVariable(VarID)); break; } case 2: // Function { u8 NameLength = *(u8*)data; data += 1; std::string NameText ((char*)data, (char*)(data + NameLength)); data += NameLength; u8 ParamCount = *(u8*)data; data += 1; TSComponentFunction* Func = new TSComponentFunction(NameText.c_str()); for (int k = 0; k < ParamCount; ++k) { u8 ParamType = *(u8*)data; data += 1; switch (ParamType) { case 0: // String { ReadWString8(StrText); Func->AddParam(new ScriptValueString(Script, StrText.c_str())); break; } case 1: // Variable { u8 ID = *(u8*)data; data += 1; Func->AddParam(new ScriptValueVariable(Script, ID)); break; } case 2: // Integer { u32 Num = *(u32*)data; data += 4; Func->AddParam(new ScriptValueInteger(Script, Num)); break; } default: // Argh! debug_warn("Invalid function parameter type"); } } String->Parts.push_back(Func); break; } default: // Argh! debug_warn("Invalid translation string section type"); } } } return true; } bool CLocale::LoadFunctions(const char* data, size_t len, const char* filename) { // Insist on little-endian UTF16 files containing a BOM (e.g. as generated // by Notepad when saving in Unicode format) // TODO: Support more Unicode file formats if (len < 2) { LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "I18n: Functions file '%s' is too short", filename); return false; } if (*(jschar*)data != 0xFEFF) { LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "I18n: Functions file '%s' has invalid Unicode format (lacking little-endian BOM)", filename); return false; } if (! Script.ExecuteCode((jschar*)(data+2), len/2, filename)) { LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "I18n: JS errors in functions file '%s'", filename); return false; } return true; } bool CLocale::LoadDictionary(const char* data) { ReadWString8(DictName); u8 PropertyCount = *(u8*)data; data += 1; DictData& dict = Dictionaries[DictName]; if (dict.DictProperties.size() && PropertyCount != dict.DictProperties.size()) { LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "I18n: Multiple dictionary files loaded with the name ('%ls') and different properties", DictName.c_str()); return false; // TODO: Check headings to make sure they're identical (or handle them more cleverly) } // Read the names of the properties int i; for (i = 0; i < PropertyCount; ++i) { ReadWString8(Property); dict.DictProperties[Property] = i; } u16 ValueCount = *(u16*)data; data += 2; // Read each 'value' (word + properties) for (i = 0; i < ValueCount; ++i) { ReadWString8(Word); std::vector& props = dict.DictWords[Word]; for (int j = 0; j < PropertyCount; ++j) { ReadWString8(Value); props.push_back(Value); } } return true; } void CLocale::UnloadDictionaries() { Dictionaries.clear(); } const CLocale::LookupType* CLocale::LookupWord(const Str& dictname, const Str& word) { std::map::const_iterator dictit = Dictionaries.find(dictname); if (dictit == Dictionaries.end()) { LOG(WARNING, LOG_CATEGORY, "I18n: Non-loaded dictionary '%ls' accessed", dictname.c_str()); return NULL; } std::map >::const_iterator wordit = dictit->second.DictWords.find(word); if (wordit == dictit->second.DictWords.end()) { // Word not found. Respond quietly, so JS code can handle missing // words in a more appropriate way. return NULL; } // Return some data that can later be passed to LookupProperty return new LookupType(&dictit->second, &wordit->second); } bool CLocale::LookupProperty(const LookupType* data, const Str& property, Str& result) { std::map::const_iterator propit = data->first->DictProperties.find(property); if (propit == data->first->DictProperties.end()) return false; // Return the appropriate string result = (*data->second)[propit->second]; return true; } const StrImW CLocale::CallFunction(const char* name, const std::vector& vars, const std::vector& params) { return Script.CallFunction(name, vars, params); } StringBuffer CLocale::Translate(const wchar_t* id) { if (++CacheAge > CacheAgeLimit) { CacheAge = 0; ClearCache(); } StringsType::iterator TransStr = Strings.find(Str(id)); if (TransStr == Strings.end()) { LOG(WARNING, LOG_CATEGORY, "I18n: No translation found for string '%ls'", id); // Just use the ID string directly, and remember it for the future return StringBuffer(&AddDefaultString(id), this); } return StringBuffer((*TransStr).second, this); } void CLocale::AddToCache(StringBuffer* sb, Str& str) { CacheData& d = TranslationCache[sb->String]; // Clean up any earlier cache entry std::for_each(d.vars.begin(), d.vars.end(), delete_fn); // Set the data for the new cache entry d.hash = sb->Hash(); d.vars = sb->Variables; d.output = str; } bool CLocale::ReadCached(StringBuffer* sb, Str& str) { // Look for a string with the right key in the cache std::map::iterator it = TranslationCache.find(sb->String); // See if it actually exists if (it == TranslationCache.end()) return false; // Check quickly whether the hashes match if (sb->Hash() != (*it).second.hash) return false; // Check every variable to see whether they're identical debug_assert(sb->Variables.size() == (*it).second.vars.size()); // this should always be true size_t count = sb->Variables.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) if (! ( *sb->Variables[i] == *(*it).second.vars[i] ) ) return false; str = (*it).second.output; return true; } void CLocale::ClearCache() { // Deallocate cached data for (std::map::iterator it = TranslationCache.begin(); it != TranslationCache.end(); ++it) std::for_each((*it).second.vars.begin(), (*it).second.vars.end(), delete_fn); TranslationCache.clear(); } bool is_valid_variable_char(wchar_t c) { // c =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9_]/ // (Hurrah for internationalisation.) return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '_'); } TranslatedString& CLocale::AddDefaultString(const wchar_t* id) { // Parse a string involving $variables and $$ (=$) enum ParseState { st_default, st_afterdollar, st_variable }; ParseState state = st_default; TranslatedString* str = new TranslatedString; str->VarCount = 0; std::wstring tempstr; for (const wchar_t* ch = id; *ch != '\0'; ++ch) { switch (state) { case st_default: if (*ch == '$') { state = st_afterdollar; } else { tempstr += *ch; } break; case st_afterdollar: if (*ch == '$') { tempstr += '$'; state = st_default; } else { // Start of a variable name. // Push the old string onto the component stack if (tempstr.length()) { str->Parts.push_back(new TSComponentString(tempstr.c_str())); tempstr.clear(); } // Set the ID (starting at 0) and increment the count str->Parts.push_back(new TSComponentVariable(str->VarCount++)); state = st_variable; } break; case st_variable: if (*ch == '$') { state = st_afterdollar; } else if (! is_valid_variable_char(*ch)) { state = st_default; tempstr = *ch; } // We don't care about the actual name of the variable, so just ignore it. break; } } // Make sure the last string is added to the parts list if (tempstr.length()) str->Parts.push_back(new TSComponentString(tempstr.c_str())); Strings[id] = str; return *str; } CLocale::~CLocale() { // Clean up the list of strings for (StringsType::iterator it = Strings.begin(); it != Strings.end(); ++it) delete (*it).second; ClearCache(); }