use strict; use warnings; # Run the game normally to generate a simulation command log. # Run the replay mode like: # ./pyrogenesis -replay=$HOME/.config/0ad/logs/sim_log/99999/commands.txt # to generate profile.txt. # Then run: # perl > data.js # then open graph.html. open my $f, '../../../binaries/system/profile.txt' or die $!; my $turn = 0; my %s; my %f; while (<$f>) { if (/^PS profiler snapshot/) { if ($turn) { for (keys %f) { $s{$_}[$turn-1] = $f{$_}; } } ++$turn; %f = (); } elsif (/Time in node: ([\d.]+)/) { $f{"total"} += $1; } elsif (/^[|'][- |']*([^|]+?)\s+\|[^|]+\|\s+(\S+)/) { $f{$1} += $2; } elsif (/^[|']-([^|]+?)\s+\|\s+(\d+)/) { $f{$1} += $2; } } print "var graphData = [\n"; my $n = 0; for my $k (sort keys %s) { print ",\n" if $n++; print "{label: '$k', data:["; for my $t (0..$#{$s{$k}}) { print "," if $t; print "[$t,".($s{$k}[$t] || 0)."]"; } print "]}"; } print "\n];\n";