/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ /** *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FILE : fsm.h * PROJECT : 0 A.D. * DESCRIPTION : Finite state machine class definitions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef FSM_H #define FSM_H // INCLUDES #include #include #include // DECLARATIONS #define FSM_INVALID_STATE ( unsigned int )( ~0 ) class CFsmEvent; class CFsmTransition; class CFsm; typedef bool ( *CONDITION ) ( void* pContext ); typedef bool ( *ACTION ) ( void* pContext, const CFsmEvent* pEvent ); typedef struct { void* pFunction; void* pContext; } CallbackFunction; typedef std::set< unsigned int > StateSet; typedef std::map< unsigned int, CFsmEvent* > EventMap; typedef std::vector< CFsmTransition* > TransitionList; typedef std::vector< CallbackFunction > CallbackList; /* CLASS : CFsmEvent DESCRIPTION : CFsmEvent class represents a signal in the state machine that a change has occurred. NOTES : The CFsmEvent objects are under the control of CFsm so they are created and deleted via CFsm. */ class CFsmEvent { NONCOPYABLE(CFsmEvent); public: CFsmEvent( unsigned int type ); ~CFsmEvent( void ); unsigned int GetType ( void ) const { return m_Type; } void* GetParamRef ( void ) { return m_Param; } void SetParamRef ( void* pParam ); private: unsigned int m_Type; // Event type void* m_Param; // Event paramater }; /* CLASS : CFsmTransition DESCRIPTION : The CFsmTransition class is an association of event, condition, action and next state. NOTES : */ class CFsmTransition { NONCOPYABLE(CFsmTransition); public: CFsmTransition( unsigned int state ); ~CFsmTransition( void ); void RegisterAction ( void* pAction, void* pContext ); void RegisterCondition ( void* pCondition, void* pContext ); void SetEvent ( CFsmEvent* pEvent ); CFsmEvent* GetEvent ( void ) const { return m_Event; } void SetNextState ( unsigned int nextState ); unsigned int GetNextState ( void ) const { return m_NextState; } unsigned int GetCurrState ( void ) const { return m_CurrState; } const CallbackList& GetActions ( void ) const { return m_Actions; } const CallbackList& GetConditions ( void ) const { return m_Conditions; } bool ApplyConditions ( void ) const; bool RunActions ( void ) const; private: unsigned int m_CurrState; // Current state unsigned int m_NextState; // Next state CFsmEvent* m_Event; // Transition event CallbackList m_Actions; // List of actions for transition CallbackList m_Conditions; // List of conditions for transition }; /* CLASS : CFsm DESCRIPTION : CFsm manages states, events, actions and transitions between states. It provides an interface for advertising events and track the current state. The implementation is a Mealy state machine, so the system respond to events and execute some action. NOTES : A Mealy state machine has behaviour associated with state transitions; Mealy machines are event driven where an event triggers a state transition */ class CFsm { NONCOPYABLE(CFsm); public: CFsm( void ); virtual ~CFsm( void ); /** * Constructs the state machine. This method must be overriden so that * connections are constructed for the particular state machine implemented * */ virtual void Setup( void ); /** * Clear event, action and condition lists and reset state machine * */ void Shutdown( void ); void AddState ( unsigned int state ); CFsmEvent* AddEvent ( unsigned int eventType ); CFsmTransition* AddTransition ( unsigned int state, unsigned int eventType, unsigned int nextState ); CFsmTransition* AddTransition ( unsigned int state, unsigned int eventType, unsigned int nextState, void* pAction, void* pContext ); CFsmTransition* GetTransition ( unsigned int state, unsigned int eventType ) const; CFsmTransition* GetEventTransition ( unsigned int eventType ) const; void SetFirstState ( unsigned int firstState ); unsigned int GetCurrState ( void ) const { return m_CurrState; } const StateSet& GetStates ( void ) const { return m_States; } const EventMap& GetEvents ( void ) const { return m_Events; } const TransitionList& GetTransitions ( void ) const { return m_Transitions; } bool Update ( unsigned int eventType, void* pEventData ); bool IsValidState ( unsigned int state ) const; bool IsValidEvent ( unsigned int eventType ) const; virtual bool IsDone ( void ) const; private: void SetCurrState ( unsigned int state ); bool IsFirstTime ( void ) const; bool m_Done; // FSM work is done unsigned int m_FirstState; // Initial state unsigned int m_CurrState; // Current state StateSet m_States; // List of states EventMap m_Events; // List of events TransitionList m_Transitions; // State transitions }; #endif // FSM_H