// $Id: fontselect.cpp,v 1.3 2004/06/19 12:56:09 philip Exp $ /************ This attempt at completely separating the platform-dependent parts failed. Need to think about it more carefully in the future. ************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "../fontselect.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(FontSelectorDialog, wxFileDialog) // EVT_INIT_DIALOG(FontSelectorDialog::OnInit) END_EVENT_TABLE() FontSelectorDialog::FontSelectorDialog(wxWindow* parent) //: wxFileDialog(parent, wxT("Font selector"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxOPEN | wxHIDE_READONLY) : wxFileDialog(parent, wxT("Select a font file"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxT("TTF files (*.ttf)|*.ttf|All files (*.*)|*.*"), wxOPEN | wxHIDE_READONLY) { } /* void FontSelectorDialog::OnDestroy(wxInitDialogEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxFileDialog Dlg (this, wxT("Select a font file"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxT("TTF files (*.ttf)|*.ttf|All files (*.*)|*.*"), wxOPEN | wxHIDE_READONLY); if (Dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { FontName = Dlg.GetFilename(); FontFilename = Dlg.GetPath(); EndModal(wxID_OK); } else { EndModal(wxID_CANCEL); } } */ FontSelectorDialog::~FontSelectorDialog() { FontName = GetFilename(); FontFilename = GetPath(); } void FontSelectorDialog::DefaultFonts(wxString& Name0, wxString& Filename0, wxString& Name1, wxString& Filename1) { Name0 = wxT("Please select"); Filename0 = wxT(""); Name1 = wxT("Please select"); Filename1 = wxT(""); }