forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 0d172264f8 # Add -archivebuild mode to generate .zip files for releases, with automatic compression of textures.
Fix terrain manager to understand .cached.dds files.
Fix IArchiveWriter so you can pass it absolute paths of files to load,
and different relative paths for storing inside the archive.
Fix fs_util::ForEachFile when called on the VFS root.

This was SVN commit r8130.
2010-09-18 18:21:00 +00:00

709 lines
19 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "TextureManager.h"
#include "graphics/TextureConverter.h"
#include "lib/allocators/shared_ptr.h"
#include "lib/res/h_mgr.h"
#include "lib/file/vfs/vfs_tree.h"
#include "lib/res/graphics/ogl_tex.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "maths/MD5.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
// Comparison functor that operates over texture properties, or
// over the properties of a CTexturePtr (ignoring the mutable state like Handle).
struct TextureCacheCmp
bool operator()(const CTexturePtr& a, const CTexturePtr& b) const
return (*this)(a->m_Properties, b->m_Properties);
bool operator()(const CTextureProperties& a, const CTextureProperties& b) const
if (a.m_Path < b.m_Path)
return true;
if (b.m_Path < a.m_Path)
return false;
if (a.m_Filter < b.m_Filter)
return true;
if (b.m_Filter < a.m_Filter)
return false;
if (a.m_Wrap < b.m_Wrap)
return true;
if (b.m_Wrap < a.m_Wrap)
return false;
if (a.m_Aniso < b.m_Aniso)
return true;
if (b.m_Aniso < a.m_Aniso)
return false;
return false;
class CTextureManagerImpl
friend class CTexture;
CTextureManagerImpl(PIVFS vfs, bool disableGL)
: m_VFS(vfs), m_DisableGL(disableGL), m_TextureConverter(vfs), m_DefaultHandle(0), m_ErrorHandle(0)
// Initialise some textures that will always be available,
// without needing to load any files
// Default placeholder texture (grey)
if (!m_DisableGL)
// Construct 1x1 24-bit texture
shared_ptr<u8> data(new u8[3], ArrayDeleter());
data.get()[0] = 64;
data.get()[1] = 64;
data.get()[2] = 64;
Tex t;
(void)tex_wrap(1, 1, 24, 0, data, 0, &t);
m_DefaultHandle = ogl_tex_wrap(&t, m_VFS, L"(default texture)");
(void)ogl_tex_set_filter(m_DefaultHandle, GL_LINEAR);
if (!m_DisableGL)
// Error texture (magenta)
if (!m_DisableGL)
// Construct 1x1 24-bit texture
shared_ptr<u8> data(new u8[3], ArrayDeleter());
data.get()[0] = 255;
data.get()[1] = 0;
data.get()[2] = 255;
Tex t;
(void)tex_wrap(1, 1, 24, 0, data, 0, &t);
m_ErrorHandle = ogl_tex_wrap(&t, m_VFS, L"(error texture)");
(void)ogl_tex_set_filter(m_ErrorHandle, GL_LINEAR);
if (!m_DisableGL)
// Construct a CTexture to return to callers who want an error texture
CTextureProperties props(L"(error texture)");
m_ErrorTexture = CTexturePtr(new CTexture(m_ErrorHandle, props, this));
m_ErrorTexture->m_State = CTexture::LOADED;
m_ErrorTexture->m_Self = m_ErrorTexture;
// Allow hotloading of textures
RegisterFileReloadFunc(ReloadChangedFileCB, this);
UnregisterFileReloadFunc(ReloadChangedFileCB, this);
CTexturePtr GetErrorTexture()
return m_ErrorTexture;
* See CTextureManager::CreateTexture
CTexturePtr CreateTexture(const CTextureProperties& props)
// Construct a new default texture with the given properties to use as the search key
CTexturePtr texture(new CTexture(m_DefaultHandle, props, this));
// Try to find an existing texture with the given properties
TextureCache::iterator it = m_TextureCache.find(texture);
if (it != m_TextureCache.end())
return *it;
// Can't find an existing texture - finish setting up this new texture
texture->m_Self = texture;
return texture;
* Load the given file into the texture object and upload it to OpenGL.
* Assumes the file already exists.
void LoadTexture(const CTexturePtr& texture, const VfsPath& path)
if (m_DisableGL)
Handle h = ogl_tex_load(m_VFS, path, RES_UNIQUE);
if (h <= 0)
LOGERROR(L"Texture failed to load; \"%ls\"", texture->m_Properties.m_Path.string().c_str());
// Replace with error texture to make it obvious
// Get some flags for later use
size_t flags = 0;
(void)ogl_tex_get_format(h, &flags, NULL);
// Initialise base colour from the texture
(void)ogl_tex_get_average_colour(h, &texture->m_BaseColour);
// Set GL upload properties
(void)ogl_tex_set_wrap(h, texture->m_Properties.m_Wrap);
(void)ogl_tex_set_anisotropy(h, texture->m_Properties.m_Aniso);
// Prevent ogl_tex automatically generating mipmaps (which is slow and unwanted),
// by avoiding mipmapped filters unless the source texture already has mipmaps
GLint filter = texture->m_Properties.m_Filter;
if (!(flags & TEX_MIPMAPS))
switch (filter)
filter = GL_NEAREST;
filter = GL_LINEAR;
(void)ogl_tex_set_filter(h, filter);
// Upload to GL
if (!m_DisableGL && ogl_tex_upload(h) < 0)
LOGERROR(L"Texture failed to upload: \"%ls\"", texture->m_Properties.m_Path.string().c_str());
// Replace with error texture to make it obvious
// Let the texture object take ownership of this handle
texture->SetHandle(h, true);
* Determines whether we can safely use the archived cache file, or need to
* re-convert the source file.
bool CanUseArchiveCache(const VfsPath& sourcePath, const VfsPath& archiveCachePath)
// We want to use the archive cache whenever possible,
// unless it's superseded by a source file that the user has edited
size_t sourcePriority = 0;
size_t archiveCachePriority = 0;
bool sourceExists = (m_VFS->GetFilePriority(sourcePath, &sourcePriority) >= 0);
bool archiveCacheExists = (m_VFS->GetFilePriority(archiveCachePath, &archiveCachePriority) >= 0);
// Can't use it if there's no cache
if (!archiveCacheExists)
return false;
// Must use the cache if there's no source
if (!sourceExists)
return true;
// If source file is from a higher-priority mod than archive cache,
// don't use the old cache
if (archiveCachePriority < sourcePriority)
return false;
// If source file is more recent than the archive cache (i.e. the user has edited it),
// don't use the old cache
FileInfo sourceInfo, archiveCacheInfo;
if (m_VFS->GetFileInfo(sourcePath, &sourceInfo) >= 0 &&
m_VFS->GetFileInfo(archiveCachePath, &archiveCacheInfo) >= 0)
const double howMuchNewer = difftime(sourceInfo.MTime(), archiveCacheInfo.MTime());
const double threshold = 2.0; // FAT timestamp resolution [seconds]
if (howMuchNewer > threshold)
return false;
// Otherwise we can use the cache
return true;
* Attempts to load a cached version of a texture.
* If the texture is loaded (or there was an error), returns true.
* Otherwise, returns false to indicate the caller should generate the cached version.
bool TryLoadingCached(const CTexturePtr& texture)
VfsPath sourcePath = texture->m_Properties.m_Path;
VfsPath sourceDir = sourcePath.branch_path();
std::wstring sourceName = sourcePath.leaf();
VfsPath archiveCachePath = sourceDir / (sourceName + L".cached.dds");
// Try the archive cache file first
if (CanUseArchiveCache(sourcePath, archiveCachePath))
LoadTexture(texture, archiveCachePath);
return true;
// Fail if no source or archive cache
if (m_VFS->GetFileInfo(sourcePath, NULL) < 0)
LOGERROR(L"Texture failed to find source file: \"%ls\"", texture->m_Properties.m_Path.string().c_str());
return true;
// Look for loose cache of source file
VfsPath looseCachePath = LooseCachePath(texture);
// If the loose cache file exists, use it
if (m_VFS->GetFileInfo(looseCachePath, NULL) >= 0)
LoadTexture(texture, looseCachePath);
return true;
// No cache - we'll need to regenerate it
return false;
* Returns the pathname for storing a loose cache file, based on the size/mtime of
* the source file and the conversion settings. The source file must already exist.
* TODO: this code should probably be shared with other cached data (XMB files etc).
VfsPath LooseCachePath(const CTexturePtr& texture)
VfsPath sourcePath = texture->m_Properties.m_Path;
FileInfo fileInfo;
if (m_VFS->GetFileInfo(sourcePath, &fileInfo) < 0)
debug_warn(L"source file disappeared"); // this should never happen
return VfsPath();
u64 mtime = (u64)fileInfo.MTime() & ~1; // skip lowest bit, since zip and FAT don't preserve it
u64 size = (u64)fileInfo.Size();
u32 version = 0; // change this if we update the code and need to invalidate old users' caches
// Construct a hash of the file data and settings.
CTextureConverter::Settings settings = GetConverterSettings(texture);
MD5 hash;
hash.Update((const u8*)&mtime, sizeof(mtime));
hash.Update((const u8*)&size, sizeof(size));
hash.Update((const u8*)&version, sizeof(version));
// these are local cached files, so we don't care about endianness etc
// Use a short prefix of the full hash (we don't need high collision-resistance),
// converted to hex
u8 digest[MD5::DIGESTSIZE];
std::wstringstream digestPrefix;
digestPrefix << std::hex;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
digestPrefix << std::setfill(L'0') << std::setw(2) << (int)digest[i];
// Construct the final path
VfsPath sourceDir = sourcePath.branch_path();
std::wstring sourceName = sourcePath.leaf();
return L"cache" / sourceDir / (sourceName + L"." + digestPrefix.str() + L".dds");
// TODO: we should probably include the mod name, once that's possible (http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/564)
* Initiates an asynchronous conversion process, from the texture's
* source file to the corresponding loose cache file.
void ConvertTexture(const CTexturePtr& texture)
VfsPath sourcePath = texture->m_Properties.m_Path;
VfsPath looseCachePath = LooseCachePath(texture);
// LOGWARNING(L"Converting texture \"%ls\"", srcPath.string().c_str());
CTextureConverter::Settings settings = GetConverterSettings(texture);
m_TextureConverter.ConvertTexture(texture, sourcePath, looseCachePath, settings);
bool GenerateCachedTexture(const VfsPath& sourcePath, VfsPath& archiveCachePath)
VfsPath sourceDir = sourcePath.branch_path();
std::wstring sourceName = sourcePath.leaf();
archiveCachePath = sourceDir / (sourceName + L".cached.dds");
CTextureProperties textureProps(sourcePath);
CTexturePtr texture = CreateTexture(textureProps);
CTextureConverter::Settings settings = GetConverterSettings(texture);
// TODO: we ought to use a higher-quality compression mode here
// (since we don't care about performance)
if (!m_TextureConverter.ConvertTexture(texture, sourcePath, L"cache"/archiveCachePath, settings))
return false;
while (true)
CTexturePtr textureOut;
VfsPath dest;
bool ok;
if (m_TextureConverter.Poll(textureOut, dest, ok))
return ok;
// Spin-loop is dumb but it works okay for now
bool MakeProgress()
// Process any completed conversion tasks
CTexturePtr texture;
VfsPath dest;
bool ok;
if (m_TextureConverter.Poll(texture, dest, ok))
if (ok)
LoadTexture(texture, dest);
LOGERROR(L"Texture failed to convert: \"%ls\"", texture->m_Properties.m_Path.string().c_str());
texture->m_State = CTexture::LOADED;
return true;
// We'll only push new conversion requests if it's not already busy
bool converterBusy = m_TextureConverter.IsBusy();
if (!converterBusy)
// Look for all high-priority textures needing conversion.
// (Iterating over all textures isn't optimally efficient, but it
// doesn't seem to be a problem yet and it's simpler than maintaining
// multiple queues.)
for (TextureCache::iterator it = m_TextureCache.begin(); it != m_TextureCache.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->m_State == CTexture::HIGH_NEEDS_CONVERTING)
// Start converting this texture
(*it)->m_State = CTexture::HIGH_IS_CONVERTING;
return true;
// Try loading prefetched textures from their cache
for (TextureCache::iterator it = m_TextureCache.begin(); it != m_TextureCache.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->m_State == CTexture::PREFETCH_NEEDS_LOADING)
if (TryLoadingCached(*it))
(*it)->m_State = CTexture::LOADED;
(*it)->m_State = CTexture::PREFETCH_NEEDS_CONVERTING;
return true;
// If we've got nothing better to do, then start converting prefetched textures.
if (!converterBusy)
for (TextureCache::iterator it = m_TextureCache.begin(); it != m_TextureCache.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->m_State == CTexture::PREFETCH_NEEDS_CONVERTING)
(*it)->m_State = CTexture::PREFETCH_IS_CONVERTING;
return true;
return false;
* Compute the conversion settings that apply to a given texture, by combining
* the textures.xml files from its directory and all parent directories
* (up to the VFS root).
CTextureConverter::Settings GetConverterSettings(const CTexturePtr& texture)
VfsPath srcPath = texture->m_Properties.m_Path;
std::vector<CTextureConverter::SettingsFile*> files;
VfsPath p;
for (VfsPath::iterator it = srcPath.begin(); it != srcPath.end(); ++it)
VfsPath settingsPath = p/L"textures.xml";
CTextureConverter::SettingsFile* f = GetSettingsFile(settingsPath);
if (f)
p /= *it;
return m_TextureConverter.ComputeSettings(srcPath.leaf(), files);
* Return the (cached) settings file with the given filename,
* or NULL if it doesn't exist.
CTextureConverter::SettingsFile* GetSettingsFile(const VfsPath& path)
SettingsFilesMap::iterator it = m_SettingsFiles.find(path);
if (it != m_SettingsFiles.end())
return it->second.get();
if (m_VFS->GetFileInfo(path, NULL) >= 0)
shared_ptr<CTextureConverter::SettingsFile> settings(m_TextureConverter.LoadSettings(path));
m_SettingsFiles.insert(std::make_pair(path, settings));
return settings.get();
m_SettingsFiles.insert(std::make_pair(path, shared_ptr<CTextureConverter::SettingsFile>()));
return NULL;
static LibError ReloadChangedFileCB(void* param, const VfsPath& path)
return static_cast<CTextureManagerImpl*>(param)->ReloadChangedFile(path);
LibError ReloadChangedFile(const VfsPath& path)
// Uncache settings file, if this is one
// Find all textures using this file
std::map<VfsPath, std::set<boost::weak_ptr<CTexture> > >::iterator files = m_HotloadFiles.find(path);
if (files != m_HotloadFiles.end())
// Flag all textures using this file as needing reloading
for (std::set<boost::weak_ptr<CTexture> >::iterator it = files->second.begin(); it != files->second.end(); ++it)
if (shared_ptr<CTexture> texture = it->lock())
texture->m_State = CTexture::UNLOADED;
return INFO::OK;
bool m_DisableGL;
CTextureConverter m_TextureConverter;
Handle m_DefaultHandle;
Handle m_ErrorHandle;
CTexturePtr m_ErrorTexture;
// Cache of all loaded textures
typedef std::set<CTexturePtr, TextureCacheCmp> TextureCache;
TextureCache m_TextureCache;
// TODO: we ought to expire unused textures from the cache eventually
// Store the set of textures that need to be reloaded when the given file
// (a source file or settings.xml) is modified
std::map<VfsPath, std::set<boost::weak_ptr<CTexture> > > m_HotloadFiles;
// Cache for the conversion settings files
typedef std::map<VfsPath, shared_ptr<CTextureConverter::SettingsFile> > SettingsFilesMap;
SettingsFilesMap m_SettingsFiles;
CTexture::CTexture(Handle handle, const CTextureProperties& props, CTextureManagerImpl* textureManager) :
m_Handle(handle), m_BaseColour(0), m_State(UNLOADED), m_Properties(props), m_TextureManager(textureManager)
// Add a reference to the handle (it might be shared by multiple CTextures
// so we can't take ownership of it)
if (m_Handle)
if (m_Handle)
void CTexture::Bind(size_t unit)
// TODO: TryLoad might call ogl_tex_upload which enables GL_TEXTURE_2D
// on texture unit 0, regardless of 'unit', which callers might
// not be expecting. Ideally that wouldn't happen.
ogl_tex_bind(m_Handle, unit);
bool CTexture::TryLoad()
// If we haven't started loading, then try loading, and if that fails then request conversion.
// If we have already tried prefetch loading, and it failed, bump the conversion request to HIGH priority.
if (shared_ptr<CTexture> self = m_Self.lock())
if (m_State != PREFETCH_NEEDS_CONVERTING && m_TextureManager->TryLoadingCached(self))
m_State = LOADED;
return (m_State == LOADED);
void CTexture::Prefetch()
if (m_State == UNLOADED)
if (shared_ptr<CTexture> self = m_Self.lock())
bool CTexture::IsLoaded()
return (m_State == LOADED);
void CTexture::SetHandle(Handle handle, bool takeOwnership)
if (handle == m_Handle)
if (!takeOwnership)
m_Handle = handle;
size_t CTexture::GetWidth() const
size_t w = 0;
(void)ogl_tex_get_size(m_Handle, &w, 0, 0);
return w;
size_t CTexture::GetHeight() const
size_t h = 0;
(void)ogl_tex_get_size(m_Handle, 0, &h, 0);
return h;
bool CTexture::HasAlpha() const
size_t flags = 0;
(void)ogl_tex_get_format(m_Handle, &flags, 0);
return (flags & TEX_ALPHA) != 0;
u32 CTexture::GetBaseColour() const
return m_BaseColour;
// CTextureManager: forward all calls to impl:
CTextureManager::CTextureManager(PIVFS vfs, bool disableGL) :
m(new CTextureManagerImpl(vfs, disableGL))
delete m;
CTexturePtr CTextureManager::CreateTexture(const CTextureProperties& props)
return m->CreateTexture(props);
CTexturePtr CTextureManager::GetErrorTexture()
return m->GetErrorTexture();
bool CTextureManager::MakeProgress()
return m->MakeProgress();
bool CTextureManager::GenerateCachedTexture(const VfsPath& path, VfsPath& outputPath)
return m->GenerateCachedTexture(path, outputPath);