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# ifndef SR_SN_GROUP_H
# define SR_SN_GROUP_H
/** \file sr_sn_group.h
* groups scene nodes
# include "sr_sn.h"
//======================================= SrSnGroup ====================================
/*! \class SrSnGroup sr_scene.h
\brief groups scene graph nodes
SrSnGroup keeps a list of children. The group can be set or not
to behave as a separator of the render state during action traversals.
By default, it is not set as a separator. */
class SrSnGroup : public SrSn
{ private :
char _separator;
SrArray<SrSn*> _children;
public :
static const char* class_name;
protected :
/*! The destructor will remove all children in the subtree.
Only accessible through unref(). */
virtual ~SrSnGroup ();
public :
/*! Default constructor. Separator behavior is set to false. */
SrSnGroup ();
/*! Sets the group separator behavior. If it is set to true, the
render state is pushed to restored after the traversal of the
group children. Mainly used to localize the effect of transformation
matrices, applying only to the group children. */
void separator ( bool b ) { _separator = (char)b; }
/*! Returns the group separator behavior state. */
bool separator () const { return _separator? true:false; }
/*! Changes the capacity of the children array. If the requested capacity
is smaller than the current size, nothing is done. */
void capacity ( int c );
/*! Compresses the children array. */
void compress () { _children.compress(); }
/*! Returns the number of children. */
int size () const { return _children.size(); }
/*! Returns the number of children (same as size()). */
int num_children () const { return _children.size(); }
/*! Get the child at position pos. If pos is invalid (as -1) the last
child is returned, and if there are no children, 0 is returned. */
SrSn* get ( int pos ) const;
/*! Searches for the child position. -1 is returned if the child is
not found. */
int search ( SrSn *n ) const;
/*! If pos<0 or pos>=num_children(), sn is appended. Otherwise, sn is
inserted in the given position in the children array, and
reallocation is done if required. */
void add ( SrSn *sn, int pos=-1 );
/*! Removes one child.
If the node removed is no more referenced by the scene graph, it is
deallocated together with all its sub-graph and 0 is returned. 0 is
also returned if the group has no children. If pos==-1 (the default)
or pos is larger than the maximum child index, the last child is
removed. Otherwise, the removed node is returned. */
SrSn *remove ( int pos=-1 );
/*! Searches for the position of the given child pointer and removes it
with remove_child ( position ). */
SrSn *remove ( SrSn *n );
/*! Removes child pos and insert sn in place. Same reference rules of
remove applies. Will return the old node or 0 if the node is deleted
because its ref counter reached zero. If pos is out of range, 0 is
returned and nothing is done. */
SrSn *replace ( int pos, SrSn *sn );
/*! Removes all children, calling the unref() method of each children.
The result is the same as calling remove_child() for each child. */
void remove_all ();
//================================ End of File =================================================
# endif // SR_SN_GROUP_H