#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Copyright (C) 2014 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . """ import logging, time, traceback from optparse import OptionParser import sleekxmpp from sleekxmpp.stanza import Iq from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, register_stanza_plugin, ET from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath from sqlalchemy import func from LobbyRanking import session as db, Game, Player, PlayerInfo from ELO import get_rating_adjustment # Rating that new players should be inserted into the # database with, before they've played any games. leaderboard_default_rating = 1200 ## Class that contains and manages leaderboard data ## class LeaderboardList(): def __init__(self, room): self.room = room self.lastRated = "" def getProfile(self, JID): """ Retrieves the profile for the specified JID """ stats = {} player = db.query(Player).filter(Player.jid.ilike(str(JID))) if not player.first(): return if player.first().rating != -1: stats['rating'] = str(player.first().rating) if player.first().highest_rating != -1: stats['highestRating'] = str(player.first().highest_rating) playerID = player.first().id players = db.query(Player).order_by(Player.rating.desc()).all() for rank, user in enumerate(players): if (user.jid.lower() == JID.lower()): stats['rank'] = str(rank+1) break stats['totalGamesPlayed'] = str(db.query(PlayerInfo).filter_by(player_id=playerID).count()) stats['wins'] = str(db.query(Game).filter_by(winner_id=playerID).count()) stats['losses'] = str(db.query(PlayerInfo).filter_by(player_id=playerID).count() - db.query(Game).filter_by(winner_id=playerID).count()) return stats def getOrCreatePlayer(self, JID): """ Stores a player(JID) in the database if they don't yet exist. Returns either the newly created instance of the Player model, or the one that already exists in the database. """ players = db.query(Player).filter_by(jid=str(JID)) if not players.first(): player = Player(jid=str(JID), rating=-1) db.add(player) db.commit() return player return players.first() def removePlayer(self, JID): """ Remove a player(JID) from database. Returns the player that was removed, or None if that player didn't exist. """ players = db.query(Player).filter_by(jid=JID) player = players.first() if not player: return None players.delete() return player def addGame(self, gamereport): """ Adds a game to the database and updates the data on a player(JID) from game results. Returns the created Game object, or None if the creation failed for any reason. Side effects: Inserts a new Game instance into the database. """ # Discard any games still in progress. if any(map(lambda state: state == 'active', dict.values(gamereport['playerStates']))): return None players = map(lambda jid: db.query(Player).filter(Player.jid.ilike(str(jid))).first(), dict.keys(gamereport['playerStates'])) winning_jid = list(dict.keys({jid: state for jid, state in gamereport['playerStates'].items() if state == 'won'}))[0] def get(stat, jid): return gamereport[stat][jid] singleStats = {'timeElapsed', 'mapName', 'teamsLocked', 'matchID'} totalScoreStats = {'economyScore', 'militaryScore', 'totalScore'} resourceStats = {'foodGathered', 'foodUsed', 'woodGathered', 'woodUsed', 'stoneGathered', 'stoneUsed', 'metalGathered', 'metalUsed', 'vegetarianFoodGathered', 'treasuresCollected', 'tributesSent', 'tributesReceived'} unitsStats = {'totalUnitsTrained', 'totalUnitsLost', 'enemytotalUnitsKilled', 'infantryUnitsTrained', 'infantryUnitsLost', 'enemyInfantryUnitsKilled', 'workerUnitsTrained', 'workerUnitsLost', 'enemyWorkerUnitsKilled', 'femaleUnitsTrained', 'femaleUnitsLost', 'enemyFemaleUnitsKilled', 'cavalryUnitsTrained', 'cavalryUnitsLost', 'enemyCavalryUnitsKilled', 'championUnitsTrained', 'championUnitsLost', 'enemyChampionUnitsKilled', 'heroUnitsTrained', 'heroUnitsLost', 'enemyHeroUnitsKilled', 'shipUnitsTrained', 'shipUnitsLost', 'enemyShipUnitsKilled'} buildingsStats = {'totalBuildingsConstructed', 'totalBuildingsLost', 'enemytotalBuildingsDestroyed', 'civCentreBuildingsConstructed', 'civCentreBuildingsLost', 'enemyCivCentreBuildingsDestroyed', 'houseBuildingsConstructed', 'houseBuildingsLost', 'enemyHouseBuildingsDestroyed', 'economicBuildingsConstructed', 'economicBuildingsLost', 'enemyEconomicBuildingsDestroyed', 'outpostBuildingsConstructed', 'outpostBuildingsLost', 'enemyOutpostBuildingsDestroyed', 'militaryBuildingsConstructed', 'militaryBuildingsLost', 'enemyMilitaryBuildingsDestroyed', 'fortressBuildingsConstructed', 'fortressBuildingsLost', 'enemyFortressBuildingsDestroyed', 'wonderBuildingsConstructed', 'wonderBuildingsLost', 'enemyWonderBuildingsDestroyed'} marketStats = {'woodBought', 'foodBought', 'stoneBought', 'metalBought', 'tradeIncome'} miscStats = {'civs', 'teams', 'percentMapExplored'} stats = totalScoreStats | resourceStats | unitsStats | buildingsStats | marketStats | miscStats playerInfos = [] for player in players: jid = player.jid playerinfo = PlayerInfo(player=player) for reportname in stats: setattr(playerinfo, reportname, get(reportname, jid.lower())) playerInfos.append(playerinfo) game = Game(map=gamereport['mapName'], duration=int(gamereport['timeElapsed']), teamsLocked=bool(gamereport['teamsLocked']), matchID=gamereport['matchID']) game.players.extend(players) game.player_info.extend(playerInfos) game.winner = db.query(Player).filter(Player.jid.ilike(str(winning_jid))).first() db.add(game) db.commit() return game def verifyGame(self, gamereport): """ Returns a boolean based on whether the game should be rated. Here, we can specify the criteria for rated games. """ winning_jids = list(dict.keys({jid: state for jid, state in gamereport['playerStates'].items() if state == 'won'})) # We only support 1v1s right now. TODO: Support team games. if len(winning_jids) * 2 > len(dict.keys(gamereport['playerStates'])): # More than half the people have won. This is not a balanced team game or duel. return False if len(dict.keys(gamereport['playerStates'])) != 2: return False return True def rateGame(self, game): """ Takes a game with 2 players and alters their ratings based on the result of the game. Returns self. Side effects: Changes the game's players' ratings in the database. """ player1 = game.players[0] player2 = game.players[1] # TODO: Support draws. Since it's impossible to draw in the game currently, # the database model, and therefore this code, requires a winner. # The Elo implementation does not, however. result = 1 if player1 == game.winner else -1 # Player's ratings are -1 unless they have played a rated game. if player1.rating == -1: player1.rating = leaderboard_default_rating if player2.rating == -1: player2.rating = leaderboard_default_rating rating_adjustment1 = int(get_rating_adjustment(player1.rating, player2.rating, len(player1.games), len(player2.games), result)) rating_adjustment2 = int(get_rating_adjustment(player2.rating, player1.rating, len(player2.games), len(player1.games), result * -1)) if result == 1: resultQualitative = "won" elif result == 0: resultQualitative = "drew" else: resultQualitative = "lost" name1 = '@'.join(player1.jid.split('@')[:-1]) name2 = '@'.join(player2.jid.split('@')[:-1]) self.lastRated = "A rated game has ended. %s %s against %s. Rating Adjustment: %s (%s -> %s) and %s (%s -> %s)."%(name1, resultQualitative, name2, name1, player1.rating, player1.rating + rating_adjustment1, name2, player2.rating, player2.rating + rating_adjustment2) player1.rating += rating_adjustment1 player2.rating += rating_adjustment2 if not player1.highest_rating: player1.highest_rating = -1 if not player2.highest_rating: player2.highest_rating = -1 if player1.rating > player1.highest_rating: player1.highest_rating = player1.rating if player2.rating > player2.highest_rating: player2.highest_rating = player2.rating db.commit() return self def getLastRatedMessage(self): """ Gets the string of the last rated game. Triggers an update chat for the bot. """ return self.lastRated def addAndRateGame(self, gamereport): """ Calls addGame and if the game has only two players, also calls rateGame. Returns the result of addGame. """ game = self.addGame(gamereport) if game and self.verifyGame(gamereport): self.rateGame(game) else: self.lastRated = "" return game def getBoard(self): """ Returns a dictionary of player rankings to JIDs for sending. """ board = {} players = db.query(Player).order_by(Player.rating.desc()).limit(100).all() for rank, player in enumerate(players): # Don't send uninitialized ratings. if player.rating == -1: continue board[player.jid] = {'name': '@'.join(player.jid.split('@')[:-1]), 'rating': str(player.rating)} return board def getRatingList(self, nicks): """ Returns a rating list of players currently in the lobby by nick because the client can't link JID to nick conveniently. """ ratinglist = {} for JID in nicks.keys(): players = db.query(Player).filter(Player.jid.ilike(str(JID))) if players.first(): if players.first().rating == -1: ratinglist[nicks[JID]] = {'name': nicks[JID], 'rating': ''} else: ratinglist[nicks[JID]] = {'name': nicks[JID], 'rating': str(players.first().rating)} else: ratinglist[nicks[JID]] = {'name': nicks[JID], 'rating': ''} return ratinglist ## Class to tracks all games in the lobby ## class GameList(): def __init__(self): self.gameList = {} def addGame(self, JID, data): """ Add a game """ data['players-init'] = data['players'] data['nbp-init'] = data['nbp'] data['state'] = 'init' self.gameList[str(JID)] = data def removeGame(self, JID): """ Remove a game attached to a JID """ del self.gameList[str(JID)] def getAllGames(self): """ Returns all games """ return self.gameList def changeGameState(self, JID, data): """ Switch game state between running and waiting """ JID = str(JID) if JID in self.gameList: if self.gameList[JID]['nbp-init'] > data['nbp']: logging.debug("change game (%s) state from %s to %s", JID, self.gameList[JID]['state'], 'waiting') self.gameList[JID]['nbp'] = data['nbp'] self.gameList[JID]['state'] = 'waiting' else: logging.debug("change game (%s) state from %s to %s", JID, self.gameList[JID]['state'], 'running') self.gameList[JID]['nbp'] = data['nbp'] self.gameList[JID]['state'] = 'running' ## Class which manages different game reports from clients ## ## and calls leaderboard functions as appropriate. ## class ReportManager(): def __init__(self, leaderboard): self.leaderboard = leaderboard self.interimReportTracker = [] self.interimJIDTracker = [] def addReport(self, JID, rawGameReport): """ Adds a game to the interface between a raw report and the leaderboard database. """ # cleanRawGameReport is a copy of rawGameReport with all reporter specific information removed. cleanRawGameReport = rawGameReport.copy() del cleanRawGameReport["playerID"] if cleanRawGameReport not in self.interimReportTracker: # Store the game. appendIndex = len(self.interimReportTracker) self.interimReportTracker.append(cleanRawGameReport) # Initilize the JIDs and store the initial JID. numPlayers = self.getNumPlayers(rawGameReport) JIDs = [None] * numPlayers if numPlayers - int(rawGameReport["playerID"]) > -1: JIDs[int(rawGameReport["playerID"])-1] = str(JID).lower() self.interimJIDTracker.append(JIDs) else: # We get the index at which the JIDs coresponding to the game are stored. index = self.interimReportTracker.index(cleanRawGameReport) # We insert the new report JID into the acending list of JIDs for the game. JIDs = self.interimJIDTracker[index] if len(JIDs) - int(rawGameReport["playerID"]) > -1: JIDs[int(rawGameReport["playerID"])-1] = str(JID).lower() self.interimJIDTracker[index] = JIDs self.checkFull() def expandReport(self, rawGameReport, JIDs): """ Takes an raw game report and re-formats it into Python data structures leaving JIDs empty. Returns a processed gameReport of type dict. """ processedGameReport = {} for key in rawGameReport: if rawGameReport[key].find(",") == -1: processedGameReport[key] = rawGameReport[key] else: split = rawGameReport[key].split(",") # Remove the false split positive. split.pop() # We just delete gaia for now. split.pop(0) statToJID = {} for i, part in enumerate(split): statToJID[JIDs[i]] = part processedGameReport[key] = statToJID return processedGameReport def checkFull(self): """ Searches internal database to check if enough reports have been submitted to add a game to the leaderboard. If so, the report will be interpolated and addAndRateGame will be called with the result. """ i = 0 length = len(self.interimReportTracker) while(i < length): numPlayers = self.getNumPlayers(self.interimReportTracker[i]) numReports = 0 for JID in self.interimJIDTracker[i]: if JID != None: numReports += 1 if numReports == numPlayers: self.leaderboard.addAndRateGame(self.expandReport(self.interimReportTracker[i], self.interimJIDTracker[i])) del self.interimJIDTracker[i] del self.interimReportTracker[i] length -= 1 else: i += 1 self.leaderboard.lastRated = "" def getNumPlayers(self, rawGameReport): """ Computes the number of players in a raw gameReport. Returns int, the number of players. """ # Find a key in the report which holds values for multiple players. for key in rawGameReport: if rawGameReport[key].find(",") != -1: # Count the number of values, minus one for gaia and one for the false split positive. return len(rawGameReport[key].split(","))-2 # Return -1 in case of failure. return -1 ## Class for custom gamelist stanza extension ## class GameListXmppPlugin(ElementBase): name = 'query' namespace = 'jabber:iq:gamelist' interfaces = set(('game', 'command')) sub_interfaces = interfaces plugin_attrib = 'gamelist' def addGame(self, data): itemXml = ET.Element("game", data) self.xml.append(itemXml) def getGame(self): """ Required to parse incoming stanzas with this extension. """ game = self.xml.find('{%s}game' % self.namespace) data = {} for key, item in game.items(): data[key] = item return data ## Class for custom boardlist and ratinglist stanza extension ## class BoardListXmppPlugin(ElementBase): name = 'query' namespace = 'jabber:iq:boardlist' interfaces = set(('board', 'command')) sub_interfaces = interfaces plugin_attrib = 'boardlist' def addCommand(self, command): commandXml = ET.fromstring("%s" % command) self.xml.append(commandXml) def addItem(self, name, rating): itemXml = ET.Element("board", {"name": name, "rating": rating}) self.xml.append(itemXml) ## Class for custom gamereport stanza extension ## class GameReportXmppPlugin(ElementBase): name = 'report' namespace = 'jabber:iq:gamereport' plugin_attrib = 'gamereport' interfaces = ('game') sub_interfaces = interfaces def getGame(self): """ Required to parse incoming stanzas with this extension. """ game = self.xml.find('{%s}game' % self.namespace) data = {} for key, item in game.items(): data[key] = item return data ## Class for custom profile ## class ProfileXmppPlugin(ElementBase): name = 'query' namespace = 'jabber:iq:profile' interfaces = set(('profile', 'command')) sub_interfaces = interfaces plugin_attrib = 'profile' def addCommand(self, command): commandXml = ET.fromstring("%s" % command) self.xml.append(commandXml) def addItem(self, player, rating, highestRating, rank, totalGamesPlayed, wins, losses): itemXml = ET.Element("profile", {"player": player, "rating": rating, "highestRating": highestRating, "rank" : rank, "totalGamesPlayed" : totalGamesPlayed, "wins" : wins, "losses" : losses}) self.xml.append(itemXml) ## Main class which handles IQ data and sends new data ## class XpartaMuPP(sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP): """ A simple list provider """ def __init__(self, sjid, password, room, nick): sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, sjid, password) self.sjid = sjid self.room = room self.nick = nick # Game collection self.gameList = GameList() # Init leaderboard object self.leaderboard = LeaderboardList(room) # gameReport to leaderboard abstraction self.reportManager = ReportManager(self.leaderboard) # Store mapping of nicks and XmppIDs, attached via presence stanza self.nicks = {} self.lastLeft = "" register_stanza_plugin(Iq, GameListXmppPlugin) register_stanza_plugin(Iq, BoardListXmppPlugin) register_stanza_plugin(Iq, GameReportXmppPlugin) register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ProfileXmppPlugin) self.register_handler(Callback('Iq Gamelist', StanzaPath('iq/gamelist'), self.iqhandler, instream=True)) self.register_handler(Callback('Iq Boardlist', StanzaPath('iq/boardlist'), self.iqhandler, instream=True)) self.register_handler(Callback('Iq GameReport', StanzaPath('iq/gamereport'), self.iqhandler, instream=True)) self.register_handler(Callback('Iq Profile', StanzaPath('iq/profile'), self.iqhandler, instream=True)) self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start) self.add_event_handler("muc::%s::got_online" % self.room, self.muc_online) self.add_event_handler("muc::%s::got_offline" % self.room, self.muc_offline) self.add_event_handler("groupchat_message", self.muc_message) def start(self, event): """ Process the session_start event """ self.plugin['xep_0045'].joinMUC(self.room, self.nick) self.send_presence() self.get_roster() logging.info("XpartaMuPP started") def muc_online(self, presence): """ Process presence stanza from a chat room. """ if presence['muc']['nick'] != self.nick: # If it doesn't already exist, store player JID mapped to their nick. if str(presence['muc']['jid']) not in self.nicks: self.nicks[str(presence['muc']['jid'])] = presence['muc']['nick'] # Check the jid isn't already in the lobby. if str(presence['muc']['jid']) != self.lastLeft: # Send Gamelist to new player. self.sendGameList(presence['muc']['jid']) # Following two calls make sqlalchemy complain about using objects in the # incorrect thread. TODO: Figure out how to fix this. # Send Leaderboard to new player. #self.sendBoardList(presence['muc']['jid']) # Register on leaderboard. #self.leaderboard.getOrCreatePlayer(presence['muc']['jid']) logging.debug("Client '%s' connected with a nick of '%s'." %(presence['muc']['jid'], presence['muc']['nick'])) def muc_offline(self, presence): """ Process presence stanza from a chat room. """ # Clean up after a player leaves if presence['muc']['nick'] != self.nick: # Delete any games they were hosting. for JID in self.gameList.getAllGames(): if JID == str(presence['muc']['jid']): self.gameList.removeGame(JID) self.sendGameList() break # Remove them from the local player list. self.lastLeft = str(presence['muc']['jid']) if str(presence['muc']['jid']) in self.nicks: del self.nicks[str(presence['muc']['jid'])] def muc_message(self, msg): """ Process new messages from the chatroom. """ if msg['mucnick'] != self.nick and self.nick.lower() in msg['body'].lower(): self.send_message(mto=msg['from'].bare, mbody="I am the administrative bot in this lobby and cannot participate in any games.", mtype='groupchat') def iqhandler(self, iq): """ Handle the custom stanzas This method should be very robust because we could receive anything """ if iq['type'] == 'error': logging.error('iqhandler error' + iq['error']['condition']) #self.disconnect() elif iq['type'] == 'get': """ Request lists. """ # Send lists/register on leaderboard; depreciated once muc_online # can send lists/register automatically on joining the room. if 'gamelist' in iq.plugins: try: self.sendGameList(iq['from']) except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to process gamelist request from %s" % iq['from'].bare) elif 'boardlist' in iq.plugins: command = iq['boardlist']['command'] if command == 'getleaderboard': try: self.leaderboard.getOrCreatePlayer(iq['from']) self.sendBoardList(iq['from']) except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to process leaderboardlist request from %s" % iq['from'].bare) elif command == 'getratinglist': try: self.leaderboard.getOrCreatePlayer(iq['from']) self.sendRatingList(iq['from']) except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to process ratinglist request from %s" % iq['from'].bare) else: logging.error("Failed to process boardlist request from %s" % iq['from'].bare) elif 'profile' in iq.plugins: command = iq['profile']['command'] try: self.sendProfile(iq['from'], command) except: try: self.sendProfileNotFound(iq['from'], command) except: logging.debug("No record found for %s" % command) else: logging.error("Unknown 'get' type stanza request from %s" % iq['from'].bare) elif iq['type'] == 'result': """ Iq successfully received """ pass elif iq['type'] == 'set': if 'gamelist' in iq.plugins: """ Register-update / unregister a game """ command = iq['gamelist']['command'] if command == 'register': # Add game try: self.gameList.addGame(iq['from'], iq['gamelist']['game']) self.sendGameList() except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to process game registration data") elif command == 'unregister': # Remove game try: self.gameList.removeGame(iq['from']) self.sendGameList() except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to process game unregistration data") elif command == 'changestate': # Change game status (waiting/running) try: self.gameList.changeGameState(iq['from'], iq['gamelist']['game']) self.sendGameList() except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to process changestate data") else: logging.error("Failed to process command '%s' received from %s" % command, iq['from'].bare) elif 'gamereport' in iq.plugins: """ Client is reporting end of game statistics """ try: self.reportManager.addReport(iq['from'], iq['gamereport']['game']) if self.leaderboard.getLastRatedMessage() != "": self.send_message(mto=self.room, mbody=self.leaderboard.getLastRatedMessage(), mtype="groupchat", mnick=self.nick) self.sendBoardList() self.sendRatingList() except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to update game statistics for %s" % iq['from'].bare) else: logging.error("Failed to process stanza type '%s' received from %s" % iq['type'], iq['from'].bare) def sendGameList(self, to = ""): """ Send a massive stanza with the whole game list. If no target is passed the gamelist is broadcasted to all clients. """ games = self.gameList.getAllGames() if to == "": for JID in self.nicks.keys(): stz = GameListXmppPlugin() ## Pull games and add each to the stanza for JIDs in games: g = games[JIDs] stz.addGame(g) ## Set additional IQ attributes iq = self.Iq() iq['type'] = 'result' iq['to'] = JID iq.setPayload(stz) ## Try sending the stanza try: iq.send(block=False, now=True) except: logging.error("Failed to send game list") else: ## Check recipient exists if str(to) not in self.nicks: logging.error("No player with the XmPP ID '%s' known to send gamelist to." % str(to)) return stz = GameListXmppPlugin() ## Pull games and add each to the stanza for JIDs in games: g = games[JIDs] stz.addGame(g) ## Set additional IQ attributes iq = self.Iq() iq['type'] = 'result' iq['to'] = to iq.setPayload(stz) ## Try sending the stanza try: iq.send(block=False, now=True) except: logging.error("Failed to send game list") def sendBoardList(self, to = ""): """ Send the whole leaderboard list. If no target is passed the boardlist is broadcasted to all clients. """ ## Pull leaderboard data and add it to the stanza board = self.leaderboard.getBoard() stz = BoardListXmppPlugin() iq = self.Iq() iq['type'] = 'result' for i in board: stz.addItem(board[i]['name'], board[i]['rating']) stz.addCommand('boardlist') iq.setPayload(stz) if to == "": for JID in self.nicks.keys(): ## Set additional IQ attributes iq['to'] = JID ## Try sending the stanza try: iq.send(block=False, now=True) except: logging.error("Failed to send leaderboard list") else: ## Check recipient exists if str(to) not in self.nicks: logging.error("No player with the XmPP ID '%s' known to send boardlist to" % str(to)) return ## Set additional IQ attributes iq['to'] = to ## Try sending the stanza try: iq.send(block=False, now=True) except: logging.error("Failed to send leaderboard list") def sendRatingList(self, to = ""): """ Send the rating list. If no target is passed the rating list is broadcasted to all clients. """ ## Pull rating list data and add it to the stanza ratinglist = self.leaderboard.getRatingList(self.nicks) stz = BoardListXmppPlugin() iq = self.Iq() iq['type'] = 'result' for i in ratinglist: stz.addItem(ratinglist[i]['name'], ratinglist[i]['rating']) stz.addCommand('ratinglist') iq.setPayload(stz) if to == "": for JID in self.nicks.keys(): ## Set additional IQ attributes iq['to'] = JID ## Try sending the stanza try: iq.send(block=False, now=True) except: logging.error("Failed to send rating list") else: ## Check recipient exists if str(to) not in self.nicks: logging.error("No player with the XmPP ID '%s' known to send ratinglist to" % str(to)) return ## Set additional IQ attributes iq['to'] = to ## Try sending the stanza try: iq.send(block=False, now=True) except: logging.error("Failed to send rating list") def sendProfile(self, to, player): """ Send the profile to a specified player. """ if to == "": logging.error("Failed to send profile") return online = False; ## Pull stats and add it to the stanza for JID in self.nicks.keys(): if self.nicks[JID] == player: stats = self.leaderboard.getProfile(JID) online = True break if online == False: stats = self.leaderboard.getProfile(player + "@" + str(to).split('@')[1]) stz = ProfileXmppPlugin() iq = self.Iq() iq['type'] = 'result' stz.addItem(player, stats['rating'], stats['highestRating'], stats['rank'], stats['totalGamesPlayed'], stats['wins'], stats['losses']) stz.addCommand(player) iq.setPayload(stz) ## Check recipient exists if str(to) not in self.nicks: logging.error("No player with the XmPP ID '%s' known to send profile to" % str(to)) return ## Set additional IQ attributes iq['to'] = to ## Try sending the stanza try: iq.send(block=False, now=True) except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to send profile") def sendProfileNotFound(self, to, player): """ Send a profile not-found error to a specified player. """ stz = ProfileXmppPlugin() iq = self.Iq() iq['type'] = 'result' filler = str(0) stz.addItem(player, str(-2), filler, filler, filler, filler, filler) stz.addCommand(player) iq.setPayload(stz) ## Check recipient exists if str(to) not in self.nicks: logging.error("No player with the XmPP ID '%s' known to send profile to" % str(to)) return ## Set additional IQ attributes iq['to'] = to ## Try sending the stanza try: iq.send(block=False, now=True) except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Failed to send profile") ## Main Program ## if __name__ == '__main__': # Setup the command line arguments. optp = OptionParser() # Output verbosity options. optp.add_option('-q', '--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR', action='store_const', dest='loglevel', const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO) optp.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG', action='store_const', dest='loglevel', const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO) optp.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='set logging to COMM', action='store_const', dest='loglevel', const=5, default=logging.INFO) # XpartaMuPP configuration options optp.add_option('-m', '--domain', help='set xpartamupp domain', action='store', dest='xdomain', default="lobby.wildfiregames.com") optp.add_option('-l', '--login', help='set xpartamupp login', action='store', dest='xlogin', default="xpartamupp") optp.add_option('-p', '--password', help='set xpartamupp password', action='store', dest='xpassword', default="XXXXXX") optp.add_option('-n', '--nickname', help='set xpartamupp nickname', action='store', dest='xnickname', default="WFGbot") optp.add_option('-r', '--room', help='set muc room to join', action='store', dest='xroom', default="arena") opts, args = optp.parse_args() # Setup logging. logging.basicConfig(level=opts.loglevel, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # XpartaMuPP xmpp = XpartaMuPP(opts.xlogin+'@'+opts.xdomain+'/CC', opts.xpassword, opts.xroom+'@conference.'+opts.xdomain, opts.xnickname) xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0030') # Service Discovery xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0004') # Data Forms xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0045') # Multi-User Chat # used xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0060') # PubSub xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0199') # XMPP Ping if xmpp.connect(): xmpp.process(threaded=False) else: logging.error("Unable to connect")