further improvements to stack trace for invalid string pointers, floats, arrays and std::string.

asserts now correctly retrieve thread context in release mode (worked
around VC problem with __asm in macros)
added sample code to enable SE_DEBUG_NAME (pending)

This was SVN commit r2361.
This commit is contained in:
janwas 2005-05-31 19:00:49 +00:00
parent c9506c5e34
commit 7c099ce3cf
2 changed files with 491 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ void debug_check_heap()
// passed to all dbghelp symbol query functions. we're not interested in
// resolving symbols in other processes; the purpose here is only to
// generate a stack trace. if that changes, we need to init a local copy
@ -147,7 +149,8 @@ static int sym_init()
hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
// loads symbols for all active modules.
BOOL ok = SymInitialize(hProcess, 0, TRUE);
display_msg("wdbg_init", "SymInitialize failed");
@ -568,13 +571,13 @@ EXTERN_C void* _ReturnAddress(void);
# define FP_ Ebp
# define SP_ Esp
# define GET_FP\
__asm mov dword ptr [fp], ebp\
__asm mov dword ptr [fp_], ebp\
__asm xor eax, eax\
__asm mov dword ptr [fp+4], eax
__asm mov dword ptr [fp_+4], eax
# define GET_SP\
__asm mov dword ptr [sp], esp\
__asm mov dword ptr [sp_], esp\
__asm xor eax, eax\
__asm mov dword ptr [sp+4], eax
__asm mov dword ptr [sp_+4], eax
# error "port"
@ -642,8 +645,10 @@ static int walk_stack(StackFrameCallback cb, void* user_arg = 0, uint skip = 0,
// rationale: see above.
DWORD64 fp, sp; GET_FP; GET_SP;
init_STACKFRAME64(&sf, pcontext, fp, sp);
static DWORD64 fp_, sp_;
init_STACKFRAME64(&sf, pcontext, fp_, sp_);
@ -794,33 +799,32 @@ static void out_reset()
// does it look like an ASCII string is located at <addr>?
// set <stride> to 2 to search for WCS-2 strings (of western characters!).
// called by dump_array for its string special-case.
// called by dump_sequence for its string special-case.
// algorithm: scan the "string" and count # text chars vs. garbage.
static bool is_string_array(const u8* p, size_t num_elements, size_t stride)
static bool is_string(const u8* p, size_t stride)
// note: access violations are caught by dump_data_sym; output is "?".
int score = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
// current character is:
const int c = *p & 0xff; // prevent sign extension
p += stride;
// .. text
score += 2;
score += 5;
// .. end of string
else if(!c)
// .. garbage
else if(!isprint(c))
score -= 5;
score -= 4;
// too much garbage found, probably not a string => abort.
// we don't want to unnecessarily scan huge binary arrays (slow).
if(score <= -10)
// got enough information either way => done.
// (we don't want to unnecessarily scan huge binary arrays)
if(abs(score) >= 10)
p += stride;
return (score > 0);
@ -830,9 +834,9 @@ static bool is_string_array(const u8* p, size_t num_elements, size_t stride)
static bool is_bogus_pointer(const void* p)
#ifdef _M_IX86
if(p < (void*)0x1000)
if(p < (void*)0x10000)
return true;
if(p > (void*)(uintptr_t)0xc0000000)
if(p >= (void*)(uintptr_t)0xc0000000)
return true;
@ -857,9 +861,71 @@ static int dump_type_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, DumpState state);
// output; dump_data_sym will display value as "?"
// <type_id> is a SymTagPointerType; output its value.
static int dump_sequence(const u8* p, uint num_elements, DWORD el_type_idx, size_t el_size, DumpState state)
// special case for character arrays: display as string
if(el_size == sizeof(char) || el_size == sizeof(wchar_t))
if(is_string(p, el_size))
// make sure it's 0-terminated
wchar_t buf[512];
if(el_size == sizeof(wchar_t))
wcscpy_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), (const wchar_t*)p);
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(buf)-1; i++)
buf[i] = (wchar_t)p[i];
if(buf[i] == '\0')
buf[i] = '\0';
out(L"\"%s\"", buf);
return 0;
// regular array:
const uint num_elements_to_show = MIN(20, num_elements);
const bool fits_on_one_line =
(el_size == sizeof(char) && num_elements <= 16) ||
(el_size <= sizeof(int ) && num_elements <= 8);
out(fits_on_one_line? L"{ " : L"\r\n");
int err = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < num_elements_to_show; i++)
int ret = dump_type_sym(el_type_idx, p + i*el_size, state);
if(err == 0) // remember first error
err = ret;
// add separator unless this is the last element
if(i != num_elements_to_show-1)
out(fits_on_one_line? L", " : L",\r\n");
// we truncated some
if(num_elements != num_elements_to_show)
out(L" ...");
out(L" }");
return err;
// <type_idx> is a SymTagPointerType; output its value.
// called by dump_type_sym; lock is held.
static int dump_pointer(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_pointer_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
// read+output pointer's value.
p = (const u8*)movzx_64le(p, size);
@ -884,9 +950,9 @@ static int dump_pointer(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState stat
// <type_id> is a SymTagBaseType; output its value.
// <type_idx> is a SymTagBaseType; output its value.
// called by dump_type_sym; lock is held.
static int dump_base_type(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_base_type_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
DWORD base_type;
if(!SymGetTypeInfo(hProcess, mod_base, type_idx, TI_GET_BASETYPE, &base_type))
@ -900,41 +966,50 @@ static int dump_base_type(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState st
// boolean
case btBool:
assert(size == sizeof(bool));
fmt = L"%hs";
data = (u64)(data? "true " : "false");
// floating-point
// note: we special-case 0xCC..CC ("uninitialized mem");
// interpreting that as float|double results in garbage.
case btFloat:
if(size == sizeof(float))
fmt = L"%f";
fmt = (data != 0xCCCCCCCC)? L"%g" : L"0x%08X";
else if(size == sizeof(double))
fmt = L"%lf";
fmt = (data != 0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)? L"%lg" : L"0x%016I64X";
debug_warn("dump_base_type: invalid float size");
debug_warn("dump_base_type_sym: invalid float size");
// signed integers
// signed integers (displayed as decimal)
case btInt:
case btLong:
data = movsx_64le(p, size);
if(size == 1 || size == 2 || size == 4)
fmt = L"%d";
else if(size == 8)
if(size == 1 || size == 2 || size == 4 || size == 8)
fmt = L"%I64d";
debug_warn("dump_base_type: invalid int size");
debug_warn("dump_base_type_sym: invalid int size");
// unsigned integers (displayed as hex)
// note: 0x00000000 can get annoying (0 would be nicer),
// but it indicates the variable size and makes for consistently
// formatted structs/arrays. (0x1234 0 0x5678 is ugly)
case btUInt:
case btULong:
// note: 0x00000000 can get annoying (0 would be nicer),
// but it indicates the variable size and makes for consistently
// formatted structs/arrays. (0x1234 0 0x5678 is ugly)
if(size == 1)
state.indirection = 0;
return dump_sequence(p, 8, type_idx, size, state);
fmt = L"0x%02X";
else if(size == 2)
fmt = L"0x%04X";
else if(size == 4)
@ -942,22 +1017,22 @@ static int dump_base_type(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState st
else if(size == 8)
fmt = L"0x%016I64X";
debug_warn("dump_base_type: invalid uint size");
debug_warn("dump_base_type_sym: invalid uint size");
// character
case btChar:
case btWChar:
assert(size == sizeof(char) || size == sizeof(wchar_t));
// char*, wchar_t*
fmt = (base_type == btChar)? L"%hs" : L"%s";
data = (u64)p;
state.indirection = 0;
return dump_sequence(p, 8, type_idx, size, state);
// either integer or character;
// if printable, the character will be appended below.
fmt = L"%d";
fmt = L"%d";
// note: void* is sometimes indicated as (pointer, btNoType).
@ -970,11 +1045,11 @@ static int dump_base_type(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState st
fmt = L"";
debug_warn("dump_base_type: non-pointer btVoid or btNoType");
debug_warn("dump_base_type_sym: non-pointer btVoid or btNoType");
debug_warn("dump_base_type: unknown type");
debug_warn("dump_base_type_sym: unknown type");
// unsupported complex types
@ -1007,9 +1082,9 @@ static int dump_base_type(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState st
// <type_id> is a SymTagEnum; output its value.
// <type_idx> is a SymTagEnum; output its value.
// called by dump_type_sym; lock is held.
static int dump_enum(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_enum_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
const i64 current_value = movsx_64le(p, size);
@ -1063,9 +1138,9 @@ name_unavailable:
// <type_id> is a SymTagArrayType; output its value.
// <type_idx> is a SymTagArrayType; output its value.
// called by dump_type_sym; lock is held.
static int dump_array(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_array_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
// get element count and size
DWORD el_type_idx = 0;
@ -1084,52 +1159,16 @@ static int dump_array(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
out_erase(3); // " = "
out(L"[%d] = ", num_elements);
const bool fits_on_one_line = (num_elements <= 8) && (el_size <= sizeof(int));
// special case for character arrays: display as string
if(el_size == sizeof(char) || el_size == sizeof(wchar_t))
if(is_string_array(p, num_elements, el_size))
out(el_size == sizeof(char)? L"\"%hs\"" : L"\"%s\"", p);
return 0;
// regular array:
out(fits_on_one_line? L"{ " : L"\r\n");
int err = 0;
const uint num_elements_to_show = MIN(20, num_elements);
for(uint i = 0; i < num_elements_to_show; i++)
int ret = dump_type_sym(el_type_idx, p + i*el_size, state);
if(err == 0) // remember first error
err = ret;
// add separator unless this is the last element
if(i != num_elements_to_show-1)
out(fits_on_one_line? L", " : L",\r\n");
// we truncated some
if(num_elements != num_elements_to_show)
out(L" ...");
out(L" }");
return err;
return dump_sequence(p, num_elements, el_type_idx, el_size, state);
// <type_id> is a SymTagTypedef; output its value.
// <type_idx> is a SymTagTypedef; output its value.
// called by dump_type_sym; lock is held.
static int dump_typedef(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_typedef_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
if(!SymGetTypeInfo(hProcess, mod_base, type_idx, TI_GET_TYPEID, &type_idx))
return -1;
@ -1140,9 +1179,9 @@ static int dump_typedef(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState stat
// <type_id> is a SymTagFunction; output its value.
// <type_idx> is a SymTagFunction; output its value.
// called by dump_type_sym; lock is held.
static int dump_function_type(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_function_type_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
// this symbol gives class parent, return type, and parameter count.
// unfortunately the one thing we care about, its name,
@ -1162,9 +1201,9 @@ static int dump_function_type(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpStat
// <type_id> is a SymTagUDT; output its value.
// <type_idx> is a SymTagUDT; output its value.
// called by dump_type_sym; lock is held.
static int dump_UDT(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_udt_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
// get array of child symbols (one for each member, plus base class).
DWORD num_children;
@ -1179,6 +1218,8 @@ static int dump_UDT(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
return -1;
const size_t avg_size = size / num_children;
// note: no need to check if avg_size == 0. if num_children is huge
// (e.g. due to base class info), fits_on_one_line is false anyway.
const bool fits_on_one_line = (num_children <= 3) && (avg_size <= sizeof(int));
@ -1198,10 +1239,10 @@ static int dump_UDT(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
if(type_tag != SymTagData)
DWORD ofs;
if(!SymGetTypeInfo(hProcess, mod_base, child_data_idx, TI_GET_OFFSET, &ofs))
return -1;
assert(ofs < size);
@ -1223,13 +1264,13 @@ static int dump_UDT(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_unknown(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
static int dump_unknown_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState state)
// redundant (already done in dump_type_sym), but this is rare.
DWORD type_tag;
if(!SymGetTypeInfo(hProcess, mod_base, type_idx, TI_GET_SYMTAG, &type_tag))
debug_warn("dump_unknown: tag query failed");
debug_warn("dump_unknown_sym: tag query failed");
return -1;
@ -1244,7 +1285,59 @@ static int dump_unknown(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, size_t size, DumpState stat
static bool suppress_UDT(WCHAR* type_name)
struct string
union _Bxty
{ // storage for small buffer or pointer to larger one
u8 _Buf[16];
void* _Ptr;
} _Bx;
size_t _Mysize; // current length of string
size_t _Myres; // current storage reserved for string
static bool special_case_udt(WCHAR* type_name, const u8* p, size_t size)
if(!wcsncmp(type_name, L"std::basic_string", 17))
assert(size == sizeof(std::string));
// determine type
size_t el_size = sizeof(char);
const wchar_t* fmt = L"\"%hs\"";
if(!wcsncmp(type_name+18, L"char", 4))
; // already set above
else if(!wcsncmp(type_name+18, L"wchar_t", 7))
el_size = sizeof(wchar_t);
fmt = L"\"%s\"";
// .. unknown, shouldn't handle it
return false;
// try to see if it's initialized and valid
string* s = (string*)p;
const bool uses_buf = s->_Myres < 16/el_size;
void* string_data = uses_buf? s->_Bx._Buf : s->_Bx._Ptr;
if(s->_Myres < s->_Mysize ||
is_bogus_pointer(string_data) ||
!is_string((const u8*)string_data, el_size))
out(L"uninitialized/invalid std::basic_string");
return true;
out(fmt, string_data);
return true;
return false;
static bool suppress_udt(WCHAR* type_name)
// specialized HANDLEs are defined as pointers to structs by
// DECLARE_HANDLE. we only want the numerical value (pointer address),
@ -1305,6 +1398,11 @@ static int dump_type_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, DumpState state)
if(!SymGetTypeInfo(hProcess, mod_base, type_idx, TI_GET_SYMTAG, &type_tag))
return -1;
ULONG64 size_ = 0;
SymGetTypeInfo(hProcess, mod_base, type_idx, TI_GET_LENGTH, &size_);
// note: fails when type_tag == SymTagFunction, so don't abort
const size_t size = (size_t)size_;
// get "type name" (only available for SymTagUDT, SymTagEnum, and
// SymTagTypedef types).
// note: can't use SymFromIndex to get tag as well as name, because it
@ -1312,9 +1410,13 @@ static int dump_type_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, DumpState state)
WCHAR* type_name;
if(SymGetTypeInfo(hProcess, mod_base, type_idx, TI_GET_SYMNAME, &type_name))
bool suppress = suppress_UDT(type_name);
const bool suppress = suppress_udt(type_name);
const bool handled = special_case_udt(type_name, p, size);
return 0;
// remove " -> " if it was a pointer
@ -1324,29 +1426,24 @@ static int dump_type_sym(DWORD type_idx, const u8* p, DumpState state)
ULONG64 size_ = 0;
SymGetTypeInfo(hProcess, mod_base, type_idx, TI_GET_LENGTH, &size_);
// note: fails when type_tag == SymTagFunction
const size_t size = (size_t)size_;
case SymTagUDT:
return dump_UDT (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_udt_sym (type_idx, p, size, state);
case SymTagEnum:
return dump_enum (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_enum_sym (type_idx, p, size, state);
case SymTagFunctionType:
return dump_function_type (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_function_type_sym (type_idx, p, size, state);
case SymTagPointerType:
return dump_pointer (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_pointer_sym (type_idx, p, size, state);
case SymTagArrayType:
return dump_array (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_array_sym (type_idx, p, size, state);
case SymTagBaseType:
return dump_base_type (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_base_type_sym (type_idx, p, size, state);
case SymTagTypedef:
return dump_typedef (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_typedef_sym (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_unknown (type_idx, p, size, state);
return dump_unknown_sym (type_idx, p, size, state);
@ -1823,6 +1920,289 @@ fail:
CSmartHandle hImpersonationToken = NULL;
return FALSE;
// We need the SeDebugPrivilege to be able to run MiniDumpWriteDump
BOOL bPrivilegeEnabled = EnablePriv(SE_DEBUG_NAME, hImpersonationToken, &tp);
// DBGHELP.DLL is not thread safe
bRet = pDumpFunction(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hDumpFile, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, &stInfo, NULL, NULL);
// Restore the privilege
RestorePriv(hImpersonationToken, &tp);
static BOOL GetImpersonationToken(HANDLE* phToken)
*phToken = NULL;
if(!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, TRUE, phToken))
if(GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_TOKEN)
// No impersonation token for the curren thread available - go for the process token
if(!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, phToken))
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static BOOL EnablePriv(LPCTSTR pszPriv, HANDLE hToken, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES* ptpOld)
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
bOk = LookupPrivilegeValue( 0, pszPriv, &tp.Privileges[0].Luid);
DWORD cbOld = sizeof(*ptpOld);
bOk = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp, cbOld, ptpOld, &cbOld);
return (bOk && (ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED != GetLastError()));
static BOOL RestorePriv(HANDLE hToken, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES* ptpOld)
BOOL bOk = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, ptpOld, 0, 0, 0);
return (bOk && (ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED != GetLastError()));
BOOL SetPrivilege(
HANDLE hToken, // token handle
LPCTSTR Privilege, // Privilege to enable/disable
BOOL bEnablePrivilege // TRUE to enable. FALSE to disable
LUID luid;
DWORD cbPrevious=sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES);
if(!LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, Privilege, &luid )) return FALSE;
// first pass. get current privilege setting
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0;
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// second pass. set privilege based on previous setting
tpPrevious.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
if(bEnablePrivilege) {
tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes |= (SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED);
else {
tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes ^= (SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED &
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL SetPrivilege2(
HANDLE hToken, // token handle
LPCTSTR Privilege, // Privilege to enable/disable
BOOL bEnablePrivilege // TRUE to enable. FALSE to disable
// Initialize everything to zero
LUID luid;
if(!LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, Privilege, &luid ))
return FALSE;
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
if(bEnablePrivilege) {
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
} else {
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0;
AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tp, cb, NULL, NULL );
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
extern WINBASEAPI LANGID WINAPI GetSystemDefaultLangID (void);
void DisplayError(
LPTSTR szAPI // pointer to failed API name
LPTSTR MessageBuffer;
DWORD dwBufferLength;
fprintf(stderr,"%s() error!\n", szAPI);
(LPTSTR) &MessageBuffer,
DWORD dwBytesWritten;
// Output message string on stderr
// free the buffer allocated by the system
static int screwaround()
HANDLE hProcess;
HANDLE hToken;
int dwRetVal=RTN_OK; // assume success from main()
if(!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &hToken))
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_TOKEN)
if (!ImpersonateSelf(SecurityImpersonation))
return RTN_ERROR;
if(!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &hToken)){
return RTN_ERROR;
return RTN_ERROR;
// enable SeDebugPrivilege
if(!SetPrivilege(hToken, SE_DEBUG_NAME, TRUE))
// close token handle
// indicate failure
return RTN_ERROR;
// disable SeDebugPrivilege
SetPrivilege(hToken, SE_DEBUG_NAME, FALSE);
// analyze exceptions; determine their type and locus

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
h// Windows-specific code and program entry point
// Windows-specific code and program entry point
// Copyright (c) 2003 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ h// Windows-specific code and program entry point
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // __argc
#include <malloc.h>
#include <shlobj.h> // pick_dir