#!perl -w ++$|; END { print "\n\nPress enter to exit.\n"; } use strict; use warnings; my ($source, $output); for (@ARGV) { # Note to self: "perl errorlist.pl --source=../../source/i18n --output=../../source/i18n/tests/ps/Errors.cpp" if (/[-\/]\?|--\?|--help/) { print <) { if (/^ERROR_/) { if (/^ERROR_GROUP\((.+?)\)/) { $topgroups{$1} = 1; } elsif (/^ERROR_SUBGROUP\((.+?)\)/) { $groups{join '~', split /,\s*/, $1} = 1; } elsif (/^ERROR_TYPE\((.+?)\)/) { $types{join '~', split /,\s*/, $1} = 1; } } ++$loc; } } # Add commas to number in groups of three 1 while $loc =~ s/(\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/; print "(".@files." files read - $loc lines of code)\n"; print "Generating $output... "; # Add "PSERROR_Error_InvalidError", so that an error to throw when being # told to throw an error that doesn't exist exists. $topgroups{Error} = 1; $types{'Error~InvalidError'} = 1; open my $out, '>', "$output" or die "Error opening $output ($!)"; print $out <<'.'; // Auto-generated by errorlist.pl - do not edit. #include "precompiled.h" #include "Errors.h" . for (sort keys %topgroups) { print $out "class PSERROR_$_ : public PSERROR {};\n"; } print $out "\n"; for (sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [$_, do{(my $c=$_)=~s/~/_/;$c} ], keys %groups) { my ($base, $name) = split /~/, $_->[0]; print $out "class PSERROR_${base}_$name : public PSERROR_$base {};\n"; } print $out "\n"; for (sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [$_, do{(my $c=$_)=~s/~/_/;$c} ], keys %types) { my ($base, $name) = split /~/, $_->[0]; print $out "class PSERROR_${base}_$name : public PSERROR_$base { public: PSRETURN getCode() const; };\n"; } print $out "\n"; # The difficult bit: =pod mask **** PSERROR 0001 PSERROR_ Err1 1*** PSERROR_Sec1 1001 PSERROR_Sec1_ Err1 1002 PSERROR_Sec1_ Err2 1003 PSERROR_Sec1_ Err3 11** PSERROR_Sec1_Sec1 1101 PSERROR_Sec1_Sec1_Err1 1102 PSERROR_Sec1_Sec1_Err2 2*** PSERROR_Sec2 2001 PSERROR_Sec2_ Err1 ...so split into three sections (0 if null) plus final code... =cut my @sec_codes; $sec_codes[$_]{''} = 1 for 0..2; for (keys %types) { my (@secs) = split /[~_]/; my $err = pop @secs; $sec_codes[$_]{$secs[$_] || ''} = 1 for 0..2; } for my $n (0..2) { @{$sec_codes[$n]}{sort keys %{$sec_codes[$n]}} = 0 .. keys(%{$sec_codes[$n]})-1; } my ($last_sec, $last_err) = ('', 0); for (sort keys %types) { my (@secs) = split /[~_]/; my $err = pop @secs; my $id = join '', map chr $sec_codes[$_]{$secs[$_] || ''}, 0..2; if ($id eq $last_sec) { $id .= chr(++$last_err); } else { $last_sec = $id; $id .= chr($last_err=1); } $types{$_} = $id; } for (sort keys %types) { my ($base, $name) = split /~/; print $out "extern const PSRETURN PSRETURN_${base}_${name} = 0x".unpack('H*', $types{$_}).";\n"; } print $out "\n"; for (sort keys %topgroups) { my (@secs) = $_; my $id = join '', map chr $sec_codes[$_]{$secs[$_] || ''}, 0..2; my $code = unpack 'H*', $id; (my $mask = $code) =~ s/(\d\d)/$1+0 ? 'ff' : '00'/ge; print $out "extern const PSRETURN MASK__PSRETURN_".join('_', @secs)." = 0x${mask}00;\n"; print $out "extern const PSRETURN CODE__PSRETURN_".join('_', @secs)." = 0x${code}00;\n"; } for (sort keys %groups) { my (@secs) = split /[_~]/; my $id = join '', map chr $sec_codes[$_]{$secs[$_] || ''}, 0..2; my $code = unpack 'H*', $id; (my $mask = $code) =~ s/(\d\d)/$1+0 ? 'ff' : '00'/ge; print $out "extern const PSRETURN MASK__PSRETURN_".join('_', @secs)." = 0x${mask}00;\n"; print $out "extern const PSRETURN CODE__PSRETURN_".join('_', @secs)." = 0x${code}00;\n"; } print $out "\n"; for (sort keys %types) { my $code = unpack 'H*', $types{$_}; s/~/_/; print $out "extern const PSRETURN MASK__PSRETURN_$_ = 0xffffffff;\n"; print $out "extern const PSRETURN CODE__PSRETURN_$_ = 0x$code;\n"; } # End of difficult bit. print $out "\n"; for (sort keys %types) { my ($base, $name) = split /~/; print $out qq~PSRETURN PSERROR_${base}_${name}::getCode() const { return 0x~.unpack('H*',$types{$_}).qq~; }\n~; } print $out <<"."; const char* PSERROR::what() const throw () { return GetErrorString(getCode()); } const char* GetErrorString(const PSERROR& err) { return GetErrorString(err.getCode()); } const char* GetErrorString(PSRETURN code) { switch (code) { . for (sort keys %types) { (my $name = $_) =~ s/~/_/; print $out qq{\tcase 0x}.unpack('H*',$types{$_}).qq{: return "$name";\n}; } print $out <<"."; default: return "Unrecognised error"; } } void ThrowError(PSRETURN code) { switch (code) // Use 'break' in case someone tries to continue from the exception { . for (sort keys %types) { (my $name = $_) =~ s/~/_/; print $out qq{\tcase 0x}.unpack('H*',$types{$_}).qq{: throw PSERROR_$name(); break;\n}; } print $out <<"."; default: throw PSERROR_Error_InvalidError(); // Hmm... } } . print "Finished.\n"; sub cpp_files { opendir my $d, $_[0] or die "Error opening directory '$_[0]' ($!)"; my @f = readdir $d; my @files = map "$_[0]/$_", grep /\.(?:cpp|h)$/, @f; push @files, cpp_files("$_[0]/$_") for grep { !/^(?:workspaces|tools)$/ and /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/ and -d "$_[0]/$_" } @f; return @files; }