#include "precompiled.h" #include "lib/byte_order.h" #include "tex_codec.h" #pragma pack(push, 1) struct BmpHeader { // BITMAPFILEHEADER u16 bfType; // "BM" u32 bfSize; // of file u16 bfReserved1; u16 bfReserved2; u32 bfOffBits; // offset to image data // BITMAPINFOHEADER u32 biSize; long biWidth; long biHeight; u16 biPlanes; u16 biBitCount; u32 biCompression; u32 biSizeImage; // the following are unused and zeroed when writing: long biXPelsPerMeter; long biYPelsPerMeter; u32 biClrUsed; u32 biClrImportant; }; #pragma pack(pop) #define BI_RGB 0 // biCompression static LibError bmp_transform(Tex* UNUSED(t), uint UNUSED(transforms)) { return ERR_TEX_CODEC_CANNOT_HANDLE; } static bool bmp_is_hdr(const u8* file) { // check header signature (bfType == "BM"?). // we compare single bytes to be endian-safe. return (file[0] == 'B' && file[1] == 'M'); } static bool bmp_is_ext(const char* ext) { return !stricmp(ext, "bmp"); } static size_t bmp_hdr_size(const u8* file) { const size_t hdr_size = sizeof(BmpHeader); if(file) { BmpHeader* hdr = (BmpHeader*)file; const u32 ofs = read_le32(&hdr->bfOffBits); debug_assert(ofs >= hdr_size && "bmp_hdr_size invalid"); return ofs; } return hdr_size; } // requirements: uncompressed, direct colour, bottom up static LibError bmp_decode(DynArray* restrict da, Tex* restrict t) { u8* file = da->base; const BmpHeader* hdr = (const BmpHeader*)file; const long w = (long)read_le32(&hdr->biWidth); const long h_ = (long)read_le32(&hdr->biHeight); const u16 bpp = read_le16(&hdr->biBitCount); const u32 compress = read_le32(&hdr->biCompression); const long h = abs(h_); int flags = 0; flags |= (h_ < 0)? TEX_TOP_DOWN : TEX_BOTTOM_UP; if(bpp > 16) flags |= TEX_BGR; if(bpp == 32) flags |= TEX_ALPHA; // sanity checks if(compress != BI_RGB) return ERR_TEX_COMPRESSED; t->w = w; t->h = h; t->bpp = bpp; t->flags = flags; return ERR_OK; } static LibError bmp_encode(Tex* restrict t, DynArray* restrict da) { const size_t hdr_size = sizeof(BmpHeader); // needed for BITMAPFILEHEADER const size_t img_size = tex_img_size(t); const size_t file_size = hdr_size + img_size; const long h = (t->flags & TEX_TOP_DOWN)? -(long)t->h : t->h; int transforms = t->flags; transforms &= ~TEX_ORIENTATION; // no flip needed - we can set top-down bit. transforms ^= TEX_BGR; // BMP is native BGR. const BmpHeader hdr = { // BITMAPFILEHEADER 0x4d42, // bfType = 'B','M' (u32)file_size, // bfSize 0, 0, // bfReserved1,2 hdr_size, // bfOffBits // BITMAPINFOHEADER 40, // biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) t->w, h, 1, // biPlanes t->bpp, BI_RGB, // biCompression (u32)img_size, // biSizeImage 0, 0, 0, 0 // unused (bi?PelsPerMeter, biClr*) }; return tex_codec_write(t, transforms, &hdr, hdr_size, da); } TEX_CODEC_REGISTER(bmp);