#include "precompiled.h" #include "Interact.h" #include "Renderer.h" #include "input.h" #include "CConsole.h" #include "HFTracer.h" #include "Hotkey.h" #include "timer.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Network/NetMessage.h" #include "BoundingObjects.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "Model.h" extern CConsole* g_Console; extern int g_mouse_x, g_mouse_y; extern bool keys[SDLK_LAST]; extern bool g_active; extern CStr g_CursorName; static const float SELECT_DBLCLICK_RATE = 0.5f; const int ORDER_DELAY = 5; void CSelectedEntities::addSelection( HEntity entity ) { m_group = -1; assert( !isSelected( entity ) ); m_selected.push_back( entity ); entity->m_selected = true; m_selectionChanged = true; } void CSelectedEntities::removeSelection( HEntity entity ) { m_group = -1; assert( isSelected( entity ) ); entity->m_selected = false; std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it) == entity ) { m_selected.erase( it ); m_selectionChanged = true; break; } } } void CSelectedEntities::renderSelectionOutlines() { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) (*it)->renderSelectionOutline(); if( m_group_highlight != -1 ) { glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); glEnable( GL_BLEND ); std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_groups[m_group_highlight].begin(); it < m_groups[m_group_highlight].end(); it++ ) (*it)->renderSelectionOutline( 0.5f ); glDisable( GL_BLEND ); } } void CSelectedEntities::renderOverlays() { CTerrain *pTerrain=g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); CCamera *pCamera=g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera(); glPushMatrix(); glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it)->m_grouped != -1 ) { if( !(*it)->m_bounds ) continue; glLoadIdentity(); float x, y; CVector3D labelpos = (*it)->m_graphics_position - pCamera->m_Orientation.GetLeft() * (*it)->m_bounds->m_radius; #ifdef SELECTION_TERRAIN_CONFORMANCE labelpos.Y = pTerrain->getExactGroundLevel( labelpos.X, labelpos.Z ); #endif pCamera->GetScreenCoordinates( labelpos, x, y ); glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); glTranslatef( x, g_Renderer.GetHeight() - y, 0.0f ); glScalef( 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f ); glwprintf( L"%d", (i32) (*it)->m_grouped ); } } if( m_group_highlight != -1 ) { glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); glEnable( GL_BLEND ); std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_groups[m_group_highlight].begin(); it < m_groups[m_group_highlight].end(); it++ ) { if( !(*it)->m_bounds ) continue; glLoadIdentity(); float x, y; CVector3D labelpos = (*it)->m_graphics_position - pCamera->m_Orientation.GetLeft() * (*it)->m_bounds->m_radius; #ifdef SELECTION_TERRAIN_CONFORMANCE labelpos.Y = pTerrain->getExactGroundLevel( labelpos.X, labelpos.Z ); #endif pCamera->GetScreenCoordinates( labelpos, x, y ); glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f ); glTranslatef( x, g_Renderer.GetHeight() - y, 0.0f ); glScalef( 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f ); glwprintf( L"%d", (i32) (*it)->m_grouped ); } glDisable( GL_BLEND ); } glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef( (float)( g_mouse_x + 16 ), (float)( g_Renderer.GetHeight() - g_mouse_y - 8 ), 0.0f ); glScalef( 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f ); glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f ); switch( m_contextOrder ) { case CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO: glwprintf( L"Go to" ); break; case CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATROL: glwprintf( L"Patrol to" ); break; case CEntityOrder::ORDER_ATTACK_MELEE: glwprintf( L"Attack" ); break; } glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glPopMatrix(); } void CSelectedEntities::setSelection( HEntity entity ) { m_group = -1; clearSelection(); m_selected.push_back( entity ); } void CSelectedEntities::clearSelection() { m_group = -1; std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) (*it)->m_selected = false; m_selected.clear(); m_selectionChanged = true; } void CSelectedEntities::removeAll( HEntity entity ) { // Remove a reference to an entity from everywhere // (for use when said entity is being destroyed) std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it) == entity ) { m_selected.erase( it ); m_selectionChanged = true; break; } } for( u8 group = 0; group < MAX_GROUPS; group++ ) { for( it = m_groups[group].begin(); it < m_groups[group].end(); it++ ) { if( (*it) == entity ) { m_groups[group].erase( it ); m_selectionChanged = true; break; } } } } CVector3D CSelectedEntities::getSelectionPosition() { CVector3D avg; std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) avg += (*it)->m_graphics_position; return( avg * ( 1.0f / m_selected.size() ) ); } void CSelectedEntities::saveGroup( i8 groupid ) { std::vector::iterator it; // Clear all entities in the group... for( it = m_groups[groupid].begin(); it < m_groups[groupid].end(); it++ ) (*it)->m_grouped = -1; m_groups[groupid].clear(); // Remove selected entities from each group they're in, and flag them as // members of the new group for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it)->m_grouped != -1 ) { std::vector& group = m_groups[(*it)->m_grouped]; std::vector::iterator it2; for( it2 = group.begin(); it2 < group.end(); it2++ ) { if( (*it2) == &(**it) ) { group.erase( it2 ); break; } } } (*it)->m_grouped = groupid; } // Copy the group across m_groups[groupid] = m_selected; // Set the group selection memory m_group = groupid; } void CSelectedEntities::addToGroup( i8 groupid, HEntity entity ) { std::vector::iterator it; // Remove selected entities from each group they're in, and flag them as // members of the new group if( entity->m_grouped != -1 ) { std::vector& group = m_groups[(*it)->m_grouped]; std::vector::iterator it2; for( it2 = group.begin(); it2 < group.end(); it2++ ) { if( (*it2) == entity ) { group.erase( it2 ); break; } } } entity->m_grouped = groupid; m_groups[groupid].push_back( entity ); } void CSelectedEntities::loadGroup( i8 groupid ) { if( m_group == groupid ) return; clearSelection(); m_selected = m_groups[groupid]; std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) (*it)->m_selected = true; m_group = groupid; m_selectionChanged = true; } void CSelectedEntities::addGroup( i8 groupid ) { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_groups[groupid].begin(); it < m_groups[groupid].end(); it++ ) { if( !isSelected( *it ) ) addSelection( *it ); } for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) (*it)->m_selected = true; } void CSelectedEntities::changeGroup( HEntity entity, i8 groupid ) { // Remove from current group i32 current = entity->m_grouped; if( current != -1 ) { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_groups[current].begin(); it < m_groups[current].end(); it++ ) { if( (*it) == entity ) { m_groups[current].erase( it ); break; } } } if( groupid != -1 ) m_groups[groupid].push_back( entity ); entity->m_grouped = groupid; } bool CSelectedEntities::isSelected( HEntity entity ) { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it) == entity ) return( true ); } return( false ); } void CSelectedEntities::highlightGroup( i8 groupid ) { if( m_group_highlight != -1 ) return; if( !getGroupCount( groupid ) ) return; m_group_highlight = groupid; g_Game->GetView()->PushCameraTarget( getGroupPosition( groupid ) ); } void CSelectedEntities::highlightNone() { if( m_group_highlight != -1 ) g_Game->GetView()->PopCameraTarget(); m_group_highlight = -1; } int CSelectedEntities::getGroupCount( i8 groupid ) { return( (int)m_groups[groupid].size() ); } CVector3D CSelectedEntities::getGroupPosition( i8 groupid ) { CVector3D avg; std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_groups[groupid].begin(); it < m_groups[groupid].end(); it++ ) avg += (*it)->m_graphics_position; return( avg * ( 1.0f / m_groups[groupid].size() ) ); } void CSelectedEntities::update() { if( m_selectionChanged || g_Mouseover.m_targetChanged ) { // Can't order anything off the map if( !g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->isOnMap( g_Mouseover.m_worldposition ) ) { m_contextOrder = -1; return; } // Quick count to see which is the modal default order. int defaultPoll[CEntityOrder::ORDER_LAST]; int t, vote; for( t = 0; t < CEntityOrder::ORDER_LAST; t++ ) defaultPoll[t] = 0; std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) { vote = (*it)->defaultOrder( g_Mouseover.m_target ); if( ( vote >= 0 ) && ( vote < CEntityOrder::ORDER_LAST ) ) defaultPoll[vote]++; } vote = -1; for( t = 0; t < CEntityOrder::ORDER_LAST; t++ ) { if( ( vote == -1 ) || ( defaultPoll[t] > defaultPoll[vote] ) ) vote = t; } m_contextOrder = vote; switch( m_contextOrder ) { case CEntityOrder::ORDER_ATTACK_MELEE: g_CursorName = "action-attack"; break; default: g_CursorName = "arrow-default"; break; } m_selectionChanged = false; g_Mouseover.m_targetChanged = false; } /* if( !isContextValid( m_contextOrder ) ) { // This order isn't valid for the current selection and/or target. for( int t = 0; t < CEntityOrder::ORDER_LAST; t++ ) if( isContextValid( t ) ) { m_contextOrder = t; return; } m_contextOrder = -1; } */ if( ( m_group_highlight != -1 ) && getGroupCount( m_group_highlight ) ) g_Game->GetView()->SetCameraTarget( getGroupPosition( m_group_highlight ) ); } void CSelectedEntities::setContext( int contextOrder ) { assert( isContextValid( contextOrder ) ); m_contextOrder = contextOrder; } bool CSelectedEntities::nextContext() { // No valid orders? if( m_contextOrder == -1 ) return( false ); int t = m_contextOrder + 1; while( t != m_contextOrder ) { if( t == CEntityOrder::ORDER_LAST ) t = 0; if( isContextValid( t ) ) break; t++; } if( m_contextOrder == t ) return( false ); m_contextOrder = t; return( true ); } bool CSelectedEntities::previousContext() { // No valid orders? if( m_contextOrder == -1 ) return( false ); int t = m_contextOrder - 1; while( t != m_contextOrder ) { if( isContextValid( t ) ) break; if( t == 0 ) t = CEntityOrder::ORDER_LAST; t--; } if( m_contextOrder == t ) return( false ); m_contextOrder = t; return( true ); } bool CSelectedEntities::isContextValid( int contextOrder ) { if( contextOrder == -1 ) return( false ); // Can't order anything off the map if( !g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->isOnMap( g_Mouseover.m_worldposition ) ) return( false ); // Check to see if any member of the selection supports this order type. std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) if( (*it)->acceptsOrder( contextOrder, g_Mouseover.m_target ) ) return( true ); return( false ); } void CSelectedEntities::contextOrder( bool pushQueue ) { CCamera *pCamera=g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera(); CTerrain *pTerrain=g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); std::vector::iterator it; CEntityOrder context, contextRandomized; (int&)context.m_type = m_contextOrder; switch( m_contextOrder ) { // PATROL order: temporatily disabled until we define the network command for it case CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATROL: case CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO: { context.m_data[0].location = g_Mouseover.m_worldposition; break; /* CGotoCommand *msg=new CGotoCommand(); msg->m_Entity=m_selected[0]->me; msg->m_TargetX=(u32)g_Mouseover.m_worldposition.x; msg->m_TargetY=(u32)g_Mouseover.m_worldposition.y; g_Game->GetSimulation()->QueueLocalCommand(msg); break; */ } case CEntityOrder::ORDER_ATTACK_MELEE: { context.m_data[0].entity = g_Mouseover.m_target; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) if( (*it)->acceptsOrder( m_contextOrder, g_Mouseover.m_target ) ) { if( !pushQueue ) (*it)->clearOrders(); (*it)->pushOrder( context ); } return; } default: break; } // Location randomizer, for group orders... // Having the group turn up at the destination with /some/ sort of cohesion is good // but tasking them all to the exact same point will leave them brawling for it // at the other end (it shouldn't, but the PASAP pathfinder is too simplistic) // Task them all to a point within a radius of the target, radius depends upon // the number of units in the group. /* (Simon) Hmm. Disabled in the makeshift transition to Command Message Queueing... Ideally, we'd create a Group with the selected entities, then queue a command with the Group ID as performing entity, with the center as the target, then let the location randomization be done in the net command=>ent. order translator (for now, CSimulation::TranslateMessage) Unless this is a problem that'll only be around until we make the real pathfinder? */ float radius = 2.0f * sqrt( (float)m_selected.size() - 1 ); float _x, _y; for( it = m_selected.begin(); it < m_selected.end(); it++ ) if( (*it)->acceptsOrder( m_contextOrder, g_Mouseover.m_target ) ) { contextRandomized = context; do { _x = (float)( rand() % 20000 ) / 10000.0f - 1.0f; _y = (float)( rand() % 20000 ) / 10000.0f - 1.0f; } while( ( _x * _x ) + ( _y * _y ) > 1.0f ); contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.x += _x * radius; contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.y += _y * radius; // Clamp it to within the map, just in case. float mapsize = (float)g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetVerticesPerSide() * CELL_SIZE; if( contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.x < 0.0f ) contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.x = 0.0f; if( contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.x >= mapsize ) contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.x = mapsize; if( contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.y < 0.0f ) contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.y = 0.0f; if( contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.y >= mapsize ) contextRandomized.m_data[0].location.y = mapsize; if( !pushQueue ) (*it)->clearOrders(); (*it)->pushOrder( contextRandomized ); } } void CMouseoverEntities::update( float timestep ) { CCamera *pCamera=g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera(); CTerrain *pTerrain=g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); CVector3D origin, dir; pCamera->BuildCameraRay( origin, dir ); CUnit* hit = g_UnitMan.PickUnit( origin, dir ); m_worldposition = pCamera->GetWorldCoordinates(); if( hit && hit->GetEntity() && hit->GetEntity()->m_extant ) { m_target = hit->GetEntity()->me; } else m_target = HEntity(); if( m_target != m_lastTarget ) { m_targetChanged = true; m_lastTarget = m_target; } if( m_viewall ) { // 'O' key. Show selection outlines for all player units on screen // (as if bandboxing them all). // These aren't selectable; clicking when 'O' is pressed won't select // all units on screen. m_mouseover.clear(); std::vector* onscreen = g_EntityManager.matches( isOnScreen ); std::vector::iterator it; for( it = onscreen->begin(); it < onscreen->end(); it++ ) if( (*it)->m_extant ) m_mouseover.push_back( SMouseoverFader( *it, m_fademaximum, false ) ); delete( onscreen ); } else if( m_bandbox ) { m_x2 = g_mouse_x; m_y2 = g_mouse_y; // Here's the fun bit: // Get the screen-space coordinates of all onscreen entities // then find the ones falling within the box. // // Fade in the ones in the box at (in+out) speed, then fade everything // out at (out) speed. std::vector* onscreen = g_EntityManager.matches( isOnScreen ); std::vector::iterator it; // Reset active flags on everything... std::vector::iterator it2; for( it2 = m_mouseover.begin(); it2 < m_mouseover.end(); it2++ ) it2->isActive = false; for( it = onscreen->begin(); it < onscreen->end(); it++ ) { if( !(*it)->m_extant ) continue; CVector3D worldspace = (*it)->m_graphics_position; float x, y; pCamera->GetScreenCoordinates( worldspace, x, y ); bool inBox; if( m_x1 < m_x2 ) { inBox = ( x >= m_x1 ) && ( x < m_x2 ); } else { inBox = ( x >= m_x2 ) && ( x < m_x1 ); } if( m_y1 < m_y2 ) { inBox &= ( y >= m_y1 ) && ( y < m_y2 ); } else { inBox &= ( y >= m_y2 ) && ( y < m_y1 ); } if( inBox ) { bool found = false; for( it2 = m_mouseover.begin(); it2 < m_mouseover.end(); it2++ ) if( it2->entity == &(**it) ) { found = true; it2->fade += ( m_fadeinrate + m_fadeoutrate ) * timestep; it2->isActive = true; } if( !found ) m_mouseover.push_back( SMouseoverFader( *it, ( m_fadeinrate + m_fadeoutrate ) * timestep ) ); } } delete( onscreen ); for( it2 = m_mouseover.begin(); it2 < m_mouseover.end(); ) { it2->fade -= m_fadeoutrate * timestep; if( it2->fade > m_fademaximum ) it2->fade = m_fademaximum; if( it2->fade < 0.0f ) { it2 = m_mouseover.erase( it2 ); } else it2++; } } else { std::vector::iterator it; bool found = false; for( it = m_mouseover.begin(); it < m_mouseover.end(); ) { if( it->entity == m_target ) { found = true; it->fade += m_fadeinrate * timestep; if( it->fade > m_fademaximum ) it->fade = m_fademaximum; it->isActive = true; it++; continue; } else { it->fade -= m_fadeoutrate * timestep; if( it->fade <= 0.0f ) { it = m_mouseover.erase( it ); continue; } it++; continue; } } if( !found && (bool)m_target ) { float initial = m_fadeinrate * timestep; if( initial > m_fademaximum ) initial = m_fademaximum; m_mouseover.push_back( SMouseoverFader( m_target, initial ) ); } } } void CMouseoverEntities::addSelection() { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_mouseover.begin(); it < m_mouseover.end(); it++ ) if( it->isActive && !g_Selection.isSelected( it->entity ) ) g_Selection.addSelection( it->entity ); } void CMouseoverEntities::removeSelection() { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_mouseover.begin(); it < m_mouseover.end(); it++ ) if( it->isActive && g_Selection.isSelected( it->entity ) ) g_Selection.removeSelection( it->entity ); } void CMouseoverEntities::setSelection() { g_Selection.clearSelection(); addSelection(); } void CMouseoverEntities::expandAcrossScreen() { std::vector* activeset = g_EntityManager.matches( isMouseoverType, isOnScreen ); m_mouseover.clear(); std::vector::iterator it; for( it = activeset->begin(); it < activeset->end(); it++ ) if( (*it)->m_extant ) m_mouseover.push_back( SMouseoverFader( *it ) ); delete( activeset ); } void CMouseoverEntities::expandAcrossWorld() { std::vector* activeset = g_EntityManager.matches( isMouseoverType ); m_mouseover.clear(); std::vector::iterator it; for( it = activeset->begin(); it < activeset->end(); it++ ) if( (*it)->m_extant ) m_mouseover.push_back( SMouseoverFader( *it ) ); delete( activeset ); } void CMouseoverEntities::renderSelectionOutlines() { glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); glEnable( GL_BLEND ); std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_mouseover.begin(); it < m_mouseover.end(); it++ ) it->entity->renderSelectionOutline( it->fade ); glDisable( GL_BLEND ); } void CMouseoverEntities::renderOverlays() { CCamera *pCamera=g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera(); CTerrain *pTerrain=g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); glLoadIdentity(); glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); if( m_bandbox ) { //glPushMatrix(); glColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); glVertex2i( m_x1, g_Renderer.GetHeight() - m_y1 ); glVertex2i( m_x2, g_Renderer.GetHeight() - m_y1 ); glVertex2i( m_x2, g_Renderer.GetHeight() - m_y2 ); glVertex2i( m_x1, g_Renderer.GetHeight() - m_y2 ); glEnd(); //glPopMatrix(); } glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); std::vector::iterator it; for( it = m_mouseover.begin(); it < m_mouseover.end(); it++ ) { if( it->entity->m_grouped != -1 ) { if( !it->entity->m_bounds ) continue; glPushMatrix(); glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glLoadIdentity(); float x, y; CVector3D labelpos = it->entity->m_graphics_position - pCamera->m_Orientation.GetLeft() * it->entity->m_bounds->m_radius; #ifdef SELECTION_TERRAIN_CONFORMANCE labelpos.Y = pTerrain->getExactGroundLevel( labelpos.X, labelpos.Z ); #endif pCamera->GetScreenCoordinates( labelpos, x, y ); glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, it->fade ); glTranslatef( x, g_Renderer.GetHeight() - y, 0.0f ); glScalef( 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f ); glwprintf( L"%d", (i32) it->entity->m_grouped ); glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glPopMatrix(); } } } void CMouseoverEntities::startBandbox( u16 x, u16 y ) { m_bandbox = true; m_x1 = x; m_y1 = y; } void CMouseoverEntities::stopBandbox() { m_bandbox = false; } int interactInputHandler( const SDL_Event* ev ) { if (!g_active || !g_Game) return EV_PASS; CGameView *pView=g_Game->GetView(); CCamera *pCamera=pView->GetCamera(); CTerrain *pTerrain=g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); static float lastclicktime = 0.0f; static HEntity lastclickobject; static u8 clicks = 0; static u16 button_down_x, button_down_y; static bool button_down = false; switch( ev->type ) { case SDL_HOTKEYDOWN: switch( ev->user.code ) { case HOTKEY_HIGHLIGHTALL: g_Mouseover.m_viewall = true; break; case HOTKEY_SELECTION_SNAP: if( g_Selection.m_selected.size() ) pView->SetCameraTarget( g_Selection.getSelectionPosition() ); break; case HOTKEY_CONTEXTORDER_NEXT: g_Selection.nextContext(); break; case HOTKEY_CONTEXTORDER_PREVIOUS: g_Selection.previousContext(); break; default: if( ( ev->user.code >= HOTKEY_SELECTION_GROUP_0 ) && ( ev->user.code <= HOTKEY_SELECTION_GROUP_19 ) ) { // The above test limits it to 20 groups, so don't worry about overflowing i8 id = (i8)( ev->user.code - HOTKEY_SELECTION_GROUP_0 ); if( hotkeys[HOTKEY_SELECTION_GROUP_ADD] ) { g_Selection.addGroup( id ); } else if( hotkeys[HOTKEY_SELECTION_GROUP_SAVE] ) { g_Selection.saveGroup( id ); } else if( hotkeys[HOTKEY_SELECTION_GROUP_SNAP] ) { g_Selection.highlightGroup( id ); } else { if( ( g_Selection.m_group == id ) && g_Selection.getGroupCount( id ) ) { pView->SetCameraTarget( g_Selection.getGroupPosition( id ) ); } else g_Selection.loadGroup( id ); } return( EV_HANDLED ); } return( EV_PASS ); } return( EV_HANDLED ); case SDL_HOTKEYUP: switch( ev->user.code ) { case HOTKEY_SELECTION_GROUP_SNAP: if( g_Selection.m_group_highlight != -1 ) g_Selection.highlightNone(); break; case HOTKEY_HIGHLIGHTALL: g_Mouseover.m_viewall = false; break; default: return( EV_PASS ); } return( EV_HANDLED ); case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: switch( ev->button.button ) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: if( g_Mouseover.m_viewall ) break; float time; time = (float)get_time(); // Reset clicks counter if too slow or if the cursor's // hovering over something else now. if( time - lastclicktime >= SELECT_DBLCLICK_RATE ) clicks = 0; if( g_Mouseover.m_target != lastclickobject ) clicks = 0; clicks++; if( clicks == 2 ) { // Double click g_Mouseover.expandAcrossScreen(); } else if( clicks == 3 ) { // Triple click g_Mouseover.expandAcrossWorld(); } lastclicktime = time; lastclickobject = g_Mouseover.m_target; button_down = false; g_Mouseover.stopBandbox(); if( hotkeys[HOTKEY_SELECTION_ADD] ) { g_Mouseover.addSelection(); } else if( hotkeys[HOTKEY_SELECTION_REMOVE] ) { g_Mouseover.removeSelection(); } else g_Mouseover.setSelection(); break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: g_Selection.contextOrder( hotkeys[HOTKEY_ORDER_QUEUE] ); break; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: switch( ev->button.button ) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: button_down = true; button_down_x = ev->button.x; button_down_y = ev->button.y; break; } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if( !g_Mouseover.isBandbox() && button_down ) { int deltax = ev->motion.x - button_down_x; int deltay = ev->motion.y - button_down_y; if( ABS( deltax ) > 2 || ABS( deltay ) > 2 ) g_Mouseover.startBandbox( button_down_x, button_down_y ); } break; } return( EV_PASS ); } bool isOnScreen( CEntity* ev ) { CCamera *pCamera=g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera(); CFrustum frustum = pCamera->GetFrustum(); return( frustum.IsBoxVisible( CVector3D(), ev->m_actor->GetModel()->GetBounds() ) ); } bool isMouseoverType( CEntity* ev ) { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = g_Mouseover.m_mouseover.begin(); it < g_Mouseover.m_mouseover.end(); it++ ) { if( it->isActive && ( (CBaseEntity*)it->entity->m_base == (CBaseEntity*)ev->m_base ) ) return( true ); } return( false ); } /* void pushCameraTarget( const CVector3D& target ) { // Save the current position cameraTargets.push_back( g_Camera.m_Orientation.GetTranslation() ); // And set the camera setCameraTarget( target ); } void setCameraTarget( const CVector3D& target ) { // Maintain the same orientation and level of zoom, if we can // (do this by working out the point the camera is looking at, saving // the difference beteen that position and the camera point, and restoring // that difference to our new target) cameraDelta = target - g_Camera.GetFocus(); } void popCameraTarget() { cameraDelta = cameraTargets.back() - g_Camera.m_Orientation.GetTranslation(); cameraTargets.pop_back(); } */