const GEOLOGY = "geology"; const FLORA = "flora"; const FAUNA = "fauna"; const SPECIAL = "special"; const CAMP = "camp"; const GAIA = "Gaia" const CART = "Cart"; const CELT = "Celt"; const HELE = "Hele"; const IBER = "Iber"; const PERS = "Pers"; const ROME = "Rome"; const CARTHAGINIANS = "Carthaginians"; const ROMANS = "Romans"; const HELLENES = "Hellenes"; const CELTS = "Celts"; const PERSIANS = "Persians"; const IBERIANS = "Iberians"; // Cache dev-mode settings that are frequently or widely used var g_DevSettings = { controlAll: false }; function init(initData, hotloadData) { if (hotloadData) { g_Selection.selected = hotloadData.selection; } else { // Starting for the first time: startMusic(); } onSimulationUpdate(); } function leaveGame() { stopMusic(); endGame(); Engine.SwitchGuiPage("page_pregame.xml"); } // Return some data that we'll use when hotloading this file after changes function getHotloadData() { return { selection: g_Selection.selected }; } function handleNetMessage(message) { log("Net message: "+uneval(message)); switch (message.type) { case "netstatus": var obj = getGUIObjectByName("netStatus"); switch (message.status) { case "waiting_for_players": obj.caption = "Waiting for other players to connect"; obj.hidden = false; break; case "active": obj.caption = ""; obj.hidden = true; break; case "disconnected": obj.caption = "Connection to the server has been lost"; obj.hidden = false; // TODO: we need to give players some way to exit break; default: error("Unrecognised netstatus type "+message.status); break; } break; default: error("Unrecognised net message type "+message.type); } } function onTick() { while (true) { var message = Engine.PollNetworkClient(); if (!message) break; handleNetMessage(message); } g_DevSettings.controlAll = getGUIObjectByName("devControlAll").checked; // TODO: at some point this controlAll needs to disable the simulation code's // player checks (once it has some player checks) updateCursor(); // If the selection changed, we need to regenerate the sim display if (g_Selection.dirty) { onSimulationUpdate(); // Display rally points for selected buildings Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("DisplayRallyPoint", { "entities": g_Selection.toList() }); } } function onSimulationUpdate() { g_Selection.dirty = false; var simState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetSimulationState"); // If we're called during init when the game is first loading, there will be no simulation yet, so do nothing if (!simState) return; updateDebug(simState); updatePlayerDisplay(simState); updateSelectionDetails(simState); } function updateDebug(simState) { var debug = getGUIObjectByName("debug"); if (getGUIObjectByName("devDisplayState").checked) { debug.hidden = false; } else { debug.hidden = true; return; } var text = uneval(simState); var selection = g_Selection.toList(); if (selection.length) { var entState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", selection[0]); if (entState) { var template = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTemplateData", entState.template); text += "\n\n" + uneval(entState) + "\n\n" + uneval(template); } } debug.caption = text; } function updatePlayerDisplay(simState) { var playerState = simState.players[Engine.GetPlayerID()]; if (!playerState) return; getGUIObjectByName("resourceFood").caption =; getGUIObjectByName("resourceWood").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.wood; getGUIObjectByName("resourceStone").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.stone; getGUIObjectByName("resourceMetal").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.metal; getGUIObjectByName("resourcePop").caption = playerState.popCount + "/" + playerState.popLimit; } //-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- // Utility functions //-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- function toTitleCase(string) { if (string.length > 0) string = string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1, string.length).toLowerCase(); return string; } function isUnit(entState) { if (entState.identity) { var classes = entState.identity.classes; if (classes && classes.length) for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) if ((classes[i] == "Organic") || (classes[i] == "Mechanical")) return true; } return false; } function isDefensive(entState) { if (entState.identity) { var classes = entState.identity.classes; if (classes && classes.length) for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) if (classes[i] == "Defensive") return true; } return false; } function damageTypesToTextStacked(dmg) { if (!dmg) return "(None)"; return dmg.hack + " Hack\n" + dmg.pierce + " Pierce\n" + dmg.crush + " Crush"; } function damageTypesToText(dmg) { if (!dmg) return "[font=\"serif-12\"](None)[/font]"; var hackLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Hack[/font]"; var pierceLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Pierce[/font]"; var crushLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Crush[/font]"; var hackDamage = dmg.hack; var pierceDamage = dmg.pierce; var crushDamage = dmg.crush; var dmgArray = []; if (hackDamage) dmgArray.push(hackDamage + hackLabel); if (pierceDamage) dmgArray.push(pierceDamage + pierceLabel); if (crushDamage) dmgArray.push(crushDamage + crushLabel); return dmgArray.join(", "); } function getCommandCellId(commandName) { switch (commandName) { case "delete": return 4; default: return -1; } } function getEntityCommandsList(entState) { var commands = []; commands.push("delete"); return commands; } function getRankCellId(entState) { if (entState.template) { var templateName = entState.template; var endsWith = templateName.substring(templateName.length-2, templateName.length); if (isUnit(entState)) { if (endsWith == "_e") return 0; else if (endsWith == "_a") return 1; } } return -1; } function getRankTitle(cellId) { if (cellId == 0) return " (Elite)"; else if (cellId == 1) return " (Advanced)"; return ""; } function getEntityCost(template) { if (template.cost) { var costs = []; if ( costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Food:[/font] " +; if (template.cost.wood) costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Wood:[/font] " + template.cost.wood); if (template.cost.metal) costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Metal:[/font] " + template.cost.metal); if (template.cost.stone) costs.push("[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Stone:[/font] " + template.cost.stone); if (costs.length) return costs.join(", "); } return ""; } function getEntityName(template) { return "[font=\"serif-bold-16\"]" + ( || || "???") + "[/font]"; } function getEntityNameWithGenericType(template) { var name; if (( && && ( != name = + " (" + + ")"; else name = || || "???"; return "[font=\"serif-bold-16\"]" + name + "[/font]"; } function getFormalCivName(civ) { switch (civ) { case CART: return "Carthaginians"; case CELT: return "Celts"; case HELE: return "Hellenes"; case IBER: return "Iberians"; case PERS: return "Persians"; case ROME: return "Romans"; default: return "Gaia"; } }