#include "precompiled.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "sysdep/win/win_internal.h" #endif #include "Network.h" #include "NetworkInternal.h" #include "lib.h" #include "CStr.h" // ERROR is defined by some windows header. Undef it #undef ERROR #include "CLogger.h" #include CSocketSetInternal g_SocketSetInternal; DEFINE_ERROR(NO_SUCH_HOST, "Host not found"); DEFINE_ERROR(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, "The connection attempt timed out"); DEFINE_ERROR(CONNECT_REFUSED, "The connection attempt was refused"); DEFINE_ERROR(NO_ROUTE_TO_HOST, "No route to host"); DEFINE_ERROR(CONNECTION_BROKEN, "The connection has been closed"); DEFINE_ERROR(CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS, "The connect attempt has started, but is not yet complete"); DEFINE_ERROR(PORT_IN_USE, "The port is already in use by another process"); DEFINE_ERROR(INVALID_PORT, "The port specified is either invalid, or forbidden by system or firewall policy"); DEFINE_ERROR(INVALID_PROTOCOL, "The socket type or protocol is not supported by the operating system. Make sure that the TCP/IP protocol is installed and activated"); // Map an OS error number to a PS_RESULT PS_RESULT GetPS_RESULT(int error) { switch (error) { case EWOULDBLOCK: case EINPROGRESS: return PS_OK; case ENETUNREACH: case ENETDOWN: case EADDRNOTAVAIL: return NO_ROUTE_TO_HOST; case ETIMEDOUT: return CONNECT_TIMEOUT; case ECONNREFUSED: return CONNECT_REFUSED; default: char buf[256]; Network_GetErrorString(error, buf, sizeof(buf)); LOG(ERROR, LOG_CAT_NET, "SocketBase.cpp::GetPS_RESULT(): Untranslated error %s[%d]", buf, error); return PS_FAIL; } } CSocketAddress::CSocketAddress(int port, ESocketProtocol proto) { memset(&m_Union, 0, sizeof(m_Union)); switch (proto) { case IPv4: m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_family=PF_INET; m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr.s_addr=htonl(INADDR_ANY); m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_port=htons(port); break; case IPv6: m_Union.m_IPv6.sin6_family=PF_INET6; memcpy(&m_Union.m_IPv6.sin6_addr, &in6addr_any, sizeof(in6addr_any)); m_Union.m_IPv6.sin6_port=htons(port); break; } } CSocketAddress CSocketAddress::Loopback(int port, ESocketProtocol proto) { CSocketAddress ret; switch (proto) { case IPv4: ret.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_family=PF_INET; ret.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr.s_addr=htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); ret.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_port=htons(port); break; case IPv6: ret.m_Union.m_IPv6.sin6_family=PF_INET6; memcpy(&ret.m_Union.m_IPv6.sin6_addr, &in6addr_loopback, sizeof(in6addr_loopback)); ret.m_Union.m_IPv6.sin6_port=htons(port); break; } return ret; } PS_RESULT CSocketAddress::Resolve(const char *name, int port, CSocketAddress &addr) { if ((getaddrinfo) != NULL) { addrinfo *ai; int res=getaddrinfo(name, NULL, NULL, &ai); if (res == 0) { if (ai->ai_addrlen < sizeof(addr.m_Union)) memcpy(&addr.m_Union, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen); switch (addr.m_Union.m_Family) { case IPv4: addr.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_port=htons(port); break; case IPv6: addr.m_Union.m_IPv6.sin6_port=htons(port); break; } freeaddrinfo(ai); return PS_OK; } else return NO_SUCH_HOST; } else { hostent *he; addr.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_family=AF_INET; addr.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_port=htons(port); // Try to parse dot-notation IP addr.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(name); if (addr.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr.s_addr==INADDR_NONE) // Not a dotted IP, try name resolution { he=gethostbyname(name); if (!he) { return NO_SUCH_HOST; } addr.m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr=*(struct in_addr *)(he->h_addr_list[0]); } return PS_OK; } } CStr CSocketAddress::GetString() const { char convBuf[NI_MAXHOST]; if ((getnameinfo) != NULL) { int res=getnameinfo((sockaddr *)&m_Union, sizeof(m_Union), convBuf, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); if (res == 0) { return CStr(convBuf); } // getnameinfo won't return a string for the IPv6 unspecified address else if (m_Union.m_Family == IPv6 && res==EAI_NONAME) return "::"; else return ""; } else if (m_Union.m_Family == IPv4) { sprintf(convBuf, "%d.%d.%d.%d", m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr.s_addr&0xff, (m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr.s_addr>>8)&0xff, (m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr.s_addr>>16)&0xff, (m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_addr.s_addr>>24)&0xff); return CStr(convBuf); } else return CStr(); } int CSocketAddress::GetPort() const { switch (m_Union.m_Family) { case IPv4: case IPv6: return ntohs(m_Union.m_IPv4.sin_port); } return -1; } CSocketBase::CSocketBase() { m_pInternal=new CSocketInternal; m_Proto=UNSPEC; m_NonBlocking=true; m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; m_Error=PS_OK; } CSocketBase::CSocketBase(CSocketInternal *pInt) { m_pInternal=pInt; m_Proto=pInt->m_RemoteAddr.GetProtocol(); m_State=SS_CONNECTED; m_Error=PS_OK; SetNonBlocking(true); } CSocketBase::~CSocketBase() { // Remove any associated data from the CSocketSet pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.erase(m_pInternal->m_fd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); // Disconnect the socket, if it is still connected if (m_State == SS_CONNECTED) { // This makes the other end receive a RST, but since // we've had no chance to close cleanly and the socket must // be destroyed immediately, we've got no choice shutdown(m_pInternal->m_fd, SHUT_RDWR); } // Destroy the socket closesocket(m_pInternal->m_fd); // Deallocate internal pointer delete m_pInternal; } void *WaitLoopThreadMain(void *) { CSocketBase::RunWaitLoop(); return NULL; } PS_RESULT CSocketBase::Initialize(ESocketProtocol proto) { ONCE( pthread_create(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Thread, NULL, WaitLoopThreadMain, NULL); ); int res=socket(proto, SOCK_STREAM, 0); printf("CSocketBase::Initialize(): socket() res: %d\n", res); if (res == -1) { return INVALID_PROTOCOL; } m_pInternal->m_fd=res; m_Proto=proto; SetNonBlocking(true); return PS_OK; } void CSocketBase::Close() { shutdown(m_pInternal->m_fd, SHUT_WR); m_State=SS_CLOSED_LOCALLY; } void CSocketBase::Destroy() { if (m_pInternal->m_fd == -1) m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; // Disconnect the socket, if it is still connected if (m_State == SS_CONNECTED || m_State == SS_CLOSED_LOCALLY) { // This makes the other end receive a RST, but since // we've had no chance to close cleanly and the socket must // be destroyed immediately, we've got no choice shutdown(m_pInternal->m_fd, SHUT_RDWR); m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; } // Destroy the socket closesocket(m_pInternal->m_fd); m_pInternal->m_fd=-1; } void CSocketBase::SetNonBlocking(bool nonblocking) { #ifdef _WIN32 unsigned long nb=nonblocking; int res=ioctlsocket(m_pInternal->m_fd, FIONBIO, &nb); if (res == -1) printf("SetNonBlocking: res %d\n", res); #else int oldflags=fcntl(m_pInternal->m_fd, F_GETFL, 0); if (oldflags != -1) { if (nonblocking) oldflags |= O_NONBLOCK; else oldflags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(m_pInternal->m_fd, F_SETFL, oldflags); } #endif m_NonBlocking=nonblocking; } void CSocketBase::SetTcpNoDelay(bool tcpNoDelay) { // Disable Nagle's Algorithm int data=tcpNoDelay; setsockopt(m_pInternal->m_fd, SOL_SOCKET, TCP_NODELAY, (const char *)&data, sizeof(data)); } PS_RESULT CSocketBase::Read(void *buf, uint len, uint *bytesRead) { int res; char errbuf[256]; res=recv(m_pInternal->m_fd, (char *)buf, len, 0); if (res < 0) { *bytesRead=0; int error=Network_LastError; switch (error) { case EWOULDBLOCK: return PS_OK; /*case ENETDOWN: case ENETRESET: case ENOTCONN: case ESHUTDOWN: case ECONNABORTED: case ECONNRESET: case ETIMEDOUT:*/ default: Network_GetErrorString(error, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); printf("Read error %s [%d]\n", errbuf, error); m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; m_Error=GetPS_RESULT(error); return m_Error; } } if (res == 0 && len > 0) // EOF - Cleanly closed socket { *bytesRead=0; m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; m_Error=PS_OK; return CONNECTION_BROKEN; } *bytesRead=res; return PS_OK; } PS_RESULT CSocketBase::Write(void *buf, uint len, uint *bytesWritten) { int res; char errbuf[256]; res=send(m_pInternal->m_fd, (char *)buf, len, 0); if (res < 0) { *bytesWritten=0; int err=Network_LastError; switch (err) { case EWOULDBLOCK: return PS_OK; /*case ENETDOWN: case ENETRESET: case ENOTCONN: case ESHUTDOWN: case ECONNABORTED: case ECONNRESET: case ETIMEDOUT: case EHOSTUNREACH:*/ default: Network_GetErrorString(err, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); printf("Write error %s [%d]\n", errbuf, err); m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; return CONNECTION_BROKEN; } } *bytesWritten=res; return PS_OK; } PS_RESULT CSocketBase::Connect(const CSocketAddress &addr) { int res=connect(m_pInternal->m_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); if (res != 0) { int error=Network_LastError; if (m_NonBlocking && error == EWOULDBLOCK) m_State=SS_CONNECT_STARTED; else { m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; m_Error=GetPS_RESULT(error); } } else { m_State=SS_CONNECTED; m_Error=PS_OK; } return m_Error; } PS_RESULT CSocketBase::Bind(const CSocketAddress &address) { char errBuf[256]; int res; Initialize(address.GetProtocol()); SetOpMask(READ); res=bind(m_pInternal->m_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address)); if (res == -1) { PS_RESULT ret=PS_FAIL; int err=Network_LastError; switch (err) { case EADDRINUSE: ret=PORT_IN_USE; break; case EACCES: case EADDRNOTAVAIL: ret=INVALID_PORT; break; default: Network_GetErrorString(err, errBuf, sizeof(errBuf)); LOG(ERROR, LOG_CAT_NET, "CServerSocket::Bind(): bind: %s [%d] => PS_FAIL", errBuf, err); } m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; m_Error=ret; return ret; } res=listen(m_pInternal->m_fd, 5); if (res == -1) { int err=Network_LastError; Network_GetErrorString(err, errBuf, sizeof(errBuf)); LOG(ERROR, LOG_CAT_NET, "CServerSocket::Bind(): listen: %s [%d] => PS_FAIL", errBuf, err); m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; return PS_FAIL; } m_State=SS_CONNECTED; m_Error=PS_OK; return PS_OK; } PS_RESULT CSocketBase::PreAccept(CSocketAddress &addr) { socklen_t addrLen=sizeof(addr.m_Union); int fd=accept(m_pInternal->m_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr.m_Union, &addrLen); m_pInternal->m_AcceptFd=fd; m_pInternal->m_AcceptAddr=addr; if (fd != -1) return PS_OK; else return GetPS_RESULT(Network_LastError); } CSocketInternal *CSocketBase::Accept() { if (m_pInternal->m_AcceptFd != -1) { CSocketInternal *pInt=new CSocketInternal(); pInt->m_fd=m_pInternal->m_AcceptFd; pInt->m_RemoteAddr=m_pInternal->m_AcceptAddr; m_pInternal->m_AcceptFd=-1; return pInt; } else return NULL; } void CSocketBase::Reject() { shutdown(m_pInternal->m_AcceptFd, SHUT_RDWR); closesocket(m_pInternal->m_AcceptFd); } // UNIX select loop #ifndef _WIN32 // ConnectError is called on a socket the first time it selects as ready // after the BeginConnect, to check errors on the socket and update the // connection status information // Returns: true if error callback should be called, false if it should not bool ConnectError(CSocketBase *pSocket, CSocketInternal *pInt) { uint buf; int res; PS_RESULT connErr; if (pSocket->m_State==SS_CONNECT_STARTED) { res=read(pInt->m_fd, &buf, 0); // read of zero bytes should be a successful no-op, unless // there was an error if (res == -1) { pSocket->m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; PS_RESULT connErr=GetPS_RESULT(errno); printf("Connect error: %s [%d:%s]\n", connErr, errno, strerror(errno)); pSocket->m_Error=connErr; return true; } else { pSocket->m_State=SS_CONNECTED; pSocket->m_Error=PS_OK; } } return false; } void CSocketBase::RunWaitLoop() { int res; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); // Create Control Pipe res=pipe(g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe); if (res != 0) { g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe[0] == -1; return; } if (g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe[0] == -1) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); return; } while (true) { std::map::iterator it; fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; int fd_max=g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe[0]; // Prepare fd_set: Read + Control Pipe FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(fd_max, &rfds); // Prepare fd_set: Write FD_ZERO(&wfds); it=g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.begin(); while (it != g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.end()) { //printf("Pre select: fd %d has %d\n", it->first, it->second->m_pInternal->m_Ops); uint ops=it->second->m_pInternal->m_Ops; if (ops && it->first > fd_max) fd_max=it->first; if (ops & READ) FD_SET(it->first, &rfds); if (ops & WRITE) FD_SET(it->first, &wfds); ++it; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); //printf("Pre select: fd_max is %d\n", fd_max); // select, timeout infinite res=select(fd_max+1, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, NULL); //printf("Post select: res is %d\n", res); // Check select error if (res == -1) { perror("CSocketSet::RunWaitLoop(), select"); continue; } // Check Control Pipe if (FD_ISSET(g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe[0], &rfds)) { char bt; if (read(g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe[0], &bt, 1) == 1) { if (bt=='q') // Way out is here, and no locks are held return; else if (bt=='r') { //printf("Op mask reload after select\n"); continue; } } FD_CLR(g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe[0], &rfds); } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); // Go through sockets int i=-1; while (++i <= fd_max) { //printf("Trying socket %d\n", it->first); if (!FD_ISSET(i, &rfds) && !FD_ISSET(i, &wfds)) continue; it=g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.find(i); if (it == g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.end()) continue; CSocketBase *pSock=it->second; CSocketInternal *pInt=pSock->m_pInternal; if (FD_ISSET(i, &wfds)) { bool callWrite=true; if (pSock->m_State != SS_CONNECTED) callWrite=!ConnectError(pSock, pInt); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); if (callWrite) pSock->OnWrite(); else pSock->OnClose(pSock->m_Error); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); } // After the callback is called, we must check if the socket // still exists it=g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.find(i); if (it == g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.end()) continue; if (FD_ISSET(i, &rfds)) { bool callRead; if (pSock->m_State == SS_CONNECT_STARTED) callRead=!ConnectError(pSock, pInt); else if (pSock->m_State == SS_CONNECTED) { uint nRead; errno=0; res=ioctl(i, FIONREAD, &nRead); // failure, errno=EINVAL means server socket // success, nRead!=0 means alive stream socket if ((res == -1 && errno != EINVAL) || (res == 0 && nRead == 0)) { printf("RunWaitLoop:ioctl: Connection broken [%d:%s]\n", errno, strerror(errno)); pSock->SetOpMask(0); pSock->m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; if (errno) pSock->m_Error=GetPS_RESULT(errno); else pSock->m_Error=PS_OK; callRead=false; } else callRead=true; } else // UNCONNECTED sockets don't get callbacks // Note that server sockets that are bound have state==SS_CONNECTED continue; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); if (callRead) pSock->OnRead(); else pSock->OnClose(pSock->m_Error); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); } } } return; } void CSocketBase::SendWaitLoopAbort() { char msg='q'; write(g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe[1], &msg, 1); } void CSocketBase::SendWaitLoopUpdate() { printf("SendWaitLoopUpdate: fd %d, ops %u\n", m_pInternal->m_fd, m_pInternal->m_Ops); char msg='r'; write(g_SocketSetInternal.m_Pipe[1], &msg, 1); } #endif // Windows WindowProc for async event notification #ifdef _WIN32 void WaitLoop_SocketUpdateProc(int fd, int error, uint event) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); CSocketBase *pSock=g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap[fd]; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); if (error) { PS_RESULT res=GetPS_RESULT(error); pSock->m_Error=res; pSock->m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; if (res == PS_FAIL) pSock->OnClose(CONNECTION_BROKEN); return; } if (pSock->m_State==SS_CONNECT_STARTED) { pSock->m_Error=PS_OK; pSock->m_State=SS_CONNECTED; } switch (event) { case FD_ACCEPT: case FD_READ: pSock->OnRead(); break; case FD_CONNECT: case FD_WRITE: pSock->OnWrite(); break; case FD_CLOSE: // If FD_CLOSE and error, OnClose has already been called above // with the appropriate PS_RESULT pSock->m_State=SS_UNCONNECTED; pSock->OnClose(PS_OK); break; } } LRESULT WINAPI WaitLoop_WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //printf("WaitLoop_WindowProc(): Windows message: %d:%d:%d\n", msg, wParam, lParam); switch (msg) { case MSG_SOCKET_READY: { int event=LOWORD(lParam); int error=HIWORD(lParam); WaitLoop_SocketUpdateProc((int)wParam, error?error-WSABASEERR:0, event); return FALSE; } default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } } void CSocketBase::RunWaitLoop() { int ret; char errBuf[256]; MSG msg; WNDCLASS wc; ATOM atom; memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASS)); wc.lpszClassName="Network Event WindowClass"; wc.lpfnWndProc=WaitLoop_WindowProc; atom=RegisterClass(&wc); if (!atom) { ret=GetLastError(); Network_GetErrorString(ret, errBuf, sizeof(errBuf)); printf("RegisterClass: %s [%d]\n", errBuf, ret); } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); // Create message window g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd=CreateWindow((LPCTSTR)atom, "Network Event Window", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd) { ret=GetLastError(); Network_GetErrorString(ret, errBuf, sizeof(errBuf)); printf("CreateWindowEx: %s [%d]\n", errBuf, ret); } //pthread_cond_signal(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_CondVar); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); if (!g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd) { //TODO Some kind of error message, and exit return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); // If OpMasks where set in another thread before we got this far, // WSAAsyncSelect will need to be called again std::map::iterator it; it=g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.begin(); while (it != g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap.end()) { it->second->SetOpMask(it->second->GetOpMask()); ++it; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); printf("Commencing message loop. hWnd %p\n", g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd); while ((ret=GetMessage(&msg, g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd, 0, 0))!=0) { //printf("RunWaitLoop(): Windows message: %d:%d:%d\n", msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam); if (ret == -1) { ret=GetLastError(); Network_GetErrorString(ret, errBuf, sizeof(errBuf)); printf("GetMessage: %s [%d]\n", errBuf, ret); } { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } //TODO Destroy window, reset m_hWnd printf("RunWaitLoop returning\n"); return; } void CSocketBase::SendWaitLoopAbort() { if (g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd) { PostMessage(g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); } else printf("SendWaitLoopUpdate: No WaitLoop Running.\n"); } void CSocketBase::SendWaitLoopUpdate() { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); if (g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd) { long wsaOps=FD_CLOSE; if (m_pInternal->m_Ops & READ) wsaOps |= FD_READ|FD_ACCEPT; if (m_pInternal->m_Ops & WRITE) wsaOps |= FD_WRITE|FD_CONNECT; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); //printf("SendWaitLoopUpdate: %d: %u %x -> %p\n", m_pInternal->m_fd, m_pInternal->m_Ops, wsaOps, g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd); WSAAsyncSelect(m_pInternal->m_fd, g_SocketSetInternal.m_hWnd, MSG_SOCKET_READY, wsaOps); } else { //printf("SendWaitLoopUpdate: No WaitLoop Running.\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); } } #endif void CSocketBase::AbortWaitLoop() { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); SendWaitLoopAbort(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); // pthread_join(g_SocketSetInternal.m_Thread); } uint CSocketBase::GetOpMask() { return m_pInternal->m_Ops; } void CSocketBase::SetOpMask(uint ops) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap[m_pInternal->m_fd]=this; m_pInternal->m_Ops=ops; /*printf("SetOpMask(fd %d, ops %u) %u\n", m_pInternal->m_fd, ops, g_SocketSetInternal.m_HandleMap[m_pInternal->m_fd]->m_pInternal->m_Ops);*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_SocketSetInternal.m_Mutex); SendWaitLoopUpdate(); }