/* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SCRIPTINTERFACE #define INCLUDED_SCRIPTINTERFACE #include "lib/file/vfs/vfs_path.h" #include "maths/Fixed.h" #include "ScriptTypes.h" #include "ps/Errors.h" #include #include ERROR_GROUP(Scripting); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, SetupFailed); ERROR_SUBGROUP(Scripting, LoadFile); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_LoadFile, OpenFailed); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_LoadFile, EvalErrors); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, CallFunctionFailed); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, RegisterFunctionFailed); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, DefineConstantFailed); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, CreateObjectFailed); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, TypeDoesNotExist); ERROR_SUBGROUP(Scripting, DefineType); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_DefineType, AlreadyExists); ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_DefineType, CreationFailed); // Set the maximum number of function arguments that can be handled // (This should be as small as possible (for compiler efficiency), // but as large as necessary for all wrapped functions) #define SCRIPT_INTERFACE_MAX_ARGS 8 // TODO: what's a good default? #define DEFAULT_RUNTIME_SIZE 16 * 1024 * 1024 #define DEFAULT_HEAP_GROWTH_BYTES_GCTRIGGER 2 * 1024 *1024 struct ScriptInterface_impl; class ScriptRuntime; extern shared_ptr g_ScriptRuntime; /** * Abstraction around a SpiderMonkey JSContext. * * Thread-safety: * - May be used in non-main threads. * - Each ScriptInterface must be created, used, and destroyed, all in a single thread * (it must never be shared between threads). */ class ScriptInterface { NONCOPYABLE(ScriptInterface); public: /** * Returns a runtime, which can used to initialise any number of * ScriptInterfaces contexts. Values created in one context may be used * in any other context from the same runtime (but not any other runtime). * Each runtime should only ever be used on a single thread. * @param runtimeSize Maximum size in bytes of the new runtime */ static shared_ptr CreateRuntime(shared_ptr parentRuntime = shared_ptr(), int runtimeSize = DEFAULT_RUNTIME_SIZE, int heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger = DEFAULT_HEAP_GROWTH_BYTES_GCTRIGGER); /** * Constructor. * @param nativeScopeName Name of global object that functions (via RegisterFunction) will * be placed into, as a scoping mechanism; typically "Engine" * @param debugName Name of this interface for CScriptStats purposes. * @param runtime ScriptRuntime to use when initializing this interface. */ ScriptInterface(const char* nativeScopeName, const char* debugName, const shared_ptr& runtime); ~ScriptInterface(); struct CxPrivate { ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface; // the ScriptInterface object the current context belongs to void* pCBData; // meant to be used as the "this" object for callback functions } m_CxPrivate; void SetCallbackData(void* pCBData); static CxPrivate* GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(JSContext* cx); JSContext* GetContext() const; JSRuntime* GetJSRuntime() const; shared_ptr GetRuntime() const; /** * Load global scripts that most script contexts need, * located in the /globalscripts directory. VFS must be initialized. */ bool LoadGlobalScripts(); /** * Replace the default JS random number geenrator with a seeded, network-sync'd one. */ bool ReplaceNondeterministicRNG(boost::rand48& rng); /** * Call a constructor function, equivalent to JS "new ctor(arg)". * @param ctor An object that can be used as constructor * @param argv Constructor arguments * @param out The new object; On error an error message gets logged and out is Null (out.isNull() == true). */ void CallConstructor(JS::HandleValue ctor, JS::HandleValueArray argv, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const; JSObject* CreateCustomObject(const std::string & typeName) const; void DefineCustomObjectType(JSClass *clasp, JSNative constructor, uint minArgs, JSPropertySpec *ps, JSFunctionSpec *fs, JSPropertySpec *static_ps, JSFunctionSpec *static_fs); /** * Sets the given value to a new plain JS::Object, converts the arguments to JS::Values and sets them as properties. * Can throw an exception. */ template bool CreateObject(JS::MutableHandleValue objectValue, Args const&... args) const { JSContext* cx = GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedObject obj(cx); if (!CreateObject_(&obj, args...)) return false; objectValue.setObject(*obj); return true; } /** * Sets the given value to a new JS object or Null Value in case of out-of-memory. */ void CreateArray(JS::MutableHandleValue objectValue, size_t length = 0) const; JS::Value GetGlobalObject() const; /** * Set the named property on the global object. * Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontEnum}. We do not allow to make it DontDelete, so that it can be hotloaded * by deleting it and re-creating it, which is done by setting @p replace to true. */ template bool SetGlobal(const char* name, const T& value, bool replace = false, bool constant = true, bool enumerate = true); /** * Set the named property on the given object. * Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}. */ template bool SetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true) const; /** * Set the named property on the given object. * Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}. */ template bool SetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const wchar_t* name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true) const; /** * Set the integer-named property on the given object. * Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}. */ template bool SetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true) const; /** * Get the named property on the given object. */ template bool GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, T& out) const; /** * Get the named property of the given object. */ bool GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const; bool GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleObject out) const; /** * Get the integer-named property on the given object. */ template bool GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, T& out) const; /** * Get the named property of the given object. */ bool GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const; /** * Check the named property has been defined on the given object. */ bool HasProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name) const; bool EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix(JS::HandleValue objVal, const char* prefix, std::vector& out) const; bool SetPrototype(JS::HandleValue obj, JS::HandleValue proto); bool FreezeObject(JS::HandleValue objVal, bool deep) const; bool Eval(const char* code) const; template bool Eval(const CHAR* code, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const; template bool Eval(const CHAR* code, T& out) const; /** * Convert an object to a UTF-8 encoded string, either with JSON * (if pretty == true and there is no JSON error) or with toSource(). * * We have to use a mutable handle because JS_Stringify requires that for unknown reasons. */ std::string ToString(JS::MutableHandleValue obj, bool pretty = false) const; /** * Parse a UTF-8-encoded JSON string. Returns the unmodified value on error * and prints an error message. * @return true on success; false otherwise */ bool ParseJSON(const std::string& string_utf8, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const; /** * Read a JSON file. Returns the unmodified value on error and prints an error message. */ void ReadJSONFile(const VfsPath& path, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const; /** * Stringify to a JSON string, UTF-8 encoded. Returns an empty string on error. */ std::string StringifyJSON(JS::MutableHandleValue obj, bool indent = true) const; /** * Report the given error message through the JS error reporting mechanism, * and throw a JS exception. (Callers can check IsPendingException, and must * return false in that case to propagate the exception.) */ void ReportError(const char* msg) const; /** * Load and execute the given script in a new function scope. * @param filename Name for debugging purposes (not used to load the file) * @param code JS code to execute * @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise */ bool LoadScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::string& code) const; /** * Load and execute the given script in the global scope. * @param filename Name for debugging purposes (not used to load the file) * @param code JS code to execute * @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise */ bool LoadGlobalScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::wstring& code) const; /** * Load and execute the given script in the global scope. * @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise */ bool LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path) const; /** * Construct a new value (usable in this ScriptInterface's context) by cloning * a value from a different context. * Complex values (functions, XML, etc) won't be cloned correctly, but basic * types and cyclic references should be fine. */ JS::Value CloneValueFromOtherContext(const ScriptInterface& otherContext, JS::HandleValue val) const; /** * Convert a JS::Value to a C++ type. (This might trigger GC.) */ template static bool FromJSVal(JSContext* cx, const JS::HandleValue val, T& ret); /** * Convert a C++ type to a JS::Value. (This might trigger GC. The return * value must be rooted if you don't want it to be collected.) * NOTE: We are passing the JS::Value by reference instead of returning it by value. * The reason is a memory corruption problem that appears to be caused by a bug in Visual Studio. * Details here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17289&p=285921 */ template static void ToJSVal(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue ret, T const& val); /** * Convert a named property of an object to a C++ type. */ template static bool FromJSProperty(JSContext* cx, const JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, T& ret); /** * MathRandom (this function) calls the random number generator assigned to this ScriptInterface instance and * returns the generated number. * Math_random (with underscore, not this function) is a global function, but different random number generators can be * stored per ScriptInterface. It calls MathRandom of the current ScriptInterface instance. */ bool MathRandom(double& nbr); /** * Structured clones are a way to serialize 'simple' JS::Values into a buffer * that can safely be passed between contexts and runtimes and threads. * A StructuredClone can be stored and read multiple times if desired. * We wrap them in shared_ptr so memory management is automatic and * thread-safe. */ class StructuredClone { NONCOPYABLE(StructuredClone); public: StructuredClone(); ~StructuredClone(); u64* m_Data; size_t m_Size; }; shared_ptr WriteStructuredClone(JS::HandleValue v) const; void ReadStructuredClone(const shared_ptr& ptr, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) const; /** * Retrieve the private data field of a JSObject that is an instance of the given JSClass. */ template static T* GetPrivate(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject thisobj, JSClass* jsClass) { JSAutoRequest rq(cx); T* value = static_cast(JS_GetInstancePrivate(cx, thisobj, jsClass, nullptr)); if (value == nullptr && !JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)) JS_ReportError(cx, "Private data of the given object is null!"); return value; } /** * Retrieve the private data field of a JS Object that is an instance of the given JSClass. * If an error occurs, GetPrivate will report it with the according stack. */ template static T* GetPrivate(JSContext* cx, JS::CallArgs& callArgs, JSClass* jsClass) { JSAutoRequest rq(cx); if (!callArgs.thisv().isObject()) { JS_ReportError(cx, "Cannot retrieve private JS class data because from a non-object value!"); return nullptr; } JS::RootedObject thisObj(cx, &callArgs.thisv().toObject()); T* value = static_cast(JS_GetInstancePrivate(cx, thisObj, jsClass, &callArgs)); if (value == nullptr && !JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)) JS_ReportError(cx, "Private data of the given object is null!"); return value; } /** * Converts |a| if needed and assigns it to |handle|. * This is meant for use in other templates where we want to use the same code for JS::RootedValue&/JS::HandleValue and * other types. Note that functions are meant to take JS::HandleValue instead of JS::RootedValue&, but this implicit * conversion does not work for templates (exact type matches required for type deduction). * A similar functionality could also be implemented as a ToJSVal specialization. The current approach was preferred * because "conversions" from JS::HandleValue to JS::MutableHandleValue are unusual and should not happen "by accident". */ template static void AssignOrToJSVal(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const T& a); /** * The same as AssignOrToJSVal, but also allows JS::Value for T. * In most cases it's not safe to use the plain (unrooted) JS::Value type, but this can happen quite * easily with template functions. The idea is that the linker prints an error if AssignOrToJSVal is * used with JS::Value. If the specialization for JS::Value should be allowed, you can use this * "unrooted" version of AssignOrToJSVal. */ template static void AssignOrToJSValUnrooted(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const T& a) { AssignOrToJSVal(cx, handle, a); } /** * Converts |val| to T if needed or just returns it if it's a handle. * This is meant for use in other templates where we want to use the same code for JS::HandleValue and * other types. */ template static T AssignOrFromJSVal(JSContext* cx, const JS::HandleValue& val, bool& ret); private: /** * Careful, the CreateObject_ helpers avoid creation of the JSAutoRequest! */ bool CreateObject_(JS::MutableHandleObject obj) const; template bool CreateObject_(JS::MutableHandleObject obj, const char* propertyName, const T& propertyValue, Args const&... args) const { // JSAutoRequest is the responsibility of the caller JSContext* cx = GetContext(); JS::RootedValue val(cx); AssignOrToJSVal(cx, &val, propertyValue); return CreateObject_(obj, args...) && JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, propertyName, val, JSPROP_ENUMERATE); } bool CallFunction_(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, JS::HandleValueArray argv, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) const; bool Eval_(const char* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) const; bool Eval_(const wchar_t* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) const; bool SetGlobal_(const char* name, JS::HandleValue value, bool replace, bool constant, bool enumerate); bool SetProperty_(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::HandleValue value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const; bool SetProperty_(JS::HandleValue obj, const wchar_t* name, JS::HandleValue value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const; bool SetPropertyInt_(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::HandleValue value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const; bool GetProperty_(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const; bool GetPropertyInt_(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::MutableHandleValue value) const; static bool IsExceptionPending(JSContext* cx); struct CustomType { // TODO: Move assignment operator and move constructor only have to be // explicitly defined for Visual Studio. VS2013 is still behind on C++11 support // What's missing is what they call "Rvalue references v3.0", see // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh567368.aspx#rvref CustomType() {} CustomType& operator=(CustomType&& other) { m_Prototype = std::move(other.m_Prototype); m_Class = std::move(other.m_Class); m_Constructor = std::move(other.m_Constructor); return *this; } CustomType(CustomType&& other) { m_Prototype = std::move(other.m_Prototype); m_Class = std::move(other.m_Class); m_Constructor = std::move(other.m_Constructor); } JS::PersistentRootedObject m_Prototype; JSClass* m_Class; JSNative m_Constructor; }; void Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, size_t nargs) const; // Take care to keep this declaration before heap rooted members. Destructors of heap rooted // members have to be called before the runtime destructor. std::unique_ptr m; boost::rand48* m_rng; std::map m_CustomObjectTypes; // The nasty macro/template bits are split into a separate file so you don't have to look at them public: #include "NativeWrapperDecls.h" // This declares: // // template // void RegisterFunction(const char* functionName) const; // // template // static JSNative call; // // template // static JSNative callMethod; // // template // static JSNative callMethodConst; // // template // static size_t nargs(); // // template // bool CallFunction(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, R& ret, const T0&...) const; // // template // bool CallFunction(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, JS::Rooted* ret, const T0&...) const; // // template // bool CallFunction(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, JS::MutableHandle ret, const T0&...) const; // // template // bool CallFunctionVoid(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, const T0&...) const; }; // Implement those declared functions #include "NativeWrapperDefns.h" template inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const T& a) { ToJSVal(cx, handle, a); } template<> inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::PersistentRootedValue& a) { handle.set(a); } template<> inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal >(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::Heap& a) { handle.set(a); } template<> inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::RootedValue& a) { handle.set(a); } template <> inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::HandleValue& a) { handle.set(a); } template <> inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSValUnrooted(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::Value& a) { handle.set(a); } template inline T ScriptInterface::AssignOrFromJSVal(JSContext* cx, const JS::HandleValue& val, bool& ret) { T retVal; ret = FromJSVal(cx, val, retVal); return retVal; } template<> inline JS::HandleValue ScriptInterface::AssignOrFromJSVal(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), const JS::HandleValue& val, bool& ret) { ret = true; return val; } template bool ScriptInterface::SetGlobal(const char* name, const T& value, bool replace, bool constant, bool enumerate) { JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext()); JS::RootedValue val(GetContext()); AssignOrToJSVal(GetContext(), &val, value); return SetGlobal_(name, val, replace, constant, enumerate); } template bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, const T& value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const { JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext()); JS::RootedValue val(GetContext()); AssignOrToJSVal(GetContext(), &val, value); return SetProperty_(obj, name, val, constant, enumerate); } template bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const wchar_t* name, const T& value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const { JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext()); JS::RootedValue val(GetContext()); AssignOrToJSVal(GetContext(), &val, value); return SetProperty_(obj, name, val, constant, enumerate); } template bool ScriptInterface::SetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, const T& value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const { JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext()); JS::RootedValue val(GetContext()); AssignOrToJSVal(GetContext(), &val, value); return SetPropertyInt_(obj, name, val, constant, enumerate); } template bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, T& out) const { JSContext* cx = GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue val(cx); if (!GetProperty_(obj, name, &val)) return false; return FromJSVal(cx, val, out); } template bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, T& out) const { JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext()); JS::RootedValue val(GetContext()); if (!GetPropertyInt_(obj, name, &val)) return false; return FromJSVal(GetContext(), val, out); } template bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const CHAR* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) const { if (!Eval_(code, ret)) return false; return true; } template bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const CHAR* code, T& ret) const { JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext()); JS::RootedValue rval(GetContext()); if (!Eval_(code, &rval)) return false; return FromJSVal(GetContext(), rval, ret); } #endif // INCLUDED_SCRIPTINTERFACE