/** * ========================================================================= * File : CConsole.cpp * Project : 0 A.D. * Description : Implements the in-game console with scripting support. * ========================================================================= */ #include "precompiled.h" #include #include "CConsole.h" #include "lib/ogl.h" #include "lib/res/file/vfs.h" #include "lib/res/graphics/unifont.h" #include "lib/sysdep/clipboard.h" #include "maths/MathUtil.h" #include "network/Client.h" #include "network/Server.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Globals.h" #include "ps/Hotkey.h" #include "ps/Interact.h" #include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h" #include "scripting/ScriptingHost.h" #include "simulation/Entity.h" CConsole* g_Console = 0; CConsole::CConsole() { m_bToggle = false; m_bVisible = false; m_fVisibleFrac = 0.0f; m_szBuffer = new wchar_t[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE]; FlushBuffer(); m_iMsgHistPos = 1; m_charsPerPage=0; m_ScriptObject = NULL; // scripting host isn't initialised yet - we'll set this later InsertMessage(L"[ 0 A.D. Console v0.12 ] type \"\\info\" for help"); InsertMessage(L""); if (vfs_exists("gui/text/help.txt")) { FileIOBuf buf; size_t size; if ( vfs_load("gui/text/help.txt", buf, size) < 0 ) { LOG( ERROR,"Console", "Help file not found for console" ); file_buf_free(buf); return; } // TODO: read in text mode, or at least get rid of the \r\n somehow // TODO: maybe the help file should be UTF-8 - we assume it's iso-8859-1 here m_helpText = CStrW(CStr( (const char*)buf )); file_buf_free(buf); } else { InsertMessage(L"No help file found."); } } CConsole::~CConsole() { m_mapFuncList.clear(); m_deqMsgHistory.clear(); m_deqBufHistory.clear(); delete[] m_szBuffer; if (m_ScriptObject) JS_RemoveRoot(g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &m_ScriptObject); } void CConsole::SetSize(float X, float Y, float W, float H) { m_fX = X; m_fY = Y; m_fWidth = W; m_fHeight = H; } void CConsole::UpdateScreenSize(int w, int h) { float height = h * 0.6f; SetSize(0, h-height, (float)w, height); } void CConsole::ToggleVisible() { m_bToggle = true; m_bVisible = !m_bVisible; } void CConsole::SetVisible( bool visible ) { if( visible != m_bVisible ) m_bToggle = true; m_bVisible = visible; } void CConsole::FlushBuffer(void) { // Clear the buffer and set the cursor and length to 0 memset(m_szBuffer, '\0', sizeof(wchar_t) * CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); m_iBufferPos = m_iBufferLength = 0; } void CConsole::ToLower(wchar_t* szMessage, uint iSize) { uint L = (uint)wcslen(szMessage); if (L <= 0) return; if (iSize && iSize < L) L = iSize; for(uint i = 0; i < L; i++) szMessage[i] = towlower(szMessage[i]); } void CConsole::Trim(wchar_t* szMessage, const wchar_t cChar, uint iSize) { size_t L = wcslen(szMessage); if(!L) return; if (iSize && iSize < L) L = iSize; wchar_t szChar[2] = { cChar, 0 }; // Find the first point at which szChar does not // exist in the message size_t ofs = wcsspn(szMessage, szChar); if(ofs == 0) // no leading chars - we're done return; // move everything chars left, replacing leading cChar chars L -= ofs; memmove(szMessage, szMessage+ofs, L*sizeof(wchar_t)); for(ssize_t i = (ssize_t)L; i >= 0; i--) { szMessage[i] = '\0'; if (szMessage[i - 1] != cChar) break; } } void CConsole::RegisterFunc(fptr F, const wchar_t* szName) { // need to allocate a copy - szName may be a const string literal // (we'll change it - stripping out spaces and converting to lowercase). wchar_t copy[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE]; copy[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE-1] = '\0'; wcsncpy(copy, szName, CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE-1); Trim(copy); ToLower(copy); m_mapFuncList.insert(std::pair(copy, F)); } void CConsole::Update(const float DeltaTime) { if(m_bToggle) { const float AnimateTime = .30f; const float Delta = DeltaTime / AnimateTime; if(m_bVisible) { m_fVisibleFrac += Delta; if(m_fVisibleFrac > 1.0f) { m_fVisibleFrac = 1.0f; m_bToggle = false; } } else { m_fVisibleFrac -= Delta; if(m_fVisibleFrac < 0.0f) { m_fVisibleFrac = 0.0f; m_bToggle = false; } } } } //Render Manager. void CConsole::Render() { if (! (m_bVisible || m_bToggle) ) return; // animation: slide in from top of screen const float MaxY = m_fHeight; const float DeltaY = (1.0f - m_fVisibleFrac) * MaxY; glTranslatef(m_fX, m_fY + DeltaY, 0.0f); //Move to window position glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); DrawWindow(); DrawHistory(); DrawBuffer(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } void CConsole::DrawWindow(void) { // TODO: Add texturing glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPushMatrix(); // Draw Background // Set the color to a translucent blue glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.6f); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2f(m_fWidth-1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2f(m_fWidth-1.0f, m_fHeight-1.0f); glVertex2f(0.0f, m_fHeight-1.0f); glEnd(); // Draw Border // Set the color to a translucent yellow glColor4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.6f); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2f(m_fWidth-1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2f(m_fWidth-1.0f, m_fHeight-1.0f); glVertex2f(0.0f, m_fHeight-1.0f); glEnd(); if (m_fHeight > m_iFontHeight + 4) { glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(0.0f, (GLfloat)(m_iFontHeight + 4)); glVertex2f(m_fWidth, (GLfloat)(m_iFontHeight + 4)); glEnd(); } glPopMatrix(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } void CConsole::DrawHistory(void) { int i = 1; std::deque::iterator Iter; //History iterator glPushMatrix(); glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //Set color of text glTranslatef(9.0f, (float)m_iFontOffset, 0.0f); //move away from the border // Draw the text upside-down, because it's aligned with // the GUI (which uses the top-left as (0,0)) glScalef(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); for (Iter = m_deqMsgHistory.begin(); Iter != m_deqMsgHistory.end() && (((i - m_iMsgHistPos + 1) * m_iFontHeight) < m_fHeight); Iter++) { if (i >= m_iMsgHistPos){ glTranslatef(0.0f, -(float)m_iFontHeight, 0.0f); glPushMatrix(); glwprintf(L"%ls", Iter->data()); glPopMatrix(); } i++; } glPopMatrix(); } //Renders the buffer to the screen. void CConsole::DrawBuffer(void) { if (m_fHeight < m_iFontHeight) return; glPushMatrix(); glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glTranslatef(2.0f, (float)m_iFontOffset, 0); glScalef(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); glwprintf(L"]"); glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (m_iBufferPos==0) DrawCursor(); for (int i = 0; i < m_iBufferLength; i++){ glwprintf(L"%lc", m_szBuffer[i]); if (m_iBufferPos-1==i) DrawCursor(); } glPopMatrix(); } void CConsole::DrawCursor(void) { // (glPushMatrix is necessary because glwprintf does glTranslatef) glPushMatrix(); // Slightly translucent yellow glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); // U+FE33: PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LOW LINE // (sort of like a | which is aligned to the left of most characters) glwprintf(L"%lc", 0xFE33); // Revert to the standard text colour glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glPopMatrix(); } //Inserts a character into the buffer. void CConsole::InsertChar(const int szChar, const wchar_t cooked ) { static int iHistoryPos = -1; if (!m_bVisible) return; switch (szChar){ case SDLK_RETURN: iHistoryPos = -1; m_iMsgHistPos = 1; ProcessBuffer(m_szBuffer); FlushBuffer(); return; case SDLK_TAB: // Auto Complete return; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: if (IsEmpty() || IsBOB()) return; if (m_iBufferPos == m_iBufferLength) m_szBuffer[m_iBufferPos - 1] = '\0'; else{ for(int j=m_iBufferPos-1; j= m_iBufferPos) { bool bad = false; for(int i=0; i 0 ) { int oldHistoryPos = iHistoryPos; while( iHistoryPos != 0) { iHistoryPos--; std::wstring& histString = m_deqBufHistory.at(iHistoryPos); if((int)histString.length() >= m_iBufferPos) { bool bad = false; for(int i=0; im_iBufferPos; i--) m_szBuffer[i] = m_szBuffer[i-1]; // move chars to right m_szBuffer[i] = cooked; } m_iBufferPos++; m_iBufferLength++; return; } } void CConsole::InsertMessage(const wchar_t* szMessage, ...) { va_list args; wchar_t szBuffer[CONSOLE_MESSAGE_SIZE]; va_start(args, szMessage); if (vswprintf(szBuffer, CONSOLE_MESSAGE_SIZE, szMessage, args) == -1) { debug_printf("Error printfing console message (buffer size exceeded?)\n"); // Make it obvious that the text was trimmed (assuming it was) wcscpy(szBuffer+CONSOLE_MESSAGE_SIZE-4, L"..."); } va_end(args); InsertMessageRaw(CStrW(szBuffer)); } void CConsole::InsertMessageRaw(const CStrW& message) { // (TODO: this text-wrapping is rubbish since we now use variable-width fonts) //Insert newlines to wraparound text where needed CStrW wrapAround(message); CStrW newline(L'\n'); size_t oldNewline=0; size_t distance; //make sure everything has been initialized if ( m_charsPerPage != 0 ) { while ( oldNewline+m_charsPerPage < wrapAround.length() ) { distance = wrapAround.find(newline, oldNewline) - oldNewline; if ( distance > m_charsPerPage ) { oldNewline += m_charsPerPage; wrapAround.insert( oldNewline++, newline ); } else oldNewline += distance+1; } } // Split into lines and add each one individually oldNewline = 0; while ( (distance = wrapAround.find(newline, oldNewline)) != wrapAround.npos) { distance -= oldNewline; m_deqMsgHistory.push_front(wrapAround.substr(oldNewline, distance)); oldNewline += distance+1; } m_deqMsgHistory.push_front(wrapAround.substr(oldNewline)); } const wchar_t* CConsole::GetBuffer() { m_szBuffer[m_iBufferLength] = 0; return( m_szBuffer ); } void CConsole::SetBuffer(const wchar_t* szMessage, ...) { int oldBufferPos = m_iBufferPos; // remember since FlushBuffer will set it to 0 va_list args; wchar_t szBuffer[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE]; va_start(args, szMessage); vswprintf(szBuffer, CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE, szMessage, args); va_end(args); FlushBuffer(); wcsncpy(m_szBuffer, szMessage, CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); m_iBufferLength = (int)wcslen(m_szBuffer); m_iBufferPos = std::min(oldBufferPos, m_iBufferLength); } void CConsole::UseHistoryFile(const CStr& filename, int max_history_lines) { m_MaxHistoryLines = max_history_lines; m_sHistoryFile = filename; LoadHistory(); } void CConsole::ProcessBuffer(const wchar_t* szLine) { if (szLine == NULL) return; if (wcslen(szLine) <= 0) return; debug_assert(wcslen(szLine) < CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); m_deqBufHistory.push_front(szLine); SaveHistory(); // Do this each line for the moment; if a script causes // a crash it's a useful record. wchar_t szCommand[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 }; std::map::iterator Iter; if (szLine[0] == '\\') { if (swscanf(szLine, L"\\%ls", szCommand) != 1) return; Trim(szCommand); ToLower(szCommand); if (!wcscmp(szCommand, L"info")) { InsertMessage(L""); InsertMessage(L"[Information]"); InsertMessage(L" -View commands \"\\commands\""); InsertMessage(L" -Call command \"\\\""); InsertMessage(L" -Say \"\""); InsertMessage(L" -Help - Lists functions usable from console"); InsertMessage(L""); } else if (!wcscmp(szCommand, L"commands")) { InsertMessage(L""); InsertMessage(L"[Commands]"); if (!m_mapFuncList.size()) InsertMessage(L" (none registered)"); for (Iter = m_mapFuncList.begin(); Iter != m_mapFuncList.end(); Iter++) InsertMessage(L" \\%ls", Iter->first.data()); InsertMessage(L""); } else if (! (wcscmp(szCommand, L"Help") && wcscmp(szCommand, L"help")) ) { InsertMessage(L""); InsertMessage(L"[Help]"); InsertMessageRaw(m_helpText); } else { Iter = m_mapFuncList.find(szCommand); if (Iter == m_mapFuncList.end()) InsertMessage(L"unknown command <%ls>", szCommand); else Iter->second(); } } else if (szLine[0] == ':' || szLine[0] == '?') { // Process it as JavaScript // Run the script inside the first selected entity, if there is one. // (Actually do it by using a separate object with the entity as its parent, so the script // can read the entities variables but will define new variables in a private scope) // (NOTE: this doesn't actually work, because the entities don't really have properties // since they aren't sufficiently like real JS objects, which makes them get ignored in // this situation. But this code is here so that it will work when the entities get fixed.) if (! m_ScriptObject) { m_ScriptObject = JS_NewObject(g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), NULL, NULL, NULL); JS_AddRoot(g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &m_ScriptObject); // gets unrooted in ~CConsole } if (! g_Selection.m_selected.empty()) { JS_SetParent(g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), m_ScriptObject, g_Selection.m_selected[0]->GetScript()); } jsval rval = g_ScriptingHost.ExecuteScript( CStrW( szLine + 1 ), L"Console", m_ScriptObject ); if (szLine[0] == '?' && rval) { try { InsertMessage( L"%ls", g_ScriptingHost.ValueToUCString( rval ).c_str() ); } catch (PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed) { InsertMessage( L"%hs", "" ); } } JS_SetParent(g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), m_ScriptObject, JS_GetGlobalObject(g_ScriptingHost.GetContext())); // so the previous parent can get garbage-collected } else { SendChatMessage(szLine); } } void CConsole::LoadHistory() { // note: we don't care if this file doesn't exist or can't be read; // just don't load anything in that case. // do this before vfs_load to avoid an error message if file not found. if (!vfs_exists(m_sHistoryFile)) return; FileIOBuf buf; size_t buflen; if (vfs_load(m_sHistoryFile, buf, buflen) < 0) return; CStr bytes ((char*)buf, buflen); (void)file_buf_free(buf); CStrW str (bytes.FromUTF8()); size_t pos = 0; while (pos != CStrW::npos) { pos = str.find('\n'); if (pos != CStrW::npos) { if (pos > 0) m_deqBufHistory.push_front(str.Left(str[pos-1] == '\r' ? pos - 1 : pos)); str = str.substr(pos + 1); } else if (str.length() > 0) m_deqBufHistory.push_front(str); } } void CConsole::SaveHistory() { CStr buffer; std::deque::iterator it; int line_count = 0; for (it = m_deqBufHistory.begin(); it != m_deqBufHistory.end(); ++it) { if (line_count++ >= m_MaxHistoryLines) break; buffer = CStrW(*it).ToUTF8() + "\n" + buffer; } vfs_store(m_sHistoryFile, (const u8*)buffer.c_str(), buffer.length(), FILE_NO_AIO); } void CConsole::SendChatMessage(const wchar_t *szMessage) { if (g_NetClient || g_NetServer) { CChatMessage *msg=new CChatMessage(); msg->m_Recipient = PS_CHAT_RCP_ALL; msg->m_Message = szMessage; if (g_NetClient) g_NetClient->Push(msg); else { msg->m_Sender=0; ReceivedChatMessage(g_NetServer->GetServerPlayerName(), msg->m_Message.c_str()); g_NetServer->Broadcast(msg); } } } void CConsole::ReceivedChatMessage(const wchar_t *szSender, const wchar_t *szMessage) { InsertMessage(L"%ls: %ls", szSender, szMessage); } static bool isUnprintableChar(SDL_keysym key) { // U+0000 to U+001F are control characters if (key.unicode < 0x20) { switch (key.sym) { // We want to allow some, which are handled specially case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_TAB: case SDLK_BACKSPACE: case SDLK_DELETE: case SDLK_HOME: case SDLK_END: case SDLK_LEFT: case SDLK_RIGHT: case SDLK_UP: case SDLK_DOWN: case SDLK_PAGEUP: case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: return false; // Ignore the others default: return true; } } return false; } InReaction conInputHandler(const SDL_Event_* ev) { if( ev->ev.type == SDL_HOTKEYDOWN ) { if( ev->ev.user.code == HOTKEY_CONSOLE_TOGGLE ) { g_Console->ToggleVisible(); return IN_HANDLED; } else if( ev->ev.user.code == HOTKEY_CONSOLE_COPY ) { sys_clipboard_set( g_Console->GetBuffer() ); return IN_HANDLED; } else if( ev->ev.user.code == HOTKEY_CONSOLE_PASTE ) { wchar_t* text = sys_clipboard_get(); if(text) { for(wchar_t* c = text; *c; c++) g_Console->InsertChar(0, *c); sys_clipboard_free(text); } return IN_HANDLED; } } if( ev->ev.type != SDL_KEYDOWN) return IN_PASS; SDLKey sym = ev->ev.key.keysym.sym; if(!g_Console->IsActive()) return IN_PASS; // Stop unprintable characters (ctrl+, alt+ and escape), // also prevent ` and/or ~ appearing in console every time it's toggled. if( !isUnprintableChar(ev->ev.key.keysym) && !hotkeys[HOTKEY_CONSOLE_TOGGLE] ) g_Console->InsertChar(sym, (wchar_t)ev->ev.key.keysym.unicode ); return IN_PASS; }