janwas 5bf9bca9ef fix/disable warnings.
there are too many W4 and "potentially uninitialized", so those are
disabled by 0ad_warning_disable.h.

the silly "int x = strlen" and very dangerous "int x = (void*)p" (and
vice versa) problems are fixed.

This was SVN commit r5526.
2007-12-23 12:18:57 +00:00

87 lines
2.3 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "0ad_warning_disable.h"
# include "sr_model.h"
//# define SR_USE_TRACE1 // keyword tracking
# include "sr_trace.h"
static void wcolor ( SrColor c, SrOutput& o )
float f[4];
o << f[0] << srspc << f[1] << srspc << f[2];
bool SrModel::export_iv ( const char* file )
int i;
SrOutput o ( fopen(file,"wt") );
if ( !o.valid() ) return false;
// ===== Header =================================
o << "#VRML V1.0 ascii\n\n";
o << "Separator {\n\n";
o << " Info { string \"Produced by SR Toolkit exporter v0.5, M. Kallmann 2003\" }\n\n";
// ===== Hints ==================================
o << " ShapeHints {\n";
if ( culling ) o << " shapeType SOLID\n";
o << " vertexOrdering COUNTERCLOCKWISE\n";
o << " faceType CONVEX\n";
o << " }\n\n";
//===== Materials ===============================
if ( M.size()==1 )
{ o << " Material {\n";
o << " diffuseColor "; wcolor(M[0].diffuse,o); o<<srnl;
o << " }\n\n";
else if ( M.size()>1 )
{ o << " Material {\n";
o << " diffuseColor [\n";
for ( i=0; i<M.size(); i++ )
{ o<<srtab;
if ( i<M.size()-1 ) o<<",\n"; else o<<"]\n";
o << " }\n";
o << " MaterialBinding { value PER_FACE_INDEXED }\n\n";
//===== Coordinates ===============================
o << " Coordinate3 { point [\n";
for ( i=0; i<V.size(); i++ )
{ o << srtab << V[i];
if ( i<V.size()-1 ) o<<",\n"; else o<<"]\n";
o << " }\n\n";
//===== Faces ===============================
o << " IndexedFaceSet { coordIndex [\n";
for ( i=0; i<F.size(); i++ )
{ o << srtab << F[i].a << ", " << F[i].b << ", " << F[i].c << ", -1";
if ( i<F.size()-1 ) o<<",\n"; else o<<"]\n";
if ( M.size()>1 )
{ o << " materialIndex [\n";
for ( i=0; i<Fm.size(); i++ )
{ o << srtab << Fm[i];
if ( i<Fm.size()-1 ) o<<",\n"; else o<<"]\n";
o << " }\n\n";
//===== End ===============================
o << "}\n\n";
return true;
//============================ EOF ===============================