
109 lines
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# ifndef SR_CAMERA_H
# define SR_CAMERA_H
/** \file sr_camera.h
* Keeps camera parameters
# include "sr_vec.h"
# include "sr_quat.h"
class SrMat;
class SrBox;
/*! \class SrCamera sr_camera.h
\brief Keeps camera parameters
SrCamera contains the parameters to define a camera.
Attention: if znear is too small inconsistencies in the rendering may appear;
a minimal value of 0.1 should be considered. */
class SrCamera
{ public :
SrPnt eye; //!< position of the eye, default is (0,0,2).
SrPnt center; //!< position where the eye is looking to, default is (0,0,0).
SrVec up; //!< the up vector orients the camera around the eye-center vector, default is (0,1,0)
float fovy; //!< the y field of view in radians. Default is pi/3 (60deg), range is [0.01,pi].
float znear; //!< must be >0, default is 0.1.
float zfar; //!< must be >0, default is 1000.
float aspect; //!< normally is set to the screen width/heigh, default is 1.
float scale; //!< a scale factor to be applied between the view matrix and the scene
public :
/*! Initialize the camera with the default parameters, see init(). */
SrCamera ();
/*! Copy constructor. */
SrCamera ( const SrCamera &c );
/*! Initialize the camera with the main parameters eye, center and up. */
SrCamera ( const SrPnt& e, const SrPnt& c, const SrVec& u );
/*! Set the parameters to their default values, which are :
eye=(0,0,2), center=(0,0,0), up=(0,1,0), fovy=60, znear=0.1, zfar=1000, aspect=1. */
void init ();
/*! Set m to be the transformation matrix generated by the parameters
eye, center, and up. A reference to m is also returned.
Note: the scale factor is not included in this matrix. */
SrMat& get_view_mat ( SrMat &m ) const;
/*! Set m to be the transformation projection matrix generated by the parameters
fovy, znear, zfar, aspect. A reference to m is also returned. */
SrMat& get_perspective_mat ( SrMat &m ) const;
/*! Gets the 3d ray (p1,p2) which projects exactly in the given window point
according to the camera current parameters. Points p1 and p2 lye in the
near and far planes respectively. Window points are considered to be
in normalized coordinates, ranging between [-1,1]. */
void get_ray ( float winx, float winy, SrVec& p1, SrVec& p2 ) const;
/*! Sets center at the center of the box, and put the eye in the semi-line
rooted at center and with direction z, in a distance from the center
that is sufficient to visualize all the box with the given fov_y parm.
After this call, variable SrCamera::fovy will have the same value as fov_y.
Note: the scale factor is set to one in this method. */
void view_all ( const SrBox& box, float fov_y );
/*! Apply a trackball translation induced from the mouse motion. First, the ray
passing through each window position and the intersection point with the
projection plane is determined. Then, the two intersection points determine the
displacement to be applied to the trackball, after a multiplication with the
current spin rotation. Mouse coordinates must be normalized in [-1,1]x[-1,1]. */
void apply_translation_from_mouse_motion ( float lwinx, float lwiny, float winx, float winy );
/*! Transforms the camera position with the given rotation. The rotation is
applied to the up vector, and to the eye vector in the following way by
going: x-=center; x=x*q; x+=center (x represents eye or up vector). */
void operator*= ( const SrQuat& q );
/*! Adds the vector v to the eye and center points. */
void operator+= ( const SrVec& v );
/*! Subtracts the vector v to the eye and center points. */
void operator-= ( const SrVec& v );
/*! Returns a camera that is the same as the given camera c, but with the
rotation q applied. See the operator *= for a description of how the
rotation is applied to the camera. */
friend SrCamera operator* ( const SrCamera& c, const SrQuat& q );
/*! Returns a camera that is the same as the given camera c, but with the
the translation vector v added to the eye and center points. */
friend SrCamera operator+ ( const SrCamera& c, const SrVec& v );
/*! Output camera data values in format keyword1 value \n keyword2 value ...
(keywords are: eye, center, up, etc*/
friend SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& out, const SrCamera& c );
/*! Input camera data. Not all keywords are required to exist. The routine
returns when a non-keyword entry is found (which is 'ungetted' in inp). */
friend SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& inp, SrCamera& c );
//================================ End of File =================================================
# endif // SR_CAMERA_H