Ykkrosh cfae58928f # New unit movement system, which does a far better job of approaching targets and avoiding obstacles.
Add short-range vertex-based pathfinder.
Integrate new pathfinder into unit motion code.
Change obstruction system to get rid of circles, and differentiate
structures from units.
Make PositionChanged messages synchronous.
Try to prevent some accidental float->int conversions.

This was SVN commit r7484.
2010-04-29 23:36:05 +00:00

567 lines
17 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Describes ground via heightmap and array of CPatch.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib/res/graphics/ogl_tex.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/cpu.h"
#include "renderer/Renderer.h"
#include "renderer/WaterManager.h"
#include "simulation/Entity.h"
#include "TerrainProperties.h"
#include "TextureEntry.h"
#include "TextureManager.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "Terrain.h"
#include "Patch.h"
#include "maths/FixedVector3D.h"
#include "maths/MathUtil.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
// CTerrain constructor
: m_Heightmap(0), m_Patches(0), m_MapSize(0), m_MapSizePatches(0),
m_BaseColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
// CTerrain constructor
// ReleaseData: delete any data allocated by this terrain
void CTerrain::ReleaseData()
delete[] m_Heightmap;
delete[] m_Patches;
// Initialise: initialise this terrain to the given size
// using given heightmap to setup elevation data
bool CTerrain::Initialize(ssize_t patchesPerSide,const u16* data)
// clean up any previous terrain
// store terrain size
// allocate data for new terrain
m_Heightmap=new u16[m_MapSize*m_MapSize];
m_Patches=new CPatch[m_MapSizePatches*m_MapSizePatches];
// given a heightmap?
if (data) {
// yes; keep a copy of it
} else {
// build a flat terrain
// setup patch parents, indices etc
return true;
float CTerrain::GetExactGroundLevel(const CVector2D& v) const
return GetExactGroundLevel(v.x, v.y);
bool CTerrain::IsOnMap(const CVector2D& v) const
return IsOnMap(v.x, v.y);
bool CTerrain::IsPassable(const CVector2D &loc/*tile space*/, HEntity entity) const
CMiniPatch *pTile = GetTile(loc.x, loc.y);
LOGWARNING(L"IsPassable: invalid coordinates %.1f %.1f\n", loc.x, loc.y);
return false;
return false; // Invalid terrain type in the scenario file
CTextureEntry *pTexEntry = g_TexMan.FindTexture(pTile->Tex1);
CTerrainPropertiesPtr pProperties = pTexEntry->GetProperties();
VfsPath texturePath = pTexEntry->GetTexturePath();
LOGWARNING(L"IsPassable: no properties loaded for %ls\n", texturePath.string().c_str());
return false;
return pProperties->IsPassable(entity);
// CalcPosition: calculate the world space position of the vertex at (i,j)
void CTerrain::CalcPosition(ssize_t i, ssize_t j, CVector3D& pos) const
u16 height;
if ((size_t)i < (size_t)m_MapSize && (size_t)j < (size_t)m_MapSize) // will reject negative coordinates
height = m_Heightmap[j*m_MapSize + i];
height = 0;
pos.X = float(i*CELL_SIZE);
pos.Y = float(height*HEIGHT_SCALE);
pos.Z = float(j*CELL_SIZE);
// CalcPositionFixed: calculate the world space position of the vertex at (i,j)
void CTerrain::CalcPositionFixed(ssize_t i, ssize_t j, CFixedVector3D& pos) const
u16 height;
if ((size_t)i < (size_t)m_MapSize && (size_t)j < (size_t)m_MapSize) // will reject negative coordinates
height = m_Heightmap[j*m_MapSize + i];
height = 0;
pos.X = CFixed_23_8::FromInt(i)*(int)CELL_SIZE;
pos.Y = CFixed_23_8::FromInt(height)/(int)HEIGHT_UNITS_PER_METRE;
pos.Z = CFixed_23_8::FromInt(j)*(int)CELL_SIZE;
// CalcNormal: calculate the world space normal of the vertex at (i,j)
void CTerrain::CalcNormal(ssize_t i, ssize_t j, CVector3D& normal) const
CVector3D left, right, up, down;
// Calculate normals of the four half-tile triangles surrounding this vertex:
// get position of vertex where normal is being evaluated
CVector3D basepos;
CalcPosition(i, j, basepos);
if (i > 0) {
CalcPosition(i-1, j, left);
left -= basepos;
if (i < m_MapSize-1) {
CalcPosition(i+1, j, right);
right -= basepos;
if (j > 0) {
CalcPosition(i, j-1, up);
up -= basepos;
if (j < m_MapSize-1) {
CalcPosition(i, j+1, down);
down -= basepos;
CVector3D n0 = up.Cross(left);
CVector3D n1 = left.Cross(down);
CVector3D n2 = down.Cross(right);
CVector3D n3 = right.Cross(up);
// Compute the mean of the normals
normal = n0 + n1 + n2 + n3;
float nlen=normal.Length();
if (nlen>0.00001f) normal*=1.0f/nlen;
// CalcNormalFixed: calculate the world space normal of the vertex at (i,j)
void CTerrain::CalcNormalFixed(ssize_t i, ssize_t j, CFixedVector3D& normal) const
CFixedVector3D left, right, up, down;
// Calculate normals of the four half-tile triangles surrounding this vertex:
// get position of vertex where normal is being evaluated
CFixedVector3D basepos;
CalcPositionFixed(i, j, basepos);
if (i > 0) {
CalcPositionFixed(i-1, j, left);
left -= basepos;
if (i < m_MapSize-1) {
CalcPositionFixed(i+1, j, right);
right -= basepos;
if (j > 0) {
CalcPositionFixed(i, j-1, up);
up -= basepos;
if (j < m_MapSize-1) {
CalcPositionFixed(i, j+1, down);
down -= basepos;
CFixedVector3D n0 = up.Cross(left);
CFixedVector3D n1 = left.Cross(down);
CFixedVector3D n2 = down.Cross(right);
CFixedVector3D n3 = right.Cross(up);
// Compute the mean of the normals
normal = n0 + n1 + n2 + n3;
// GetPatch: return the patch at (i,j) in patch space, or null if the patch is
// out of bounds
CPatch* CTerrain::GetPatch(ssize_t i, ssize_t j) const
// range check (invalid indices are passed in by the culling and
// patch blend code because they iterate from 0..#patches and examine
// neighbors without checking if they're already on the edge)
if( (size_t)i >= (size_t)m_MapSizePatches || (size_t)j >= (size_t)m_MapSizePatches )
return 0;
return &m_Patches[(j*m_MapSizePatches)+i];
// GetTile: return the tile at (i,j) in tile space, or null if the tile is out
// of bounds
CMiniPatch* CTerrain::GetTile(ssize_t i, ssize_t j) const
// see comment above
if( (size_t)i >= (size_t)(m_MapSize-1) || (size_t)j >= (size_t)(m_MapSize-1) )
return 0;
CPatch* patch=GetPatch(i/PATCH_SIZE, j/PATCH_SIZE); // can't fail (due to above check)
return &patch->m_MiniPatches[j%PATCH_SIZE][i%PATCH_SIZE];
float CTerrain::GetVertexGroundLevel(ssize_t i, ssize_t j) const
i = clamp(i, (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-1);
j = clamp(j, (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-1);
return HEIGHT_SCALE * m_Heightmap[j*m_MapSize + i];
float CTerrain::GetSlope(float x, float z) const
// Clamp to size-2 so we can use the tiles (xi,zi)-(xi+1,zi+1)
const ssize_t xi = clamp((ssize_t)floor(x/CELL_SIZE), (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-2);
const ssize_t zi = clamp((ssize_t)floor(z/CELL_SIZE), (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-2);
float h00 = m_Heightmap[zi*m_MapSize + xi];
float h01 = m_Heightmap[(zi+1)*m_MapSize + xi];
float h10 = m_Heightmap[zi*m_MapSize + (xi+1)];
float h11 = m_Heightmap[(zi+1)*m_MapSize + (xi+1)];
// Difference of highest point from lowest point
return std::max(std::max(h00, h01), std::max(h10, h11)) -
std::min(std::min(h00, h01), std::min(h10, h11));
CVector2D CTerrain::GetSlopeAngleFace( CEntity* entity ) const
CVector2D ret;
const float D = 0.1f; // Amount to look forward to calculate the slope
float x = entity->m_position.X;
float z = entity->m_position.Z;
// Get forward slope and use it as the x angle
CVector2D d = entity->m_ahead.Normalize() * D;
float dy = GetExactGroundLevel(x+d.x, z+d.y) - GetExactGroundLevel(x-d.x, z-d.y);
ret.x = atan2(dy, 2*D);
// Get sideways slope and use it as the y angle
CVector2D d2(-d.y, d.x);
float dy2 = GetExactGroundLevel(x+d2.x, z+d2.y) - GetExactGroundLevel(x-d2.x, z-d2.y);
ret.y = atan2(dy2, 2*D);
return ret;
float CTerrain::GetExactGroundLevel(float x, float z) const
// Clamp to size-2 so we can use the tiles (xi,zi)-(xi+1,zi+1)
const ssize_t xi = clamp((ssize_t)floor(x/CELL_SIZE), (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-2);
const ssize_t zi = clamp((ssize_t)floor(z/CELL_SIZE), (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-2);
const float xf = clamp(x/CELL_SIZE-xi, 0.0f, 1.0f);
const float zf = clamp(z/CELL_SIZE-zi, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float h00 = m_Heightmap[zi*m_MapSize + xi];
float h01 = m_Heightmap[(zi+1)*m_MapSize + xi];
float h10 = m_Heightmap[zi*m_MapSize + (xi+1)];
float h11 = m_Heightmap[(zi+1)*m_MapSize + (xi+1)];
// Linearly interpolate
return (HEIGHT_SCALE * (
(1 - zf) * ((1 - xf) * h00 + xf * h10)
+ zf * ((1 - xf) * h01 + xf * h11)));
CFixed_23_8 CTerrain::GetExactGroundLevelFixed(CFixed_23_8 x, CFixed_23_8 z) const
// Clamp to size-2 so we can use the tiles (xi,zi)-(xi+1,zi+1)
const ssize_t xi = clamp((ssize_t)(x / (int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToZero(), (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-2);
const ssize_t zi = clamp((ssize_t)(z / (int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToZero(), (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-2);
const CFixed_23_8 one = CFixed_23_8::FromInt(1);
const CFixed_23_8 xf = clamp((x / (int)CELL_SIZE) - CFixed_23_8::FromInt(xi), CFixed_23_8::FromInt(0), one);
const CFixed_23_8 zf = clamp((z / (int)CELL_SIZE) - CFixed_23_8::FromInt(zi), CFixed_23_8::FromInt(0), one);
u16 h00 = m_Heightmap[zi*m_MapSize + xi];
u16 h01 = m_Heightmap[(zi+1)*m_MapSize + xi];
u16 h10 = m_Heightmap[zi*m_MapSize + (xi+1)];
u16 h11 = m_Heightmap[(zi+1)*m_MapSize + (xi+1)];
// Linearly interpolate
return ((one - zf).Multiply((one - xf) * h00 + xf * h10)
+ zf.Multiply((one - xf) * h01 + xf * h11)) / (int)HEIGHT_UNITS_PER_METRE;
// Resize: resize this terrain to the given size (in patches per side)
void CTerrain::Resize(ssize_t size)
if (size==m_MapSizePatches) {
// inexplicable request to resize terrain to the same size .. ignore it
if (!m_Heightmap) {
// not yet created a terrain; build a default terrain of the given size now
// allocate data for new terrain
ssize_t newMapSize=size*PATCH_SIZE+1;
u16* newHeightmap=new u16[newMapSize*newMapSize];
CPatch* newPatches=new CPatch[size*size];
if (size>m_MapSizePatches) {
// new map is bigger than old one - zero the heightmap so we don't get uninitialised
// height data along the expanded edges
// now copy over rows of data
u16* src=m_Heightmap;
u16* dst=newHeightmap;
ssize_t copysize=std::min(newMapSize, m_MapSize);
for (ssize_t j=0;j<copysize;j++) {
if (newMapSize>m_MapSize) {
// extend the last height to the end of the row
for (size_t i=0;i<newMapSize-(size_t)m_MapSize;i++) {
if (newMapSize>m_MapSize) {
// copy over heights of the last row to any remaining rows
for (ssize_t i=0;i<newMapSize-m_MapSize;i++) {
// now build new patches
for (ssize_t j=0;j<size;j++) {
for (ssize_t i=0;i<size;i++) {
// copy over texture data from existing tiles, if possible
if (i<m_MapSizePatches && j<m_MapSizePatches) {
if (j<m_MapSizePatches && size>m_MapSizePatches) {
// copy over the last tile from each column
for (ssize_t n=0;n<size-m_MapSizePatches;n++) {
for (ssize_t m=0;m<PATCH_SIZE;m++) {
CMiniPatch& src=m_Patches[j*m_MapSizePatches+m_MapSizePatches-1].m_MiniPatches[m][15];
for (ssize_t k=0;k<PATCH_SIZE;k++) {
CMiniPatch& dst=newPatches[j*size+m_MapSizePatches+n].m_MiniPatches[m][k];
if (size>m_MapSizePatches) {
// copy over the last tile from each column
CPatch* srcpatch=&newPatches[(m_MapSizePatches-1)*size];
CPatch* dstpatch=srcpatch+size;
for (ssize_t p=0;p<(ssize_t)size-m_MapSizePatches;p++) {
for (ssize_t n=0;n<(ssize_t)size;n++) {
for (ssize_t m=0;m<PATCH_SIZE;m++) {
for (ssize_t k=0;k<PATCH_SIZE;k++) {
CMiniPatch& src=srcpatch->m_MiniPatches[15][k];
CMiniPatch& dst=dstpatch->m_MiniPatches[m][k];
// release all the original data
// store new data
// initialise all the new patches
// InitialisePatches: initialise patch data
void CTerrain::InitialisePatches()
for (ssize_t j=0;j<m_MapSizePatches;j++) {
for (ssize_t i=0;i<m_MapSizePatches;i++) {
CPatch* patch=GetPatch(i,j); // can't fail
// SetHeightMap: set up a new heightmap from 16-bit source data;
// assumes heightmap matches current terrain size
void CTerrain::SetHeightMap(u16* heightmap)
// keep a copy of the given heightmap
// recalculate patch bounds, invalidate vertices
for (ssize_t j=0;j<m_MapSizePatches;j++) {
for (ssize_t i=0;i<m_MapSizePatches;i++) {
CPatch* patch=GetPatch(i,j); // can't fail
// FlattenArea: flatten out an area of terrain (specified in world space
// coords); return the average height of the flattened area
float CTerrain::FlattenArea(float x0, float x1, float z0, float z1)
const ssize_t tx0 = clamp(ssize_t(x0/CELL_SIZE), (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-1);
const ssize_t tx1 = clamp(ssize_t(x1/CELL_SIZE)+1, (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-1);
const ssize_t tz0 = clamp(ssize_t(z0/CELL_SIZE), (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-1);
const ssize_t tz1 = clamp(ssize_t(z1/CELL_SIZE)+1, (ssize_t)0, m_MapSize-1);
size_t count=0;
double sum=0.0f;
for (ssize_t z=tz0;z<=tz1;z++) {
for (ssize_t x=tx0;x<=tx1;x++) {
sum+=m_Heightmap[z*m_MapSize + x];
const u16 avgY = u16(sum/count);
for (ssize_t z=tz0;z<=tz1;z++) {
for (ssize_t x=tx0;x<=tx1;x++) {
m_Heightmap[z*m_MapSize + x]=avgY;
MakeDirty(tx0, tz0, tx1, tz1, RENDERDATA_UPDATE_VERTICES);
return avgY*HEIGHT_SCALE;
void CTerrain::MakeDirty(ssize_t i0, ssize_t j0, ssize_t i1, ssize_t j1, int dirtyFlags)
// flag vertex data as dirty for affected patches, and rebuild bounds of these patches
ssize_t pi0 = clamp((i0/PATCH_SIZE)-1, (ssize_t)0, m_MapSizePatches);
ssize_t pi1 = clamp((i1/PATCH_SIZE)+1, (ssize_t)0, m_MapSizePatches);
ssize_t pj0 = clamp((j0/PATCH_SIZE)-1, (ssize_t)0, m_MapSizePatches);
ssize_t pj1 = clamp((j1/PATCH_SIZE)+1, (ssize_t)0, m_MapSizePatches);
for (ssize_t j = pj0; j < pj1; j++) {
for (ssize_t i = pi0; i < pi1; i++) {
CPatch* patch = GetPatch(i,j); // can't fail (i,j were clamped)
void CTerrain::MakeDirty(int dirtyFlags)
for (ssize_t j = 0; j < m_MapSizePatches; j++) {
for (ssize_t i = 0; i < m_MapSizePatches; i++) {
CPatch* patch = GetPatch(i,j); // can't fail