/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ // Functions for (de)serialization of jsvals // WIP, not yet functional #include "network/Serialization.h" #include "JSConversions.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" class jsval_ser : public ISerializable { enum { TAG_BOOLEAN_FALSE, TAG_BOOLEAN_TRUE, TAG_INT, TAG_DOUBLE, TAG_STRING, TAG_NOT_SERIALIZABLE = -1 } m_tag; jsval m_data; public: jsval_ser() : m_tag( TAG_NOT_SERIALIZABLE ) { } jsval_ser( jsval data ) : m_data( data ) { if( m_data == JSVAL_FALSE ) m_tag = TAG_BOOLEAN_FALSE; if( m_data == JSVAL_TRUE ) m_tag = TAG_BOOLEAN_TRUE; if( JSVAL_IS_INT( m_data ) ) m_tag = TAG_INT; if( JSVAL_IS_DOUBLE( m_data ) ) m_tag = TAG_DOUBLE; if( JSVAL_IS_STRING( m_data ) ) m_tag = TAG_STRING; m_tag = TAG_NOT_SERIALIZABLE; } operator jsval() const { return( m_data ); } operator CStr() const { return( ToPrimitive( m_data ) ); } size_t GetSerializedLength() const { switch( m_tag ) { case TAG_BOOLEAN_FALSE: case TAG_BOOLEAN_TRUE: return( 1 ); case TAG_INT: return( 5 ); case TAG_DOUBLE: return( 9 ); case TAG_STRING: return( 1 + (ToPrimitive(m_data)).GetSerializedLength() ); default: debug_warn(L"An attempt was made to serialize a jsval other than a number, boolean or string." ); return( 1 ); } } u8* Serialize( u8* buffer ) const { Serialize_int_1( buffer, m_tag ); switch( m_tag ) { case TAG_BOOLEAN_FALSE: case TAG_BOOLEAN_TRUE: break; case TAG_INT: { u32 ival = JSVAL_TO_INT( m_data ); Serialize_int_4( buffer, ival ); } break; case TAG_DOUBLE: { union { u64 ival; double dval; } val; cassert(sizeof(u64) == sizeof(double)); val.dval = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE( m_data ); Serialize_int_8( buffer, val.ival ); } break; case TAG_STRING: buffer = ( ToPrimitive( m_data ) ).Serialize( buffer ); break; default: debug_warn(L"An attempt was made to serialize a jsval other than a number, boolean or string." ); break; } return( buffer ); } const u8* Deserialize( const u8* buffer, const u8* end ) { Deserialize_int_1( buffer, (u8&)m_tag ); switch( m_tag ) { case TAG_BOOLEAN_FALSE: m_data = JSVAL_FALSE; break; case TAG_BOOLEAN_TRUE: m_data = JSVAL_TRUE; break; case TAG_INT: { u32 ival; Deserialize_int_4( buffer, ival ); m_data = INT_TO_JSVAL( ival ); } break; case TAG_DOUBLE: { union { u64 ival; double dval; } val; cassert(sizeof(u64) == sizeof(double)); Deserialize_int_8( buffer, val.ival ); JS_NewDoubleValue( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), val.dval, &m_data ); } break; case TAG_STRING: { CStrW ival; buffer = ival.Deserialize( buffer, end ); m_data = ToJSVal( ival ); } break; default: debug_warn(L"An attempt was made to deserialize a jsval other than a number, boolean or string." ); break; } return( buffer ); } };