/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ /* * CCamera holds a view and a projection matrix. It also has a frustum * which can be used to cull objects for rendering. */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "graphics/HFTracer.h" #include "graphics/Terrain.h" #include "lib/ogl.h" #include "maths/MathUtil.h" #include "maths/Vector4D.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/World.h" #include "renderer/Renderer.h" #include "renderer/WaterManager.h" CCamera::CCamera() { // set viewport to something anything should handle, but should be initialised // to window size before use m_ViewPort.m_X = 0; m_ViewPort.m_Y = 0; m_ViewPort.m_Width = 800; m_ViewPort.m_Height = 600; } CCamera::~CCamera() { } void CCamera::SetProjection(float nearp, float farp, float fov) { m_NearPlane = nearp; m_FarPlane = farp; m_FOV = fov; float aspect = (float)m_ViewPort.m_Width/(float)m_ViewPort.m_Height; float f = 1.0f/tanf(m_FOV/2); m_ProjMat.SetZero (); m_ProjMat._11 = f/aspect; m_ProjMat._22 = f; m_ProjMat._33 = -(m_FarPlane+m_NearPlane)/(m_NearPlane-m_FarPlane); m_ProjMat._34 = 2*m_FarPlane*m_NearPlane/(m_NearPlane-m_FarPlane); m_ProjMat._43 = 1.0f; } void CCamera::SetProjectionTile(int tiles, int tile_x, int tile_y) { float aspect = (float)m_ViewPort.m_Width/(float)m_ViewPort.m_Height; float f = 1.0f/tanf(m_FOV/2); m_ProjMat._11 = tiles*f/aspect; m_ProjMat._22 = tiles*f; m_ProjMat._13 = -(1-tiles + 2*tile_x); m_ProjMat._23 = -(1-tiles + 2*tile_y); } //Updates the frustum planes. Should be called //everytime the view or projection matrices are //altered. void CCamera::UpdateFrustum(const CBoundingBoxAligned& scissor) { CMatrix3D MatFinal; CMatrix3D MatView; m_Orientation.GetInverse(MatView); MatFinal = m_ProjMat * MatView; // get the RIGHT plane m_ViewFrustum.SetNumPlanes(6); m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[0].m_Norm.X = scissor[1].X*MatFinal._41 - MatFinal._11; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[0].m_Norm.Y = scissor[1].X*MatFinal._42 - MatFinal._12; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[0].m_Norm.Z = scissor[1].X*MatFinal._43 - MatFinal._13; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[0].m_Dist = scissor[1].X*MatFinal._44 - MatFinal._14; // get the LEFT plane m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[1].m_Norm.X = -scissor[0].X*MatFinal._41 + MatFinal._11; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[1].m_Norm.Y = -scissor[0].X*MatFinal._42 + MatFinal._12; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[1].m_Norm.Z = -scissor[0].X*MatFinal._43 + MatFinal._13; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[1].m_Dist = -scissor[0].X*MatFinal._44 + MatFinal._14; // get the BOTTOM plane m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[2].m_Norm.X = -scissor[0].Y*MatFinal._41 + MatFinal._21; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[2].m_Norm.Y = -scissor[0].Y*MatFinal._42 + MatFinal._22; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[2].m_Norm.Z = -scissor[0].Y*MatFinal._43 + MatFinal._23; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[2].m_Dist = -scissor[0].Y*MatFinal._44 + MatFinal._24; // get the TOP plane m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[3].m_Norm.X = scissor[1].Y*MatFinal._41 - MatFinal._21; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[3].m_Norm.Y = scissor[1].Y*MatFinal._42 - MatFinal._22; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[3].m_Norm.Z = scissor[1].Y*MatFinal._43 - MatFinal._23; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[3].m_Dist = scissor[1].Y*MatFinal._44 - MatFinal._24; // get the FAR plane m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[4].m_Norm.X = scissor[1].Z*MatFinal._41 - MatFinal._31; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[4].m_Norm.Y = scissor[1].Z*MatFinal._42 - MatFinal._32; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[4].m_Norm.Z = scissor[1].Z*MatFinal._43 - MatFinal._33; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[4].m_Dist = scissor[1].Z*MatFinal._44 - MatFinal._34; // get the NEAR plane m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[5].m_Norm.X = -scissor[0].Z*MatFinal._41 + MatFinal._31; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[5].m_Norm.Y = -scissor[0].Z*MatFinal._42 + MatFinal._32; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[5].m_Norm.Z = -scissor[0].Z*MatFinal._43 + MatFinal._33; m_ViewFrustum.m_aPlanes[5].m_Dist = -scissor[0].Z*MatFinal._44 + MatFinal._34; } void CCamera::ClipFrustum(const CPlane& clipPlane) { m_ViewFrustum.AddPlane(clipPlane); } void CCamera::SetViewPort(const SViewPort& viewport) { m_ViewPort.m_X = viewport.m_X; m_ViewPort.m_Y = viewport.m_Y; m_ViewPort.m_Width = viewport.m_Width; m_ViewPort.m_Height = viewport.m_Height; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetCameraPlanePoints: return four points in camera space at given distance from camera void CCamera::GetCameraPlanePoints(float dist, CVector3D pts[4]) const { float aspect = float(m_ViewPort.m_Width)/float(m_ViewPort.m_Height); float x = dist*aspect*tanf(m_FOV*0.5f); float y = dist*tanf(m_FOV*0.5f); pts[0].X = -x; pts[0].Y = -y; pts[0].Z = dist; pts[1].X = x; pts[1].Y = -y; pts[1].Z = dist; pts[2].X = x; pts[2].Y = y; pts[2].Z = dist; pts[3].X = -x; pts[3].Y = y; pts[3].Z = dist; } void CCamera::BuildCameraRay(int px, int py, CVector3D& origin, CVector3D& dir) const { CVector3D cPts[4]; GetCameraPlanePoints(m_FarPlane, cPts); // transform to world space CVector3D wPts[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) wPts[i] = m_Orientation.Transform(cPts[i]); // get world space position of mouse point float dx = (float)px / (float)g_Renderer.GetWidth(); float dz = 1 - (float)py / (float)g_Renderer.GetHeight(); CVector3D vdx = wPts[1] - wPts[0]; CVector3D vdz = wPts[3] - wPts[0]; CVector3D pt = wPts[0] + (vdx * dx) + (vdz * dz); // copy origin origin = m_Orientation.GetTranslation(); // build direction dir = pt - origin; dir.Normalize(); } void CCamera::GetScreenCoordinates(const CVector3D& world, float& x, float& y) const { CMatrix3D transform = m_ProjMat * m_Orientation.GetInverse(); CVector4D screenspace = transform.Transform(CVector4D(world.X, world.Y, world.Z, 1.0f)); x = screenspace.X / screenspace.W; y = screenspace.Y / screenspace.W; x = (x + 1) * 0.5f * g_Renderer.GetWidth(); y = (1 - y) * 0.5f * g_Renderer.GetHeight(); } CVector3D CCamera::GetWorldCoordinates(int px, int py, bool aboveWater) const { CHFTracer tracer(g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()); int x, z; CVector3D origin, dir, delta, terrainPoint, waterPoint; BuildCameraRay(px, py, origin, dir); bool gotTerrain = tracer.RayIntersect(origin, dir, x, z, terrainPoint); if (!aboveWater) { if (gotTerrain) return terrainPoint; // Off the edge of the world? // Work out where it /would/ hit, if the map were extended out to infinity with average height. return GetWorldCoordinates(px, py, 50.0f); } CPlane plane; plane.Set(CVector3D(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), // upwards normal CVector3D(0.f, g_Renderer.GetWaterManager()->m_WaterHeight, 0.f)); // passes through water plane bool gotWater = plane.FindRayIntersection( origin, dir, &waterPoint ); // Clamp the water intersection to within the map's bounds, so that // we'll always return a valid position on the map ssize_t mapSize = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetVerticesPerSide(); if (gotWater) { waterPoint.X = clamp(waterPoint.X, 0.f, (float)((mapSize-1)*TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE)); waterPoint.Z = clamp(waterPoint.Z, 0.f, (float)((mapSize-1)*TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE)); } if (gotTerrain) { if (gotWater) { // Intersecting both heightmap and water plane; choose the closest of those if ((origin - terrainPoint).LengthSquared() < (origin - waterPoint).LengthSquared()) return terrainPoint; else return waterPoint; } else { // Intersecting heightmap but parallel to water plane return terrainPoint; } } else { if (gotWater) { // Only intersecting water plane return waterPoint; } else { // Not intersecting terrain or water; just return 0,0,0. return CVector3D(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); } } } CVector3D CCamera::GetWorldCoordinates(int px, int py, float h) const { CPlane plane; plane.Set(CVector3D(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), CVector3D(0.f, h, 0.f)); // upwards normal, passes through h CVector3D origin, dir, delta, currentTarget; BuildCameraRay(px, py, origin, dir); if (plane.FindRayIntersection(origin, dir, ¤tTarget)) return currentTarget; // No intersection with the infinite plane - nothing sensible can be returned, // so just choose an arbitrary point on the plane return CVector3D(0.f, h, 0.f); } CVector3D CCamera::GetFocus() const { // Basically the same as GetWorldCoordinates CHFTracer tracer(g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()); int x, z; CVector3D origin, dir, delta, terrainPoint, waterPoint; origin = m_Orientation.GetTranslation(); dir = m_Orientation.GetIn(); bool gotTerrain = tracer.RayIntersect(origin, dir, x, z, terrainPoint); CPlane plane; plane.Set(CVector3D(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), // upwards normal CVector3D(0.f, g_Renderer.GetWaterManager()->m_WaterHeight, 0.f)); // passes through water plane bool gotWater = plane.FindRayIntersection( origin, dir, &waterPoint ); // Clamp the water intersection to within the map's bounds, so that // we'll always return a valid position on the map ssize_t mapSize = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetVerticesPerSide(); if (gotWater) { waterPoint.X = clamp(waterPoint.X, 0.f, (float)((mapSize-1)*TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE)); waterPoint.Z = clamp(waterPoint.Z, 0.f, (float)((mapSize-1)*TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE)); } if (gotTerrain) { if (gotWater) { // Intersecting both heightmap and water plane; choose the closest of those if ((origin - terrainPoint).LengthSquared() < (origin - waterPoint).LengthSquared()) return terrainPoint; else return waterPoint; } else { // Intersecting heightmap but parallel to water plane return terrainPoint; } } else { if (gotWater) { // Only intersecting water plane return waterPoint; } else { // Not intersecting terrain or water; just return 0,0,0. return CVector3D(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); } } } void CCamera::LookAt(const CVector3D& camera, const CVector3D& target, const CVector3D& up) { CVector3D delta = target - camera; LookAlong(camera, delta, up); } void CCamera::LookAlong(CVector3D camera, CVector3D orientation, CVector3D up) { orientation.Normalize(); up.Normalize(); CVector3D s = orientation.Cross(up); m_Orientation._11 = -s.X; m_Orientation._12 = up.X; m_Orientation._13 = orientation.X; m_Orientation._14 = camera.X; m_Orientation._21 = -s.Y; m_Orientation._22 = up.Y; m_Orientation._23 = orientation.Y; m_Orientation._24 = camera.Y; m_Orientation._31 = -s.Z; m_Orientation._32 = up.Z; m_Orientation._33 = orientation.Z; m_Orientation._34 = camera.Z; m_Orientation._41 = 0.0f; m_Orientation._42 = 0.0f; m_Orientation._43 = 0.0f; m_Orientation._44 = 1.0f; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Render the camera's frustum void CCamera::Render(int intermediates) const { #if CONFIG2_GLES #warning TODO: implement camera frustum for GLES #else CVector3D nearPoints[4]; CVector3D farPoints[4]; GetCameraPlanePoints(m_NearPlane, nearPoints); GetCameraPlanePoints(m_FarPlane, farPoints); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { nearPoints[i] = m_Orientation.Transform(nearPoints[i]); farPoints[i] = m_Orientation.Transform(farPoints[i]); } // near plane glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[0].X); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[1].X); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[2].X); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[3].X); glEnd(); // far plane glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[0].X); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[1].X); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[2].X); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[3].X); glEnd(); // connection lines glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[0].X); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[0].X); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[1].X); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[1].X); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[2].X); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[2].X); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[3].X); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[3].X); glVertex3fv(&nearPoints[0].X); glVertex3fv(&farPoints[0].X); glEnd(); // intermediate planes CVector3D intermediatePoints[4]; for(int i = 0; i < intermediates; ++i) { float t = (i+1.0)/(intermediates+1.0); for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) intermediatePoints[j] = nearPoints[j]*t + farPoints[j]*(1.0-t); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glVertex3fv(&intermediatePoints[0].X); glVertex3fv(&intermediatePoints[1].X); glVertex3fv(&intermediatePoints[2].X); glVertex3fv(&intermediatePoints[3].X); glEnd(); } #endif }