//*********************************************************** // // Name: Vector3D.Cpp // Last Update: 28/1/02 // Author: Poya Manouchehri // // Description: Provides an interface for a vector in R3 and // allows vector and scalar operations on it // //*********************************************************** #include "Vector3D.H" CVector3D::CVector3D () { X = Y = Z = 0.0f; } CVector3D::CVector3D (float x, float y, float z) { X = x; Y = y; Z = z; } int CVector3D::operator == (CVector3D &vector) { if (X != vector.X || Y != vector.Y || Z != vector.Z) return 0; return 1; } int CVector3D::operator != (CVector3D &vector) { if (X != vector.X || Y != vector.Y || Z != vector.Z) return 1; return 0; } int CVector3D::operator ! () { if (X != 0.0f || Y != 0.0f || Z != 0.0f) return 0; return 1; } //vector addition CVector3D CVector3D::operator + (CVector3D &vector) { CVector3D Temp; Temp.X = X + vector.X; Temp.Y = Y + vector.Y; Temp.Z = Z + vector.Z; return Temp; } //vector addition/assignment CVector3D &CVector3D::operator += (CVector3D &vector) { X += vector.X; Y += vector.Y; Z += vector.Z; return *this; } //vector subtraction CVector3D CVector3D::operator - (CVector3D &vector) { CVector3D Temp; Temp.X = X - vector.X; Temp.Y = Y - vector.Y; Temp.Z = Z - vector.Z; return Temp; } //vector subtrcation/assignment CVector3D &CVector3D::operator -= (CVector3D &vector) { X -= vector.X; Y -= vector.Y; Z -= vector.Z; return *this; } //scalar multiplication CVector3D CVector3D::operator * (float value) { CVector3D Temp; Temp.X = X * value; Temp.Y = Y * value; Temp.Z = Z * value; return Temp; } //scalar multiplication/assignment CVector3D CVector3D::operator *= (float value) { X *= value; Y *= value; Z *= value; return *this; } void CVector3D::Set (float x, float y, float z) { X = x; Y = y; Z = z; } void CVector3D::Clear () { X = Y = Z = 0.0f; } //Dot product float CVector3D::Dot (CVector3D &vector) { return ( X * vector.X + Y * vector.Y + Z * vector.Z ); } //Cross product CVector3D CVector3D::Cross (CVector3D &vector) { CVector3D Temp; Temp.X = (Y * vector.Z) - (Z * vector.Y); Temp.Y = (Z * vector.X) - (X * vector.Z); Temp.Z = (X * vector.Y) - (Y * vector.X); return Temp; } float CVector3D::GetLength () { return sqrtf ( SQR(X) + SQR(Y) + SQR(Z) ); } void CVector3D::Normalize () { float scale = 1.0f/GetLength (); X *= scale; Y *= scale; Z *= scale; } SColor4ub CVector3D::ConvertToColor (float alpha_factor) { SColor4ub color; color.R = (unsigned char)(127.0f * X + 128.0f); color.G = (unsigned char)(127.0f * Y + 128.0f); color.B = (unsigned char)(127.0f * Z + 128.0f); color.A = (unsigned char)(255.0f * alpha_factor); return color; }