forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 4a7d0e9038 Config: Changed -e to -entgraph (to avoid conflicts with -editor).
Premake: Don't compile Atlas when compiling ScEd, though I can't
remember why.
Atlas: Load existing maps.

This was SVN commit r2720.
2005-09-14 05:37:52 +00:00

281 lines
7.3 KiB

# Build daemon - receives notifications of commits, runs the build process (ensuring there's only one copy at once), commits the built files, and provides access to all earlier builds and the build log of the latest.
use warnings;
use strict;
# Exit codes used by build.pl:
use constant EXIT_BUILDCOMPLETE => 0;
use constant EXIT_NOTCOMPILED => 1;
use constant EXIT_FAILED => 2;
use constant EXIT_ABORTED => 3;
use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP Filter::HTTPD Filter::Line);
use HTTP::Response;
use Win32::Process;
my $build_process; # stores Win32::Process handle
my $build_required = 0; # set by commits, cleared by builds; 1 for normal build, 2 for forced build (even if no source was changed)
my $commit_required = 0; # stores the time when it should happen, or 0 if never
my $build_start_time; # time that the most recent build started
my $last_exit_code; # exit code of the most recent completed build
my $build_active = 0; # 0 => build process not running; 1 => build process running within the past second
use constant COMMIT_DELAY => 60*60; # seconds to wait after a code commit before committing ps.exe
open my $logfile, '>>', 'access_log' or die "Error opening access_log: $!";
sub LOG {
my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller;
my $msg = localtime()." - $file:$line - @_\n";
print $logfile $msg;
print $msg;
Alias => "web_server",
Port => 57470,
ClientFilter => 'POE::Filter::HTTPD',
ClientInput => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap, $request) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
# Respond to errors in the client's request
if ($request->isa("HTTP::Response")) {
LOG $heap->{remote_ip}." - ".$request->uri->as_string;
my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200);
my $url = $request->uri->path;
if ($url eq '/commit_notify.html')
$build_required = 1;
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/plain');
$response->content("Build initiated.");
elsif ($url eq '/force_build.html')
$build_required = 2;
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/plain');
$response->content("Forced build initiated.");
elsif ($url eq '/commit_latest.html')
$commit_required = time();
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/plain');
$response->content("Commit initiated.");
elsif ($url eq '/abort_build.html')
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/plain');
$response->content("Build aborted.");
elsif ($url eq '/status.html')
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/html');
my $text = <<EOF;
@{[ $build_active ? "Build in progress - ".(time()-$build_start_time)." seconds elapsed." : "Build not in progress." ]}
Last build status: @{[do{
if ($last_exit_code == EXIT_BUILDCOMPLETE or $last_exit_code == EXIT_NOTCOMPILED) {
} elsif ($last_exit_code == EXIT_ABORTED) {
} else {
"FAILED ($last_exit_code)"
Build log: (<a href="logs.html">complete logs</a>)
my $buildlog = do { local $/; my $f; open $f, 'buildlog.txt' and <$f> };
if ($buildlog)
$buildlog =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$buildlog =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$buildlog =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$buildlog = "(Error opening build log)";
$text .= "<pre>$buildlog</pre>";
$text .= qq{</body></html>};
elsif ($url eq '/logs.html')
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/plain');
my $text;
for my $n (qw(buildlog build_stdout build_stderr))
my $filedata = do { local $/; my $f; open $f, "$n.txt" and <$f> };
$text .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$text .= "$n\n";
$text .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$text .= $filedata;
$text .= "\n\n\n";
elsif ($url eq '/filelist.html')
my $output = '';
eval {
opendir my $d, "..\\builds" or die $!;
my @revs;
for (grep /^\d+\.exe$/, readdir $d)
push @revs, $1;
$output .= qq{<a href="download/$_.exe">$_</a> (}.int( (stat "..\\builds\\$_.exe")[7]/1024 ).qq{k)\n} for sort { $b <=> $a } @revs;
if ($@)
LOG "filelist failed: $@";
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/plain');
$response->content("Internal error.");
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/html');
elsif ($url =~ m~/download/(\d+).exe~)
my $rev = $1;
if (-e "..\\builds\\$rev.exe" and open my $f, "..\\builds\\$rev.exe")
binmode $f;
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'application/octet-stream');
$response->content(do{local $/; <$f>});
LOG "Error serving file $url";
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/plain');
$response->content("File not found.");
elsif ($url eq '/favicon.ico')
$response = HTTP::Response->new(404);
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/html');
$response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/plain');
$response->content("Unrecognised request.");
inline_states => {
_start => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->delay(tick => 1);
tick => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->delay(tick => 1);
if ($build_active and not build_is_running())
# Build has just completed.
$last_exit_code = get_exit_code();
$build_active = 0;
undef $build_process;
LOG "Build complete ($last_exit_code)";
if ($last_exit_code == EXIT_BUILDCOMPLETE)
$commit_required = $build_start_time + COMMIT_DELAY;
$commit_required = 0;
if ($build_required and not $build_active)
start_build(force => ($build_required == 2));
elsif ($commit_required and time() >= $commit_required)
start_build(commit => 1);
$commit_required = 0;
LOG "Starting kernel";
LOG "Kernel exited";
exit 0;
sub build_is_running
my $exit_code = get_exit_code();
return (defined $exit_code and $exit_code == 259);
sub get_exit_code
return undef if not $build_process;
my $exit_code;
return $exit_code;
sub abort_build
LOG "Aborting build";
open my $f, '>', 'build_abort';
sub start_build
my %params = @_;
LOG "Starting build";
unlink 'build_abort';
$build_start_time = time;
"perl build.pl" . ($params{commit} ? ' --commitlatest' : '') . ($params{force} ? ' --force' : ''),
"c:\\0ad\\autobuild") or die "Error spawning build script: ".Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError());
$build_required = 0;
$commit_required = 0;
$build_active = 1;