; COMMAND LINE OPTIONS: ; ; (note exact spelling of the actual switches, e.g. -nopbuffer, not -NOPBUFFER) ; ; -m=MAP load the file (string) instead of the default test01.pmp ; -g=F set the gamma correction to (floating point; 0.0 < F <= 1.0) ; -e show entity graph ; -v enable VSync, i.e. lock FPS to monitor refresh rate ; -novbo disable Vertex Buffer Objects; may solve graphics-related problems on older/buggy graphics cards ; -nopbuffer disable Pixel Buffers; may solve graphics-related problems on older/buggy graphics cards ; -f enable fixed frame timing; ? ; -s enable shadows ; -xres=N set desired screen X resolution to (integer) ; -yres=N set desired screen Y resolution to (integer) ; -conf NAME=VAL set config variable (string) to (string) ; ; Command-line switches override anything in config or profile files. ; Profile settings ; profile = default ; System settings: novbo=false shadows=true vsync=false ; Specify the render path. This can be one of: ; default Automatically select one of the below, depending on system capabilities ; fixed Only use OpenGL fixed function pipeline ; vertexshader Use vertex shaders for transform and lighting where possible ; Using 'fixed' instead of 'default' may work around some graphics-related problems, ; but will reduce performance when a modern graphics card is available. renderpath=default ; Adjusts how OpenGL calculates mipmap level of detail. 0.0f is the default (blurry) value. ; Lower values sharpen/extend, and higher values blur/decrease. Clamped at -3.0 to 3.0. ; -1.0 to -1.5 recommended for good results. lodbias = -1.0 ; Language selection: (currently "english" or "pseudogreek") language=english ; Enable/disable windowed mode. windowed=false ; You can specify these as well, but the default (keeping the current resolution) is ; probably best for most people. xres = 1024 yres = 768 ; Logging settings: ; ; All messages are logged into mainlog.html. These numbers control which go into ; interestinglog.html and are displayed in the console. ; Each component can have one of three 'interest' levels: ; 0 makes no messages interesting (i.e. none are sent to interestinglog / console) ; 1 (the default) makes errors/warnings interesting ; 2 makes all messages interesting loginterest.main = 1 loginterest.config = 1 loginterest.file = 1 loginterest.world = 1 loginterest.xml = 1 loginterest.simulation = 1 loginterest.graphics = 1 loginterest.gui = 1 loginterest.audio = 1 loginterest.script = 1 loginterest.i18n = 0 ; Font mappings: font.console = console font.default = palatino12 font.misc = verdana16 ; Colour of the sky (in "r g b" format). (Will be removed once there's proper sky support). ;skycolor = "255 0 0" ; Maximum number of players in a session (default 6). max_players = 8 ; GENERAL PREFERENCES: sound.mastergain = 0.5 ; selection.outline.quality = 9; ( higher => very slightly slower, better quality) ; view.scroll.speed = 60 ; view.rotate.speed = 0.002 ; view.rotate.abouttarget.speed = 0.01 ; view.drag.speed = 0.5 ; view.zoom.speed = 256.0 ; view.zoom.wheel.speed = 16.0 ; view.zoom.smoothness = 0.02 ; between 0 and 1 ; view.snap.smoothness = 0.02 ; less is sharper, more is softer ; HOTKEY MAPPINGS: ; Each one of the specified keys will trigger the action on the left ; for multiple-key combinations, separate keys with '+' and enclose the entire thing ; in doublequotes. ; The keys you can use are in source/lib/KeyNames.cpp. I realise this isn't particularly ; useful for people without access to said file. ; > SYSTEM SETTINGS hotkey.exit = Escape, "Ctrl+F4" ; Exit to desktop. hotkey.pause = Pause ; Pause/unpause game. hotkey.screenshot = F2 ; Take PNG screenshot. hotkey.bigscreenshot = "Ctrl+Alt+F2" ; Take large BMP screenshot. hotkey.screenshot.watermark = "W" ; Toggle product/company watermark for official screenshots. hotkey.wireframe = "Alt+W" ; Toggle wireframe mode. ; > CAMERA SETTINGS hotkey.camera.reset = "H" ; Reset camera rotation to default. hotkey.camera.reset.origin = "Ctrl+H" ; Reset camera to origin. hotkey.camera.zoom.in = Plus, Equals, NumPlus ; Zoom camera in. hotkey.camera.zoom.out = Minus, NumMinus ; Zoom camera out. hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in = WheelUp ; Zoom camera in (wheel speed). hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out = WheelDown ; Zoom camera out (wheel speed). hotkey.camera.rotate = "Ctrl+MouseMiddle" ; Rotate view by moving mouse, maintaining the ; absolute position of the camera hotkey.camera.rotate.keyboard = "Shift" ; hotkey.camera.rotate.abouttarget = "MouseLeft+MouseRight" ; Rotate view by moving mouse, maintaining the ; world coordinates of the centre of the viewport hotkey.camera.rotate.abouttarget.keyboard = "Ctrl" ; hotkey.camera.pan = MouseMiddle, ForwardSlash ; Scroll by moving mouse. hotkey.camera.pan.keyboard = "~Shift+~Ctrl" ; = holding neither Ctrl nor Shift hotkey.camera.left = LeftArrow ; Scroll or rotate left. hotkey.camera.right = RightArrow ; Scroll or rotate right. hotkey.camera.up = UpArrow ; Scroll or rotate up/forwards. hotkey.camera.down = DownArrow ; Scroll or rotate down/backwards. hotkey.camera.bookmark.0 = F5 ; Saved bookmark 1. hotkey.camera.bookmark.1 = F6 ; Saved bookmark 2. hotkey.camera.bookmark.2 = F7 ; Saved bookmark 3. hotkey.camera.bookmark.3 = F8 ; Saved bookmark 4. hotkey.camera.bookmark.save = Ctrl ; +bookmark: Save screen as bookmark. hotkey.camera.bookmark.snap = Alt ; +bookmark: "check up" on bookmark. ; > CONSOLE SETTINGS hotkey.console.toggle = BackQuote, F9 ; Open/close console. hotkey.console.copy = "Ctrl+C" ; Copy from console to clipboard. hotkey.console.paste = Insert, "Ctrl+V" ; Paste clipboard to console. ; > ENTITY SELECTION hotkey.selection.add = Shift ; Add units to selection. hotkey.selection.remove = Ctrl ; Remove units from selection. hotkey.selection.group.0 = 0 hotkey.selection.group.1 = 1 hotkey.selection.group.2 = 2 hotkey.selection.group.3 = 3 hotkey.selection.group.4 = 4 hotkey.selection.group.5 = 5 hotkey.selection.group.6 = 6 hotkey.selection.group.7 = 7 hotkey.selection.group.8 = 8 hotkey.selection.group.9 = 9 hotkey.selection.group.add = Shift ; +group: Add units to group. hotkey.selection.group.save = Ctrl ; +group: Save units to group. hotkey.selection.group.snap = Alt ; +group: Check up on group. hotkey.selection.snap = Home ; Centre view on selection. hotkey.highlightall = O ; Show selection circle for all units on screen. ; > CONTEXT CURSOR hotkey.contextorder.next = LeftBracket ; Cycle right through orders (context cursors). hotkey.contextorder.previous = RightBracket ; Cycle left through orders (context cursors). ; > TESTING KEYS hotkey.orbital.toggle = V ; Enable/disable ball arena. hotkey.orbital.cheat = "LeftCtrl+Backslash" ; Freeze ball. hotkey.dudemachine.random = "Ctrl+ForwardSlash" ; Create random Dude. hotkey.water.toggle = "Q" ; Toggle water rendering hotkey.water.raise = "A" ; Raise water plane hotkey.water.lower = "Z" ; Lower water plane ; > OVERLAY KEYS hotkey.fps.toggle = "Shift+F" ; Toggle frame counter. hotkey.session.statuspane.toggle = "Shift+S" ; Toggle Status Orb. hotkey.session.minimap.toggle = "Shift+M" ; Toggle Map Orb. hotkey.resourcepool.toggle = "Shift+R" ; Toggle Resource Pool. hotkey.grouppane.toggle = "Shift+G" ; Toggle Group Pane. hotkey.teamtray.toggle = "Shift+T" ; Toggle Team Tray. ; > SESSION ORIENTATION KEYS hotkey.session.gui.flip = "Alt+G" ; Toggle GUI to top/bottom/left/right of screen. hotkey.session.gui.toggle = "G" ; Toggle visibility of session GUI. ; (TEMPORARY) hotkey.alwayson.toggle = "Shift+X" ; Toggle always ons (Exit Button, End Game Button). ; > SUBMENU KEYS hotkey.menu.toggle = "F10" ; Toggle in-game menu. hotkey.menu.resign = "Alt+X" ; End current game session and return to main menu. ; > HOTKEYS ONLY hotkey.onlinehelp = "F1" ; Enable/disable online manual entry for current selection. hotkey.jukebox = "Ctrl+M" ; Enable/disable tracklist viewer. hotkey.next.song = "M" ; Start another music track. hotkey.audio.toggle = "Ctrl+A" ; Enable/disable sound. ; > PROFILER hotkey.profile.toggle = "F11" ; Enable/disable real-time profiler hotkey.profile.save = "Shift+F11" ; Save current profiler data to "logs/profile.txt" ; UNMAPPED KEY/MOUSE REFERENCE: ; LMB ; select unit ; RMB ; issue order to selected units ; LMB-drag ; bandbox units ; LMB-doubleclick ; select all units of this type on screen ; LMB-tripleclick ; select all units of this type on map ; shift+mouse select ; add to selection ; ctrl+mouse select ; remove from selection ; #=(1...0) ; select group #, pressing again centres view ; shift+# ; add group # to selection ; ctrl+# ; save selection as group # ; alt+# (hold down) ; snap view to group # (while alt is held down) ; mouse on map edge ; scroll in this direction