#!perl -w use strict; use warnings; my (%groups, %types); my @files = cpp_files('.'); for (@files) { open my $f, $_ or die "Error opening file '$_' ($!)"; while (<$f>) { if (/^ERROR_/) { if (/^ERROR_GROUP\((.+?)\)/) { $groups{join '~', split /,\s*/, $1} = 1; } elsif (/^ERROR_TYPE\((.+?)\)/) { $types{join '~', split /,\s*/, $1} = 1; } } } } open my $out, '>', 'ps/Errors.cpp' or die "Error opening ps/Errors.cpp ($!)"; print $out <<'.'; // Auto-generated by errorlist.pl - do not edit #include "precompiled.h" #include "Errors.h" // Slightly hacky section to redeclare things that are declared // elsewhere - trust the compiler to handle them identically . for (sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [$_, do{(my $c=$_)=~s/~/_/;$c} ], keys %groups) { my ($base, $name) = split /~/, $_->[0]; print $out "class ${base}_$name : public $base {};\n"; } print $out "\n"; for (sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [$_, do{(my $c=$_)=~s/~/_/;$c} ], keys %types) { my ($base, $name) = split /~/, $_->[0]; print $out "class ${base}_$name : public $base { public: ${base}_$name(); };\n"; } print $out "\n// The relevant bits of this file:\n"; @types{sort keys %types} = 0 .. keys(%types)-1; for (sort keys %types) { my ($base, $name) = split /~/; print $out "${base}_${name}::${base}_${name}() { magic=0x45725221; code=$types{$_}; }\n"; } print $out <<"."; const wchar_t* GetErrorString(int code) { \tswitch (code) \t{ . for (sort keys %types) { (my $name = $_) =~ s/~/_/; $name =~ s/.*?_//; print $out qq{\tcase $types{$_}: return L"$name"; break;\n}; } print $out <<"."; \t} \treturn L"Unrecognised error"; } . sub cpp_files { opendir my $d, $_[0] or die "Error opening directory '$_[0]' ($!)"; my @f = readdir $d; my @files = map "$_[0]/$_", grep /\.(?:cpp|h)$/, @f; push @files, cpp_files($_) for grep { /^[a-z]+$/ and -d } @f; return @files; }