janwas c0ed950657 had to remove uint and ulong from lib/types.h due to conflict with other library.
this snowballed into a massive search+destroy of the hodgepodge of
mostly equivalent types we had in use (int, uint, unsigned, unsigned
int, i32, u32, ulong, uintN).

it is more efficient to use 64-bit types in 64-bit mode, so the
preferred default is size_t (for anything remotely resembling a size or
index). tile coordinates are ssize_t to allow more efficient conversion
to/from floating point. flags are int because we almost never need more
than 15 distinct bits, bit test/set is not slower and int is fastest to
type. finally, some data that is pretty much directly passed to OpenGL
is now typed accordingly.

after several hours, the code now requires fewer casts and less

other changes:
- unit and player IDs now have an "invalid id" constant in the
respective class to avoid casting and -1
- fix some endian/64-bit bugs in the map (un)packing. added a
convenience function to write/read a size_t.
- ia32: change CPUID interface to allow passing in ecx (required for
cache topology detection, which I need at work). remove some unneeded
functions from asm, replace with intrinsics where possible.

This was SVN commit r5942.
2008-05-11 18:48:32 +00:00

297 lines
8.5 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Projectile.h"
#include "ScriptObject.h"
#include "graphics/GameView.h"
#include "graphics/Model.h"
#include "graphics/ObjectEntry.h"
#include "graphics/ObjectManager.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include "graphics/Unit.h"
#include "maths/Matrix3D.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Game.h"
#include "simulation/Collision.h"
#include "simulation/Entity.h"
const double GRAVITY = 0.00005;
const double GRAVITY_2 = GRAVITY * 0.5;
CProjectile::CProjectile( const CModel* Actor, const CVector3D& Position, const CVector3D& Target, float Speed, CEntity* Originator, const CScriptObject& ImpactScript, const CScriptObject& MissScript )
m_Actor = Actor->Clone();
m_Position = m_Position_Previous = m_Position_Graphics = Position;
m_Speed_H = Speed;
m_Originator = Originator;
m_ImpactEventHandler = ImpactScript;
m_MissEventHandler = MissScript;
AddHandler( EVENT_IMPACT, &m_ImpactEventHandler );
AddHandler( EVENT_MISS, &m_MissEventHandler );
// That was the easy stuff.
// We want horizontal distance only:
m_Axis = Target - Position;
double s = m_Axis.Length();
m_Axis /= (float)s;
// Now vertical distance:
double d_h = Target.Y - Position.Y;
// Time of impact:
double t = s / m_Speed_H;
// Required vertical velocity at launch:
m_Speed_V = (float)( d_h / t + GRAVITY_2 * t );
m_Speed_V_Previous = m_Speed_V;
//CProjectileManager& projectileManager = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetProjectileManager();
delete( m_Actor );
bool CProjectile::Update( int timestep_millis )
m_Position_Previous = m_Position;
m_Position.X += timestep_millis * m_Axis.x * m_Speed_H;
m_Position.Z += timestep_millis * m_Axis.y * m_Speed_H;
m_Position.Y += (float)( timestep_millis * ( m_Speed_V - timestep_millis * GRAVITY_2 ) );
m_Speed_V_Previous = m_Speed_V;
m_Speed_V -= (float)( timestep_millis * GRAVITY );
float height = m_Position.Y - g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetExactGroundLevel( m_Position.X, m_Position.Z );
if( height < 0.0f )
// We appear to have missed.
CEventProjectileMiss evt( m_Originator, m_Position );
DispatchEvent( &evt );
// Not going to let this be cancelled.
return( false );
RayIntersects& r = GetProjectileIntersection( m_Position_Previous, m_Axis, timestep_millis * m_Speed_H );
RayIntersects::iterator it;
for( it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); it++ )
// Hit something?
if( *it != m_Originator ) /* That wouldn't be fair at all... */
// Low enough to hit it?
if( height < (*it)->m_bounds->m_height )
CEventProjectileImpact evt( m_Originator, *it, m_Position );
if( DispatchEvent( &evt ) )
return( false );
return( true );
void CProjectile::Interpolate( int timestep_millis )
m_Position_Graphics.X = m_Position_Previous.X + timestep_millis * m_Speed_H * m_Axis.x;
m_Position_Graphics.Z = m_Position_Previous.Z + timestep_millis * m_Speed_H * m_Axis.y;
m_Position_Graphics.Y = (float)( m_Position_Previous.Y + timestep_millis * ( m_Speed_V_Previous - timestep_millis * GRAVITY_2 ) );
float dh_dt = (float)( m_Speed_V_Previous - timestep_millis * GRAVITY );
float scale = 1 / sqrt( m_Speed_H * m_Speed_H + dh_dt * dh_dt );
float scale2 = m_Speed_H * scale;
float y = dh_dt * scale;
CMatrix3D rotateInc;
rotateInc._22 = rotateInc._33 = y;
rotateInc._23 = -( rotateInc._32 = scale2 );
CMatrix3D rotateDir;
rotateDir._11 = rotateDir._33 = m_Axis.y;
rotateDir._31 = -( rotateDir._13 = m_Axis.x );
rotateInc.Concatenate( rotateDir );
rotateInc._14 = m_Position_Graphics.X;
rotateInc._24 = m_Position_Graphics.Y;
rotateInc._34 = m_Position_Graphics.Z;
m_Actor->SetTransform( rotateInc );
void CProjectile::ScriptingInit()
CJSObject<CProjectile>::ScriptingInit( "Projectile", Construct, 4 );
JSBool CProjectile::Construct( JSContext* cx, JSObject* UNUSED(obj), uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* rval )
debug_assert( argc >= 4 );
CStr ModelString;
CVector3D Here, There;
float Speed;
CEntity* Temp, *Originator = NULL;
CObjectEntry* oe = NULL;
CModel* Model = NULL;
CScriptObject Impact, Miss;
const char* err = NULL;
Temp = ToNative<CEntity>( argv[0] );
Model = Temp->m_actor->GetObject()->m_ProjectileModel;
if( !Model )
err = "No projectile model is defined for that entity's actor.";
goto fail;
else if( !ToPrimitive<CStr>( cx, argv[0], ModelString ) || NULL == ( oe = g_Game->GetView()->GetObjectManager().FindObject( ModelString ) ) || NULL == ( Model = oe->m_Model ) )
err = "Invalid actor";
goto fail;
Temp = ToNative<CEntity>( argv[1] );
// Use the position vector of this entity, add a bit (so the arrow doesn't appear out of the ground)
// In future, find the appropriate position from the entity (location of a specific prop point?)
Here = Temp->m_position;
Here.Y = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetExactGroundLevel( Here.X, Here.Z ) + 2.5f;
else if( !( ToPrimitive<CVector3D>( cx, argv[1], Here ) ) )
err = "Invalid vector";
goto fail;
Temp = ToNative<CEntity>( argv[2] );
// Use the position vector of this entity.
// TODO: Maybe: Correct for the movement of this entity.
// Then again, that doesn't belong here.
There = Temp->m_position;
There.Y = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetExactGroundLevel( There.X, There.Z ) + 2.5f;
else if( !( ToPrimitive<CVector3D>( cx, argv[2], There ) ) )
err = "Invalid vector";
goto fail;
Speed = ToPrimitive<float>( cx, argv[3] );
if( Speed == 0.0f )
// Either wasn't specified, or was zero. In either case,
// can't allow it: div/0 errors in the physics
err = "Invalid speed";
goto fail;
// Ignore errors in these last few and use the defaults if there's a problem.
if( argc >= 5 )
Originator = ToNative<CEntity>( argv[4] );
if( argc >= 6 )
Impact = argv[5]; // Script to run on impact with an entity.
if( argc >= 7 )
Miss = argv[6]; // Script to run on impact with the floor.
CProjectile* p = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetProjectileManager()
.AddProjectile( Model, Here, There, Speed / 1000.0f, Originator, Impact, Miss );
*rval = ToJSVal<CProjectile>( *p );
return( JS_TRUE );
*rval = JSVAL_NULL;
JS_ReportError( cx, err );
return( JS_TRUE );
CEventProjectileImpact::CEventProjectileImpact( CEntity* Originator, CEntity* Impact, const CVector3D& Position ) : CScriptEvent( L"ProjectileImpact", EVENT_IMPACT )
m_Originator = Originator;
m_Impact = Impact;
m_Position = Position;
AddLocalProperty( L"originator", &m_Originator, true );
AddLocalProperty( L"impacted", &m_Impact );
AddLocalProperty( L"position", &m_Position );
CEventProjectileMiss::CEventProjectileMiss( CEntity* Originator, const CVector3D& Position ) : CScriptEvent( L"ProjectileMiss", EVENT_MISS )
m_Originator = Originator;
m_Position = Position;
AddLocalProperty( L"originator", &m_Originator, true );
AddLocalProperty( L"position", &m_Position );
m_LastTurnLength = 0;
void CProjectileManager::DeleteAll()
std::list<CProjectile*>::iterator it;
for (it = m_Projectiles.begin(); it != m_Projectiles.end(); ++it)
delete *it;
CProjectile* CProjectileManager::AddProjectile( const CModel* Actor, const CVector3D& Position, const CVector3D& Target, float Speed, CEntity* Originator, const CScriptObject& ImpactScript, const CScriptObject& MissScript )
CProjectile* p = new CProjectile( Actor, Position, Target, Speed, Originator, ImpactScript, MissScript );
m_Projectiles.push_back( p );
return( p );
void CProjectileManager::DeleteProjectile( CProjectile* p )
m_Projectiles.erase( std::find(m_Projectiles.begin(), m_Projectiles.end(), p) );
delete p;
void CProjectileManager::UpdateAll( int timestep )
m_LastTurnLength = timestep;
std::list<CProjectile*>::iterator it;
for (it = m_Projectiles.begin(); it != m_Projectiles.end();)
CProjectile* p = *it;
if (!p->Update(timestep))
// Projectile is dead due to having hit the ground or something
std::list<CProjectile*>::iterator old = it;
delete p;
// Update completed successfully
void CProjectileManager::InterpolateAll( double relativeOffset )
int absoluteOffset = (int)( m_LastTurnLength * relativeOffset );
std::list<CProjectile*>::iterator it;
for( it = m_Projectiles.begin(); it != m_Projectiles.end(); ++it )
(*it)->Interpolate( absoluteOffset );