travis 121faff0e8 #Added reading of particle settings from XML.
Added CEmitter::LoadFromXML method to load particle settings from XML
Made Update code generic and moved from CDefaultEmitter child class up
into CEmitter base class.
Cleaned up code in general and removed unused member variables.

This was SVN commit r6691.
2009-02-19 00:19:06 +00:00

547 lines
16 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : ParticleEmitter.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : Particle and Emitter base classes.
* =========================================================================
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ParticleEmitter.h"
#include "ParticleEngine.h"
#include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#define LOG_CATEGORY "particleSystem"
//forward declaration
void GetValueAndVariation(CXeromyces XeroFile, XMBElement parent, CStr& value, CStr& variation);
CEmitter::CEmitter(const int MAX_PARTICLES, const int lifetime, int UNUSED(textureID))
m_particleCount = 0;
// declare the pool of nodes
m_maxParticles = MAX_PARTICLES;
m_heap = new tParticle[m_maxParticles];
m_emitterLife = lifetime;
m_decrementLife = true;
m_decrementAlpha = true;
m_renderParticles = true;
isFinished = false;
m_texture = NULL;
// init the used/open list
m_usedList = NULL;
m_openList = NULL;
// link all the particles in the heap
// into one large open list
for(int i = 0; i < m_maxParticles - 1; i++)
m_heap[i].next = &(m_heap[i + 1]);
m_openList = m_heap;
delete [] m_heap;
bool CEmitter::LoadFromXML(const CStr& filename)
CXeromyces XeroFile;
if (XeroFile.Load(filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
// Fail
return false;
// Define all the elements and attributes used in the XML file
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x)
// Only the ones we can't load using normal methods.
#undef AT
#undef EL
XMBElement root = XeroFile.GetRoot();
if( root.GetNodeName() != el_Emitter )
LOG(CLogger::Error, LOG_CATEGORY, "CEmitter::LoadEmitterXML: XML root was not \"Emitter\" in file %s. Load failed.", filename.c_str() );
return( false );
m_tag = CStr(filename).AfterLast("/").BeforeLast(".xml");
//TODO figure out if we need to use Type attribute to construct different emitter types,
// probably have to move some of this code into a static factory method or out into ParticleEngine class
XMBAttributeList attributes = root.GetAttributes();
CStr type = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_Type);
CStr stringValue;
XMBElementList children = root.GetChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
XMBElement child = children.Item(i);
int childName = child.GetNodeName();
if( childName == el_Lifetime )
stringValue = child.GetText();
m_emitterLife = stringValue.ToInt();
if( m_emitterLife < 0 )
m_emitterLife = -1;
else if( childName == el_Particles )
attributes = child.GetAttributes();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_MaxNumber);
m_maxParticles = stringValue.ToInt();
XMBElementList particleSettings = child.GetChildNodes();
for (int j = 0; j < particleSettings.Count; ++j)
XMBElement settingElement = particleSettings.Item(j);
int settingName = settingElement.GetNodeName();
if( settingName == el_EmitsPerFrame )
CStr value, variation;
GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, settingElement, value, variation);
m_emitsPerFrame = value.ToInt();
m_emitsVar = variation.ToInt();
else if( settingName == el_Texture )
stringValue = settingElement.GetText();
m_texture = new CTexture(stringValue);
u32 flags = 0;
if(!(CRenderer::GetSingletonPtr()->LoadTexture(m_texture, flags)))
return false;
else if( settingName == el_Size )
stringValue = settingElement.GetText();
m_size = stringValue.ToFloat();
else if( settingName == el_Color )
XMBElementList colorElementList = settingElement.GetChildNodes();
for (int k = 0; k < colorElementList.Count; ++k)
XMBElement colorElement = colorElementList.Item(k);
int colorName = colorElement.GetNodeName();
if( colorName == el_Start )
XMBElementList startColorElementList = colorElement.GetChildNodes();
for (int m = 0; m < startColorElementList.Count; ++m)
XMBElement startColorElement = startColorElementList.Item(m);
int startColorElementName = startColorElement.GetNodeName();
if( startColorElementName == el_Value )
attributes = startColorElement.GetAttributes();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_r);
m_startColor.r = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_g);
m_startColor.g = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_b);
m_startColor.b = stringValue.ToInt();
else if( startColorElementName == el_Variation )
attributes = startColorElement.GetAttributes();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_r);
m_startColorVar.r = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_g);
m_startColorVar.g = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_b);
m_startColorVar.b = stringValue.ToInt();
else if( colorName == el_End )
XMBElementList endColorElementList = colorElement.GetChildNodes();
for (int m = 0; m < endColorElementList.Count; ++m)
XMBElement endColorElement = endColorElementList.Item(m);
int endColorElementName = endColorElement.GetNodeName();
if( endColorElementName == el_Value )
attributes = endColorElement.GetAttributes();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_r);
m_endColor.r = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_g);
m_endColor.g = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_b);
m_endColor.b = stringValue.ToInt();
else if( endColorElementName == el_Variation )
attributes = endColorElement.GetAttributes();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_r);
m_endColorVar.r = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_g);
m_endColorVar.g = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_b);
m_endColorVar.b = stringValue.ToInt();
else if( settingName == el_Alpha )
attributes = settingElement.GetAttributes();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_BlendMode);
m_blendMode = stringValue.ToInt();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_Decrement);
if (stringValue == "True" || stringValue == "true")
m_decrementAlpha = true;
m_decrementAlpha = false;
CStr value, variation;
GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, settingElement, value, variation);
m_alpha = value.ToInt();
m_alphaVar = value.ToInt();
else if( settingName == el_Direction )
XMBElementList directionElementList = settingElement.GetChildNodes();
for (int k = 0; k < directionElementList.Count; ++k)
XMBElement directionElement = directionElementList.Item(k);
int directionElementName = directionElement.GetNodeName();
if( directionElementName == el_Yaw )
CStr value, variation;
GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, directionElement, value, variation);
m_yaw = value.ToInt();
m_yawVar = variation.ToInt();
else if( directionElementName == el_Pitch )
CStr value, variation;
GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, directionElement, value, variation);
m_pitch = value.ToInt();
m_pitchVar = variation.ToInt();
else if( directionElementName == el_Speed )
CStr value, variation;
GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, directionElement, value, variation);
m_speed = value.ToFloat();
m_speedVar = variation.ToFloat();
else if( settingName == el_Life )
attributes = settingElement.GetAttributes();
stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_Decrement);
if (stringValue == "True" || stringValue == "true")
m_decrementLife = true;
m_decrementLife = false;
CStr value, variation;
GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, settingElement, value, variation);
m_life = value.ToInt();
m_lifeVar = variation.ToInt();
else if( settingName == el_Force )
XMBElementList forceElementList = settingElement.GetChildNodes();
for (int k = 0; k < forceElementList.Count; ++k)
XMBElement forceElement = forceElementList.Item(k);
int forceElementName = forceElement.GetNodeName();
if( forceElementName == el_X )
stringValue = forceElement.GetText();
m_force.X = stringValue.ToFloat();
else if( forceElementName == el_Y )
stringValue = forceElement.GetText();
m_force.Y = stringValue.ToFloat();
else if( forceElementName == el_Z )
stringValue = forceElement.GetText();
m_force.Z = stringValue.ToFloat();
return true;
bool CEmitter::AddParticle()
tColor start, end;
float fYaw, fPitch, fSpeed;
return false;
if(m_particleCount < m_maxParticles)
// get a particle from the open list
tParticle *particle = m_openList;
// set it's initial position to the emitter's position
particle->pos.X = m_pos.X;
particle->pos.Y = m_pos.Y;
particle->pos.Z = m_pos.Z;
// Calculate the starting direction vector
fYaw = m_yaw + (m_yawVar * RandomNum());
fPitch = m_pitch + (m_pitchVar * RandomNum());
// Convert the rotations to a vector
// Multiply in the speed factor
fSpeed = m_speed + (m_speedVar * RandomNum());
particle->dir.X *= fSpeed;
particle->dir.Y *= fSpeed;
particle->dir.Z *= fSpeed;
// Calculate the life span
particle->life = m_life + (int)((float)m_lifeVar * RandomNum());
// Calculate the colors
start.r = m_startColor.r + (m_startColorVar.r * RandomChar());
start.g = m_startColor.g + (m_startColorVar.g * RandomChar());
start.b = m_startColor.b + (m_startColorVar.b * RandomChar());
end.r = m_endColor.r + (m_endColorVar.r * RandomChar());
end.g = m_endColor.g + (m_endColorVar.g * RandomChar());
end.b = m_endColor.b + (m_endColorVar.b * RandomChar());
// set the initial color of the particle
particle->color.r = start.r;
particle->color.g = start.g;
particle->color.b = start.b;
// Create the color delta
particle->deltaColor.r = (end.r - start.r) / particle->life;
particle->deltaColor.g = (end.g - start.g) / particle->life;
particle->deltaColor.b = (end.b - start.b) / particle->life;
//TODO: make this settable
particle->alpha = 255.0f;
particle->alphaDelta = particle->alpha / particle->life;
particle->inPos = false;
// Now, we pop a node from the open list and put it into the used list
m_openList = particle->next;
particle->next = m_usedList;
m_usedList = particle;
// update the length of the used list (particle Count)
return true;
return false;
bool CEmitter::Render()
case 1:
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // Fire
case 2:
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE); // Crappy Fire
case 3:
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR); // Plain Particles
case 4:
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR); // Nice fade out effect
// Bind the texture. Use the texture assigned to this emitter.
int unit = 0;
g_Renderer.SetTexture(unit, m_texture);
tParticle *tempParticle = m_usedList;
tColor *pColor = &(tempParticle->color);
glColor4ub(pColor->r,pColor->g, pColor->b, (GLubyte)tempParticle->alpha);
glTexCoord2d(0.0, 0.0);
CVector3D *pPos = &(tempParticle->pos);
glVertex3f(pPos->X - m_size, pPos->Y + m_size, pPos->Z);
glTexCoord2d(0.0, 1.0);
glVertex3f(pPos->X - m_size, pPos->Y - m_size, pPos->Z);
glTexCoord2d(1.0, 1.0);
glVertex3f(pPos->X + m_size, pPos->Y - m_size, pPos->Z);
glTexCoord2d(1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(pPos->X + m_size, pPos->Y + m_size, pPos->Z);
tempParticle = tempParticle->next;
return true;
return false;
bool CEmitter::Update()
int emits;
// walk through the used list, and update each of the particles
tParticle *tempParticle = m_usedList; // start at the beginning of the used list
tParticle *prev = m_usedList;
while(tempParticle) // loop on a valid particle
// don't update if the particle is supposed to be dead
if(tempParticle->life > 0)
// update the particle
// Calculate the new pos
tempParticle->pos.X += tempParticle->dir.X;
tempParticle->pos.Y += tempParticle->dir.Y;
tempParticle->pos.Z += tempParticle->dir.Z;
// Add global force to direction
tempParticle->dir.X += m_force.X;
tempParticle->dir.Y += m_force.Y;
tempParticle->dir.Z += m_force.Z;
// Get the new color
tempParticle->color.r += tempParticle->deltaColor.r;
tempParticle->color.g += tempParticle->deltaColor.g;
tempParticle->color.b += tempParticle->deltaColor.b;
// fade it out
tempParticle->alpha -= tempParticle->alphaDelta;
// gets a little older
// move to the next particle in the list
prev = tempParticle;
tempParticle = tempParticle->next;
else // this means the particle lifetime is over
// if this is the first particle in usedList
// then set the pointers to the next in the usedList
// and open up the tempParticle
if(tempParticle == m_usedList)
m_usedList = tempParticle->next;
tempParticle->next = m_openList;
// set the open list head to the particle
m_openList = tempParticle;
prev = m_usedList;
tempParticle = m_usedList;
//// We need to pull the particle out of the
//// used list and insert it into the open list
// fix the previous node in the list to skip over the one we are pulling out
prev->next = tempParticle->next;
// set the particle to point to the head of the open list
tempParticle->next = m_openList;
// set the open list head to the particle
m_openList = tempParticle;
// move on to the next iteration
tempParticle = prev->next;
// and there is one less
} // end of while
if(m_emitterLife > 0 || m_emitterLife == -1)
// Emit particles for this frame
emits = m_emitsPerFrame + (int)((float)m_emitsVar * RandomNum());
// if the emitter life is -1 that means it's infinite
if(m_emitterLife != -1)
for(int i = 0; i < emits; i++)
return true;
if(m_particleCount > 0)
return true;
isFinished = true;
return false; // this will be checked for and then it will be deleted
void GetValueAndVariation(CXeromyces XeroFile, XMBElement parent, CStr& value, CStr& variation)
int el_Value = XeroFile.GetElementID("value");
int el_Variation = XeroFile.GetElementID("variation");
XMBElementList elementList = parent.GetChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < elementList.Count; ++i)
XMBElement child = elementList.Item(i);
int childName = child.GetNodeName();
if( childName == el_Value )
value = child.GetText();
else if( childName == el_Variation )
variation = child.GetText();