janwas ad98213c39 config - fix problem with stl version detect, cleanup
debug - documented
debug_stl - WIP; large changes because specialized containers were
breaking in some cases. now have to do it "right" ;p
add SLIST container and MULTISET

This was SVN commit r2461.
2005-07-03 20:47:24 +00:00

638 lines
18 KiB

// portable debugging helper functions specific to the STL.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "debug_stl.h"
#include "lib.h" // match_wildcard
// used in stl_simplify_name.
// note: strcpy is safe because replacement happens in-place and
// src is longer than dst (otherwise, we wouldn't be replacing).
#define REPLACE(what, with)\
else if(!strncmp(src, (what), sizeof(what)-1))\
src += sizeof(what)-1-1; /* see preincrement rationale*/\
strcpy(dst, (with)); /* safe - see above */\
dst += sizeof(with)-1;\
#define STRIP(what)\
else if(!strncmp(src, (what), sizeof(what)-1))\
src += sizeof(what)-1-1;/* see preincrement rationale*/\
// reduce complicated STL names to human-readable form (in place).
// e.g. "std::basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >" =>
// "string". algorithm: strip undesired strings in one pass (fast).
// called from symbol_string_build.
// see http://www.bdsoft.com/tools/stlfilt.html and
// http://www.moderncppdesign.com/publications/better_template_error_messages.html
void stl_simplify_name(char* name)
// used when stripping everything inside a < > to continue until
// the final bracket is matched (at the original nesting level).
int nesting = 0;
const char* src = name-1; // preincremented; see below.
char* dst = name;
// for each character: (except those skipped as parts of strings)
int c = *(++src);
// preincrement rationale: src++ with no further changes would
// require all comparisons to subtract 1. incrementing at the
// end of a loop would require a goto, instead of continue
// (there are several paths through the loop, for speed).
// therefore, preincrement. when skipping strings, subtract
// 1 from the offset (since src is advanced directly after).
// end of string reached - we're done.
if(c == '\0')
*dst = '\0';
// we're stripping everything inside a < >; eat characters
// until final bracket is matched (at the original nesting level).
if(c == '<')
else if(c == '>')
debug_assert(nesting >= 0);
// start if chain (REPLACE and STRIP use else if)
if(0) {}
else if(!strncmp(src, "::_Node", 7))
// add a space if not already preceded by one
// (prevents replacing ">::_Node>" with ">>")
if(src != name && src[-1] != ' ')
*dst++ = ' ';
src += 7;
REPLACE("unsigned short", "u16")
REPLACE("unsigned int", "uint")
REPLACE("unsigned __int64", "u64")
STRIP(",0> ")
// early out: all tests after this start with s, so skip them
else if(c != 's')
*dst++ = c;
REPLACE("std::_List_nod", "list")
REPLACE("std::_Tree_nod", "map")
REPLACE("std::basic_string<char,", "string<")
REPLACE("std::basic_string<unsigned short,", "wstring<")
STRIP("std::char_traits<unsigned short>,")
else if(!strncmp(src, "std::allocator<", 15))
// remove preceding comma (if present)
if(src != name && src[-1] == ',')
src += 15;
// strip everything until trailing > is matched
debug_assert(nesting == 0);
nesting = 1;
else if(!strncmp(src, "std::less<", 10))
// remove preceding comma (if present)
if(src != name && src[-1] == ',')
src += 10;
// strip everything until trailing > is matched
debug_assert(nesting == 0);
nesting = 1;
*dst++ = c;
// STL container debugging
// provide an iterator interface for arbitrary STL containers; this is
// used to display their contents in stack traces. their type and
// contents aren't known until runtime, so this is somewhat tricky.
// we assume STL containers aren't specialized on their content type and
// use their int instantiations's memory layout. vector<bool> will therefore
// not be displayed correctly, but it is frowned upon anyway (since
// address of its elements can't be taken).
// to be 100% correct, we'd have to write an Any_container_type__element_type
// class for each combination, but that is clearly infeasible.
// containers might still be uninitialized when we call get_container_info on
// them. we need to check if they are valid and only then use their contents.
// to that end, we derive a validator class from each container,
// cast the container's address to it, and call its valid() method.
// checks performed include: is size() realistic; does begin() come before
// end(), etc. we need to leverage all invariants because the values are
// random in release mode.
// rationale:
// - we need a complete class for each container type because the
// valid() function sometimes needs access to protected members of
// the containers. since we can't grant access via friend without the
// cooperation of the system headers, it needs to be in a derived class.
// - since we cast our validator on top of the actual container,
// it must not contain virtual functions (the vptr would shift addresses;
// we can't really correct for this because it's totally non-portable).
// - we don't bother with making this a template because there are enough
// variations that we'd have to specialize everything anyway.
// basic sanity checks shared by all containers.
static bool container_valid(const void* front, size_t el_count)
// # elements is unbelievably high; assume it's invalid.
if(el_count > 0x1000000)
return false;
return false;
return true;
// standard containers
class Any_deque : public std::deque<int>
// being declared as friend isn't enough;
// our iterator still doesn't get access to std::deque.
const u8* get_item(size_t i, size_t el_size) const
const u8** map = (const u8**)_Map;
const size_t el_per_bucket = MAX(16 / el_size, 1);
const size_t bucket_idx = i / el_per_bucket;
const size_t idx_in_bucket = i - bucket_idx * el_per_bucket;
const u8* bucket = map[bucket_idx];
const u8* p = bucket + idx_in_bucket*el_size;
return p;
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
// note: front() fails on empty deques, so don't use that if
// the container is empty (which must not be reported as invalid)
const size_t el_count_ = el_count(el_size);
if(el_count_ && !container_valid(&front(), el_count_))
return false;
const size_t el_per_bucket = MAX(16 / el_size, 1); // see _DEQUESIZ
// initial element is beyond end of first bucket
if(_Myoff >= el_per_bucket)
return false;
// more elements reported than fit in all buckets
if(_Mysize > _Mapsize * el_per_bucket)
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
return size();
class iter;
friend class iter;
class iter : public const_iterator
const u8* deref(size_t el_size)
Any_deque* d = (Any_deque*)_Mycont;
return d->get_item(_Myoff, el_size);
class Any_list: public std::list<int>
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
if(!container_valid(&front(), el_count(el_size)))
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
return size();
class Any_map : public std::map<int,int>
// return reference to the given node's nil flag.
// reimplemented because this member is stored after _Myval, so it's
// dependent on el_size.
static _Charref _Isnil(_Nodeptr _Pnode, size_t el_size)
const u8* p = (const u8*)&_Pnode->_Isnil; // ok for int specialization
p += el_size - sizeof(value_type);
// account for el_size difference
assert(*p <= 1); // bool value
return (_Charref)*p;
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
const_iterator it = begin();
if(!container_valid(&*it, el_count(el_size)))
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
return size();
class iter;
friend class iter;
class iter : public const_iterator
// move to next node (i.e. larger value)
void advance(size_t el_size)
// end() shouldn't be incremented, don't move
if(_Isnil(_Ptr, el_size))
// return smallest (leftmost) node of right subtree
_Nodeptr _Pnode = _Right(_Ptr);
if(!_Isnil(_Pnode, el_size))
while(!_Isnil(_Left(_Pnode), el_size))
_Pnode = _Left(_Pnode);
// climb looking for right subtree
while (!_Isnil(_Pnode = _Parent(_Ptr), el_size)
&& _Ptr == _Right(_Pnode))
_Ptr = _Pnode; // ==> parent while right subtree
_Ptr = _Pnode;
class Any_multimap : public Any_map
class Any_set: public std::set<int>
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
const_iterator it = begin();
if(!container_valid(&*it, el_count(el_size)))
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
return size();
class Any_multiset: public Any_set
class Any_vector: public std::vector<int>
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
const size_t el_count_ = el_count(el_size);
// note: front() will be 0 if container is empty, but
// that must not be reported as invalid.
if(el_count_ && !container_valid(&front(), el_count_))
return false;
// more elements reported than reserved
if(size() > capacity())
return false;
// front/back pointers incorrect
if(&front() > &back())
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
// vectors store front and back pointers and calculate
// element count as the difference between them. since we are
// derived from the int specialization, the pointer arithmetic is
// off. we fix it by taking el_size into account.
return size() * 4 / el_size;
class iter;
friend class iter;
class iter : public const_iterator
// move to next item
void advance(size_t el_size)
_Myptr = (_Tptr)((u8*)_Myptr + el_size);
class Any_basic_string : public std::string
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
if(!container_valid(c_str(), el_count(el_size)))
return false;
// less than the small buffer reserved - impossible
if(_Myres < (16/el_size)-1)
return false;
// more elements reported than reserved
if(_Mysize > _Myres)
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
return size();
// standard container adapters
// we assume this adapter was instantiated with container=deque!
class Any_queue : public Any_deque
// we assume this adapter was instantiated with container=deque!
class Any_stack : public Any_deque
// nonstandard containers (will probably be part of C++0x)
class Any_hash_map: public STL_HASH_MAP<int,int>
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
const_iterator it = begin();
if(!container_valid(&*it, el_count(el_size)))
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
return size();
class Any_hash_multimap : public Any_hash_map
class Any_hash_set: public STL_HASH_SET<int>
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
const_iterator it = begin();
if(!container_valid(&*it, el_count(el_size)))
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
return size();
class Any_hash_multiset : public Any_hash_set
#endif // HAVE_STL_HASH
class Any_slist: public STL_SLIST<int>
bool valid(size_t el_size) const
if(!container_valid(&front(), el_count(el_size)))
return false;
return true;
size_t el_count(size_t el_size) const
return size();
#endif // HAVE_STL_SLIST
// generic iterator - returns next element. dereferences and increments the
// specific container iterator stored in it_mem.
template<class T> const u8* stl_iterator(void* it_mem, size_t el_size)
T::const_iterator* const p_cit = (T::const_iterator*)it_mem;
T::const_reference el = p_cit->operator*();
const u8* p = (const u8*)&el;
return p;
// vector iterators advance by sizeof(value_type) bytes; since we assume the
// int specialization, we have to do this ourselves.
template<> const u8* stl_iterator<Any_vector>(void* it_mem, size_t el_size)
Any_vector::iter* pi = (Any_vector::iter*)it_mem;
const u8* p = (const u8*)&*(*pi);
return p;
// deque iterator operator* depends on el_size
template<> const u8* stl_iterator<Any_deque>(void* it_mem, size_t el_size)
Any_deque::iter* pi = (Any_deque::iter*)it_mem;
const u8* p = pi->deref(el_size);
return p;
// map iterator operator++ depends on el_size
template<> const u8* stl_iterator<Any_map>(void* it_mem, size_t el_size)
Any_map::iter* pi = (Any_map::iter*)it_mem;
const u8* p = (const u8*)&*(*pi);
return p;
// check if the container is valid and return # elements and an iterator;
// this is instantiated once for each type of container.
// we don't do this in the Any_* ctors because we need to return bool valid and
// don't want to throw an exception (may confuse the debug code).
template<class T> bool get_container_info(T* t, size_t size, size_t el_size,
size_t* el_count, DebugIterator* el_iterator, void* it_mem)
debug_assert(sizeof(T) == size);
debug_assert(sizeof(T::iterator) < DEBUG_STL_MAX_ITERATOR_SIZE);
*el_count = t->el_count(el_size);
*el_iterator = stl_iterator<T>;
*(T::const_iterator*)it_mem = t->begin();
return t->valid(el_size);
// if <wtype_name> indicates the object <p, size> to be an STL container,
// and given the size of its value_type (retrieved via debug information),
// return number of elements and an iterator (any data it needs is stored in
// it_mem, which must hold DEBUG_STL_MAX_ITERATOR_SIZE bytes).
// returns 0 on success or an StlContainerError.
int stl_get_container_info(const wchar_t* wtype_name, const u8* p, size_t size,
size_t el_size, size_t* el_count, DebugIterator* el_iterator, void* it_mem)
// HACK: The debug_stl code breaks VS2005's STL badly, causing crashes in
// later pieces of code that try to manipulate the STL containers. Presumably
// it needs to be altered/rewritten to work happily with the new STL debug iterators.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
return -1;
bool handled = false, valid = false;
#define CONTAINER(name, type_name_pattern)\
else if(match_wildcard(type_name, type_name_pattern))\
handled = true;\
valid = get_container_info<Any_##name>((Any_##name*)p, size, el_size, el_count, el_iterator, it_mem);\
#define STD_CONTAINER(name) CONTAINER(name, "std::" #name "<*>")
// workaround for preprocessor limitation: what we're trying to do is
// stringize the defined value of a macro. prepending and pasting L
// apparently isn't possible because macro args aren't expanded before
// being pasted; we therefore convert to char[] and compare against that.
char type_name[DBG_SYMBOL_LEN];
snprintf(type_name, ARRAY_SIZE(type_name), "%ws", wtype_name);
#define STRINGIZE2(id) # id
#define STRINGIZE(id) STRINGIZE2(id)
if(0) {} // kickoff
// standard containers
STD_CONTAINER(deque) // deref provided
STD_CONTAINER(list) // ok
STD_CONTAINER(map) // advance provided
STD_CONTAINER(multimap) // advance provided
STD_CONTAINER(set) // TODO use map impl?
STD_CONTAINER(multiset) // TODO use map impl?
STD_CONTAINER(vector) // special-cased
STD_CONTAINER(basic_string) // ok
// standard container adapter
STD_CONTAINER(queue) // not ok (deque)
STD_CONTAINER(stack) // not ok (deque)
// nonstandard containers (will probably be part of C++0x)
return 0;