
89 lines
3.0 KiB

//# include <SR/sr_cfg_path.h>
//# include <SR/sr_cfg_tree.h>
# include "sr_heap.h"
# include "sr_cfg_path.h"
# include "sr_cfg_tree.h"
/*! A single-query, bidirectional, lazy and sampling-based planner */
class SrCfgPlannerBase : public SrSharedClass
{ private :
SrCfgTreeBase _tree1, _tree2;
SrCfgPathBase _path;
SrCfgManagerBase* _cman;
srcfg* _tmpc1;
srcfg* _tmpc2;
int _curtree;
bool _solved;
bool _juststarted;
struct HeapEdge { SrCfgTreeBase* tree; SrCfgNode* n1; SrCfgNode* n2; };
SrHeap<HeapEdge,int> _heap;
public :
/*! The constructor requires a configuration manager. */
SrCfgPlannerBase ( SrCfgManagerBase* cman );
/*! Destructor frees all used internal data, and unref the associated
configuration managers */
~SrCfgPlannerBase ();
/*! Returns the roadmap tree rooted at the source configuration */
SrCfgTreeBase& tree1 () { return _tree1; }
/*! Returns the roadmap tree rooted at the destination configuration */
SrCfgTreeBase& tree2 () { return _tree2; }
/*! Returns the number of nodes in both trees */
int nodes () const { return _tree1.nodes()+_tree2.nodes(); }
/*! Clears everything */
void init ();
/*! Clears everything and define the source and goal configurations.
Configurations c1 and c2 must be valid.
If a time-varying problem will be solved, configuration c1 must correspond
to the start and c2 to the goal, ie c1 happens before c2 */
void start ( const srcfg* c1, const srcfg* c2 );
/*! Returns true if a path to the goal was found, and false otherwise. */
bool solved () const { return _solved; }
/*! Returns the last path found by the planner */
SrCfgPathBase& path () { return _path; }
/*! Update one of the trees, returning true if a path was found
Parameter step is the incremental step distance, and
tries is the number of bisections to try in case of expantion failure */
bool update_rrt ( float step, int tries, float prec );
/*! Lazy version of the update method. */
bool update_lazy ( float step, int tries, float prec );
private :
bool _test_bridge ( SrCfgNode* n1, SrCfgNode* n2, float prec );
bool _try_to_join ( SrCfgNode* n1, SrCfgNode* n2, float prec );
void _heap_add_branch ( SrCfgTreeBase* tree, SrCfgNode* n );
/*! Planner template for user-defined configurations */
template <class C>
class SrCfgPlanner : public SrCfgPlannerBase
{ public :
SrCfgPlanner ( SrCfgManagerBase* cman )
: SrCfgPlannerBase(cman) { }
SrCfgTree<C>& tree1 () { return (SrCfgTree<C>&) SrCfgPlannerBase::tree1(); }
SrCfgTree<C>& tree2 () { return (SrCfgTree<C>&) SrCfgPlannerBase::tree2(); }
SrCfgPath<C>& path () { return (SrCfgPath<C>&) SrCfgPlannerBase::path(); }
//================================ End of File =================================================
# endif // SR_CFG_PLANNER_H