#include "precompiled.h" #include "AStarEngine.h" /* For AStarGoalLowLevel isPassable/cost */ #include "Collision.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/World.h" #include "graphics/Patch.h" #include "graphics/Terrain.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #define DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT 1000 #define DEFAULT_INIT_NODES 1000 // TODO: do this for real #define MAXSLOPE 3500 // Node status flags enum { kClear = 0x00, // empty, unexamined kPassable = 0x01, // examined, not blocked kBlocked = 0x02, // examined, blocked kOpen = 0x04, // on the open list kClosed = 0x08 // on the closed list }; CAStarEngine::CAStarEngine() { mSearchLimit = DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT; for(int i=0; i::iterator it; for( it = usedNodes.begin(); it != usedNodes.end(); it++) { delete (*it); } for( it = freeNodes.begin(); it != freeNodes.end(); it++) { delete (*it); } } bool CAStarEngine::findPath( const CVector2D &src, const CVector2D &dest, CPlayer* player, float radius ) { mSolved = false; int iterations = 0; mGoal->setDestination(dest); mGoal->setRadius(radius); AStarNode *start = getFreeASNode(); start->coord = mGoal->getTile(src); start->parent = NULL; start->g = 0; start->f = start->h = mGoal->distanceToGoal(start->coord); clearOpen(); clearClosed(); PROFILE_START("memset cache"); memset(mFlags, 0, mFlagArraySize*mFlagArraySize*sizeof(AStarNodeFlag)); PROFILE_END("memset cache"); addToOpen(start); AStarNode *best = NULL; while( iterationsatGoal(best->coord) ) { /* Path solved */ mSolved = true; break; } /* Get neighbors of the best node */ std::vector neighbors; PROFILE_START("get neighbors"); neighbors = mGoal->getNeighbors(best->coord, player); PROFILE_END("get neighbors"); /* Update the neighbors of the best node */ std::vector::iterator it; for( it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); it++ ) { AStarNode* N = getFreeASNode(); PROFILE_START("initialize neighbor"); N->coord = *it; // Assign f,g,h to neighbor N->g = best->g + mGoal->getTileCost(best->coord, N->coord); N->h = mGoal->distanceToGoal(*it); N->f = N->g + N->h; N->parent = best; PROFILE_END("initialize neighbor"); AStarNode* C; PROFILE_START("search closed"); C = getFromClosed(N->coord); PROFILE_END("search closed"); bool update = false; if( C!=NULL && (N->f < C->f) ) { PROFILE_START("remove from closed"); /* N is on Closed and N->f is better */ removeFromClosed(C); update = true; PROFILE_END("remove from closed"); } if (C==NULL || update) { PROFILE_START("add to open"); /* N is not on Closed */ addToOpen(N); PROFILE_END("add to open"); } } } if (mSolved && best!=NULL) { //debug_printf("Number of nodes searched: %d\n", iterations); constructPath(best); } cleanup(); return mSolved; } void CAStarEngine::constructPath( AStarNode* end ) { std::deque path; mPath.clear(); while( end!=NULL && (end->parent)!=NULL ) { path.push_front(mGoal->getCoord(end->coord)); end = end->parent; } mPath.insert(mPath.begin(), path.begin(), path.end()); } std::vector CAStarEngine::getLastPath() { return mPath; } void CAStarEngine::setSearchLimit( int limit ) { mSearchLimit = limit; } void CAStarEngine::addToOpen( AStarNode* node ) { /* If not in open, should add, otherwise should promote */ AStarNodeFlag *flag = GetFlag(node->coord); if (!GetIsOpen(flag)) { mOpen.push(node); } else { mOpen.promote(node); } SetOpenFlag(flag); } AStarNode* CAStarEngine::removeBestOpenNode() { if (mOpen.empty()) return NULL; AStarNode* top; PROFILE_START("remove from open"); top = mOpen.top(); mOpen.pop(); ClearOpenFlag(GetFlag(top->coord)); PROFILE_END("remove from open"); return top; } void CAStarEngine::addToClosed( AStarNode* node ) { mClosed[node->coord] = node; SetClosedFlag(GetFlag(node->coord)); } void CAStarEngine::removeFromClosed( AStarNode* node ) { mClosed.erase(node->coord); ClearClosedFlag(GetFlag(node->coord)); } AStarNode* CAStarEngine::getFromClosed( const CVector2D& loc ) { if (!GetIsClosed(GetFlag(loc))) { return NULL; } ASNodeHashMap::iterator it = mClosed.find(loc); return ( it != mClosed.end() ) ? (it->second) : (NULL); } void CAStarEngine::clearOpen() { mOpen.clear(); } void CAStarEngine::clearClosed() { mClosed.clear(); } AStarNode* CAStarEngine::getFreeASNode() { AStarNode* ret; PROFILE_START("allocator"); if (!freeNodes.empty()) { ret = freeNodes.back(); freeNodes.pop_back(); } else { ret = new AStarNode; } usedNodes.push_back(ret); PROFILE_END("allocator"); return ret; } void CAStarEngine::cleanup() { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = usedNodes.begin(); it != usedNodes.end(); it++) { freeNodes.push_back(*it); } usedNodes.clear(); } void PriQueue::promote( AStarNode *node ) { if (node == NULL) { return; } std::vector::iterator ind, first; for( ind = c.begin(); ind!=c.end() && !((*ind)->equals(*node)); ind++ ); if (ind == c.end()) { push(node); return; } if( (*ind)->f <= node->f ) return; first = c.begin(); int index = ind-first; int parent = (index - 1)/2; while ( index>0 && (*(first+parent))->f > node->f ) { *(first+index) = *(first+parent); index = parent; parent = (parent - 1)/2; } *(first+index) = node; } void PriQueue::clear() { c.clear(); } CVector2D TilespaceToWorldspace( const CVector2D &ts ) { return CVector2D(ts.x*CELL_SIZE+CELL_SIZE/2, ts.y*CELL_SIZE+CELL_SIZE/2); } CVector2D WorldspaceToTilespace( const CVector2D &ws ) { return CVector2D(floor(ws.x/CELL_SIZE), floor(ws.y/CELL_SIZE)); } void AStarGoalLowLevel::setDestination( const CVector2D &dest ) { coord = WorldspaceToTilespace(dest); } void AStarGoalLowLevel::setRadius( float r ) { radius = r; } float AStarGoalLowLevel::getRadius() { return radius; } float AStarGoalLowLevel::distanceToGoal( const CVector2D &loc ) { return ((coord-loc).length()); } bool AStarGoalLowLevel::atGoal( const CVector2D &loc ) { float dx = coord.x - loc.x; float dy = coord.y - loc.y; return dx*dx + dy*dy <= radius*radius; } float AStarGoalLowLevel::getTileCost( const CVector2D& loc1, const CVector2D& loc2 ) { return (loc2-loc1).length() - radius; } bool AStarGoalLowLevel::isPassable( const CVector2D &loc, CPlayer* player ) { CTerrain* pTerrain = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain(); int size = pTerrain->GetTilesPerSide(); if( loc.x<0 || loc.y<0 || loc.x>=size || loc.y>=size ) { return false; } if ( pTerrain->isPassable(loc) ) { // If no entity blocking, return true CVector2D wloc = TilespaceToWorldspace(loc); CBoundingBox bounds(wloc.x, wloc.y, 0, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, 3); if ( getCollisionObject(&bounds, player) == NULL ) { return true; } } return false; } CVector2D AStarGoalLowLevel::getCoord( const CVector2D &loc ) { return TilespaceToWorldspace(loc); } CVector2D AStarGoalLowLevel::getTile( const CVector2D &loc ) { return WorldspaceToTilespace(loc); } std::vector AStarGoalLowLevel::getNeighbors( const CVector2D &loc, CPlayer* player ) { std::vector vec; for( int xdiff = -1; xdiff <= 1; xdiff++ ) { for( int ydiff = -1; ydiff <= 1; ydiff++ ) { if ( xdiff!=0 || ydiff!=0 ) { CVector2D c = loc; c.x += xdiff; c.y += ydiff; if ( isPassable(c, player) ) { vec.push_back(c); } } } } return vec; } inline AStarNodeFlag* CAStarEngine::GetFlag(const CVector2D &loc) { debug_assert(loc.x>=0 && loc.y>=0 && loc.x