//*********************************************************** // // Name: Matrix3D.Cpp // Last Update: 31/1/02 // Author: Poya Manouchehri // // Description: A Matrix class used for holding and // manipulating transformation info. // //*********************************************************** #include "precompiled.h" #include "Matrix3D.h" #include "Quaternion.h" #include "self_test.h" CMatrix3D::CMatrix3D () { } CMatrix3D::CMatrix3D(float a11,float a12,float a13,float a14,float a21,float a22,float a23,float a24, float a31,float a32,float a33,float a34,float a41,float a42,float a43,float a44) { _11=a11; _12=a12; _13=a13; _14=a14; _21=a21; _22=a22; _23=a23; _24=a24; _31=a31; _32=a32; _33=a33; _34=a34; _41=a41; _42=a42; _43=a43; _44=a44; } //Matrix multiplication CMatrix3D CMatrix3D::operator*(const CMatrix3D& matrix) const { return CMatrix3D( _11*matrix._11 + _12*matrix._21 + _13*matrix._31 + _14*matrix._41, _11*matrix._12 + _12*matrix._22 + _13*matrix._32 + _14*matrix._42, _11*matrix._13 + _12*matrix._23 + _13*matrix._33 + _14*matrix._43, _11*matrix._14 + _12*matrix._24 + _13*matrix._34 + _14*matrix._44, _21*matrix._11 + _22*matrix._21 + _23*matrix._31 + _24*matrix._41, _21*matrix._12 + _22*matrix._22 + _23*matrix._32 + _24*matrix._42, _21*matrix._13 + _22*matrix._23 + _23*matrix._33 + _24*matrix._43, _21*matrix._14 + _22*matrix._24 + _23*matrix._34 + _24*matrix._44, _31*matrix._11 + _32*matrix._21 + _33*matrix._31 + _34*matrix._41, _31*matrix._12 + _32*matrix._22 + _33*matrix._32 + _34*matrix._42, _31*matrix._13 + _32*matrix._23 + _33*matrix._33 + _34*matrix._43, _31*matrix._14 + _32*matrix._24 + _33*matrix._34 + _34*matrix._44, _41*matrix._11 + _42*matrix._21 + _43*matrix._31 + _44*matrix._41, _41*matrix._12 + _42*matrix._22 + _43*matrix._32 + _44*matrix._42, _41*matrix._13 + _42*matrix._23 + _43*matrix._33 + _44*matrix._43, _41*matrix._14 + _42*matrix._24 + _43*matrix._34 + _44*matrix._44 ); } //Matrix multiplication/assignment CMatrix3D& CMatrix3D::operator*=(const CMatrix3D& matrix) { Concatenate(matrix); return *this; } //Matrix scaling CMatrix3D CMatrix3D::operator*(float f) const { CMatrix3D tmp; for (int i=0;i<16;i++) { tmp._data[i]=_data[i]*f; } return tmp; } //Matrix scaling/assignment CMatrix3D& CMatrix3D::operator*=(float f) { for (int i=0;i<16;i++) { _data[i]*=f; } return *this; } //Matrix addition CMatrix3D CMatrix3D::operator+(const CMatrix3D& m) const { CMatrix3D tmp; for (int i=0;i<16;i++) { tmp._data[i]=_data[i]+m._data[i]; } return tmp; } //Matrix addition/assignment CMatrix3D& CMatrix3D::operator+=(const CMatrix3D& m) { for (int i=0;i<16;i++) { _data[i]+=m._data[i]; } return *this; } //Sets the identity matrix void CMatrix3D::SetIdentity () { _11=1.0f; _12=0.0f; _13=0.0f; _14=0.0f; _21=0.0f; _22=1.0f; _23=0.0f; _24=0.0f; _31=0.0f; _32=0.0f; _33=1.0f; _34=0.0f; _41=0.0f; _42=0.0f; _43=0.0f; _44=1.0f; } //Sets the zero matrix void CMatrix3D::SetZero () { _11=0.0f; _12=0.0f; _13=0.0f; _14=0.0f; _21=0.0f; _22=0.0f; _23=0.0f; _24=0.0f; _31=0.0f; _32=0.0f; _33=0.0f; _34=0.0f; _41=0.0f; _42=0.0f; _43=0.0f; _44=0.0f; } //The following clear the matrix and set the //rotation of each of the 3 axes void CMatrix3D::SetXRotation (float angle) { float Cos = cosf (angle); float Sin = sinf (angle); _11=1.0f; _12=0.0f; _13=0.0f; _14=0.0f; _21=0.0f; _22=Cos; _23=-Sin; _24=0.0f; _31=0.0f; _32=Sin; _33=Cos; _34=0.0f; _41=0.0f; _42=0.0f; _43=0.0f; _44=1.0f; } void CMatrix3D::SetYRotation (float angle) { float Cos = cosf (angle); float Sin = sinf (angle); _11=Cos; _12=0.0f; _13=Sin; _14=0.0f; _21=0.0f; _22=1.0f; _23=0.0f; _24=0.0f; _31=-Sin; _32=0.0f; _33=Cos; _34=0.0f; _41=0.0f; _42=0.0f; _43=0.0f; _44=1.0f; } void CMatrix3D::SetZRotation (float angle) { float Cos = cosf (angle); float Sin = sinf (angle); _11=Cos; _12=-Sin; _13=0.0f; _14=0.0f; _21=Sin; _22=Cos; _23=0.0f; _24=0.0f; _31=0.0f; _32=0.0f; _33=1.0f; _34=0.0f; _41=0.0f; _42=0.0f; _43=0.0f; _44=1.0f; } //The following apply a rotation to the matrix //about each of the axes; void CMatrix3D::RotateX (float angle) { CMatrix3D Temp; Temp.SetXRotation (angle); Concatenate(Temp); } void CMatrix3D::RotateY (float angle) { CMatrix3D Temp; Temp.SetYRotation (angle); Concatenate(Temp); } void CMatrix3D::RotateZ (float angle) { CMatrix3D Temp; Temp.SetZRotation(angle); Concatenate(Temp); } //Sets the translation of the matrix void CMatrix3D::SetTranslation (float x, float y, float z) { _11=1.0f; _12=0.0f; _13=0.0f; _14=x; _21=0.0f; _22=1.0f; _23=0.0f; _24=y; _31=0.0f; _32=0.0f; _33=1.0f; _34=z; _41=0.0f; _42=0.0f; _43=0.0f; _44=1.0f; } void CMatrix3D::SetTranslation(const CVector3D& vector) { SetTranslation(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z); } //Applies a translation to the matrix void CMatrix3D::Translate(float x, float y, float z) { CMatrix3D Temp; Temp.SetTranslation(x,y,z); Concatenate(Temp); } void CMatrix3D::Translate(const CVector3D &vector) { Translate(vector.X,vector.Y,vector.Z); } void CMatrix3D::Concatenate(const CMatrix3D& m) { (*this)=m*(*this); } CVector3D CMatrix3D::GetTranslation() const { CVector3D Temp; Temp.X = _14; Temp.Y = _24; Temp.Z = _34; return Temp; } //Clears and sets the scaling of the matrix void CMatrix3D::SetScaling (float x_scale, float y_scale, float z_scale) { _11=x_scale; _12=0.0f; _13=0.0f; _14=0.0f; _21=0.0f; _22=y_scale; _23=0.0f; _24=0.0f; _31=0.0f; _32=0.0f; _33=z_scale; _34=0.0f; _41=0.0f; _42=0.0f; _43=0.0f; _44=1.0f; } //Scales the matrix void CMatrix3D::Scale (float x_scale, float y_scale, float z_scale) { CMatrix3D Temp; Temp.SetScaling(x_scale,y_scale,z_scale); Concatenate(Temp); } //Returns the transpose of the matrix. For orthonormal //matrices, this is the same is the inverse matrix void CMatrix3D::GetTranspose(CMatrix3D& result) const { result._11 = _11; result._21 = _12; result._31 = _13; result._41 = _14; result._12 = _21; result._22 = _22; result._32 = _23; result._42 = _24; result._13 = _31; result._23 = _32; result._33 = _33; result._43 = _34; result._14 = _41; result._24 = _42; result._34 = _43; result._44 = _44; } //Get a vector which points to the left of the matrix CVector3D CMatrix3D::GetLeft () const { CVector3D Temp; Temp.X = -_11; Temp.Y = -_21; Temp.Z = -_31; return Temp; } //Get a vector which points up from the matrix CVector3D CMatrix3D::GetUp () const { CVector3D Temp; Temp.X = _12; Temp.Y = _22; Temp.Z = _32; return Temp; } //Get a vector which points to front of the matrix CVector3D CMatrix3D::GetIn () const { CVector3D Temp; Temp.X = _13; Temp.Y = _23; Temp.Z = _33; return Temp; } //Transform a vector by this matrix CVector3D CMatrix3D::Transform (const CVector3D &vector) const { CVector3D result; Transform(vector,result); return result; } void CMatrix3D::Transform(const CVector3D& vector,CVector3D& result) const { result.X = _11*vector.X + _12*vector.Y + _13*vector.Z + _14; result.Y = _21*vector.X + _22*vector.Y + _23*vector.Z + _24; result.Z = _31*vector.X + _32*vector.Y + _33*vector.Z + _34; } //Transform a vector by this matrix CVector4D CMatrix3D::Transform(const CVector4D &vector) const { CVector4D result; Transform(vector,result); return result; } void CMatrix3D::Transform(const CVector4D& vector,CVector4D& result) const { result[0] = _11*vector[0] + _12*vector[1] + _13*vector[2] + _14*vector[3]; result[1] = _21*vector[0] + _22*vector[1] + _23*vector[2] + _24*vector[3]; result[2] = _31*vector[0] + _32*vector[1] + _33*vector[2] + _34*vector[3]; result[3] = _41*vector[0] + _42*vector[1] + _43*vector[2] + _44*vector[3]; } //Only rotate (not translate) a vector by this matrix CVector3D CMatrix3D::Rotate(const CVector3D& vector) const { CVector3D result; Rotate(vector,result); return result; } void CMatrix3D::Rotate(const CVector3D& vector,CVector3D& result) const { result.X = _11*vector.X + _12*vector.Y + _13*vector.Z; result.Y = _21*vector.X + _22*vector.Y + _23*vector.Z; result.Z = _31*vector.X + _32*vector.Y + _33*vector.Z; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RotateTransposed: rotate a vector by the transpose of this matrix CVector3D CMatrix3D::RotateTransposed(const CVector3D& vector) const { CVector3D result; RotateTransposed(vector,result); return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RotateTransposed: rotate a vector by the transpose of this matrix void CMatrix3D::RotateTransposed(const CVector3D& vector,CVector3D& result) const { result.X = _11*vector.X + _21*vector.Y + _31*vector.Z; result.Y = _12*vector.X + _22*vector.Y + _32*vector.Z; result.Z = _13*vector.X + _23*vector.Y + _33*vector.Z; } void CMatrix3D::GetInverse(CMatrix3D& dst) const { float tmp[12]; // temp array for pairs float src[16]; // array of transpose source matrix float det; // determinant // transpose matrix for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { src[i] = _data[i*4]; src[i + 4] = _data[i*4 + 1]; src[i + 8] = _data[i*4 + 2]; src[i + 12] = _data[i*4 + 3]; } // calculate pairs for first 8 elements (cofactors) tmp[0] = src[10] * src[15]; tmp[1] = src[11] * src[14]; tmp[2] = src[9] * src[15]; tmp[3] = src[11] * src[13]; tmp[4] = src[9] * src[14]; tmp[5] = src[10] * src[13]; tmp[6] = src[8] * src[15]; tmp[7] = src[11] * src[12]; tmp[8] = src[8] * src[14]; tmp[9] = src[10] * src[12]; tmp[10] = src[8] * src[13]; tmp[11] = src[9] * src[12]; // calculate first 8 elements (cofactors) dst._data[0] = tmp[0]*src[5] + tmp[3]*src[6] + tmp[4]*src[7]; dst._data[0] -= tmp[1]*src[5] + tmp[2]*src[6] + tmp[5]*src[7]; dst._data[1] = tmp[1]*src[4] + tmp[6]*src[6] + tmp[9]*src[7]; dst._data[1] -= tmp[0]*src[4] + tmp[7]*src[6] + tmp[8]*src[7]; dst._data[2] = tmp[2]*src[4] + tmp[7]*src[5] + tmp[10]*src[7]; dst._data[2] -= tmp[3]*src[4] + tmp[6]*src[5] + tmp[11]*src[7]; dst._data[3] = tmp[5]*src[4] + tmp[8]*src[5] + tmp[11]*src[6]; dst._data[3] -= tmp[4]*src[4] + tmp[9]*src[5] + tmp[10]*src[6]; dst._data[4] = tmp[1]*src[1] + tmp[2]*src[2] + tmp[5]*src[3]; dst._data[4] -= tmp[0]*src[1] + tmp[3]*src[2] + tmp[4]*src[3]; dst._data[5] = tmp[0]*src[0] + tmp[7]*src[2] + tmp[8]*src[3]; dst._data[5] -= tmp[1]*src[0] + tmp[6]*src[2] + tmp[9]*src[3]; dst._data[6] = tmp[3]*src[0] + tmp[6]*src[1] + tmp[11]*src[3]; dst._data[6] -= tmp[2]*src[0] + tmp[7]*src[1] + tmp[10]*src[3]; dst._data[7] = tmp[4]*src[0] + tmp[9]*src[1] + tmp[10]*src[2]; dst._data[7] -= tmp[5]*src[0] + tmp[8]*src[1] + tmp[11]*src[2]; // calculate pairs for second 8 elements (cofactors) tmp[0] = src[2]*src[7]; tmp[1] = src[3]*src[6]; tmp[2] = src[1]*src[7]; tmp[3] = src[3]*src[5]; tmp[4] = src[1]*src[6]; tmp[5] = src[2]*src[5]; tmp[6] = src[0]*src[7]; tmp[7] = src[3]*src[4]; tmp[8] = src[0]*src[6]; tmp[9] = src[2]*src[4]; tmp[10] = src[0]*src[5]; tmp[11] = src[1]*src[4]; // calculate second 8 elements (cofactors) dst._data[8] = tmp[0]*src[13] + tmp[3]*src[14] + tmp[4]*src[15]; dst._data[8] -= tmp[1]*src[13] + tmp[2]*src[14] + tmp[5]*src[15]; dst._data[9] = tmp[1]*src[12] + tmp[6]*src[14] + tmp[9]*src[15]; dst._data[9] -= tmp[0]*src[12] + tmp[7]*src[14] + tmp[8]*src[15]; dst._data[10] = tmp[2]*src[12] + tmp[7]*src[13] + tmp[10]*src[15]; dst._data[10]-= tmp[3]*src[12] + tmp[6]*src[13] + tmp[11]*src[15]; dst._data[11] = tmp[5]*src[12] + tmp[8]*src[13] + tmp[11]*src[14]; dst._data[11]-= tmp[4]*src[12] + tmp[9]*src[13] + tmp[10]*src[14]; dst._data[12] = tmp[2]*src[10] + tmp[5]*src[11] + tmp[1]*src[9]; dst._data[12]-= tmp[4]*src[11] + tmp[0]*src[9] + tmp[3]*src[10]; dst._data[13] = tmp[8]*src[11] + tmp[0]*src[8] + tmp[7]*src[10]; dst._data[13]-= tmp[6]*src[10] + tmp[9]*src[11] + tmp[1]*src[8]; dst._data[14] = tmp[6]*src[9] + tmp[11]*src[11] + tmp[3]*src[8]; dst._data[14]-= tmp[10]*src[11] + tmp[2]*src[8] + tmp[7]*src[9]; dst._data[15] = tmp[10]*src[10] + tmp[4]*src[8] + tmp[9]*src[9]; dst._data[15]-= tmp[8]*src[9] + tmp[11]*src[10] + tmp[5]*src[8]; // calculate matrix inverse det=src[0]*dst._data[0]+src[1]*dst._data[1]+src[2]*dst._data[2]+src[3]*dst._data[3]; det = 1/det; for ( int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { dst._data[j] *= det; } } void CMatrix3D::Rotate(const CQuaternion& quat) { CMatrix3D rotationMatrix=quat.ToMatrix(); Concatenate(rotationMatrix); } CQuaternion CMatrix3D::GetRotation() const { float tr = _data2d[0][0] + _data2d[1][1] + _data2d[2][2]; int next[] = { 1, 2, 0 }; float quat[4]; if (tr > 0.f) { float s = sqrtf(tr + 1.f); quat[3] = s * 0.5f; s = 0.5f / s; quat[0] = (_data2d[1][2] - _data2d[2][1]) * s; quat[1] = (_data2d[2][0] - _data2d[0][2]) * s; quat[2] = (_data2d[0][1] - _data2d[1][0]) * s; } else { int i = 0; if (_data2d[1][1] > _data2d[0][0]) i = 1; if (_data2d[2][2] > _data2d[i][i]) i = 2; int j = next[i]; int k = next[j]; float s = sqrtf((_data2d[i][i] - (_data2d[j][j] + _data2d[k][k])) + 1.f); quat[i] = s * 0.5f; if (s != 0.f) s = 0.5f / s; quat[3] = (_data2d[j][k] - _data2d[k][j]) * s; quat[j] = (_data2d[i][j] + _data2d[j][i]) * s; quat[k] = (_data2d[i][k] + _data2d[k][i]) * s; } return CQuaternion(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]); } void CMatrix3D::SetRotation(const CQuaternion& quat) { quat.ToMatrix(*this); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // built-in self test //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if SELF_TEST_ENABLED namespace test { static void test_inverse() { CMatrix3D m; srand(0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) m._data[j] = -1.0f + 2.0f*(rand()/(float)RAND_MAX); CMatrix3D n; m.GetInverse(n); m *= n; for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) { float expected = (x==y)? 1.0f : 0.0f; // identity should have 1s on diagonal TEST(feq(m(x,y), expected)); } } } static void test_quats() { srand(0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { CQuaternion q; q.FromEulerAngles( -6.28f + 12.56f*(rand()/(float)RAND_MAX), -6.28f + 12.56f*(rand()/(float)RAND_MAX), -6.28f + 12.56f*(rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) ); CMatrix3D m; q.ToMatrix(m); CQuaternion q2 = m.GetRotation(); // I hope there's a good reason why they're sometimes negated, and // it's not just a bug... bool ok_oneway = feq(q2.m_W, q.m_W) && feq(q2.m_V.X, q.m_V.X) && feq(q2.m_V.Y, q.m_V.Y) && feq(q2.m_V.Z, q.m_V.Z); bool ok_otherway = feq(q2.m_W, -q.m_W) && feq(q2.m_V.X, -q.m_V.X) && feq(q2.m_V.Y, -q.m_V.Y) && feq(q2.m_V.Z, -q.m_V.Z); TEST(ok_oneway ^ ok_otherway); } } static void self_test() { test_inverse(); test_quats(); } SELF_TEST_RUN; } // namespace test #endif // #if SELF_TEST_ENABLED