0 A.D. Licensing Details ========================== 0 A.D. is released as open source: you can freely use, copy, modify and distribute the game's source code and data files, as long as you include attribution to Wildfire Games and let anyone freely modify and distribute any of your own modifications to the game's files. The distribution includes several different types of files, and a number of third-party components. The details are described here, based on the directory structure. For any file, see the longest path name below which is a prefix of the file's path. Some files don't yet have licensing details specified - if you care about any in particular, let us know and we can try to clarify it. /source GPL version 2 (or later) - see license_gpl-2.0.txt /source/lib MIT /source/tools Various (unspecified) /source/tools/atlas GPL version 2 (or later) - see license_gpl-2.0.txt /source/tools/atlas/wxJS LGPL version 2.1 (or later) - see license_lgpl-2.1.txt /binaries/data GPL version 2 (or later) - see license_gpl-2.0.txt /binaries/data/mods/art /binaries/data/mods/audio Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 - see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ and also see LICENSE.txt within those directories /binaries/system Various (unspecified) /binaries/system/dbghelp.dll Proprietary - see license_dbghelp.txt for restrictions you must agree to before distributing this particular file /libraries Various - see individual directories and files for details /build Various (unspecified) /docs Various (unspecified)