var g_Data; function init(data) { var mapName = "map"; if (data && data.attribs) mapName =; g_Data = data; // Set to "hourglass" cursor. setCursor("cursor-wait"); // Get tip image and corresponding tip text var tipTextLoadingArray = buildDirEntList("gui/text/tips/", "*.txt", false); if (tipTextLoadingArray.length > 0) { // Set tip text var tipTextFilePath = tipTextLoadingArray[getRandom (0, tipTextLoadingArray.length-1)]; var tipText = readFile(tipTextFilePath); if (tipText) { var index = tipText.indexOf("\n"); tipTextTitle = tipText.substring(0, index); tipTextMessage = tipText.substring(index); getGUIObjectByName("tipTitle").caption = tipTextTitle? tipTextTitle : ""; getGUIObjectByName("tipText").caption = tipTextMessage? tipTextMessage : ""; } // Set tip image var fileName = tipTextFilePath.substring(tipTextFilePath.lastIndexOf("/")+1).replace(".txt", ".png"); var tipImageFilePath = "loading/tips/" + fileName; var sprite = "stretched:" + tipImageFilePath; getGUIObjectByName("tipImage").sprite = sprite? sprite : ""; } else { error("Failed to find any matching tips for the loading screen.") } // janwas: main loop now sets progress / description, but that won't // happen until the first timeslice completes, so set initial values. var loadingMapName = getGUIObjectByName ("loadingMapName"); if (data) { switch (data.attribs.mapType) { case "scenario": loadingMapName.caption = "Loading \"" + mapName + "\""; break; case "random": loadingMapName.caption = "Generating \"" + mapName + "\""; break; default: error("Unknown map type: " + data.attribs.mapType); } } getGUIObjectByName("progressText").caption = ""; getGUIObjectByName("progressbar").caption = 0; // Pick a random quote of the day (each line is a separate tip). var quoteArray = readFileLines("gui/text/quotes.txt"); getGUIObjectByName("quoteText").caption = quoteArray[getRandom(0, quoteArray.length-1)]; } // ==================================================================== function displayProgress() { getGUIObjectByName("progressbar").caption = g_Progress; // display current progress getGUIObjectByName("progressText").caption = g_LoadDescription; // display current progess details // Keep curved right edge of progress bar in sync with the rest of the progress bar var middle = getGUIObjectByName("progressbar"); var rightSide = getGUIObjectByName("progressbar_right"); var middleLength = middle.size.right - middle.size.left; var increment = Math.round(g_Progress*middleLength/100); var size = rightSide.size; size.left = increment; size.right = increment+12; rightSide.size = size; } // ==================================================================== function reallyStartGame() { // Stop the music if (global.curr_music) global.curr_music.fade(-1, 0.0, 5.0); // fade to 0 over 5 seconds // This is a reserved function name that is executed by the engine when it is ready // to start the game (i.e. loading progress has reached 100%). // Switch GUI from loading screen to game session. Engine.SwitchGuiPage("page_session.xml", g_Data); // Restore default cursor. setCursor("arrow-default"); }