%% Copyright (C) 2013 Wildfire Games. %% This file is part of 0 A.D. %% %% 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. %% %% 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %% along with 0 A.D. If not, see . -module(mod_ipstamp). -behaviour(gen_mod). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -export([start/2, stop/1, on_filter_packet/1]). %% Domain on which run the ejabberd server -define (Domain, "lobby.wildfiregames.com"). %% Login of the Xpartamupp jabber client %% TODO: It would be nice to get this from the module options. -define (XpartamuppLogin, "wfgbot"). start(_Host, _Opts) -> ?INFO_MSG("mod_ipstamp starting", []), ejabberd_hooks:add(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 50), ok. stop(_Host) -> ?INFO_MSG("mod_ipstamp stopping", []), ejabberd_hooks:delete(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 50), ok. on_filter_packet({From, To, Packet} = Input) -> {_,SElement,LPacketInfo,LPacketQuery} = Packet, {_,SFrom,_,_,_,_,_} = From, {_,STo,_,_,_,_,_} = To, %% We only want to do something for the bot if STo == ?XpartamuppLogin -> if SElement == "iq" -> %% Get iq type (get/set/result...). {_, SType} = lists:keyfind("type",1,LPacketInfo), if SType == "set" -> %% Get the sender's IP for later. Info = ejabberd_sm:get_user_info(SFrom,[?Domain],"0ad"), {ip, {Ploc, _Port}} = lists:keyfind(ip, 1, Info), SIp = inet_parse:ntoa(Ploc), %% Get XMLNS and message body (we assume the first xml element contains the xmlns). {_,_,LXmlns,LBody} = lists:keyfind(xmlelement,1,LPacketQuery), {_,SXmlns} = lists:keyfind("xmlns",1,LXmlns), %% Insert IP into game registration requests. if SXmlns == "jabber:iq:gamelist" -> {_,_,_,LCommand} = lists:keyfind("command",2,LBody), {_,SCommand} = lists:keyfind(xmlcdata,1,LCommand), if SCommand == <<"register">> -> {_,_,KGame,_} = lists:keyfind("game",2,LBody), ?INFO_MSG(string:concat("Inserting IP into game registration stanza: ",SIp), []), {From,To,{xmlelement,"iq",LPacketInfo,[ {xmlelement,"query",[{"xmlns","jabber:iq:gamelist"}],[ {xmlelement,"game",lists:keyreplace("ip",1,KGame,{"ip",SIp}),[]}, {xmlelement,"command",[],[{xmlcdata,<<"register">>}]} ] } ]}}; true -> Input end; true -> Input end; true -> Input end; true -> Input end; true -> Input end.