/** * ========================================================================= * File : path_util.cpp * Project : 0 A.D. * Description : helper functions for path strings. * ========================================================================= */ // license: GPL; see lib/license.txt #include "precompiled.h" #include "path_util.h" #include #include ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_LENGTH, "Path exceeds PATH_MAX characters", ENAMETOOLONG); ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_EMPTY, "Path is an empty string", -1); ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_NOT_RELATIVE, "Path is not relative", -1); ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_NON_PORTABLE, "Path contains OS-specific dir separator", -1); ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_NON_CANONICAL, "Path contains unsupported .. or ./", -1); ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::PATH_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR, "Path component contains dir separator", -1); bool path_is_dir_sep(char c) { // note: ideally path strings would only contain '/' or even SYS_DIR_SEP. // however, windows-specific code (e.g. the sound driver detection) // uses these routines with '\\' strings. converting them all to // '/' and then back before passing to WinAPI would be annoying. // also, the self-tests verify correct operation of such strings. // it would be error-prone to only test the platform's separator // strings there. hence, we allow all separators here. if(c == '/' || c == '\\') return true; return false; } bool path_IsDirectory(const char* path) { if(path[0] == '\0') // root dir return true; const char lastChar = path[strlen(path)-1]; if(path_is_dir_sep(lastChar)) return true; return false; } // is s2 a subpath of s1, or vice versa? // (equal counts as subpath) bool path_is_subpath(const char* s1, const char* s2) { // make sure s1 is the shorter string if(strlen(s1) > strlen(s2)) std::swap(s1, s2); int c1 = 0, last_c1, c2; for(;;) { last_c1 = c1; c1 = *s1++, c2 = *s2++; // end of s1 reached: if(c1 == '\0') { // s1 matched s2 up until: if((c2 == '\0') || // its end (i.e. they're equal length) OR path_is_dir_sep(c2) || // start of next component OR path_is_dir_sep(last_c1)) // ", but both have a trailing slash // => is subpath return true; } // mismatch => is not subpath if(c1 != c2) return false; } } // if path is invalid, return a descriptive error code, otherwise INFO::OK. LibError path_validate(const char* path) { // disallow "/", because it would create a second 'root' (with name = ""). // root dir is "". if(path[0] == '/') WARN_RETURN(ERR::PATH_NOT_RELATIVE); // scan each char in path string; count length. int c = 0; // current char; used for .. detection size_t path_len = 0; for(;;) { const int last_c = c; c = path[path_len++]; // whole path is too long if(path_len >= PATH_MAX) WARN_RETURN(ERR::PATH_LENGTH); // disallow: // - ".." (prevent going above the VFS root dir) // - "./" (security hole when mounting and not supported on Windows). // allow "/.", because CVS backup files include it. if(last_c == '.' && (c == '.' || c == '/')) WARN_RETURN(ERR::PATH_NON_CANONICAL); // disallow OS-specific dir separators if(c == '\\' || c == ':') WARN_RETURN(ERR::PATH_NON_PORTABLE); // end of string, no errors encountered if(c == '\0') break; } return INFO::OK; } // if name is invalid, return a descriptive error code, otherwise INFO::OK. // (name is a path component, i.e. that between directory separators) LibError path_component_validate(const char* name) { // disallow empty strings if(*name == '\0') WARN_RETURN(ERR::PATH_EMPTY); for(;;) { const int c = *name++; // disallow *any* dir separators (regardless of which // platform we're on). if(c == '\\' || c == ':' || c == '/') WARN_RETURN(ERR::PATH_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR); // end of string, no errors encountered if(c == '\0') break; } return INFO::OK; } // copy path strings (provided for convenience). void path_copy(char* dst, const char* src) { strcpy_s(dst, PATH_MAX, src); } // combine and into one path, and write to . // if necessary, a directory separator is added between the paths. // each may be empty, filenames, or full paths. // total path length (including '\0') must not exceed PATH_MAX. LibError path_append(char* dst, const char* path1, const char* path2, uint flags) { const size_t len1 = strlen(path1); const size_t len2 = strlen(path2); size_t total_len = len1 + len2 + 1; // includes '\0' const bool no_end_slash1 = (len1 == 0 || !path_is_dir_sep(path1[len1-1])); const bool no_end_slash2 = (len2 == 0 || !path_is_dir_sep(path2[len2-1])); // check if we need to add '/' between path1 and path2 // notes: // - the second can't start with '/' (not allowed by path_validate) // - must check len2 as well - if it's empty, we'd end up // inadvertently terminating the string with '/'. bool need_separator = false; if(len2 != 0 && len1 != 0 && no_end_slash1) { total_len++; // for '/' need_separator = true; } // check if trailing slash requested and not already present bool need_terminator = false; if(flags & PATH_APPEND_SLASH && no_end_slash2) { total_len++; // for '/' need_terminator = true; } if(total_len > PATH_MAX) WARN_RETURN(ERR::PATH_LENGTH); SAFE_STRCPY(dst, path1); dst += len1; if(need_separator) *dst++ = '/'; SAFE_STRCPY(dst, path2); if(need_terminator) SAFE_STRCPY(dst+len2, "/"); return INFO::OK; } const char* path_append2(const char* path1, const char* path2, uint flags) { char dst[PATH_MAX]; LibError ret = path_append(dst, path1, path2, flags); debug_assert(ret == INFO::OK); return path_Pool()->UniqueCopy(dst); } // strip from the start of , prepend , // and write to . // returns ERR::FAIL (without warning!) if the beginning of doesn't // match . LibError path_replace(char* dst, const char* src, const char* remove, const char* replace) { // remove doesn't match start of const size_t remove_len = strlen(remove); if(strncmp(src, remove, remove_len) != 0) return ERR::FAIL; // NOWARN // if removing will leave a separator at beginning of src, remove it // (example: "a/b"; removing "a" would yield "/b") const char* start = src+remove_len; if(path_is_dir_sep(*start)) start++; // prepend replace. RETURN_ERR(path_append(dst, replace, start)); return INFO::OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // split paths into specific parts void path_split(const char* pathname, const char** ppath, const char** pname) { const char* name = path_name_only(pathname); if(pname) { if(name[0] == '\0') *pname = 0; else *pname = path_Pool()->UniqueCopy(name); } if(ppath) { char pathnameCopy[PATH_MAX]; path_copy(pathnameCopy, pathname); pathnameCopy[name-pathname] = '\0'; // strip filename *ppath = path_Pool()->UniqueCopy(pathnameCopy); } } // return pointer to the name component within path (i.e. skips over all // characters up to the last dir separator, if any). const char* path_name_only(const char* path) { const char* slash1 = strrchr(path, '/'); const char* slash2 = strrchr(path, '\\'); // neither present, it's a filename only if(!slash1 && !slash2) return path; // return name, i.e. component after the last portable or platform slash return std::max(slash1, slash2)+1; } // return last component within path. this is similar to path_name_only, // but correctly handles VFS paths, which must end with '/'. // (path_name_only would return "") const char* path_last_component(const char* path) { // ('\0' is end of set string) static const char separators[3] = { '/', '\\', '\0' }; const char* pos = path; const char* last_component = path; for(;;) { // catches empty path and those with trailing separator if(*pos == '\0') break; last_component = pos; const size_t component_len = strcspn(pos, separators); // catches paths without trailing separator // (the 'pos +=' would skip their 0-terminator) if(pos[component_len] == '\0') break; pos += component_len+1; // +1 for separator } return last_component; } // if contains a name component, it is stripped away. void path_strip_fn(char* path) { char* name = (char*)path_name_only(path); *name = '\0'; // cut off string here } // fill with the directory path portion of // ("" if root dir, otherwise ending with '/'). // note: copies to and proceeds to path_strip_fn it. void path_dir_only(const char* pathname, char* path) { path_copy(path, pathname); path_strip_fn(path); } const char* path_dir_only2(const char* pathname) { char path[PATH_MAX]; path_dir_only(pathname, path); return path_Pool()->UniqueCopy(path); } // return extension of , or "" if there is none. // NOTE: does not include the period; e.g. "a.bmp" yields "bmp". const char* path_extension(const char* fn) { const char* dot = strrchr(fn, '.'); if(!dot) return ""; const char* ext = dot+1; return ext; } LibError path_foreach_component(const char* path_org, PathComponentCb cb, uintptr_t cbData) { CHECK_PATH(path_org); // copy into (writeable) buffer so we can 'tokenize' path components by // replacing '/' with '\0'. char path[PATH_MAX]; strcpy_s(path, ARRAY_SIZE(path), path_org); char* cur_component = path; bool is_dir = true; // until we find a component without slash // successively navigate to the next component in . for(;;) { // at end of string - done. // (this happens if is empty or ends with slash) if(*cur_component == '\0') break; // find end of cur_component char* slash = (char*)strchr(cur_component, '/'); // .. try other separator if(!slash) slash = (char*)strchr(cur_component, '\\'); // decide its type and 0-terminate // .. filename (by definition) if(!slash) is_dir = false; // .. directory else *slash = '\0'; // 0-terminate cur_component LibError ret = cb(cur_component, is_dir, cbData); // callback wants to abort - return its value. if(ret != INFO::CB_CONTINUE) return ret; // filename is by definition the last component. abort now // in case the callback didn't. if(!is_dir) break; // advance to next component // .. undo having replaced '/' with '\0' - this means will // store the complete path up to and including cur_component. *slash = '/'; cur_component = slash+1; } return INFO::OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // convenience "class" that simplifies successively appending a filename to // its parent directory. this avoids needing to allocate memory and calling // strlen/strcat. used by wdll_ver and dir_next_ent. // we want to maintain C compatibility, so this isn't a C++ class. // write the given directory path into our buffer and set end/chars_left // accordingly. need not but can end with a directory separator. // // note: and the filename set via path_package_append_file are separated by // '/'. this is to allow use on portable paths; the function otherwise // does not care if paths are relative/portable/absolute. LibError path_package_set_dir(PathPackage* pp, const char* dir) { // -1 allows for trailing '/' that will be added if not // already present. if(strcpy_s(pp->path, ARRAY_SIZE(pp->path)-1, dir) != 0) WARN_RETURN(ERR::PATH_LENGTH); size_t len = strlen(pp->path); // add directory separator if not already present // .. but only check this if dir != "" (=> len-1 is safe) if(len != 0) { char* last_char = pp->path+len-1; if(!path_is_dir_sep(*last_char)) { *(last_char+1) = '/'; // note: need to 0-terminate because pp.path is uninitialized // and we overwrite strcpy_s's terminator above. *(last_char+2) = '\0'; // only bump by 1 - filename must overwrite '\0'. len++; } } pp->end = pp->path+len; pp->chars_left = ARRAY_SIZE(pp->path)-len; return INFO::OK; } void path_package_copy(PathPackage* pp_dst, const PathPackage* pp_src) { *pp_dst = *pp_src; const ptrdiff_t end_ofs = pp_src->end - pp_src->path; pp_dst->end = pp_dst->path + end_ofs; } // append the given filename to the directory established by the last // path_package_set_dir on this package. the whole path is accessible at pp->path. LibError path_package_append_file(PathPackage* pp, const char* path) { CHECK_ERR(strcpy_s(pp->end, pp->chars_left, path)); return INFO::OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- StringPool* path_Pool() { static StringPool* instance; if(!instance) instance = new StringPool(8*MiB); return instance; }