forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas c0ed950657 had to remove uint and ulong from lib/types.h due to conflict with other library.
this snowballed into a massive search+destroy of the hodgepodge of
mostly equivalent types we had in use (int, uint, unsigned, unsigned
int, i32, u32, ulong, uintN).

it is more efficient to use 64-bit types in 64-bit mode, so the
preferred default is size_t (for anything remotely resembling a size or
index). tile coordinates are ssize_t to allow more efficient conversion
to/from floating point. flags are int because we almost never need more
than 15 distinct bits, bit test/set is not slower and int is fastest to
type. finally, some data that is pretty much directly passed to OpenGL
is now typed accordingly.

after several hours, the code now requires fewer casts and less

other changes:
- unit and player IDs now have an "invalid id" constant in the
respective class to avoid casting and -1
- fix some endian/64-bit bugs in the map (un)packing. added a
convenience function to write/read a size_t.
- ia32: change CPUID interface to allow passing in ecx (required for
cache topology detection, which I need at work). remove some unneeded
functions from asm, replace with intrinsics where possible.

This was SVN commit r5942.
2008-05-11 18:48:32 +00:00

645 lines
17 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : debug_stl.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : portable debugging helper functions specific to the STL.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "debug_stl.h"
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <cassert>
#include "regex.h"
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::STL_CNT_UNKNOWN, "Unknown STL container type_name", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::STL_CNT_INVALID, "Container type is known but contents are invalid", -1);
// used in debug_stl_simplify_name.
// note: strcpy is safe because replacement happens in-place and
// src is longer than dst (otherwise, we wouldn't be replacing).
#define REPLACE(what, with)\
else if(!strncmp(src, (what), sizeof(what)-1))\
src += sizeof(what)-1-1; /* see preincrement rationale*/\
strcpy(dst, (with)); /* safe - see above */\
dst += sizeof(with)-1;\
#define STRIP(what)\
else if(!strncmp(src, (what), sizeof(what)-1))\
src += sizeof(what)-1-1;/* see preincrement rationale*/\
#define STRIP_NESTED(what)\
else if(!strncmp(src, (what), sizeof(what)-1))\
/* remove preceding comma (if present) */\
if(src != name && src[-1] == ',')\
src += sizeof(what)-1;\
/* strip everything until trailing > is matched */\
debug_assert(nesting == 0);\
nesting = 1;\
// reduce complicated STL names to human-readable form (in place).
// e.g. "std::basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >" =>
// "string". algorithm: strip undesired strings in one pass (fast).
// called from symbol_string_build.
// see http://www.bdsoft.com/tools/stlfilt.html and
// http://www.moderncppdesign.com/publications/better_template_error_messages.html
char* debug_stl_simplify_name(char* name)
// used when stripping everything inside a < > to continue until
// the final bracket is matched (at the original nesting level).
int nesting = 0;
const char* src = name-1; // preincremented; see below.
char* dst = name;
// for each character: (except those skipped as parts of strings)
char c = *(++src);
// preincrement rationale: src++ with no further changes would
// require all comparisons to subtract 1. incrementing at the
// end of a loop would require a goto, instead of continue
// (there are several paths through the loop, for speed).
// therefore, preincrement. when skipping strings, subtract
// 1 from the offset (since src is advanced directly after).
// end of string reached - we're done.
if(c == '\0')
*dst = '\0';
// we're stripping everything inside a < >; eat characters
// until final bracket is matched (at the original nesting level).
if(c == '<')
else if(c == '>')
debug_assert(nesting >= 0);
// start if chain (REPLACE and STRIP use else if)
if(0) {}
else if(!strncmp(src, "::_Node", 7))
// add a space if not already preceded by one
// (prevents replacing ">::_Node>" with ">>")
if(src != name && src[-1] != ' ')
*dst++ = ' ';
src += 7;
REPLACE("unsigned short", "u16")
REPLACE("unsigned int", "size_t")
REPLACE("unsigned __int64", "u64")
STRIP(",0> ")
// early out: all tests after this start with s, so skip them
else if(c != 's')
*dst++ = c;
REPLACE("std::_List_nod", "list")
REPLACE("std::_Tree_nod", "map")
REPLACE("std::basic_string<char,", "string<")
REPLACE("std::basic_string<unsigned short,", "wstring<")
STRIP("std::char_traits<unsigned short>,")
*dst++ = c;
return name;
// STL container debugging
// provide an iterator interface for arbitrary STL containers; this is
// used to display their contents in stack traces. their type and
// contents aren't known until runtime, so this is somewhat tricky.
// we assume STL containers aren't specialized on their content type and
// use their int instantiations's memory layout. vector<bool> will therefore
// not be displayed correctly, but it is frowned upon anyway (since
// address of its elements can't be taken).
// to be 100% correct, we'd have to write an Any_container_type__element_type
// class for each combination, but that is clearly infeasible.
// containers might still be uninitialized when we call get_container_info on
// them. we need to check if they are IsValid and only then use their contents.
// to that end, we derive a validator class from each container,
// cast the container's address to it, and call its IsValid() method.
// checks performed include: is size() realistic; does begin() come before
// end(), etc. we need to leverage all invariants because the values are
// random in release mode.
// we sometimes need to access protected members of the STL containers.
// granting access via friend is not possible since the system headers
// must not be changed. that leaves us with two alternatives:
// 1) write a 'shadow' class that has the same memory layout. this would
// free us from the ugly Dinkumware naming conventions, but requires
// more maintenance when the STL implementation changes.
// 2) derive from the container. while not entirely bulletproof due to the
// lack of virtual dtors, this is safe in practice because pointers are
// neither returned to users nor freed. the only requirement is that
// classes must not include virtual functions, because a vptr would
// change the memory layout in unknown ways.
// it is rather difficult to abstract away implementation details of various
// STL versions. we currently only really support Dinkumware due to
// significant differences in the implementations of set, map and string.
// standard containers
// base class (slightly simplifies code by providing default implementations
// that can be used for most containers).
// Container is the complete type of the STL container (we can't pass this
// as a template because Dinkumware _Tree requires different parameters)
template<class Container>
struct ContainerBase : public Container
bool IsValid(size_t UNUSED(el_size)) const
return true;
size_t NumElements(size_t UNUSED(el_size)) const
return this->size();
static const u8* DereferenceAndAdvance(typename Container::iterator& it, size_t UNUSED(el_size))
const u8* p = (const u8*)&*it;
return p;
struct Any_deque : public ContainerBase<std::deque<int> >
bool IsValid(size_t el_size) const
const size_t el_per_bucket = ElementsPerBucket(el_size);
// initial element is beyond end of first bucket
if(_Myoff >= el_per_bucket)
return false;
// more elements reported than fit in all buckets
if(_Mysize > _Mapsize * el_per_bucket)
return false;
return true;
static const u8* DereferenceAndAdvance(iterator& stl_it, size_t el_size)
struct Iterator : public iterator
Any_deque& Container() const
return *(Any_deque*)_Mycont;
size_t CurrentIndex() const
return _Myoff;
Iterator& it = *(Iterator*)&stl_it;
Any_deque& container = it.Container();
const size_t currentIndex = it.CurrentIndex();
const u8* p = container.GetNthElement(currentIndex, el_size);
return p;
static size_t ElementsPerBucket(size_t el_size)
return std::max(16u / el_size, (size_t)1u); // see _DEQUESIZ
const u8* GetNthElement(size_t i, size_t el_size) const
const size_t el_per_bucket = ElementsPerBucket(el_size);
const size_t bucket_idx = i / el_per_bucket;
debug_assert(bucket_idx < _Mapsize);
const size_t idx_in_bucket = i - bucket_idx * el_per_bucket;
debug_assert(idx_in_bucket < el_per_bucket);
const u8** map = (const u8**)_Map;
const u8* bucket = map[bucket_idx];
const u8* p = bucket + idx_in_bucket*el_size;
return p;
struct Any_list : public ContainerBase<std::list<int> >
template<class _Traits>
struct Any_tree : public std::_Tree<_Traits>
Any_tree() // (required because default ctor cannot be generated)
bool IsValid(size_t UNUSED(el_size)) const
return true;
size_t NumElements(size_t UNUSED(el_size)) const
return size();
static const u8* DereferenceAndAdvance(iterator& stl_it, size_t el_size)
struct Iterator : public const_iterator
_Nodeptr Node() const
return _Ptr;
void SetNode(_Nodeptr node)
_Ptr = node;
Iterator& it = *(Iterator*)&stl_it;
_Nodeptr node = it.Node();
const u8* p = (const u8*)&*it;
// end() shouldn't be incremented, don't move
if(_Isnil(node, el_size))
return p;
// return smallest (leftmost) node of right subtree
_Nodeptr _Pnode = _Right(node);
if(!_Isnil(_Pnode, el_size))
while(!_Isnil(_Left(_Pnode), el_size))
_Pnode = _Left(_Pnode);
// climb looking for right subtree
while (!_Isnil(_Pnode = _Parent(node), el_size) && node == _Right(_Pnode))
node = _Pnode; // ==> parent while right subtree
return p;
// return reference to the given node's nil flag.
// reimplemented because this member is stored after _Myval, so it's
// dependent on el_size.
static _Charref _Isnil(_Nodeptr _Pnode, size_t el_size)
const u8* p = (const u8*)&_Pnode->_Isnil; // correct for int specialization
p += el_size - sizeof(value_type); // adjust for difference in el_size
assert(*p <= 1); // bool value
return (_Charref)*p;
struct Any_map : public Any_tree<std::_Tmap_traits<int, int, std::less<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<const int, int> >, false> >
struct Any_multimap : public Any_map
struct Any_set: public Any_tree<std::_Tset_traits<int, std::less<int>, std::allocator<int>, false> >
struct Any_multiset: public Any_set
struct Any_vector: public ContainerBase<std::vector<int> >
bool IsValid(size_t UNUSED(el_size)) const
// more elements reported than reserved
if(size() > capacity())
return false;
// front/back pointers incorrect
if(&front() > &back())
return false;
return true;
size_t NumElements(size_t el_size) const
// vectors store front and back pointers and calculate their
// element count as the difference between them. since we are
// derived from a template specialization, the pointer arithmetic
// is incorrect. we fix it by taking el_size into account.
return ((u8*)_Mylast - (u8*)_Myfirst) * el_size;
static const u8* DereferenceAndAdvance(iterator& stl_it, size_t el_size)
struct Iterator : public const_iterator
void Advance(size_t numBytes)
(u8*&)_Myptr += numBytes;
Iterator& it = *(Iterator*)&stl_it;
const u8* p = (const u8*)&*it;
return p;
struct Any_basic_string : public ContainerBase<std::string>
bool IsValid(size_t el_size) const
// less than the small buffer reserved - impossible
if(_Myres < (16/el_size)-1)
return false;
// more elements reported than reserved
if(_Mysize > _Myres)
return false;
return true;
// standard container adapters
// debug_stl_get_container_info makes sure this was actually instantiated with
// container = deque as we assume.
struct Any_queue : public Any_deque
// debug_stl_get_container_info makes sure this was actually instantiated with
// container = deque as we assume.
struct Any_stack : public Any_deque
// nonstandard containers (will probably be part of C++0x)
struct Any_hash_map: public ContainerBase<STL_HASH_MAP<int,int> >
bool IsValid(size_t el_size) const
Any_list* list = (Any_list*)&_List;
return false;
return true;
struct Any_hash_multimap : public Any_hash_map
struct Any_hash_set: public ContainerBase<STL_HASH_SET<int> >
bool IsValid(size_t el_size) const
Any_list* list = (Any_list*)&_List;
return false;
return true;
struct Any_hash_multiset : public Any_hash_set
#endif // HAVE_STL_HASH
struct Any_slist: public Any_list
#endif // HAVE_STL_SLIST
// generic iterator - returns next element. dereferences and increments the
// specific container iterator stored in it_mem.
template<class T> const u8* stl_iterator(void* it_mem, size_t el_size)
typedef typename T::iterator iterator;
iterator& stl_it = *(iterator*)it_mem;
return T::DereferenceAndAdvance(stl_it, el_size);
// basic sanity checks that apply to all containers.
template<class T>
static bool IsContainerValid(const T& t, size_t el_count)
// note: don't test empty() because vector's implementation of it
// depends on el_size.
// size must be reasonable
if(el_count > 0x1000000)
return false;
if(el_count != 0)
// valid pointer
const u8* front = (const u8*)&*t.begin(); // (note: map doesn't have front)
return false;
// note: don't test back() because that depends on el_size and
// requires container-specific code.
return true;
// check if the container is IsValid and return # elements and an iterator;
// this is instantiated once for each type of container.
// we don't do this in the Any_* ctors because we need to return bool IsValid and
// don't want to throw an exception (may confuse the debug code).
template<class T> bool get_container_info(const T& t, size_t size, size_t el_size,
size_t& el_count, DebugStlIterator& el_iterator, void* it_mem)
typedef typename T::iterator iterator;
typedef typename T::const_iterator const_iterator;
debug_assert(sizeof(T) == size);
debug_assert(sizeof(iterator) < DEBUG_STL_MAX_ITERATOR_SIZE);
el_count = t.NumElements(el_size);
// bail if the container is uninitialized/invalid.
if(!IsContainerValid(t, el_count))
return false;
el_iterator = stl_iterator<T>;
// construct a copy of begin() at it_mem. placement new is necessary
// because VC8's secure copy ctor apparently otherwise complains about
// invalid values in the (uninitialized) destination memory.
new(it_mem) const_iterator(t.begin());
return true;
// if <wtype_name> indicates the object <p, size> to be an STL container,
// and given the size of its value_type (retrieved via debug information),
// return number of elements and an iterator (any data it needs is stored in
// it_mem, which must hold DEBUG_STL_MAX_ITERATOR_SIZE bytes).
// returns 0 on success or an StlContainerError.
LibError debug_stl_get_container_info(const char* type_name, const u8* p, size_t size,
size_t el_size, size_t* el_count, DebugStlIterator* el_iterator, void* it_mem)
#if MSC_VERSION >= 1400
bool handled = false, IsValid = false;
#define CONTAINER(name, type_name_pattern)\
else if(match_wildcard(type_name, type_name_pattern))\
handled = true;\
IsValid = get_container_info<Any_##name>(*(Any_##name*)p, size, el_size, *el_count, *el_iterator, it_mem);\
#define STD_CONTAINER(name) CONTAINER(name, "std::" #name "<*>")
// workaround for preprocessor limitation: what we're trying to do is
// stringize the defined value of a macro. prepending and pasting L
// apparently isn't possible because macro args aren't expanded before
// being pasted; we therefore compare as chars[].
#define STRINGIZE2(id) # id
#define STRINGIZE(id) STRINGIZE2(id)
if(0) {} // kickoff
// standard containers
// standard container adapters
// (note: Any_queue etc. assumes the underlying container is a deque.
// we make sure of that here and otherwise refuse to display it, because
// doing so is lots of work for little gain.)
CONTAINER(queue, "std::queue<*,std::deque<*> >")
CONTAINER(stack, "std::stack<*,std::deque<*> >")
// nonstandard containers (will probably be part of C++0x)
// note: do not raise warnings - these can happen for new
// STL classes or if the debuggee's memory is corrupted.
return INFO::OK;