#!/bin/sh if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then echo "Running as root will mess up file permissions. Aborting ..." 1>&2 exit 1 fi die() { echo ERROR: $* exit 1 } cd "$(dirname $0)" # Now in build/workspaces/ (where we assume this script resides) # Parse command-line options: premake_args="" with_system_premake5=false enable_atlas=true JOBS=${JOBS:="-j2"} for i in "$@" do case $i in --with-system-premake5 ) with_system_premake5=true ;; --enable-atlas ) enable_atlas=true ;; --disable-atlas ) enable_atlas=false ;; -j* ) JOBS=$i ;; # Assume any other --options are for Premake --* ) premake_args="${premake_args} $i" ;; esac done if [ "$enable_atlas" = "true" ]; then premake_args="${premake_args} --atlas" if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then # Provide path to wx-config on OS X (as wxwidgets doesn't support pkgconfig) export WX_CONFIG="${WX_CONFIG:="$(pwd)/../../libraries/macos/wxwidgets/bin/wx-config"}" else export WX_CONFIG="${WX_CONFIG:="wx-config"}" fi if [ ! -x "$(command -v $WX_CONFIG)" ] then echo 'WX_CONFIG must be set and valid or wx-config must be present when --atlas is passed as argument.' exit 1 fi fi if [ "`uname -s`" = "Darwin" ]; then # Set minimal SDK version export MIN_OSX_VERSION=${MIN_OSX_VERSION:="10.12"} fi # Now build Premake or use system's. cd ../premake premake_command="premake5" if [ "$with_system_premake5" = "false" ]; then # Build bundled premake MAKE=${MAKE} JOBS=${JOBS} ./build.sh || die "Premake 5 build failed" premake_command="premake5/bin/release/premake5" fi echo # If we're in bash then make HOSTTYPE available to Premake, for primitive arch-detection export HOSTTYPE="$HOSTTYPE" # Now run Premake to create the makefiles echo "Premake args: ${premake_args}" if [ "`uname -s`" != "Darwin" ]; then ${premake_command} --file="premake5.lua" --outpath="../workspaces/gcc/" ${premake_args} gmake || die "Premake failed" else ${premake_command} --file="premake5.lua" --outpath="../workspaces/gcc/" --macosx-version-min="${MIN_OSX_VERSION}" ${premake_args} gmake || die "Premake failed" # Also generate xcode workspaces if on OS X ${premake_command} --file="premake5.lua" --outpath="../workspaces/xcode4" --macosx-version-min="${MIN_OSX_VERSION}" ${premake_args} xcode4 || die "Premake failed" fi # test_root.cpp gets generated by cxxtestgen and passing different arguments to premake could require a regeneration of this file. # It doesn't depend on anything in the makefiles, so make won't notice that the prebuild command for creating test_root.cpp needs to be triggered. # We force this by deleting the file. rm -f ../../source/test_root.cpp