/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include #include #include "lib/ogl.h" #include "CinemaTrack.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "GameView.h" #include "maths/MathUtil.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "maths/Vector3D.h" #include "maths/Vector4D.h" #include "maths/Quaternion.h" CCinemaPath::CCinemaPath(const CCinemaData& data, const TNSpline& spline) : CCinemaData(data), TNSpline(spline), m_TimeElapsed(0.f) { m_TimeElapsed = 0; BuildSpline(); //Set distortion mode and style switch(data.m_Mode) { case CCinemaPath::EM_IN: DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseIn; break; case CCinemaPath::EM_OUT: DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseOut; break; case CCinemaPath::EM_INOUT: DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseInOut; break; case CCinemaPath::EM_OUTIN: DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseOutIn; break; default: debug_printf(L"Cinematic mode not found for %d ", data.m_Mode); break; } switch (data.m_Style) { case CCinemaPath::ES_DEFAULT: DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseDefault; break; case CCinemaPath::ES_GROWTH: DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseGrowth; break; case CCinemaPath::ES_EXPO: DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseExpo; break; case CCinemaPath::ES_CIRCLE: DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseCircle; break; case CCinemaPath::ES_SINE: DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseSine; break; default: debug_printf(L"Cinematic mode not found for %d !", data.m_Style); break; } //UpdateDuration(); } void CCinemaPath::DrawSpline(const CVector4D& RGBA, int smoothness, bool lines) const { if (NodeCount < 2 || DistModePtr == NULL) return; if ( NodeCount == 2 && lines ) smoothness = 2; float start = MaxDistance / smoothness; float time=0; glColor4f( RGBA.m_X, RGBA.m_Y, RGBA.m_Z, RGBA.m_W ); if ( lines ) { glLineWidth(1.8f); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (int i=0; i<=smoothness; ++i) { //Find distorted time time = start*i / MaxDistance; CVector3D tmp = GetPosition(time); glVertex3f( tmp.X, tmp.Y, tmp.Z ); } glEnd(); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glLineWidth(1.0f); } else { smoothness /= 2; start = MaxDistance / smoothness; glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glPointSize(3.0f); glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (int i=0; i<=smoothness; ++i) { //Find distorted time time = (this->*DistModePtr)(start*i / MaxDistance); CVector3D tmp = GetPosition(time); glVertex3f( tmp.X, tmp.Y, tmp.Z ); } glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); //yellow for ( size_t i=0; iGetView()->GetCamera(); t = (this->*DistModePtr)(t); CVector3D nodeRotation = Node[m_CurrentNode + 1].Rotation; CQuaternion start, end; start.FromEulerAngles(DEGTORAD(startRotation.X), DEGTORAD(startRotation.Y), DEGTORAD(startRotation.Z)); end.FromEulerAngles(DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.X), DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.Y), DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.Z)); start.Slerp(start, end, nodet); CVector3D pos = GetPosition(t); CQuaternion quat; Cam->m_Orientation.SetIdentity(); Cam->m_Orientation.Rotate(start); Cam->m_Orientation.Translate(pos); Cam->UpdateFrustum(); } //Distortion mode functions float CCinemaPath::EaseIn(float t) const { return (this->*DistStylePtr)(t); } float CCinemaPath::EaseOut(float t) const { return 1.0f - EaseIn(1.0f-t); } float CCinemaPath::EaseInOut(float t) const { if (t < m_Switch) return EaseIn(1.0f/m_Switch * t) * m_Switch; return EaseOut(1.0f/m_Switch * (t-m_Switch)) * m_Switch + m_Switch; } float CCinemaPath::EaseOutIn(float t) const { if (t < m_Switch) return EaseOut(1.0f/m_Switch * t) * m_Switch; return EaseIn(1.0f/m_Switch * (t-m_Switch)) * m_Switch + m_Switch; } //Distortion style functions float CCinemaPath::EaseDefault(float t) const { return t; } float CCinemaPath::EaseGrowth(float t) const { return pow(t, m_Growth); } float CCinemaPath::EaseExpo(float t) const { if(t == 0) return t; return powf(m_Growth, 10*(t-1.0f)); } float CCinemaPath::EaseCircle(float t) const { t = -(sqrt(1.0f - t*t) - 1.0f); if(m_GrowthCount > 1.0f) { m_GrowthCount--; return (this->*DistStylePtr)(t); } return t; } float CCinemaPath::EaseSine(float t) const { t = 1.0f - cos(t * PI/2); if(m_GrowthCount > 1.0f) { m_GrowthCount--; return (this->*DistStylePtr)(t); } return t; } bool CCinemaPath::Validate() { if ( m_TimeElapsed <= GetDuration() && m_TimeElapsed >= 0.0f ) { //Find current node and past "node time" float previousTime = 0.0f, cumulation = 0.0f; //Ignore the last node, since it is a blank (node time values are shifted down one from interface) for ( size_t i = 0; i < Node.size() - 1; ++i ) { cumulation += Node[i].Distance; if ( m_TimeElapsed <= cumulation ) { m_PreviousNodeTime = previousTime; m_PreviousRotation = Node[i].Rotation; m_CurrentNode = i; //We're moving toward this next node, so use its rotation return true; } else previousTime += Node[i].Distance; } } return false; } bool CCinemaPath::Play(float DeltaTime) { m_TimeElapsed += m_Timescale*DeltaTime; if (!Validate()) { m_TimeElapsed = 0.0f; return false; } MoveToPointAt( m_TimeElapsed / GetDuration(), GetNodeFraction(), m_PreviousRotation ); return true; } CCinemaManager::CCinemaManager() : m_DrawCurrentSpline(false), m_Active(true), m_ValidCurrent(false) { m_CurrentPath = m_Paths.end(); } void CCinemaManager::AddPath(CCinemaPath path, const CStrW& name) { debug_assert( m_Paths.find( name ) == m_Paths.end() ); m_Paths[name] = path; } void CCinemaManager::QueuePath(const CStrW& name, bool queue ) { if (!m_PathQueue.empty() && queue == false) { return; } else { debug_assert(HasTrack(name)); m_PathQueue.push_back(m_Paths[name]); } } void CCinemaManager::OverridePath(const CStrW& name) { m_PathQueue.clear(); debug_assert(HasTrack(name)); m_PathQueue.push_back( m_Paths[name] ); } void CCinemaManager::SetAllPaths( const std::map& paths) { CStrW name; m_Paths = paths; } void CCinemaManager::SetCurrentPath(const CStrW& name, bool current, bool drawLines) { if ( !HasTrack(name) ) m_ValidCurrent = false; else m_ValidCurrent = true; m_CurrentPath = m_Paths.find(name); m_DrawCurrentSpline = current; m_DrawLines = drawLines; DrawSpline(); } bool CCinemaManager::HasTrack(const CStrW& name) const { return m_Paths.find(name) != m_Paths.end(); } void CCinemaManager::DrawSpline() const { if ( !(m_DrawCurrentSpline && m_ValidCurrent) ) return; static const int smoothness = 200; m_CurrentPath->second.DrawSpline(CVector4D(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f), smoothness, m_DrawLines); } void CCinemaManager::MoveToPointAt(float time) { debug_assert(m_CurrentPath != m_Paths.end()); StopPlaying(); m_CurrentPath->second.m_TimeElapsed = time; if ( !m_CurrentPath->second.Validate() ) return; m_CurrentPath->second.MoveToPointAt(m_CurrentPath->second.m_TimeElapsed / m_CurrentPath->second.GetDuration(), m_CurrentPath->second.GetNodeFraction(), m_CurrentPath->second.m_PreviousRotation ); } bool CCinemaManager::Update(float DeltaTime) { if (!m_PathQueue.front().Play(DeltaTime)) { m_PathQueue.pop_front(); return false; } return true; }